Early.. but who is not planning to circumcise?

If I have a boy, he will be circumsized cause my OH is.. but I don't see a problem with it either way.
I dont think i could do it without a medical reason but then again if i have a girl i will get her ears pierced(which some people wouldnt agree with). The reason i wouldnt do it is because im not religious and see no need to do it but i think its not that common in the uk as its iin other countries
From my African background i have been told tales that circumsion was a religious or cultural belief. But i have never actually heard of anyone whu has been circumsied in my family or my friends.... at the end of the day it depends on the parent nd how they feel about it.
threads like this really piss me off.

Why? (And I ask that in genuine curiousity, not to attack). It was a topic that many people want to know about, and it is a legitamite pg topic. I don't think that the conversation is out of line, and everyone seems to be keeping it respectful despite their differences in opinion. I certainly do not judge anyone in this at all as it is a very personal decision for the parents and each side has benefits and drawbacks.

That is what the boards are for - to find out more about all of the topics concerning our pregnancies and to get feedback. You don't have to look at the thread if it is so offensive.

But I do apologize if somehow you felt attacked in the process, that was not my intent. It was a personal question that I wanted to get feedback about.

And for anyone who is interested, OH and I looked at all of your responses and we have agreed to think about the options and all of the pros and cons before we decide, and that was what I wanted from him. So thanks to everyone who gave their feedback, either way.
It's been kinda frustrating for me too...maybe this thread can just make it to page 2 or something : )
threads like this really piss me off.

Why? (And I ask that in genuine curiousity, not to attack). It was a topic that many people want to know about, and it is a legitamite pg topic. I don't think that the conversation is out of line, and everyone seems to be keeping it respectful despite their differences in opinion. I certainly do not judge anyone in this at all as it is a very personal decision for the parents and each side has benefits and drawbacks.

That is what the boards are for - to find out more about all of the topics concerning our pregnancies and to get feedback. You don't have to look at the thread if it is so offensive.

But I do apologize if somehow you felt attacked in the process, that was not my intent. It was a personal question that I wanted to get feedback about.

And for anyone who is interested, OH and I looked at all of your responses and we have agreed to think about the options and all of the pros and cons before we decide, and that was what I wanted from him. So thanks to everyone who gave their feedback, either way.

No babe i completely agree with what you have said, but saying dont read the thread if I find it offensive, how would I know if it was offensive without reading it? I dont find it offensive in the slightest, im having a girl so it does not apply to me right now, but having been a member of BNB since october 06, i have seem MANY of these threads.
Im not a circum fan, never will be and the reasons given as to why people circum are not good enough reasons in my opinion( the reasons I mention here were not bought up in this thread but I have read them before in other threads so this is no direct hit at anyone who has replied to this thread). Cleanliness is down to how often the man cleans. If you clean yourself as often as you should then there is no issue with cleanliness in either a circum or non circum man. Religeon and health reasons (too tight sore etc) are the only reasons i can jusify. But again its all a matter of opinion, I respect other decisons, i don't have to agree with them though, same as many will not agree with mine.:hugs::hugs::hugs:
porkpie is right about it being less common in the UK as other countries, namely the USA.
I think what this boils down to is, is the operation necessary? If not, why is it done?

As far as we can see about female circumcision (or mutilation, if you prefer), no one can give a medical reason for doing it; it is done purely for cultural and religious reasons. It is illegal in most countries worldwide because it is a violation and carries severe health risks. If you lived in a country where it was normal, what would you choose?

For male circumsicion (or mutilation, if you prefer), we can also see that there is no justifiable medical reason for doing it - if there was, it would be common practice in all developed countries and would be supported by the World Health Organisation. It is, therefore, done for cultural or religious reasons. The Jewish faith approves of male circumcision, for example, and the United States approves of it as a cultural norm.

Personally, I since we are mostly educated people living in economically developed and "enlightened" democratic countries on this forum, we have a responsibility to think very very carefully about this operation before going through with it. Is it enough that "every body else does it"? or that "my son might get laughed at in the showers", for example? Isn't that blindly following a cultural norm in the same way that those people who circumsize their little girls do, as they don't know any better?

Yes, we as parents have to decide everything for our children. But we should be taking decisions to keep them safe, warm and loved not putting them on the operating table without good reason.

I don't want to offend anyone on this board. All I would like to ask is that anybody who decides that cutting off the end of their baby boy's penis is good for him can prove that they have done some reading on the subject matter and can answer for themselves if criticised, with some hard facts as to why they did it, why they put him in pain and at risk and not some lame answer like "I just want to be like everyone else". Oh, and stand up for yourselves if your husbands disagree with you, please.
I think what this boils down to is, is the operation necessary? If not, why is it done?

As far as we can see about female circumcision (or mutilation, if you prefer), no one can give a medical reason for doing it; it is done purely for cultural and religious reasons. It is illegal in most countries worldwide because it is a violation and carries severe health risks. If you lived in a country where it was normal, what would you choose?

For male circumsicion (or mutilation, if you prefer), we can also see that there is no justifiable medical reason for doing it - if there was, it would be common practice in all developed countries and would be supported by the World Health Organisation. It is, therefore, done for cultural or religious reasons. The Jewish faith approves of male circumcision, for example, and the United States approves of it as a cultural norm.

Personally, I since we are mostly educated people living in economically developed and "enlightened" democratic countries on this forum, we have a responsibility to think very very carefully about this operation before going through with it. Is it enough that "every body else does it"? or that "my son might get laughed at in the showers", for example? Isn't that blindly following a cultural norm in the same way that those people who circumsize their little girls do, as they don't know any better?

Yes, we as parents have to decide everything for our children. But we should be taking decisions to keep them safe, warm and loved not putting them on the operating table without good reason.

I don't want to offend anyone on this board. All I would like to ask is that anybody who decides that cutting off the end of their baby boy's penis is good for him can prove that they have done some reading on the subject matter and can answer for themselves if criticised, with some hard facts as to why they did it, why they put him in pain and at risk and not some lame answer like "I just want to be like everyone else". Oh, and stand up for yourselves if your husbands disagree with you, please.

I'm having a girl but if I was having a boy I wouldn't circumsize. I think it's cruel to be honest. No need in it if you wash everyday :\
Wow, I've only read the first couple of pages, but.. Is circumsicion really this big an issue in the usa?!! I've had 2 sons and the thought of doing that to them never even crossed my mind! I do know a couple of men that have had it done later in life, one for a sexual reason and another coz he just thought it looked better. But as for doing it to a baby, like someone else said I find it very wrong unless there is a religious and/or medical reason for it.. Otherwise surely its just the same as giving your newborn daughter a boob job!!?!?
I wouldnt get it done to my son if i was having one, if he wanted to do that himself when he was old enough to decide then thats up to him. I couldnt put my baby threw any pain unless it was really necessary x
threads like this really piss me off.

Why? (And I ask that in genuine curiousity, not to attack). It was a topic that many people want to know about, and it is a legitamite pg topic. I don't think that the conversation is out of line, and everyone seems to be keeping it respectful despite their differences in opinion. I certainly do not judge anyone in this at all as it is a very personal decision for the parents and each side has benefits and drawbacks.

That is what the boards are for - to find out more about all of the topics concerning our pregnancies and to get feedback. You don't have to look at the thread if it is so offensive.

But I do apologize if somehow you felt attacked in the process, that was not my intent. It was a personal question that I wanted to get feedback about.

And for anyone who is interested, OH and I looked at all of your responses and we have agreed to think about the options and all of the pros and cons before we decide, and that was what I wanted from him. So thanks to everyone who gave their feedback, either way.

No babe i completely agree with what you have said, but saying dont read the thread if I find it offensive, how would I know if it was offensive without reading it? I dont find it offensive in the slightest, im having a girl so it does not apply to me right now, but having been a member of BNB since october 06, i have seem MANY of these threads.
Im not a circum fan, never will be and the reasons given as to why people circum are not good enough reasons in my opinion( the reasons I mention here were not bought up in this thread but I have read them before in other threads so this is no direct hit at anyone who has replied to this thread). Cleanliness is down to how often the man cleans. If you clean yourself as often as you should then there is no issue with cleanliness in either a circum or non circum man. Religeon and health reasons (too tight sore etc) are the only reasons i can jusify. But again its all a matter of opinion, I respect other decisons, i don't have to agree with them though, same as many will not agree with mine.:hugs::hugs::hugs:

Good point - I just thought maybe you were upset with me personally for posting a controversial topic. Thanks for responding, I appreciate it!! It is sometimes hard to know what to post, and I knew this would not be an easy topic, but I was hoping for info since so many people seem to be really enlightened about pg and birth.

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