Early January Mum's

I pumped last night and got an ounce and a half! Now I don't know what to do! I'm so confused!

We gave him the milk first the next time he fed, then give him formula. I'm not sure if I should put him on the breast again now (and if I do, do I do it before or after he gets formula?) or should I just pump until my supply increases? And if I do that, how often should I pump? I'm excited that I got so much by pumping (I've never seen so much milk come from me!). But now I'm even more confused about where to go from here!

well the breast feeding part of this forum is a god send for help and tips.

What I would recommend is any time you give him a bottle you need to pump, thats so you body thinks it is feeding baby at the times baby is hungry.

you want to pump for a good 20 minutes on each side *even* if the milk has stopped flowing, because this will help your body think "hey ive run out of milk better start increasing the supply to meet the needs of the baby!"

you probably want to pump about every 3 hours to establish a good supply...and the most important pumping session will be between 1am and 4am as thats when your body has produced the most milk normally!

when nursing, make sure you let him feed for a good 15-30 minutes on one side, and then burp him, then offer the other breast. Dont feed less then the 15 minutes and swop because then hes not getting the Hind Milk (the good fatty stuff that'll help put the weight on), if he is full and refuses the other side go ahead and pump it! Then next time you nurse you'll want to nurse first from the side he didnt nurse from/or he nursed second from, and then again offer the opposite side or pump it.

so for example...if he nurses from the right side, and he either nurses from the left or you pump it, on the next nursing session you offer the left side first, when hes done, offer the right side or pump it. and so on....hope that makes sense!

hope some of this helps! x
Ducky I'm sorry you are having a hard time with the feeding :( I can't say I know what it's like as I don't I have never breastfed before but you could mix feed and as far as I know with mix feeding you offer breastmilk first and then formula as a top up and that way it should increase your breastmilk :) I would pop on go the breastfeeding section on this site if I was you there might be some ladies going through or who have been through what you are going through now. I plan on trying to breastfeed this time but don't know how I will go :(
An ounce and a half a week in is awesome!! remember too that breasts were meant for baby's mouths, not a breast pump .... Your baby will be getting much more when feeding directly from you. Some basic "must do's" when establishing your supply in the early days are .....

Plenty of skin to skin contact, feed on demand, don't supplement with formula (baby will increase the number of feeds to boost your supply, if you're able, express AFTER you've fed him from the breast to help increase supply, don't expect to get much (if any) out - this is purely to stimulate the breasts to make more milk. Try breast compressions while feeding to help drain more milk into baby. OATMEAL!!! This stuff is brilliant for increasing supply too (google "lactation cookies / lactation flapjacks).

It must already feel like a whole year but your milk has only been "in" for a few days - it takes time to establish a full supply, baby's tummy is smaller than a pingpong ball just now and doesn't take much filling .... Just needs filling more often!

Ducky - Im so sorry youre finding the feeding difficult and I cannot believe that the doc just pushed formula without even making any other recommendations! Terrible :( Hope that all the tips the girls have given you help xxxx

How is everyone else doing? No keys to the house for us today :(
This may sound like a stupid question but do I need to buy a breast pump befor bub is born?? Will I need one in the early stages? Do I need one at all? I hadn't really had a think about a breast pump until now :S
Wow so much excellent info! I've got a lot to learn. Hope your supply picks up ducky and best of luck with bf.

I think I've lost the rest of my plug now, seems that the vaginal epo is working! I doubt it means much though, I read online that people lose their plugs all the time and nothing ends up happening. Went for quite a vigorous swim last night and planning to go on a long walk today. Come on baby!
Sounds promising Diggory! I'm tempted to give the vaginal EPO a go too. My friend came over this afternoon and gave me some reflexology, concentrating on the area of the uterus ect. I've had a few tightenings since and lost some of my mucus plug since! Yikes! Better get that labour bag packed (STILL haven't got it sorted!). It'll not actually tip me into labour until my body is ready but it'll hopefully help to get things moving and ripening in the meantime :D

MissMummy - breast pumps are very handy but its probably best NOT to use them for the first few weeks if you can. Baby *should* be enough to establish your supply on his/her own providing you feed on demand, don't supplement with formula and there are no problems with latching or tongue-tie. Using a pump in the early days (although handy for starting a "frozen store") can cause over supply which can be as hard as under supply and encourage engorgement and mastitis. I personally plan to start pumping after certain feeds (midnight ish and breakfast) after the first few weeks and freezing this. Hope this helps!
Awwww he's is so cute ducky - make me really want my little man out now. Try and keep up with the bfing although if it doesn't work out don't beat yourself up over it so long as your both happy and healthy that's all that matters

Sam- hope your get everything sorted for your house and get the keys ASAP.

My toe is feeling so much better today thankfully. Dh desperately wanted the bump to come today sadly I think he's out of luck :haha: bumpy is so low now though and I have constant pressure on my cervix which is good but so uncomfortable, every movement from bumpy is like a knife up my bits! Can't sit on my sofa anymore because of it. Lost a ton of plug again today just hope it all settles down so I'm comfy over Christmas or he comes out before the weekend
Hey Ducky, one thing I've heard is REALLY REALLY important is to be VERY hydrated for bfing, if u don't have much fluids going in, then u won't have much going out (kinda like having to pee & dehydration....) Just thought that was something that seems to not be mentioned yet....

Good luck! Stay strong and determined - it will happen, just takes some time.
Oh my goodness JCh, you've always been 1 day ahead of me...now look at your elephant signature! He's so close to the finishing line, it's crazy!
I cant believe how close we all are to having our babies!!
Hiya, had my scan today and baby is no longer breech she is head down and ready to go :happydance: I am so pleased but now just waiting for her to make her grand entrance into the world :thumbup:
Oh my goodness JCh, you've always been 1 day ahead of me...now look at your elephant signature! He's so close to the finishing line, it's crazy!
Full term day for me and urs will be tomorrow! OMG - it's really come quickly....

Also been getting more pressure "down there" and very slight cramps.... He just needs to wait a week and then anytime is ok!

How u been feeling Mrs Mel?

Also, since we're all getting close facebook tends to be easiest for announcing at first.... So add me to FB if u'd like www.facebook.com/jennchrystal
Mummy B- congrats on your little girl!

Ducky- that pic is so cute!

Sam- sorry you still haven't got your keys. Yes I did pay for the strep B test to be done.

The breastfeeding tips on this thread have been good as Im going to try and need all the advice I can get.

I cant believe its nearly xmas! Got my 38 week appointment on xmas eve (Ill be 38+3)then off to Wales until the Thurs, my hubby is well worrying about me giving birth and so hes packing most of the babies stuff just incase! Hes had his parents go to the maternity ward near their house to get phone numbers, how long it takes to get there and parking so we're all set!

I think this baby is going to be late, I have felt nothing! Im sure my baby loves being nice and warm and safe inside my belly! Im going to miss being pregnant once this is over.

Hope everyone is well and getting excited for christmas! X
Gosh I've been niggling on and off all day one point the was every 4mins for 2 hours, they have gone irregular now. Not getting excited as I tend to niggle about for a few days before labour starts. Just not Christmas Day please bumpy
This may sound like a stupid question but do I need to buy a breast pump befor bub is born?? Will I need one in the early stages? Do I need one at all? I hadn't really had a think about a breast pump until now :S

I would say get one before baby is born because its just another one of those things done with and out the way so you can relax a little more without having to worry about it once LO arrives.

If your breastfeeding its recommended to not introduce a bottle for the first 4-6 weeks so that baby doesnt get nipple confusion or a lazy latch - sucking from a bottle is a LOT easier then suckling from a breast.

however pumping after the first 2 or 3 weeks can help you get a really good supply going and you can freeze it to build up a nice stash for when you do introduce a bottle. You dont really want to pump before this, unless you have a premie or a baby with feeding issues where you may need to tube feed etc. Dont pump before your milk has come in! Its important baby gets the colostrum from your breasts in those first few days.

as for if you *really* need one...that depends! If you need baby to feed from a bottle and want to provide breastmilk then yes. I will have to return to work quite quickly after my LO is born so I have bought a Medela Pump In Style Advanced breastpump...its for every day use, I will need to use it roughly every 3 hours (that Im at work) to keep my supply up for baby and then nurse from the breast while im not working.

If you just want to have the milk handy for bottle feeding should you want a break one night and have someone else feed LO, then a simple $50 manual avent pump would be sufficent in starting out a freezer stash for when you introduce a bottle.

37 weeks today!

Ive told my husband after christmas we can start DTD again to try and get things moving (depending on how much pain my spd has me in) but I dont want bubs turning up during christmas! anytime after is fine!

but seeing as my last 2 appointments everything is still rock solid and nothing much has happened I hve a nasty feeling this one may go over!
Thanks for the pump info, that's great!
Happy 37 weeks, we have the same due date :)
I'm the same way, baby just needs to stay until AFTER Xmas.... Anywhere from the 27th on wouldn't be too bad.... I feel bad for him tho since I always hated having my bday within a month of Xmas (Jan 19th is mine....) But I almost have a gut feeling he'll wanna wait until right around my Bday to come....
Hellooooooooo! We had a surprise arrival on 3rd December....!
Our little girl came 5 weeks early!!! (EDD 5.1.13)
My waters broke at home and after 2 and 1/2 hours in labour she was here!
Such a perfect Christmas present :):xmas6:

Merry Christmas everyone xxxxx

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