Early miscarriage? Sorry its long I need advice xxxx

Omg I've been hospital all morning had 5 bfp 10 days ago yesterday brown vaginal discharge since yesterday then today got blood went hospital she did internal lil bit blood then urine test got urine infec & a bfn wat the hell couldn't believe it. Get home bleeding heavyer but not bad that have to keep changing towel keep having lil red clumps cum out I don't know if its eptopic or miscarrage I've got lower abdominal pain feels like period pain I could of wrote this thread myself I'm scared and don't know wats going on sorry to jump on ur thread x
Hun - first of all I'm very sorry that you are going through this right now and that everything feels confusing and scary :hugs:

I'm wondering though, you keep mentioning blood in urine - could you also have a UTI as well? That would make you feel a lot of pain too. I hope you get things worked out :hugs:
you really early hun. i had loads of poditives even at the doctors then went to hospital and had a negative it all depends how dialtue your urine is. are you going back to the clinic?

I am going back tomorrow at 2.20 so hopefully they will be able to tell me something! I have resisted doing another test but I have one to do in the morning when I wake up so I really have no idea what its gonna be!!!! :wacko: When they did the hospital one I couldn't wee. I know it sounds daft but it was all in my mind I think. You kno, like cuz I needed to I couldnt! I had to drink 2 bottles of water and a cuppa tea and even then had to wait b4 I could do it so maybe my urine was just so dilated and thats why my test was negative??!!

Pinkish_Angel, sorry that you are going through a trying time, not knowing and worrying.

From your description, it does sound like you are going through a miscarriage. When the doctor examined you, was it internal? It can trigger you to bleed, especially if you have been spotting earlier.

HCG can go downwards rather quickly if it is an early pregnancy. Maybe you can request for Beta HCG count tomorrow when you see the doctor. Hopefully the scan will reveal more.

Good luck and I hope you get some answers soon.

Yes hun, I had an internal as nothing could be seen on the normal scan. I know I must have been pregnant to get 3 positive tests.. and I'm sure I conceived on the 27th August as it was the only time I could have got caught really so yes it would be 4 weeks yesterday :dohh: I am really doubtful that I am still pregnant after all I have been through this week. Its just puzzling as I didn't think a positive could turn into a negative within the space of 2 days just like that!!! Thank you hun xxxx

sending you hugs, hope you get some answers. I tested 10 days ago (digi) BFP had abdominal pains since before test. Went for scan yesterday, no baby and neg urine test. No bleeding and still got pains. I'm very confused :cry:

how are u feeling now hun? Are you going back to the doctors or anything? what have they said to you? :hugs::hugs: Hope we both get some answers xxx

Omg I've been hospital all morning had 5 bfp 10 days ago yesterday brown vaginal discharge since yesterday then today got blood went hospital she did internal lil bit blood then urine test got urine infec & a bfn wat the hell couldn't believe it. Get home bleeding heavyer but not bad that have to keep changing towel keep having lil red clumps cum out I don't know if its eptopic or miscarrage I've got lower abdominal pain feels like period pain I could of wrote this thread myself I'm scared and don't know wats going on sorry to jump on ur thread x

Oh my gawd, yes thats pretty much 'me'. What did the hospital say? Did they send u away like me and say to just monitor your blood flow etc? Have u got any appointment to go back to your doctor? How are u feeling now? At the min I am ok.. I have really dark brown (almost black) on my pad.. and it stinks (sorry TMI), but when I wipe, its very faint blood mixed in with my urine now. Not really got pains as such, just a heavy feeling! I am an emotional wreck though and keep crying at the slightest sad song on tv.

Hun - first of all I'm very sorry that you are going through this right now and that everything feels confusing and scary :hugs:

I'm wondering though, you keep mentioning blood in urine - could you also have a UTI as well? That would make you feel a lot of pain too. I hope you get things worked out :hugs:

I'm thinking that the blood in my urine is something to do with cervical erosion. I may be wrong tho as I am just picking things from thin air as I really don't know!! I sometimes have this after sex when I wipe and it feels and looks pretty much like that now. Its so hard making assumptions as I really don't know what to think :wacko:

Thanks everyone.. and for those going through the same... let me know how you go and I will keep you updated as soon as I get home tomorrow xxx
Aw hun I just wana hug ya I feel so guilty dunno y but bcos my test in hospital cun back bfn said unlikely I was pregnant so gave me antibiotics for urin infection I've got a niggeling cramping not major. Blood is a reddy pink colour had the brown 4 couple days had wat I decribe a lil bits of tissue paper coming from me tiny bits sorry tmi just discharged me I'm gonna go gp tomos bleeding isn't heavy more like a period but lighter I dunno hun I'm in in limbo hope ur ok xx
Aw hun I just wana hug ya I feel so guilty dunno y but bcos my test in hospital cun back bfn said unlikely I was pregnant so gave me antibiotics for urin infection I've got a niggeling cramping not major. Blood is a reddy pink colour had the brown 4 couple days had wat I decribe a lil bits of tissue paper coming from me tiny bits sorry tmi just discharged me I'm gonna go gp tomos bleeding isn't heavy more like a period but lighter I dunno hun I'm in in limbo hope ur ok xx

I have had heavy period pain at times but nothing I haven't had before with a heavy period. Right now I feel ok.. I have had indigestion ALL day but I doubt thats related to anything :dohh: I jut wanna get tomorrow out the way now. I have a feeling my test will be negative in the morning and then they will just tell me that I had an early miscarriage and to go home! I can't see how they will miraculously give me any answers to my questions but we'll see xxxx Big hugs hun. Thats exactly where we are, 'limbo' :hugs:
Let me know how you get on at the docs xxx
Still having pains and feel pg. Not going back to doc, just told must have miscarried and body absorbed it. 7 wks+ since last af, doesn't seem true.:shrug:
Still having pains and feel pg. Not going back to doc, just told must have miscarried and body absorbed it. 7 wks+ since last af, doesn't seem true.:shrug:

awww hun, I'm so sorry. Big hugs to you :hugs: Take care of yourself xxxxx
Im so sorry you are all going through this x I am having what the call a chemical pregnancy sounds so clinical think that's why I'm finding it hard to sink in that this is another mc had a mmc in July :cry:

I done a test on tues a test on thurs both faint bfp by fri it was bfn and started cramping and heavy bleeding that night so is possible to go negative that quick x

My question is how's your legs? Since fri I have had what feels like a numb, dead, achey, heavy right leg goes from bottom of my bum down my thigh an down my calf I also had the worst bout of diarrhoea through the night for about 3 hours obviously I've been googling and found both to be signs of ectopic but when I called early pregnancy unit for advice she said they have nothing to do with it that I must have a bug- fair enough prob a chance ??? And that my feeling in leg is siatica I mean what is the chance of getting that just before I started bleeding still got it my husband worried in case it's a blood clot I've not told him my fears of ectopic don't want to cause him any more stress x really worried about this feeling in my leg x dont think I can grieve till I know I'm ok physically x
Aw Im so sorry hun :hugs:

My legs are pretty much normal now. Its only been today though. I went to bed wednesday night and they were sooo heavy I just couldn't get comfy at all. All I can describe it as is like a faint numb feeling all down my thighs. My right hand felt cold. Not to the touch, just like a tingly ice numb feeling. As I was walking on the thursday it was kinda like I couldnt keep up.. I felt like I was forcing my legs to move.. :shrug: I cant even explain the feeling, it just wasnt 'normal'. Its odd as I googled the numbness too and found it to be a sign but the hospital told me that its not related as well!! I'm gonna mention it tomorrow at the clinic and see what they say about it because it can't be coincidence that so many people have this symptom in relation to my situation!! I'll let you know what they say but honestly hun, if it gets worse or you feel worried, ring up again or go see your gp to put ur mind at rest xxx
I have been to my appointment today. I explained the situation since I last saw them and she did an internal scan. Where as last time the sack was open and the lining was thick as if getting ready for pregnancy, it is today flat (i.e., defo no pregnancy now). I expressed my concerns regarding future pregnancies (what if I planned a baby and the same happened etc) and asked if there could be a problem for this to have happened. She said that it happens a lot in early pregnancy but because not everyone tests, they bleed and naturally they think its their period. If I hadn't tested on the day I did, I would be none the wiser to all of this. She said that due to me conceiving & delivering in the past, there is no real concern for worry. She said obviously if this keeps happening then they will check me out but she made out that its quite common and that I was just unlucky to have done my test when I did as I was actually pregnant for that short period of time before I had the early miscarriage. I could only have conceived 4 weeks and a day ago so its still very early. She has put my mind at rest. I asked her if the loss could be due to my cervical erosion and she said that its unlikely.

I asked her why my hormone levels were showing not pregnant so soon (well, the test at the hospital) and she said that sometimes it doesnt take very long for them to drop back down once the miscarriage has happened, especially within early pregnancy. I did a test this morning at home though and there was a faint line so it did still show that I was pregnant slightly.

I feel a lot better now I know for sure as I can move on from this. Even though it was not a planned pregnancy, it has been pretty emotional. I can not even imagine how awful it must be for you ladies that have been through this and keep having to go through this whilst actually 'trying' to conceive.. especially when you lose further along your pregnancy journey. Lots of love to all and thank you so much for your support over the last week. I really appreciate it. Specially Scamp and Sarah xxxxxx

To the ladies that are going through the same, big hugs xxx
Im so sorry you had to go through all that, its a horrible feeling =/ thinking of you xx
Well I went docs no luck haven't offered me a scan I asked said to wait and c how bleeding is this is my situation so any advice would greatly appriciated had 5 bfps 12 days ago. Thurs night cramping in right side like a period friday brown spotting saturday brown spotting sunday heavy brown discharge then bleeding with clots hospital negative preg test urin infection told me I'm not pregnant antibiotics sent home so cun home more bleeding. More clots some tiny fleshy tisue brown bits mild cramping.go to bed wake up in middle night bleeding slightly heavyer pass wat looked like a brown fleshy thing looked like a kidney bean but fleshy soz tmi went docs yest said I'm mc that's it I'm so scared wat if it eptopic there's no more clotting after that fleshy bit I've got light bleeding mild lower back ache also on off fever but remember have bad urin infec possible kid infec so I'm still in limbo and don't know wat to do

So sorry pinkish angle hope ur feeling as well as can be if u ever wana chat pm me xxxxx
Well I went docs no luck haven't offered me a scan I asked said to wait and c how bleeding is this is my situation so any advice would greatly appriciated had 5 bfps 12 days ago. Thurs night cramping in right side like a period friday brown spotting saturday brown spotting sunday heavy brown discharge then bleeding with clots hospital negative preg test urin infection told me I'm not pregnant antibiotics sent home so cun home more bleeding. More clots some tiny fleshy tisue brown bits mild cramping.go to bed wake up in middle night bleeding slightly heavyer pass wat looked like a brown fleshy thing looked like a kidney bean but fleshy soz tmi went docs yest said I'm mc that's it I'm so scared wat if it eptopic there's no more clotting after that fleshy bit I've got light bleeding mild lower back ache also on off fever but remember have bad urin infec possible kid infec so I'm still in limbo and don't know wat to do

So sorry pinkish angle hope ur feeling as well as can be if u ever wana chat pm me xxxxx

I think the only reason I got my internal scan was because I was due to have one anyway at the clinic to date my pregnancy. If it was left to the hospital, I wouldn't have got one. The hospital were really unhelpful for me.. they basically sent me straight out the door as soon as they tested my urine as negative. They dismissed my concerns about an ectopic preg. They didn't even tell me that I am m/c-ing (even tho it was pretty obvious that I was), they just said 'we will ASSUME that you are pregnant due to YOU saying you have had 3 positive previous tests, however your test is negative so just go home.. monitor your bleeding and go to your appointment at the clinic as booked, if thats what you were gonna do anyway'. Its as if they thought I was never even preg, the tone she used with me!! See how you go hun. Your symptoms sound pretty much like mine. Have you done a home test since ur negative at the hospital? Maybe wait a few days and do again. I know it can take upto 6 weeks though for the levels to drop so I don't think that would be much help. I would hate it to give you false hope!! Its such an awful feeling.. the not knowing. Now I know that its gone I can carry on with my life, but while I didn't know I felt like I didn't know where I was mentally or physically!

I would not worry regarding ectopic. That was one of my main concerns and they basically got shrugged off so I assume, with your symptoms being pretty much a mirror image of mine, it won't be the case but please don't quote me on that. Everyone is different and if you feel uneasy I would go back to your doctor and ask him to make arrangements for more tests or atleast an internal scan so you can get out of this stage of 'limbo'.

At present I feel much better for knowing whats what. I now have a slight brown discharge but thats about it. My pains have gone and I feel as normal as I can, considering.

I hope you get some answers soon hun. You know where I am if you have any more questions or just need a chat too. Thank you xxxxx :hugs:
Aw thanks hun yea I did 2 last night and 1 today all negative I would be 3weeks 4 days from concep bout 5 weeks from lmp the blood flow is minimal but I feel extremly tired & weak I must b getting right on docs & nhs direct nerves cos I just wana know wats happend or happening to me if I did miscarry I suppose I wouldn't of had much to miscarry due to how far gone I am or should I say was mine wasent planned either bit of shock really so its true the hgc levels go down quick in early prenancy after a miscarrage I got told that I would still have a bfp even if I was miscarraging people assume its late period ie hospital but I know I had 5 bfps boobs were huge sickness & I'm regular to each day of the month that I'm due on & I cert don't get clots and tissue in with it thanks 4 advice hun I've got niggeling dull ache now but that's bout it just c how I go x
Aw thanks hun yea I did 2 last night and 1 today all negative I would be 3weeks 4 days from concep bout 5 weeks from lmp the blood flow is minimal but I feel extremly tired & weak I must b getting right on docs & nhs direct nerves cos I just wana know wats happend or happening to me if I did miscarry I suppose I wouldn't of had much to miscarry due to how far gone I am or should I say was mine wasent planned either bit of shock really so its true the hgc levels go down quick in early prenancy after a miscarrage I got told that I would still have a bfp even if I was miscarraging people assume its late period ie hospital but I know I had 5 bfps boobs were huge sickness & I'm regular to each day of the month that I'm due on & I cert don't get clots and tissue in with it thanks 4 advice hun I've got niggeling dull ache now but that's bout it just c how I go x

Awww hun that sounds exactly like me :hugs: I had this convo with the nurse at the clinic and said how I felt the hospital thought I was just wasting their time and her words were 'no you are not. If you are worried at any time, it is their job to see to you. Only you know when something doesn't feel right and thats what they get paid for so never feel guilty for asking for help'. Despite the fact that it was early pregnancy, as was mine, it doesn't take away the fact that you may have lost. Its still very emotional. I read that it takes up to 6 weeks for the test to show neg after a m/c but the nurse clearly stated that in early pregnancy it can take as short a time as 2 days. Try not to worry hun. Its a hard process to have to sit through I know, especially with the uncertainty of things. xxxx

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