Early Third Trimester Thread!

4D scan was amazing! So glad we went for it, baby was in an awkward position so I had to go for a 20 min walk but still got some good photos, the sonographer could see tufts of hair on the 2D scan, so looks like all my heartburn = hairy baby!

I posted some pics in my January group here: https://babyandbump.momtastic.com/p...counting-12-boys-8-girls-4-surprises-310.html

I have my last hypnobirth class tonight (had 4 x 3 hour classes at home) so fingers crossed it will make a different when I go into labour. I just want to keep calm and not panic which is the main reason for the classes, if I have to have an epidural/c-section etc then that's ok I just don't want to let my anxiety spiral out of control and ruin my birth experience.
It really is amazing how different other countries are to South Africa in terms of natural birth and c-sections. In private health care (extremely necessary in South Africa ) it is almost impossible to have a natural birth. I really wanted to with my first but the doctor wouldn't let me because she had been breach up until 37 weeks. He said the shape of her head wouldn't be right for a natural birth. With my second I can't find a doctor that will even consider allowing me to try a vbac. Scheduled c-sections all the way for us South African ladies!
im petrified of my c-section and the recovery is longer but i would rather stay in one peice down below haha!! i wont feel any less the mother as my som was born naturally and i know its best for me and for my boys in the future lol x
Claire I can't comment on the recovery time of a natural birth, but a c-section recovery is not that bad. I was up and walking about 3 hours after the surgery. I could drive after a week. It did take a few months for me to get my core strength back to what it was. The pain of my engorged breasts when my milk came in was the worst pain I felt! Take the pain killers they give you, get moving as quickly as possible and you'll be fine.
few of my freinds have had c-sections and they have said the same to try and mive about as quickly as possible and not lie down to it keep active is the best way to recover but being careful of course when i had my right tube removed due to it rupturing with ectopic pregnancy that surgery was painful afterwards mostly because of the gas and the swelling i hope its not as bad as that 🙈 i have my consultant appointment on the 12th of november to give them my delivery choice so im sure they will go through it all with me !! can i ask where you able to get in and out the car ok when you left hospital as we have a mini cooper and my partner might have to loan his dads car to take me home as its bigger x
You'll definitely be able to get in the car. You might need your partner to give you a little pull to help you out the car so you don't use your stomach muscles too much. The thing I struggled most with was picking things like the car seat up. That only lasted about a week though. I am scared about having another c-section, but it's more because of the spinal block, and because it is surgery. At least I know it's happening in a controlled planned environment, and it's not an emergency.
thats what eases my anxiety knowing its a planned c-section and it will be relaxed and not a rushed emergency i had an epidural which was fine so i have no worries over the spinal block lol!! do you ever get the feeling your going to go early i just have a gut feeling i wont last until 39 weeks x
It's pretty standard here to set the c-section date about two weeks before your due date. With my daughter she never really dropped and I had no signs of labor at all. This time baby is head down already, and has her umbilical cord wrapped around her head twice. I'm also feeling a bit nervous and think she might need to come out a bit earlier. I'm not that worried about going into labor though, they will still do a c-section. I have a friend that went into labor prematurely with all 3 of her boys, and they did the c-sections within 2 hours of her going to the hospital. Our private hospitals are very geared for c-sections, there are way more gynecologists/obstetricians than midwives.
thats interesting in it where do you live? here its a week before your due date or around a week before im in scotland x
Between pelvic pain and period like cramps, I am so over pregnancy today. Lol. She's had a quieter day, but still lots of big movements and I hurt and/or itch everywhere!!
I'm getting so uncomfortable as well, lol. And pregnancy insomnia is the worst... It isn't fair; you shouldn't get so sore until baby is actually coming soon! I feel like I'm way too early to have this kind of hip and pelvic pain!

How is everyone else doing?
all good here except the fact i think ive started loosing my mp loads of runny discharge yesterday and in the evening i had that snot like clumpy mucous 😳 ive also dropped really low he better stay in there hes still got some baking to do yet x
Heartburn. Backache. Nagging worries about PE.

Fed up today.
I'm sorry, Fliss :hugs: What has your blood pressure been recently?

I just want the next month to fly by so I can be DONE, but it's probably my last pregnancy so I know I should be trying to enjoy the last few weeks :/
It was 145/95 on Monday so I'm now on weekly monitoring with the midwives indefinitely.
That's got to be scary, Fliss. Have they said whether you officially have pre-e, and/or what the game plan will be when/if you do? Sorry you have to deal with that... I don't know much about pre-e, but I have gestational diabetes and that can be a scary diagnosis as well. Fingers crossed your bp remains stable and doesn't affect the rest of your pregnancy!
If it stays high, or spikes again, or hits 150/100 then I am being put on labetalol and have to have the PET bloods.

No headaches, minimal swelling and my urine is clear so far, so it's not a big worry yet, BUT this happened when i was pregnant with N and he was 4.5 weeks early, so I'd really rather they got it under control now tbh...
I don't blame you. I would think they'd want to nip it in the bud, so to speak, and start you on a medication right now?
I think they are cautious but not over concerned since I have none of the other symptoms...

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