Early Third Trimester Thread!

Welcome Claire! :) is this your first baby?

I'm in the UK too Fliss - thankfully I don't think I've ever had to have any extra tetanus jabs, I seem to have managed to stay away from injuries and out of A&E my whole life, lol!

I'm pretty sure I know why my whooping cough one hurt so much though, and still hurts now (even more so actually) a week later.
My other arm (the flu one) is fine and was fine from the following day, but the pain in the Left one is getting progressively worse - I'm sure she did the injection too high up and it went into my shoulder joint/the fluid in the joint, rather than into my arm muscle. I thought at the time that it was awfully high up for an injection (I give injections to people all the time and I never do it that high up), and it would explain why it was so hard for her to get it in (she said it was because i was 'tense', which I wasn't), and why the pain is getting progressively worse in my actual shoulder (not my arm) ever since.
I now have constant pain in the joint, can't lay on that side (or even on my back but tilted to that side) without even worse pain - if I end up in either of those positions (or with my arm above my head) in my sleep, the pain wakes me up.
I haven't got full range of movement in that arm without worse pain (getting dressed/undressed is proving interesting).
I was in tears lastnight from the pain and just from the sheer frustration of it.

It all adds up that that's what's happened, but I don't really know what to do about it.
i've heard about it through my own job but thought it was quite rare as you just wouldn't inject that high - but apparently it's slightly more common in very slim females like me who dont have much muscle mass there anyway, so I'm pretty sure of it.

I don't want to go to the doctors and just be fobbed off.. :-(
but I'm concerned that this may now be an ongoing thing (which seems to be the norm from what I've read online), and I'm not even going to be able to pick the baby up
properly etc... :-(
Go to the GP my lovely and don't let them fob you off - if she did it wrong and it's caused you issues then you need to let them know :hugs:
That sounds very painful and I agree I would go to the Dr's about it :hugs:

Well guess I am no longer an early 3rd tri member being in my last 2 week's but I wanted to wish all of you ladies a happy & quick 3rd tri :flower:
MemmaJ - that sounds really painful. I would contact your GP. Even if there is nothing that can be done to ease the pain in your arm, the nurse who gave you your injection needs to be told. It may have been a one off, or her technique could be completely out and see needs to be reviewed xx
MemmaJ, that sounds soooo painful! It definitely sounds like they did your shot wrong. My whooping cough hurt a lot too, but only for like 12 hours. I would demand they take a look at it if I were you.

Does anyone else have SPD? The last few days my pelvis has been sore, but this morning I woke up barely able to walk. I had sciatica my last pregnancy and a little bit earlier on with this one, but this really feels different. Ugh. I hope it gets better, because I certainly can't do the next 7 weeks like this.
thanks for the welcome memmaJ ive been on this site for a while bit i usually stay in touch with the girls who are still trying to conceive !! i had my whooping cough jag about 3 weeks ago and by god is was really painful for just over a week hope it settles down for you i could even lie on that arm atall or barely lift it lol!! i had the midwife on friday and im booked in for a consultant appointment on the 12th of novemeber to discuss my elective c-section!! i had a previous 3a tear so im going with ceserean this time xx
this is baby no2 btw and pregnancy no 4 2 previous losses before this little bump arrived lol x
Hi ladies :flower: hopefully it's ok for me to hide out in here until late trimester! First baby so I have no clue what I'm doing or what I'm getting myself into :haha:

Whooping cough injection sounds painful! I hate injections/blood tests so not looking forward to that, I didn't find the flu jab that bad...

I have a 4D scan booked for tomorrow morning, always said I wouldn't get one...But I caved and booked it, so hopefully baby doesn't flash us it's bits (team yellow)
I don't think it's meant to be painful LillyFleur so try not to worry about it! (I don't like injections either for what's it's worth - I don't mind blood tests though, weirdly..?!).

Just make sure they know at your scan that you don't want to know the sex and they should avoid that area for you..! How exciting, I loved my 4D scan :)
Welcome, Claire92! I'm so sorry to hear about your previous losses. So glad you're getting your rainbow baby. I don't blame you for choosing a cesarean this time. I had a 2nd degree tear and that was bad enough! I have also been offered a C-section because I had an emergency bleed after my last labor requiring a blood transfusion and it was all very traumatic. So far I'm okay with the idea of a vaginal birth again, but I am starting to get nervous...

Welcome, LillyFleur! How you have a great 4d scan experience! We had one with both our son and this pregnancy, both at 28 weeks. The one with my son was great and we got tons of fantastic pictures. This time around, we had a total amateur doing the ultrasound, and he honestly could barely find her face. I think that's more the exception than the norm, though. I'm sure it will be great! Share pictures!

Twag you are right, I think you have definitely graduated from "Early third tri." We will miss you! I've been checking your journal daily, and I'm hoping to see some pictures of a squishy little newborn very soon! Best of luck, and we'll see you in the baby forums! P.s. don't forget to check up on us behind you once in awhile. We've still got quite awhile to go!
thank you justplay ☺️ im definetly going for csection this time that previous tear done enough damage and you cant predict whether ill tear bad this time so im not risking it i wont feel any less the mother for bot doing it natural as i dont want to have toilet troubles for the rest of my life for me and also for my boys damaged 50% of my spinchter with my previous tear hell no taking that risk 😂 xx
Don't worry Justplay I am still subscribed 👍 I will be following you ladies
With my medical issues (Stage 4 endometriosis) the consultant has explicitly advised <b>against</b> a c-sec unless baby needs it.

A relief in a way (that they are confirming it would be disastrous for me) but maybe a little scary.
I would do the same thing, Claire. I'm worried about tearing again as well. I'm assuming I probably will. I'm just hoping to get away with no worse tearing than a 2nd degree and no need for emergency surgery afterwards!

Yikes Fliss, that is a bit scary. I had no idea endometriosis affected whether you should or shouldn't have a cesarean. It makes sense, though. Hopefully baby will come easily and there will be no need to worry about it!
It's because of the mess it's already left me inside - I'm now significantly more prone to adhesions, scarring and related complications.

They had to unfuse my bowels and my womb in September last year. I really don't want to be in that position again.

Fortunately Nathan was a 7-hour relatively uncomplicated labour.
Hi ladies, I am 30 weeks and new to this thread. My c-sec is booked for 17 Dec so just over 8 weeks to go.

My question is how much have you done to get ready for baby?

This is #2 for us. We are having another girl in the same season as our first was born so I plan on pretty much reusing everything! I guess it's time to start unpacking the boxes from storage and getting the nursery ready. By this stage with #1 I think I was almost finished with the nursery and just needed to pack my hospital bag.
Hi lauren thats my official due date 17th of december but as im going for c-section it will likey be the week before!!! justplay the consultant told me that theres only a 7-10% chance of tearing again but it was my choice how i wanted to deliver him! in one of my previous losses the consultant i seen before we lost baby was really adamant that i was not to deliver natuarally and i was to have a section no matter what so mixed views this time round .. thats what im going for anyway i am petrified but i would rather be relaxed and calm rather than ending up with 10 doctors in the delivery suite trying tj deliver him if complications arise again xxx
Fliss, that makes sense. I know endo can make things a bit more complicated. My mom had it, though I'm not sure if it caused any issues with her labors (I was an emcs). Here's hoping you have another labor like your first!

Welcome Lauren999! At this point, we have most of what we need to do done. The nursery is done, although seeing as she will be in our room with us at first, that was more just for fun. Her teeny clothes are all washed and put away and the bigger sizes are organized. When I get to be 36 weeks or so, I'll pack the hospital bag and install the carseat base. And some time after 37 weeks I'll go ahead and set up her bassinet and reconfigure our bedroom to better fit a new baby.

Claire92, it's interesting the differing medical opinions different doctors can have. I'd do the same as you and go with something that can be planned for a little more like a c section. I'm terrified of getting a hematoma again like I did last time and having to be swept away for emergency surgery. My doctor thinks it's such a rare complication that I'm unlikely to get it again, but it does make me wonder.
i totally agree my midwife even agrees with me and my choice because these kind of complications cant be predicted atall my son was born with forceps after i was rushed to theatre because his heart dropped for a long time and then after all that time being prepped for section the doctor said i was ready to deliver as after 5cm i was dilating too slow so then my little boy was delivered using forceps and i tore really bad i still have problems with my pelvic floor it definetly isnt as strong as it was before childbirth &#128560; xx
Did you enjoy your 4D scan Lilly...?

We are pretty much ready for baby here too, have been for a while - which I'm really grateful for now considering my shoulder injury and how much it's stopping me doing anything (went to doctor and confirmed bursitis and tendonitus as a result of whooping cough injection being given too high up, into shoulder joint).

I am still nesting though, I'm just having to take lots of breaks and apply lots of ice packs! I can't stop myself, as I want it all done before this baby comes! The main thing left to do is clear out the kitchen cupboards to make room for his steriliser/bottles etc (which are all still in a bag) - but other than that, we are ready :)

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