Due towards end of January 2009

Yeah a bit of bile is ok helen it tastes horrid but the breakfast re appearing with what looked like a whole bottle of water just wasnt nice at all. I knew It was my day to be sick only I my stomach was growling with hunger :(
Belly is wobbling away so obviosly someone else is happy down there lol

hope your all well today. Sometimes i forget to ask in text but think it when i am moaning on about silly things lol
Hi Everyone, am just trying to think of something to write about what I've been up to, but realised that actually apart from watching a bit of telly and sleeping, I've not done a great deal! Am feeling a little down about having to leave work so early. The gallery I work in has spent the last 3 years undergoing a £25 million redevelopment and I've spent most of my time there working on projects for it. Everything's due to relaunch at the end of this month and we'd deliberately planned my pregnancy around me still being able to be there for the grand opening. I know that Pip is far more important but it still upsets me that I've put so much of myself into the project and I can't even go and see it unless I'm in a wheelchair! And everyone I worked with just seems ot think that I must be feeling so much better than they are at the moment because i'm at home lazing about all day, I don't think they realise how tough it's been for me and how worried I get about Pip and how frustrating and lonely the whole thing is. And it really hurts because work and the people there were such a huge part of my life.
I'm sorry I just get so upset about it and feel like very few people understand, i know you girls will.

Anyway, that's my moaning over for today.

Laura - sorry things haven't been so good for oyu, hope you're feeling all better now?
Elm - don't work too hard, make sure you're getting time to spoil yourself and Chicken
Jaylene - same goes for you Mrs xx
Biscuit: Hope your house moving is going well?
Helen: can't believe what they've been doing at your work, glad that the big boss is dealing with it now. I sympaphise on the projectile vomiting, I feel like the girl from the Exorcist some days! My next check up is on wednesday, had a phone call from the midwife yesterday to say that I've got Group B Strep (which is pleasant - just means I have to be hooked up to a drip of antibiotics when in labour)
Dragonfly: Sorry you're getting the same, think you must be having a boy, especially if you've got a hairy belly - mine looks hideous
Michelle: Hope you're ok, has your aunt settled into her new home?
I think that's most of you, other January Ladies hope you're all ok?

Glad to hear your feeling better today Helenxx

Lulu - i am pleased to hear that you are resting! Enjoy x

Have had no internet for a few days and really missed this site - didn't realise i was so adicted to it! LOL

Am soooo tierd - took my lovely class on a trip to see the Maey Rose remains and museam - great but exhuasting day!!! Finding work more tiring each week at the mo! How is everyone else feeling?

So happy nearly weekend everyone xx
Hello everyone :D

There's a lot of throwing up around here today - hope you're feeling better Helen & Dragonfly - that projectile vomiting sounds really impressive Helen, hope you don't have it again though :hugs:

Jaylene has been around, just briefly I think as she's really busy at the moment, biscuit is probably busy packing and moving - hope that's me soon! We've still only looked at pictures!!!

LuluBee - hope you do manage to get to the grand opening even if it is in a wheelchair, it must be hugely frustrating for you :hugs:. Maybe it's time to get some wool and start making something? It makes watching television more productive :)

baby D, we used to have to watch a school programme about the Mary Rose every week for about two years or something at primary school. Glad you had a nice day.

How's everything going Michelle?

Going to try out my new swimming costume thing tomorrow, I'm hoping it's ok in water - it's always a bit worrying trying a new one out I find. Finished one lot of work today, picking some more up tomorrow. I'm only having half what I could have but if I took it all I'd be a bit overwhelmed initially and I'd rarther take my time with it and not worry.

:hug: xxxxxxx
Pretty quiet around here today, I hope that means everyone is resting well. Elm I hope your new swim suit worked well for you.
The last few days have been pretty busy for me. We got back to work at the nursery yesterday after helping my aunt pack up her house, list it and move her to Ontario. That was very emotional for us as we are very close to her. Today was my daughter's 14th birthday so we took her into town to go shopping with her birthday money and we had a great day. I'm pretty sleepy now though. LO did a somersault or some other weird trick today and it felt so strange that I stopped suddenly in the mall and groaned...I was kinda grossed out but then again any movement is good!! Hope everything is well with the puking Helen & Dragonfly. Lulu happy to see you back andforth from time to time..just make sure youre getting lots of rest in!
Helen, I hope youre enjoying the days off with Rosie! I assume youre busy with your kitchen renos. Take care all. xxx
dam it why cant i throw up until I eat now i feel sick and i am starving and i am not eating until I am sick! GRRR!!!
Well dont know what happened yesterday when I posted my last post. I said it seemed pretty busy around here yesterday but apparantly not..my puter must not have loaded the last page for me. So sorry to hear that some of you still get sick. You should be able to enjoy some of the pregnancy at least. Lulubee, I hope you get to attend the launch since youve worked so hard on it.
What is with these people at work?? Have they no sense? Elm I hope youre not working too hard.
we're a right load of sicky wicky'slol, i've been fine today so far so good, i've been to the docs this morning just to check myself out make sure all this stress isnt damaging little bubba. my blood pressure is up from my baseline but not a concern just goto take it easy, which i intend to milk this wknd lol, my supervisor called me last nite and said the big boss had been into the office and said '
all is sorted and they were just to get on as normal as all everyone wants is a happy atmosphere' well i aint appy still and when i called acas this morning they said i need to put in another grievance about having my office door taken away. the when the grievance comes back to me i need to appeal and then after that they'll arrange a mediator to come to a agreement between me and the company for a cash compensation, if they don't want to he said i could claim for a heck of alot of money.
i dont have to do anything they'll do it all and its free, so we'll see for now i'm going to put my feet up watch tv, slep, and play tetris on facebook lol
oh and here's a pic of my downy hairy belly and my before and during kitchen malarki grrrrr the plumber has promised to come later and plumbe the washer in lol we'll see.



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haha my belly is the same! oh says its to keep baby warm, i def think mines a boy now.
dragonfly: told you its a boy i think too, lol i never had it with rosie its like fluff :rofl::rofl:

that was taken at 16 weeks when i had a lob sided bump lol
I have no boys names choosen! I am panicing about that , i cant find one that truely says its my babys name and it wont hit me whenits born because I have rejected every single name every body says because I am picky :( OH is the same we cant think of one at all.

I can see my baby poking out under my boob! what the heck is it doing up there. to clarify I have big boobs so its just below my rib cage but didnt think it was up that far. my belly is vibrating away here.
Pip's been bouncing around a lot today as well, he was jiggling around so much this morning he kept making me jump! Helen, you're lucky you're blonde, I've got dark hair which doesn't look so appealing all over my belly!
Pip's been bouncing around a lot today as well, he was jiggling around so much this morning he kept making me jump! Helen, you're lucky you're blonde, I've got dark hair which doesn't look so appealing all over my belly!

lol don't worry i have a few straggly dark ones down the middle of my tummy down to what craig calls the ewok :rofl::rofl: and that is going to meet the immac this weekend :rofl: dam hormones if only it made the hair on my head so thick and long:rofl:

also back to the drawing board on names apperently craig drank in a pub where an old man called george used to sit in the corner and pee himself lol.
i was like omg the pub aint even there and it was years ago, he's adament is tainted the name so we got to think of something else. i like Rhys but duno if Rhys Westwood is too many s's and what if he gets a lisp lol
Oh no!!! Men are so weird about that kind of thing, I was barred from using the name Mia because when I was little I had a hamster called Mia.

There are lots of cute boy names, Matt has always wanted alex for a boy so we had no discussion on it. But I really like Oliver, Daniel, Benjamin, (am trying to think of ones without too many s's in!) I think Rhys sounds lovely though and is not too heavy on the s's - I nearly suggested Joshua, but ty saying Joshua Westwood - THAT'S a mouthful :rofl:
Its bad when you know someone named someting you like and dont like them. And you cant say it to someone "oh i dont like that name as he is an asshole" lol or worse" errm thats my ex's name" I have run out.
Hey ladies!!!!!!

I am so so sorry for not being around. I have caught up on the last few pages and am happy that I did as I feel like I have been ignroing you.

Lulu- Congrats on making it to viable!! You and Pip are such fighters.....I cannot wait to see the little man that has us all thinking about him and his mommy everyday. I sre hope you do go to that grand opening, I can relate on putting so much into something and then having to leave and possibly not be around for big events. I think even if you have to go in a wheelchair you should. Everyone you work with cares just the same amount about you as you do them and would be happy to see you. :hugs:

Helen - I am sorry you have not been feeling well and were vomiting. That is quite intense and I can only imagine it as I have not had that yet. As for your boss, you know how I feel about it and think that he will be dealt with accordingly sooner than later. Hopefully things will be better by Monday. :hugs:

Dragonfly - don;t stress too much about the names of boys, it will come to you. Since I have been with Chris we have known what the name of our boy will be but once you have confirmation you will know what his name shall be! :hugs: Sorry about the projectile vomit!! xxx

Michelle - :happydance: on making it to double digits!!!! Happy Thanksgiving this weekend! :hugs:

Biscuit - I hope the moving is going well and you are not over doing yourself. :hugs:

Elm - you and i are workaholics this week!!! I have been running around mad! I hope it slows down next week. Enjoy your swim today! :hugs:

Baby D - me too....every day that I wake up I end up feeling more and more tired. It takes everything I have to get out of bed and this morning I fell back asleep for a few minutes and decided right then that i should get up. :hugs:

So as for me. Work has been crazy. I think it is mainly because I have been focusing more and new things are coming up all the time, so I just deal with them sooner than I did before. Somehow I have more interest than I did in the firsth tri I guess and actually want to work right now instead of be on here all day :rofl: But it sucks because I miss you all so much. I need to find a happy medium.

This week was my most pregnant week EVER and I think it will go down in history. I woke up Monday morning with a sore in my left buttocks and could not sit, stnad, lay or walk without being in complete agony. Thought I would leave it until Tuesday and prayed it was just a 24 hour thing, but woke up with the same pains and hemmorhoids!! :hissy: So the earliest I could get in to see a chiropractor to help with my buttocks pain was Wednesday, and she said that what I was dealing with was very common for pregos like me and it was from my growing belly and me having to readjust my back which then put pressure on my joints in my butt which were apparently really inflamed. She adjusted me hips and back a little and did some soft tissue massage and it felt a little better the next day. Now it just hurts a little to sit, stand up and readjust my positions. I have another appointment tonight and go twice a week until she feels I am better. The hemmorhoids seem to have tapered off which is good. Also, I have been waking up nauseated which is really frustrating and my exhaustion is at an all time high.

Am carrying my little man quite low as all i feel is kicks and movement in the bottom part of my belly and some random things up top but not many. He has been incredibly active this week which does not help with the discomfort of everything else. Love hime though!!! :cloud9:

Other than that....nothing too major. Thanksgiving this weekend. It "is a traditional North American holiday, which is a form of harvest festival." And what it all boils down to is a big turkey dinner with mashed potatoes and gravy with stuffing and veggies and pumpkin pie. I have two of these dinners this weekend so will be a million pounds hevaier by Tuesday.

I have my last shift at my part time job this weekend :happydance: and then i am a free bird!!! :D

Sorry for the long post but I thought I would write and make sure you all knew I was okay and thinking of you.

Sunday I hit 26+1 so according to PP I move over to Third Tri. When are you all coming??? I am scared!!! Tomorrow I hit double digits!!! :shock:

Hope everyone is doing well.
Love you to pieces!!!

i do like the name Rhy i don't any smelly old men, or snoty kids or a dog named that either. lol mind you rosie was jade till the day before i had her and was so glad i chose that name i still love it now.
i think we should allbombard 3rd tri this wknd lol like we did 2nd tri lol whats a few days they won't know what hit em lol, us lot puking, back aches, insomnia, eating weied stuff lol

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