Due towards end of January 2009

:happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:
I can feel little feet and hands kicking and punching me! It's so weird I can feel the outlines of little feet and when I'm being punched I can actually feel little round balls!

Am so excited :yipee:
i keep getting big and small kicks and pushes, rolls and even tickly movements lol love it they are getting so big and eeeek they got to comne out as well, aint looking forward to that one bit#
I'm taking the easy route and going for an epidural, I don't like the idea of all that pain!
I can feel heels and actual body parts to. Its cool. I know i have fet wee kicks in the past but these are really evident to even others in the room. Its funny when my boob moves though! baby kicks under it. My mate had a feel last night and it freaked her out, she is not the mothering type and ant imagine her preg but she was amazed! she never seen it and felt that before. This morning its like a sceen from alien in there.

No epie for me , i am used to pain. In saying that i could be screaming for one at the time but afraid of that epidural in the long term effects. Plus being paralysed would scare me alot.

darren has just after saying he will be stressed in the labour! HE WILL BE! i said to him dont you dare run away and take a fit of stress when its me thats going through it. just stand there or faint lol
i didnt get chance for an epi when i had rosie i went from 5cm to 10cm in half hour lol hope it happens the same this time. but if not and i'm really tired i will most definetly go for and epi. not just saying this but labour F@~*ing kills and a small prick in the back is nothing compared to a contraction, the pain instantly goes, the worse thing in labour is to try hold out and getting really really stressed and tired. i get tired anyway and i need 12 hrs sleep to function normal anyway lol so i know sleep is best for me and pain free sleep even better.
but dragonfly of you dont want epi then you go with what you think and if you scream out for one and change your mind thats great too, most important thing is baby and you get through labour as healthy as poss,
oh by the way i started a journal lol better late than never haha, feel free to pop round for tea and cake any time lol
I think I am getting the flu. I am sore all over, nerve pain on my hip and bum and you know when you breath its like your throat is burning as you breath, start of the flu thing well i have that also. Think i will go back to bed with a hot water bottle :(

worried as i havnt been sick sick as in flu through this, is it ok for the baby though? i have paracetamol but i never takethem and would have to be dying to take one and ev en at that it would need forced down my throat as i have a problem with medication. Hence the fear of an epidural, rather pain than that with after effects.

But if i need it at the time as i dont knwo what to exspect I will go for it and pain killers. cant say i wont or will.

i feel really really ill :( and it has to be a friday to so the docs will be closed if this dont go away and i aint going to hospital docs.

anyone hadthe flu while preg?
I have to say god love my dog Bruce. Even though he gets on my nerves with his peeing thing which hopefully he is getting better with. I noticed the whole way through this pregnancy when i have been sick he has been there. When I was so ill i was throwing up on the floor and crying he was there licking my forhead and showing concern where as my other pets where no where to be sceen. When i was in bed not well he wouldnt leave my side and every time i go for a nap he is there again by my side. He has to come to and checks on me.

and tonight when i couldt get off the floor as i was on the phone to mum and the table brok in the hall earlier in week so phone is on floor. I was struggling to get up and soon as i tried and went down again he was over like a shot in my face trying to help me. When i go to the loo now to be sick he waits outside the door, even when i shower he is outside the door waiting. he is sitting beside me now looking all proud. lol

Even when the cats sick he is after them to see how they are, licking them and cheking on them.

should have called him Florence Nightingale.
I'm planning on having whatever pain relief I need. Hope to get through it with a TENS (got to buy one - been looking at ones from Boots - any recommendations anyone?) and gas & air but I'm not ruling out an epidural (it is scary how close that needle must be to your spinal cord though...).

I'm finding Chicken's current movements all freaky - sure I'll get used to it but it's weird feeling and seeing him move around. He's becoming a right squirmy Chicken. He seems to be moving more than kicking.

Hope you manage to get Bruce sorted so he's lovely all the time Dragonfly.

Off to check out your journal Helen - it's great you've started one :happydance: xxx
Ahhh dragonfly, sorry to hear you are feeling ill!!! :hugs:

I'm with you on the whole epi thing, Helen. Really don't think i have it in me to go through that leve of pain, knowing a needle in the back would take it all away! LOL. :cry:

My doctor rang me at work today. My bloods are back and apparantly have shown that i am rather Anemic - she briefly said it is to do with iron levels and that i need a course of iron tablets...but other than that? Can it harm the baby? Is that why i am sooo completely shattered and drained ALL of the time? And, if so, why can i not sleep properly? Sorry for all the questions girls, but i didn't get to ask doctor as i was in the middle of teaching when she phoned so had to keep it brief! :cry:

On the plus side, i love the way my bubba feels at the mo - movement wise i mean! Like you girls, i am feeling actual limbs i am sure! I love it! In fact, i freaked one of the boys in my class out today (he is only 9) as he spotted my tummy moving through my top!!!! You should have seen his eyes go wide - he stopped talking and pointed at me saying Miss look - what's happening to your tummy? Very amusing! :rofl:

Lots of love to you all xx
I got my tens machine off ebay earlier this year for a neck injury . My psysco said dosnt matter what price they are they all do the same thing so no point on speding loads on them. I spend £10 on a lloyds pharmacy one, think its £14 now but least you can get the replacement pads for it online and there is tons of settiings! I used to only be able to tolerate setting two and know they go right past 30. Worked on me with my neck pain and everything else and stimualted dead nerves in my neck, allowed me to sit right and streighten my spin out as it relaxed and killed the neck pain I had and teh tence muscles. So i love it. I havnt used it in months as says not to be used during pregnancy, actually most say not during labour either for some reason but apparently they are ok.

My neck hasnt got fecked up you know and i havnt used it in months! so its lasting anyway. got the new batties and all ready for the hospital bag. Cant garentee it will work as i havnt been in labour before so dont know how much pain it is but was more thinking after it with period cramps which it does work on i have tried.

i am still looking at things to order i am ordering everytihng tomorrow , i can braly wait the whole time it takes for mothercare to get the stuff here! so impatient.
dont know if i will get a humidifier, but i seen a good hospital bag in argos, head make it and there is load sof bits with it for £9.39 in the sale. Will do me.has a wallet, wash bag, hold all,fabric bag things and flask.
Hi baby D :hugs:.

I don't think iron tablets have any bad effects on your baby but they can cause problems with your digestive system (and green poo!?) - I've read that taking it in a liquid form has less side effects, you can get sachets that you mix with water - spa something? If you do a search on here you'll probably get loads of info.

I got a water spray thing Dragonfly - might be worth looking into one of them for labour? Noticed that it was on a few hospital bag lists so got one when I saw one (think it was from Poundland or somewhere like that!). I think the maternity tens have a boost button for contractions that's why the others say that they're not suitable for labour. Think I'll probably go for a maternity one as my brain will take over if I don't thinking the one I've got isn't going to work so I'll be in pain if that makes sense!!!!!!

oh yeah i remember readingt that. evian do they still do them spray mists ? i must get some. doubt tesco have them though.

i spent loads today! mothercare got such a big hit out of me and ebay and i aint finished yet i have to go online to tesco and argos.
Ohhh, what have you been buying Dragonfly? Don't go too mad will you?! x

I'VE GOT HOT RADIATORS!!!!! :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:

I'm breathing in loads of fumes off something but they should all clear soon and I've got hot water and radiators :O!!!

Can't remember when the central heating thing was last working! Well over a year ago. Thought that there'd be parts to order and all sorts so I'm hugely impressed that it's all up and running. We've got a lovely man who's doing the work - he's hugely talented!

:happydance: :happydance: :happydance:
Yay elm - great news! You'll be snug as a bug through the winter now!
The engine charges the batteries as well now!!!!!!!!!!!! It's all working. The central heating thing just needs an extra pipe thing sticking in but it's working!!!!!!!!!

:happydance: :happydance: :happydance:

I had to go mad i had notihng for the baby arriving if i didnt. I did get myself pjs , went all out there and got a night robe to to look nice in hospital lol and one of two presents . cant get anymore though so loads will have no presents this year but long as i get my immediate familt something it should be ok as i am getting all baby stuff and being stubborn and not letting people spent to much on baby as i have the grant money and they dont. Parnets are insisting buying pram and car seat, so i had to let them. Plus means i dont have to take delivery of pram into house which i heard was bad luck, i dont believe in that but i dont want to mess about with it lol

i am a bit pissed at my mum. She says basically i am stupid. that i shouldnt be worrying about anything and all i asked was why they asked her if she wanted an induction and said sometimes poeple with pre elemsia get asked that, course she thinks i meant i had that and called me bloodt stupid and to stop reading stuff on the net and that she never head of being induced for that??? she dosnt know much by the sounds of it even though she had 3 kids and done no reading on iit at all. I then said about the epi and she went on how she didnt have one and thats thats all shite what could happen in after effects and where did i read it,. i read it in the books that the hospital gave me! that shut her up. Even said about monitoring baby movements, apparently i shouldnt be at that either and shouldnt be thinking that! i dare say anything else as she dosnt understand at all. Then went on about my dogs and cats again! saying they have to go and they are not happy about me hving them. i am sick to death of telling them the animals are not going to be sitting on the baby or dragging it about, i aint raising wolves and tigers here roaming freely. i gave up telling her and want to hear no more about it.
I am never mentioningnames again as my names she hates and i hate hers.

I am sick of hearing how she didnt do this or that! and she never had this or that! like nothing has changed in the last 30 years since she had her first. I want her to support me and she isnt she is going against me and making me feel useless in every way and totally dismissing everyting i say.

otehr night when she was in car i got in and went to tell them how i got on in midwifes, my dad had to tell her to shut up about someone she seen on the street as i was trying to tell how the baby was. All i got out was "baby is fine" she said ok, oh is that such anc such, i trie to tell dad and he wasnt impressed at mum as he wanted more details on baby. then at the end of it she just said ok again. bloody rude! could have pretended to be interested.

i dread when baby is born as she will probably do my head in in the hospital! she is annoyed i didnt choose my bro for god parents and i choose my dad instead as she never had been god parents to any one and everyone in family had a chance. my bro is a complete waste of space and cant look after himself , he does have mental problems and a warped mind, he dosnt pay rent,buy his own food, cant keep up with his own hygene and is unemplyed living in my parents at 30 years old and telling everyone to feck off like some teen age chav! and he is a chav! so i am sorry i cant make that a god parent he cant look after himself and he wont even get you a birthday car mum! and he has money what the hells he spend it on, clubbing! dosnt even wish my mum happy birthday. now i got my mum a presnet and a card from moonpig and i pay,rent,oil,food,DD for everytihng and baby stuff and thats just me alone and i managed to get her something!

ok sorry for ranting i needed t get that out as family is the only thing that can annoy me.
Big :hugs: Dragonfly. Sounds like you know what's going on without her help (understand what you mean about how it'd be nice though).

*HUGS* Dragonfly, things are tough enough as it is. It's so hard when you just need a bit of support and get nothing. This is your baby, you choose the name and Godparents and whatever else is needed for your baby. Your mom had her chances when she had her kids. It's hard to do but try not to let her attitude spoil your pregnancy hon.
Things aren't working again already :( the battery charger just broke and the engine isn't charging the batteries again.

Off to spend more money :(

ballocks elm :(

yeah my mum choose peopel that didnt know us and dont talk to any of us for god parents, great choice mum my god farther lives across the road from me and dosnt even know who I am! apparently he was a friend of the familys at the time. Rather the god parents took soemthing to do in babys life,. i wasnt even going to get bay christened but fam have forced us into it. Mum was horrified when i said iw as only doing it to shut her up and if i had myown way it wouldnt be happening. Then she moaned that summer was to late for christening.
I just want in and out i dont want everyone there, its not important to me christening. I feel like a sinner walking in to church when i havnt attended it sice a child, unmarried and exspecting my child who wont go to church to be excepted?? hummm. i live in N,Ireland you seen the crap we have here. dont need it.

anyway only place that supports me is here and my oh really. :(

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