EDD Sept 20th bump buddies wanted!

My GP is still a male (I have asthma and my new OB practice won't deal with conditions like that so I need to have a GP to prescribe my albuterol). He's actually our whole family's doctor. My husband, DD1, and I see him and I'm planning on DD2 seeing him as well.
Yeah, my doctor is family practice, but he delivers babies too, so that's why he's doing my delivery.

However, he's a resident. I'll lose him after June 2014. :cry:

I gotta say, it's nice having one doctor who sees my family for everything from pediatrics to obstetrics and gynecology. It's too bad that family doctors practicing obstetrics is a dying art in the United States.
My daughter saw a family practitioner in our old town. I have found that I prefer them to pediatricians. And now with our growing family it's great to all have the same doctor. Tho I am pretty sure that I will need to see by OB for annual PAPs and that fun stuff.
My previous OB was the only doctor that I needed as he took care of my asthma too so I didn't need a GP.
It's too bad your doctor will only be around another year! I hate looking for new doctors!
Tho I am pretty sure that I will need to see by OB for annual PAPs and that fun stuff.
You'd be surprised. Most family practice docs or GPs are trained in basic gynecology and can do your PAPs and annuals.

The reason a lot of family practice docs are abandoning obstetrics is because of the malpractice premiums. Very sad.

adopim said:
It's too bad your doctor will only be around another year! I hate looking for new doctors!
I know. I may just wait for the new crop of first-year residents to come in for July of 2014 and pick a new resident as my doctor. Then s/he can be my family doctor for 3 years.

By then, I hope we're more established and have better insurance, which will mean more freedom to choose a doctor. I'd love to find a family practice doc who is about our age and grow old with him/her.

I'm kind of hoping my current doc will let me Facebook "friend" him once he's done with the program here, and then I can occasionally keep in touch with him.
I thought about Facebook "friending" my old OB. He really was a great doctor and I loved having him for my OB (despite due to freak circumstances beyond his control he didn't get to actually deliver my daughter).
I plan on asking my OB once my post-natal visits are done who I am supposed to see for my annual. One would assume that a family practitioner would be trained in basic gynecology such as PAPs, but we'll see. For now unless I have a tragic asthma attack that requires an ER visit like I did in my last pregnancy, I won't be seeing my GP for a while.

I had the same pediatrician growing up, and he was originally going to see me through college but decided to retire when I was 19. My younger sisters and I all went to him. It was nice to grow up with the same doctor (despite the inevitability of switching as an adult).
Congratulations to everyone on this thread, who should be in the third trimester by now, even the folks with the later due dates!

Baby Birds 12 is having boy-girl :oneofeach: twins, so congratulations to her! Boggles is now team :blue:, so grats to her as well!

I have only one other person to hear back from who has visited the forums in the last month. Everyone else is either team :yellow: or hasn't visited us in over a month and is probably lost to us.

So good luck with the third trimester, everyone! I'm guessing most of us are getting our glucose challenge tests around this time. Hope we all make it through clear of GD! Don't forget to ask your care provider about getting a TDaP vaccine soon if you haven't already, just did mine.

Final thought: which of us will be having our babies first? Can't wait to start hearing some birth announcements...
Congratulations to everyone on this thread, who should be in the third trimester by now, even the folks with the later due dates!

Baby Birds 12 is having boy-girl :oneofeach: twins, so congratulations to her! Boggles is now team :blue:, so grats to her as well!

I have only one other person to hear back from who has visited the forums in the last month. Everyone else is either team :yellow: or hasn't visited us in over a month and is probably lost to us.

So good luck with the third trimester, everyone! I'm guessing most of us are getting our glucose challenge tests around this time. Hope we all make it through clear of GD! Don't forget to ask your care provider about getting a TDaP vaccine soon if you haven't already, just did mine.

Final thought: which of us will be having our babies first? Can't wait to start hearing some birth announcements...

I passed my glucose test at my last appt on 6-19 :) I also got my TDaP at that appointment too. It turns out that my DH got his TDaP at his physical back in March so he won't need another one this time.

Hmm, we are all so close in due dates and it's tough to tell. I'm not sure who here generally goes over due date or goes before. I had my DD at 38+5 last time, but I was induced due to low fluid and high blood pressure. This time my blood pressure is looking good and as far as I know my fluid is fine. We may opt for an elective induction due to how fast my first came, but they wouldn't be doing that before 39 weeks. If I don't go into labor before that and I do get the induction I estimate I will be having her by Sept 18th or so.
Hello everyone!

A Few updates as I haven't been here for a while:

-I'm having a girl :) :).
-No Gd for me but in I am anaemic so I'm having extra Iron.
-I have low lying placenta and I will have an u/s at 32 weeks to recheck (fingers crossed). But because it is not covering my cervix no rest for me.
-I've put 10 kgs so far, not happy at all with that but my OB is not concerned. I think i will probably gain around 15 kgs in total :/. I keep saying that I will moderate my sweets intake but chocolate is my passion now.
- so far feeling very good, every now and then I have growing pains in my hips and sides of my lower abdomen. I am doing aqua natal since week 20 and it is helping a lot, it is only once a week but the rest of the week I am walking 30 mins after lunch.
- we bought I think almost everything, we bought a lot of second hand things and we saved a lot of money.
- I am working 4 more weeks and that's it, then I will focus in the nursery (so much to do!) and in myself.

I think that is pretty much, I can't believe that I am 28 weeks already, 1rst trimester was so slow! (Probably due to nausea and cero energy), 2nd trim went so fast! Let's see how 3rd trim goes.

Good luck everyone!!
Good to see you again, Maybebub, and thanks for the updates! I did stalk you up a few months ago and saw that you were having a girl. Congratulations again to you! Sorry to hear about the anemia and the weight gain. I hope your placenta stays put!

I'd love to be nesting and buying baby stuff, but I'm moving towards the end of July, so it'd be a pain to start buying stuff now only to have to move it. I'm also going to wait until after my baby shower to really begin to buy things.

I do have quite a bit of stuff that I either got for free or was given to me:


Also have a quality used car seat and a bouncer, and DD's old strollers can still be used if needed. If no one buys me the travel system or bouncer/swinger combo off of my registry, will definitely use them.
I passed my glucose test at my last appt on 6-19 :) I also got my TDaP at that appointment too. It turns out that my DH got his TDaP at his physical back in March so he won't need another one this time.
It's such a pain in the ass because I just got a TDaP in September 2012, before I got pregnant. The new guidelines were out in October 2012. I knew I was going to TTC, so had I known about the guidelines, I'd have definitely put it off.

My doc is going on vacation on Tuesday of next week, so I imagine he'll call me with my GCT and thyroid test results if they're bad no later than Monday. If they're normal he'll probably let a nurse or other staff member do it.

adopim said:
Hmm, we are all so close in due dates and it's tough to tell. I'm not sure who here generally goes over due date or goes before. I had my DD at 38+5 last time, but I was induced due to low fluid and high blood pressure. This time my blood pressure is looking good and as far as I know my fluid is fine. We may opt for an elective induction due to how fast my first came, but they wouldn't be doing that before 39 weeks. If I don't go into labor before that and I do get the induction I estimate I will be having her by Sept 18th or so.
DD was born at 39+3, dated via u/s because I was never sure of my LMP. With this one I'm sure of my LMP and date of ovulation, but had I let him/her be dated by u/s, it would have put me on September 14th. So I definitely think I will come before my Sept. 20th due date, and not after.

But who knows. Only time will tell!
I'd love to be nesting and buying baby stuff, but I'm moving towards the end of July, so it'd be a pain to start buying stuff now only to have to move it. I'm also going to wait until after my baby shower to really begin to buy things.

I do have quite a bit of stuff that I either got for free or was given to me:


Also have a quality used car seat and a bouncer, and DD's old strollers can still be used if needed. If no one buys me the travel system or bouncer/swinger combo off of my registry, will definitely use them.

I was offered a carseat, but opted against taking it. Knowing the people I don't think it was very gently used. However, the carseat we buy for this baby will be good for the next baby (as we plan on having another in a couple years well before the 5 year expiration date) so that will work out nice.
I'm waiting to see if I even have a baby shower at all before I buy too much stuff. I just don't know if I will or not.

It's such a pain in the ass because I just got a TDaP in September 2012, before I got pregnant. The new guidelines were out in October 2012. I knew I was going to TTC, so had I known about the guidelines, I'd have definitely put it off.

My doc is going on vacation on Tuesday of next week, so I imagine he'll call me with my GCT and thyroid test results if they're bad no later than Monday. If they're normal he'll probably let a nurse or other staff member do it.

adopim said:
Hmm, we are all so close in due dates and it's tough to tell. I'm not sure who here generally goes over due date or goes before. I had my DD at 38+5 last time, but I was induced due to low fluid and high blood pressure. This time my blood pressure is looking good and as far as I know my fluid is fine. We may opt for an elective induction due to how fast my first came, but they wouldn't be doing that before 39 weeks. If I don't go into labor before that and I do get the induction I estimate I will be having her by Sept 18th or so.
DD was born at 39+3, dated via u/s because I was never sure of my LMP. With this one I'm sure of my LMP and date of ovulation, but had I let him/her be dated by u/s, it would have put me on September 14th. So I definitely think I will come before my Sept. 20th due date, and not after.

But who knows. Only time will tell!

I got the call about my GCT the day after my test. Hopefully all comes back well with yours!

You're right, only time will tell. It seems like so far from September yet so close. 28 weeks today!
Hey guys, glad everyone is doing good. Going so fast isn't it?! Just wondered, and I don't mean to sound ignorant but what is TDaP? My midwives (there's 4 at my drs and it depends on what day u go as to which u see) are not great on giving info and as its my first, I'm a bit clueless! Do have my GTT this Friday tho...that's 2 hrs I'm not looking forward to! :) x
Hey guys, glad everyone is doing good. Going so fast isn't it?! Just wondered, and I don't mean to sound ignorant but what is TDaP? My midwives (there's 4 at my drs and it depends on what day u go as to which u see) are not great on giving info and as its my first, I'm a bit clueless! Do have my GTT this Friday tho...that's 2 hrs I'm not looking forward to! :) x
I believe it stands for tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis. Normally you only have to get this vaccine once every 10 years, and a lot of people only bother with it if they get bitten by an animal or something. But the new guidelines say to get it in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy because it has benefits for baby.

Passed my 1-hour glucose challenge test, and just did my RhoGAM shot (they did it in my arm instead of my hip and HOLY HELLS THAT HURT!!!!). So I should be all done with shots and testing now until the group B strep swab at 37 weeks.

I really, really hope that this kid has Rh-negative blood so that I don't have to get another one of those damned shots.
Oh! Thanks! I take it the RhoGAM shot is something not everyone needs?! Never heard of half of these...my midwives r clearly not keeping me in the loop! I'm glad ur glucose test is all ok. Have mine on Friday. Do u find out there and then if there's any probs? Sorry for all the questions but seems u guys r my only source of info! X
Oh! Thanks! I take it the RhoGAM shot is something not everyone needs?! Never heard of half of these...my midwives r clearly not keeping me in the loop! I'm glad ur glucose test is all ok. Have mine on Friday. Do u find out there and then if there's any probs? Sorry for all the questions but seems u guys r my only source of info! X

No, not everyone needs the RhoGAM shot. I have + blood type so I don't need it. How they go about the glucose test results vary depending on the practice. Some will only call you if you fail and need to do the longer test, others (like mine) will call regardless of the results. The time frame also varies, mine called the next day but some don't call for a few days.
Thanks adopim. My mind is mush at the min! Never had so many appointments or things to remember in my life!!!
Oh! Thanks! I take it the RhoGAM shot is something not everyone needs?! Never heard of half of these...my midwives r clearly not keeping me in the loop!
Long story short, if you have Rh-negative blood and your baby is Rh-positive, there's a chance your blood will treat the baby as a foreign invader and attack it. Getting a RhoGAM injection at 28 weeks typically prevents that.

It's not a problem for Rh-positive ladies because positive blood does not attack negative blood. So even if you're Rh-positive and bubs is Rh-negative, your body will not attack it. No super-fun shots for you.

Only about 15% of the population is Rh-negative, so chances are good that you're not.

boggles said:
I'm glad ur glucose test is all ok. Have mine on Friday. Do u find out there and then if there's any probs? Sorry for all the questions but seems u guys r my only source of info! X
It's different depending on who you see. My lab usually reports results to my doctor on the same day. Results are released to patients via the online system 3 days after the doctor gets them. So either the doctor or a nurse calls me with the results in 1-2 days, or I wait until they're released to the online system to see them. I can also call the lab and get them earlier if I want.

Speaking of which, got my latest CBC (complete blood count) back yesterday and was surprised to find that I'm slightly anemic. I've been religious about taking my prenatals, so I went and looked at the bottle to see how much iron they have in them.

I just switched to a gummy prenatal a little over a month ago, and find out that they have NO iron in them. So, guess that explains it. Do I feel dumb now.

Switching prenatals again tomorrow or Friday (whenever the pharmacy is open). Hopefully that will correct the anemia.
Wow there so much I don't know!!! Lol UK standards clearly not as high as USA! :) oh no! I thought the tablets would of all had iron in! I use pregnacare which I've just checked and it does! Lol
Grats to Joeswife, who is team :pink:!

How is everyone? Updates for me:

  • Pregnancy is fine, baby is healthy and measuring normal by fundal height. Baby is also head-down already, which is nice because I don't want a C-section, and breach would be an automatic c-section with my doctor.
  • I started a new full-time job three weeks ago, which has been keeping me busy.
  • We just moved into a great new apartment. Our old apartment was 600 sq ft with a nightmare of a landlady who frequently heckled me for rent money that wasn't late, complained about stupid crap, and didn't do repairs. This one is 966 sq ft with management that have already promptly repaired two things that were broken when we moved in. Even better, I can finally start nesting and getting things ready for baby!
  • I'm about to buy a second car.
  • My baby shower will be on Saturday, August 24th. Invitations have been sent out. The women of my church are throwing it for me, and I'm super-excited for it.
  • DD is in Washington state with my father and stepmother for almost 3 weeks.
  • I'm still team :yellow:, but I've had some hints that bump is :blue:. My doctor (who knows the sex) asked me at my appointment a few weeks ago, "If the baby is a boy, will you be circumcising?" He didn't need to ask me that question at all if bump is :pink:; I'd have never known he didn't ask! Also, my stepmother knows the sex, and she was in town a few days ago to collect my daughter and fly her back to Washington. She said to me, "Are you sure about those names?" then began to complain about Constantine. She did some minor complaining about Ivy, too, but it was mostly Constantine. Again, if bump is :pink:, no need to fret about the name Constantine, right?
Guess we'll find out in the next 7-9 weeks!

Wish I had more time for exercise, but can't complain about how my life is going right now.
Sounds like things are going easily in the right direction. That is amazing, just go with the flow.

Nothing new for me here, still chucking along. Next u/s is on the 27th then every two weeks after. So I am sure we will find out soon what we are having ;)
Glad to hear things are going well :thumbup:
All is well here too. I have to have biweekly ultrasounds to monitor my fluid and baby's growth (only because of my pregnancy with DD1, fluid is looking very good and baby's growth is about a week behind but nothing concerning). I have been feeling just fine, though I do have insomnia most nights and my appetite had decreased significantly but definitely manageable.

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