ahhhhh well ... will test tomorrow morning and if nothing will leave it and keep temping
I knew I'd go and get my hopes up and throw myself into it head first ...![]()
it's back to white, creamy and slightly sticky![]()
I'll keep temping and see what happens, only going to do a test with fmu tomorrow morning too ...
I've had a look on a pic, and weirdly, where I'm cramping on both sides is where my ovaries are![]()
shouldn't I be cramping on just one side though?
love that quote, it's brill![]()
will nab Chris tonight![]()
roll on once this cycle is over and done with![]()
fingers crossed hunwould be amazing if you're right
got to see what my temp does tomorrow lol, only got 2 temps on my chart at the moment![]()