Due towards end of January 2009

just proves what abit of slap can do to lift our spirits eh lulu, and when we get dressed makes us feel bit better too, glad your keeping in good spirits though, i'd love to learn a new language i'm only just getting used to being in the black country slang think they have a language of their own too lol.

dragonfly ignore people saying them things, i keep getting how many crisps yopu eaten today helen, and your big for 6 months lol i just say yea yea whatever..... let it go over your head, my mate peed me off when she asked what names i liked i said George and we quite liking Rhys, she said George is for an old man and Rhys is a chavs name. grrrrrr, thats it now not telling anyone anymore...
HR sent a letter to me to raise my greivance formorly, which i didnt want to do i just stated wheat had happened, its so so pathetic its just not what i need either, i really want to be happy in this pregnancy i was so stressed being only 17 when pregnant i feel people are trying to spoil it.
if i werent so happy and excited and feeling healthy at the moment think i'd be a right mess.
Hope it all gets sorted out for you soon Helen, maybe they'll recommend your boss takes some time off to regain his sanity x

Italian sounds like a great idea Lulubee, you'll be able to teach Pip.

Dragonfly - sounds like you're handling those people right :hugs: hope they shut up about it now.

I've sent everyone here (except Beltane who already has them and Nicky who I couldn't find the username of?) some links to pregnancy / birth relaxation mp3s if you want to download them. Feel free to pass them on to whoever you like too - they should be there for the next month. If anyone wants them and hasn't had them pm me and I'll forward them on.

:hugs: xxx
Thanks for the mp3s Elm, will definitely be giving them a go. Have been listening to my hypnobirthing mp3 but it always just sends me to sleep, don't know if that's good or bad.

Helen, so sorry to hear your boss is still being and ass. That's the kind of thing that would really get to me. Not too long until you will be stopping work for the baby anyway, just hang in a bit longer (assuming you will be taking maternity leave).

Dragonfly, sorry some peoples comments are getting you down. I know it must be a bit frustrating for you. You could always go for a private sexing scan if you really wanted to know but I really think it's nice that you will be getting a surprise just as mother nature intended.

Well, today is our big packing day. One week until moving day so I really have to knuckle down and get on with it. Jonathan is working for about half the day which is probably a good thing as I will get some peace and quiet to get on with it.

A friend (well more of an acquaintance really) from my Taekwon-Do class brought in his old stroller for us last night. It's quite old and not at all the type I wanted but he had dug it out of his garage and oiled and repaired and cleaned it for us and then he went into a full blown demonstration of how it works so I couldn't say no. I just said we were really grateful and took it. Such a sweet gesture. Only trouble is Jon's gran is buying us a new one (we decided on a Phil and Ted) so now we will have two. I had thought maybe I would take the old one to the Salvos or the Refugees but what if I happen to bump into the guy when I am out with my other stroller? I have never bumped into him before ever but you can be sure that it will happen on a regular basis now that I don't want it to!
Thats another thing they dont have private sexing scans here either. They may do down south but I dont have that sort of money. :( I think i am just getting irratated with hormones lol
Thats another thing they dont have private sexing scans here either. They may do down south but I dont have that sort of money. :( I think i am just getting irratated with hormones lol

Biscuit: i had the same thing with rosie someone gave me a pram lol and had rusty wheels lol so i told her i's already promised the mother in law she could buy one, so i was using it when visiting my mum and she kept it at her house.

dragonfly: just think how great it'll be when your oh can shout down the phone to everyone, ittttsss a boy or itssss a girl, what a wonderful feeling to have the added surprise at the end of labour too, my next baby if i ever have one will be a surprise so i can have that wonderful experience, if it were my way i'd still be yellow now, but craig and rosie out voted me lol.

Lulu: you wouldnt believe it, i turned my whole facebook into italian trying to write you a message in italian:rofl: i pressed a button that said 'translate your english into another language' so i did thinking it was going to be some kind of dictionary. but it didnt and i cant speak italian lol, i had to get elm to help me :rofl: serves me right for being clever eh!!!

elm: thanks for helping me i'm so blonde ha
my mums knitting me a pram blanket and also bought me 3 off ebay and one from church. if you get chance mum said the ones on ebay are about £6 and are really soft and she couldnt knit one for that price, trully beautiful blankets, i feel so lucky and so will bubba being wrapped in one of those,

hope your ok Jaylene too jaylene

love ya all
Happy Saturday everyone. I somehow forgot to tell you about my blood pressure results. It was still a little high when I seen my doc on Thursday, but he looked at my chart that I used to keep track of it all last week and he said it was up and down and he will keep a close eye on it. If it continues to be high then I will have to go on meds. At least he didnt mention bed rest...whew. Hope everyone has a great day!
Thanks Elm for those downloads, im onto them now :)

Well i'll get my results to the ECG next week and my blood tests which im expecting them to come back and for me to go on iron tablets. I'm not very good at the minute, i have one hell of a active baby so not getting alot of sleep :( My blood pressure is still high if its still up when i go for my midwife appt on 16th October then shes gonna put me on meds.... i dont particually want to go down this route but i'm gonna have to if it means baby and I keep healthy :)

Dragonfly - My OH wanted to keep on team yellow but it got the better of him finding out lol.... although he is over the moon at having a son, bless him hes already looking at pedal cars and tractors lol.

Hows the packing going biscuit? When we moved in July i just chucked everythign we needed in boxes and left the rest of the stuff for the tip lo.... if i hadn't used it in the last 6 months i was never gonna use it again lol.

Gald your resting up Lulu, learning italian again would be a ace idea, keeps your mind occupied and also something for you to teach pip too :)

Hope everyone is well :)

I have and always had a suspicion it was a boy for some reason but the sickness people say its a girl and that i am carrying high etc. I dont know but the wait is bad enough and i think if i found out it would take some of the shine off the wait.

I was in awful state yesterday with hormones and hope today they will calm down. nausea is horrible! i cant wait to see my baby and get rid of them hormones. i really want to buy stuff except i have a good few weeks left till i get money to do so.
Hello everyone. Glad to hear you are all well xx

Helen, that is hilarious!!! just the saught of thing i'd do!

Elm, thank you for the downloads - fabulous idea x

Glad to hear you are getting back to your old self lulu xx

So are you all on facebook? I'm on too and would love to add you lovely ladies as friends. Is that ok? How would i find you - name wise i mean?
Morning everyone :)

Just pm'ed you a link to my Facebook profile baby D, if anyone else wants it let me know - just don't want to post it on here as then I won't know who knows who I am if that makes sense!!!!

Hope moving is going well biscuit, I'm not looking forwards to doing that - I've got stuff here, at the house I lived in and at my parents... and we're probably going to have to move again next year if we do manage to move this year!!! Grrrrrrrrrrrr.

Michelle, that's good about your blood pressure, hope it goes down a bit x

Hope you're feeling better soon Laura, maybe the iron tablets will give you a boost and make you feel loads better?

Are you enjoying window shopping Dragonfly? at least not being able to buy things now means you've got loads of time to choose things without being able to impulse buy :)

I've been all over the place this weekend hormone wise, on Friday I was crying over the advert where the dog gets left tied to a bin by the motorway because his owners don't want him anymore... I'm not even a dog person.... Booked a weekend away last night and managed to book one room twice there's red writing eveywhere saying that there's no refunds on it because it was at a reduced rate but hoping they except that it was the stupid computer thing that did it and not my pregnant brain!!! We've just booked a couple (well, that's what we were after!) of Travelodge rooms in Wales on 7th and 8th of November.

They don't look like the most idyllic of places to stay but one was £19 for the night and the other £29, then there was the extra £39 one that appeared... There's a sale on some rooms if you book 21 days in advance if anyone's interested. Also got Chicken 2 new t shirts for 25p each reduced from £5 each yesterday so it was a day for lovely bargains.

at this precise moment i'm listening, to the 1st relaxation thiny you sent Elm, i was 5 mins in and craig shouts up the stairs and comes in 'wheres the bank card lol' so i turn round and say '54321 and i'm back in the room' lol welll thats what it says you have to say lol
you'll laugh now when you get to that point on it cos he said 'god i knew you were weird from the day i met you lol and you just proved it'.
but how brill are these i've put an ipod on my santas list i'm so taking these into the labour room...
thanks Elm i owe you one
Anyone else having trouble sleeping? I had been fairly good until the past week or so and now it is pretty bad. Just can't get comfortable and keep waking up with a sore back or a blocked nose or needing to go to the loo. The belly has really expanded in the last 2 weeks so I guess I shouldn't be surprised that the sleeping problems have kicked in. I start out wearing a support bra because I heard it's a good thing to do but I hate wearing clothes in bed and end up ripping it off after spending an hour trying to get to sleep with it on. I guess this is just a taste of things to come.
Think I must have been asleep by that point Helen!!! Will have another listen. You don't owe me one at all! :hugs: x

I've been ok recently biscuit since my mw said it was ok to sleep on my back and I stopped worrying about it. I've also got loads of pillows and a bolster I can move around to make things more comfortable it I need them. I don't like wearing a bra in bed either - I'm persisting though as it's supposed to prevent sagging isn't it? Think getting sleep is probably more important though - have you tried a night bra? I'm just using normal maternity ones.

Just found some internet bargains here ( https://www.more4mums.co.uk/ ), I've ordered a maternity tankini and night dress (£8.99 and £6.99), I'm really looking forwards to getting the tankini, it has shorts which I like lots and I've only got a non maternity one at the moment, don't think it's hugely flattering.

:happydance: :happydance: :happydance:


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Its not the sleeping its the getting confortable as i wake up with a sore back and hips. baby is crushing things in me and causing me pain. I hate waking at stupid o clock! when i get up an move about its ok though. I feel sick ! I dont want to see my breakfast again and my head is dizzy! and i am off my iron tabs as i think they make me more ill.
I dont usually have trouble sleeping, however my hips and back are causing me pain these days. Especially when I turn over at night, I feel like a 90 year old.
Elm those maternity outfits are lovely!!
yeah i use the bed rails to pull myself about i feel like an elephant. lol
i am the worst "buddy" ever....please do not hate me :blush:

I promise to get caught up this lunch hour and write you all. Being busy at work sucks!!! :rofl:

never hate you jaylene, hope they not working you too hard at work.

i had a crap day and feel lke everyone wants a pop at me.
human resources had me in to listen to my grievance, they said that all my boss had spoke to them about is that he felt that i wasnt very well and wanted hr to make sure i was ok, and that he never mentioned anything to them about him giving me a verbal over me abusing my mobile phone. which is a total crock of crap.
i told them what happened and i'm leaving it to them to sort out now. they know he's completely out of order and have tried to cover it up some way. why would hr email me saying they must inform me of a concern of Andy" that sounds serious and too much a coincidance to me, he's worried that i'm feeling ill at work rarrrr can he not come ask me himself?.
they also gave me a written down thing of my mat leave rules etc. and that i don't qualify for smp, i can get government mat leave anyway but not my 6 wks 90% but hey ho.
then craig told me that i got to goto to work after a few months full time, i said no way i'm not sticking him in daycare few months after having him all day as well.... i'm all on running the house now working 9-5 with all the washing, cooking, cleaning, then getting up in the night as well, sometimes i wonder if he grasps what life is going to be like.
i felt by saying no i was being idle or something, after a year i was going to go back part time in the supermarket or something at night and weekends,
bahhhh i'm just feeling so stressed hope all this crap goes soon, i want to enjoy my pregnancy,

to top it off a girl in 3rd tri's baby died that sort of thing just really really bothers and upsets me, i don't even know her but reading that just made me feel sick to the stomach.
sorry for boring you my hunni bunches
Ohh dear Helen, so sorry about all the crap you are putting up with. It's so unfair that you have to be stressed out at this time. By the way, I think Craig is being really unrealistic about your work after the baby is born. That would make me mad! I am panning the same as you, part time after 6 months or a year. My hubby is happy just to see how it goes so I am pretty lucky. I am sure Craig will get a bit more realistic once the baby is here and he sees what is involved (I hope).
Don't think you're boring anyone Helen :hugs:

Sorry you're going through all this at the moment. Hope it's not making you not want to go to work at the moment and there are good things to go for. Have you decided when to start your mat leave? That way at least you'll be able to say to yourself it's on til **** then I'm FREE!!!

Maybe once Craig's experienced what it's like having a baby in the house he'll see how wrong he is. I think not having had a baby (for me anyway!) it feels like everything is going to be really easy and everything will be fine when I know in reality I'm going to be continuously knackered, it's going to feel like my baby's crying all the time, everything is covered with various baby fluids and smells of baby poo.... The everything will be fine just feels so much easier to accept :rofl: What I'm trying to say is you know what to expect so you know what you're talking about!!! xxx

I found a pillow between my legs helped stop my hips hurting if you haven't tried that? I managed to pull a load of muscles at the top of my back taking my handbrake off this morning (!) going to make DP give me a rub in a min before I go to sleep, am hoping it helps.

Love you loads Jaylene! You're forgiven xxx

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