Hiya Girls,
Welcome Hyponorm, tell us a bit more about yourself.
Sounds like you lot are finding a lot of good bargains and freebies in the UK. Not so much on offer here, it's a pretty small place and a bit backwards in some ways.
Was it Jaylene who asked about birth plans a few pages back? I haven't got one written down yet but know that I want it to be drug free and totally natural if possible. I'll stay at home as long as possible. I have been listening to some hypnobirthing CDs and am learning some good relaxation techniques at yoga class. After that film the other day it just makes me even more determined to do this my way. OH was also really inspired by the film and now realises that he will really have to support me a lot. I even caught him crying during a few of the actual birth scenes. Pretty sure I will not be achieving any orgasms during the birth though, it's tough enough just now! I reckon squeezing a full term baby through my lady bits might not be much of a turn on!
I think having some relaxing music is a great idea Helen, I have no idea what I would choose so i am going to have to do some research. Let me know if you have any good suggestions, you being a piano player and all.
I am at work writing this and munching on some chocolate chip cookies, so have to be a bit sneaky. Not that my boss would bat an eyelid probably, such a nice bloke and my OH's best friend so it's pretty relaxed around here. Very hard to concentrate on actual work these days.
Wish I could get online when you guys are online, it's so annoying having to catch up every day and then wait until the next day for any replies or updates. What time (UK time, or Canada for Jaylene) are you guys usually on here?