Ectopic - How could you tell?

that's ok hun! though ectopics are rare they can be extremely serious if left untreated. if you have any doubts whatsoever i would contact your doctor and they can test your hormone levels or give you a scan or something. i know it doesn't help people saying 'drop it' because they might give that advice to someone who actually does have an ectopic
1. the HCG isn;t a guarantee coz they can rise and than fell very quick, but the doctors will take only 2 measures
2. ectopic pregnancy have THE SAME simptoms as normal ones just the fact that you feel pain on one side(strong pain) and in the shoulders and maybe bleeding but all these depends
3. it would be great if we could do a scan anytime we say to the doctor that we are suspicious about something.................
4. you can have in the same time both ectopic and normal pregnancy
5. Need I say more?

1. hCG should be near enough doubling this early in pregnancy if it isn't it's a possible indicator for ectopic or misscarriage. you can't have an ectopic with perfect hCG levels... it's just simple human bio

2. Ectopic pain is usually to one side, however this is only in tubal ectopics as the pain comes from the tube the egg has implanted. there are 3 types of other ectopics - in the cervix, in the ovary and in the abdoman. ectopic pain is more commonly just really painful pain in general - not to one side.

3. doctors will happily scan anyone who thinks they have a possible ectopic due to it being able to leave you dead.

4. don't see what that has to do with this topic at all?

5. no you don't need to say anymore lol! and if you do, do some research first
Back from my scan ladies, good news it's not ectopic bad news is no heartbeat yet. She put me back a week and a day to 6+1 so have to go back week Monday, she sounded positive but I feel less so. Thanks for your well wishes Im keeping them for the next scan too!!! xxx
I suggest if you have nothing constructive to say on this thread it might be best to let it drop and move on.
I will drop it, don't worry. I don't think you've read all the topic.
I didnt' write anymore on the topic but since you wrote me....
I really don't understand what constructive means to you, I've put informations regarding ectopic pregnancies here(isn't this what we should suppose to do?), and i told KS it's not the case with her pain to think of that.
Perhaps I should have scarred!? :wacko:
Som. else: if the person who initiate a topic doesn't like what one have to say/the person, it means that that person doesn't have the right to write on that topic?
I don't need answers anyway.
I'm going as I said, bye.
P.S. Sorry KS for upsetting you soooooo much telling you that you are just fine and not to think of the worse.

I did actually read all the posts and in my original post I said that emotions/tone can easily be misconstrued online though I personally also feel (as did some of the others on here) that you came across as harsh. The one post I had a contention with, where you referred to the OP as a baby, was completely unnecessary and I don't see how that could be viewed as constructive in the least? :nope:

I never said you didn't have the right to comment on a topic but to come on a topic over and over again to argue your point not really necessary.

I refuse to argue on this persons thread but it might be advisable for you to think about how things you are saying are coming across in the future on threads.
Thank you for your support Vickie. Much appreciated. x

Pippin - Glad about your scan hun. That should put your mind at rest a little now. Keep us posted how things are going. Next time I am sure you will hear the wonderful heartbeat of your LO xx

Well, I don't seem to be getting the tugging feelings as much today, but I have had mild twinges/tugging in the middle now and some on the right hand side, so I am putting it down to stretching and pregnancy changing my uterus. Am waiting for the docs to ring tomorrow as when I arranged for an apptmt on friday, was told it was emergencies only. Hope I can arrange for an early scan so it can put my mind at rest.

Thanks for your support so far.

HI, i had an ectopic last year, like alot of other ladies have said you get intense pain normally acute pain on one side and shoulder tip pain! I'm 32 and was in hospital overnight as we caught it before a rupture! If you are at all worried i would call your GP, although having said that i had to go back after initially raising my concerns becasue they said to see how i went for 2 weeks!! Be persistant, you know your own body better than anybody else!!

Good luck, those types of pains or stretches are quite normal though!! :hugs:
Thanks LittleChick,

Sorry to hear of your loss. Hope you have a happy and healthy 9 months hun xxx
I totally understand everyone's fears about ectopic pregnancies -- one part of being pregnant is that one's mind tends to run riot with every twinge, pull or pop. Mine included. I had an ectopic when I was 21 (!). I was 9 weeks, I ended up doubled over thinking I had the worst period pains ever. No pains in my shoulder, just agonising and vomit-inducing cramps. To cut it short, I lost my tube and spent 2 weeks in hospital. It happened very fast but I did ignore the severe cramping before my tube ruptured. I am turning 37 in a week and am just 6 weeks pregnant today. My first scan is at lunchtime today and I am terrified it is another ectopic. Not that I have any symptoms, I am just paranoid! Regardless of positive thinking and statistics etc, it's hard not to think of the worst. Many of my friends have reassured me that during their pregnancies they had all sorts of cramping, pains, even bleeding -- and all went on to deliver healthy babies. I do wish I were the kind of woman who could always look on the positive--unfortunately I was not born that way ;-). So all I can do is keep moving forwards doing the best I can for a healthy pregnancy, and tell myself that whatever the outcome, all will work itself out in the end.
I totally understand everyone's fears about ectopic pregnancies -- one part of being pregnant is that one's mind tends to run riot with every twinge, pull or pop. Mine included. I had an ectopic when I was 21 (!). I was 9 weeks, I ended up doubled over thinking I had the worst period pains ever. No pains in my shoulder, just agonising and vomit-inducing cramps. To cut it short, I lost my tube and spent 2 weeks in hospital. It happened very fast but I did ignore the severe cramping before my tube ruptured. I am turning 37 in a week and am just 6 weeks pregnant today. My first scan is at lunchtime today and I am terrified it is another ectopic. Not that I have any symptoms, I am just paranoid! Regardless of positive thinking and statistics etc, it's hard not to think of the worst. Many of my friends have reassured me that during their pregnancies they had all sorts of cramping, pains, even bleeding -- and all went on to deliver healthy babies. I do wish I were the kind of woman who could always look on the positive--unfortunately I was not born that way ;-). So all I can do is keep moving forwards doing the best I can for a healthy pregnancy, and tell myself that whatever the outcome, all will work itself out in the end.

Hi elaineindc....

Sorry to hear of that hun. Hope this pregnancy goes well for you hun :flower:
You say you felt severe cramping before you knew about the ectopic? Sorry to bring the memories back hun, but how severe were they....what were you feeling? etc... (if you don't mind me asking). Mine is just an uncomfortable twinge rather than a pain so it is not painful for me. Just asking as 9 weeks seems a long time for you to go without realising it was ectopic and I think it would be useful to us on here to know what to look out for xx
Hi. I had an ectopic pregnancy in June. Who ever said people more at risk were those who smoke, are over a certain age etc is completely wrong! For real information about symptoms etc go to ectopic pregnancy trust website. Ectopic pregnancies happen to 1% of all UK pregnancies, so not many. In almost all cases the cause is unknown, and could just be a 'fluke'. In some cases it can be worked out that the person had an ectopic pregnancy because they previously had pelvic inflamatory disease or other pelvic infections, or if damage had been done to the tubes from other means (maybe an operation etc).

In my case, I was not in immense pain at all. Yes it hurt and in hind sight probably more than my first pregnancy, but all it was for me was dull aching pains in my back right hand side, I felt like I needed a good hard massage to releive the pain! I had brown spotting which turned to red spotting/ light period type blood. I was still able to walk about etc but towards the end I would get shooting pains in my bum when sitting down!

Anyway, I had a scan on the Monday and I was told it was ectopic. When they removed the pregnancy and the tube I was told it was very close to rupturing and was very large, I was only 5 weeks 5 days, but as I said not in horrendous pain.

In my first pregnancy (that was all fine) in the early days I was worried about pains (my Mum had an ecoptic so I knew all about them and was worried about it in my first preg ironically). I was given an early scan and all was fine. The pains i had this time were more stretching type pains/ pulling pains.

If in any doubt you should see your GP/ phone your midwife or just turn up at the A&E and wait to be seen. It is quite rare but its better to be safe than sorry.
Just a quick question. I've had this niggly tugging or pressure type feeling in the left side. Don't know if im constantly aware of it cos im paranoid, but im worried it could be ectopic. How can you tell if it is one other than going for a scan. x

I had symptoms, but at the point I was getting EP we thought I had miscarried 4 weeks previous, so I put it down to my IBS. However, the symptoms where as follows:

Started bleeding at 4+5, went for a scan, thin lining, no evidence of sac. Assumed miscarriage.

I carried on spotting/light bleeding for 4 weeks, thought nothing of it as it was supposed to be a M/C .. then (at about 9wks) I started heavily bleeding again. I also started having bad cramps and trouble pooping (again, these are signs of IBS, so I thought it was that, as I have that, but they are also signs of an EP)
I also had radiating pain on my right thigh (from cyst/ectopic pressing on nerves)

I thought the heavy bleeding might have been my period starting, but I thought it strange as I never really stopped bleeding .. called the Dr, they had me come in for a scan, found a huge cyst on my ovary. They took bloods to look at my pregnancy hormone levels.
Later that day I was doubled over in pain and puking .. again, me being stubborn put it down to my IBS .. because I also get these symptoms when I'm having an attack.
The next morning at 7am I get a call to go in and have surgery cause my levels had raised by 500 (after it had previously been falling via weekly blood tests) and it was ectopic. The cramps/pain turned out to be from internal bleeding from the tube bursting and pain from the cyst.

Tugging and pulling feeling does not automatically mean EP .. it can be round ligament pain .. as your womb is growing, it stretches them. I had a lot of these with Buttons pregnancy. Generally speaking if it's EP you'll have some sort of bleeding and its not tugging and pulling pain .. its a double you over make you wanna puke kinda pain by the time it gets to the 'feeling it' stage.

Its tough being pregnant and all the niggles that come with it, I was near neurotic with Button lol, I was always calling the Drs in floods of tears!

However with that being said .. always trust your Drs opinion over anyone on the internet, everyone's bodies are different and present different symptoms for things .. if you are truly that worried about it, call them and ask their opinion .. they are trained to recognise the symptoms. EP isn't something to mess with.

:hugs::hugs:to you!
Thanks for the info ladies. So sorry to hear of your losses. It's so scary when its your first as you just don't know what to expect. Have my scan next friday so fingers crossed everything is ok. Its a shame you can't see through your skin to see where the ovaries are etc so you could work out where the twinges were coming from. I am naturally so panicky about everything and always think i'll be one of the unlucky ones. Fingers crossed everything is in the right place x
KS1977 - sorry for the delay in writing, I couldn't find the post! I was told I'd miscarried the baby at 6 weeks because of some bleeding and lowering of HCG levels. So the following 3 weeks of cramping I put down to the miscarriage after-effects. The pain was never bad enough to cause concern and I never had any bleeding. When the ectopic pain started, it was all in one day - these cramps were like severe period pains that wrapped around my entire abdomen - no twinges or sharp pains, more like an intense deep cramping of a super heavy period. Once the pains really kicked in, I sat on the loo with my feet on the wall to try to relieve the pain - this went on for over an hour. If you're having twinges, I am quite sure you needn't worry -- the ectopic pain was so intense I could hardly breathe at times and even vomited because of the pain.

I had my 6 week scan yesterday and saw the bean with heartbeat -- and I have been having sharp twinges the past 4 or 5 days -- so even though it is hard to do, try to relax and be easy on yourself. If you are really concerned, a scan should be able to see if the embryo is in the tube around the 5.5 week mark, maybe 6 weeks. Everyone I know that has suffered an ectopic has had severe pains and/or a lot of bleeding, and this has been after the 5 week mark (the bleeding comes from rupturing of the tube and the embryo needs to be big enough to actually tear/stretch out the tube, so anything under 5 weeks may be too small, if that makes sense).

It doesn't bring back bad memories (thanks for your concern though), I just hope that what I write might help someone else. Feel free to write with any other qns anytime. Take care, E
Its more than likely just stretching pains, try not to worry. :)

With an ectopic pregnancy, you would be in a lot of pain and also probably have some bleeding though I have not experienced one so I wouldn't be able to say but thats what I have heard. Also shoulder tip pain on the same side your getting the pains would be an indicator too.
Hi All

My first post on here! I am almost 6 wks since conception now and this is my second pregnancy following a mc in July. Very hopeful that this one will be successful, especially as everyone else around me appears to be announcing they're pregnant!
I am having sleepless nights over the thought of ectopic pregnancy due to recent mc and having PID a few years ago. I have to say in my non-paranoid moments i'm quite sure it's all normal ligament pains, but i'm having the same single sided dull pain and thinking that if it's ectopic i'd rather find out before it ruptures and hope to save my tube! I went to docs and as it hurt more when she prodded me on one side and following the mc she has referred me for early scan next week. It can't come soon enough!
However I think we can scare the crap out of ourselves constantly about things going wrong, but in reality there is very little you can do to control it.
EP happens and quite often people have no idea until the rupture which is when it is really painful, otherwise I'm told by a friend who had one (and went on to have 2 more lovely children) it can feel just like a normal pregnancy (and the tube is usually useless even if saved).
I'm pleased to have the early scan booked in, but i do feel very neurotic as i'm sure had i not had mc, i would have just gone with the flow. If you are worried speak to doc and explian why you want a scan, not that you expect to see a heartbeat or anything, just want to see if it's in the right place and hopefully they will have sympathy. Otherwise, as above, you can't do anything at all to change the situation, so try not to worry too much.
(says me who hardly slept at all last night!)

good luck and fingers crossed for all on here to have happy and healthy pregnancies!

m x
I am so glad to have found this thread... I got a bfp 10dpo, today I am 12dpo and my lines are slowly getting darker. I to am having right side pain/pressure. I got scared because I felt it today after I used the bathroom (tmi) and off and on when I move suddenly. This thread made me feel better I hope my post helped you all :) I go for my blood test Monday and hopefully and u/s soon after.

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