1. What day did you get your BFP? How many DPO were you?
I found out on Thursday Jan. 10. (4 days ago) I was 9DPO when I got my FRER positive!
2. Are you hoping for a or a ? Or maybe you're really ambitious and you hope it's, , , ??
I know DH is hoping for a boy, but we will be happy with either one. As long as he/she is healthy that's what really matters. I'm not sure about the twins thing...
If it were to happen I would still be happy but I think I might be a little fearful to be honest.
3. Will you be learning baby's sex early, or staying team ?
We will be finding out. I found out with DD for financial reasons and I found that I loved calling her by her name before she was born. Besides that, I'm impatient so I would just want to know.
4. How old are you? What # is this for you?
I am 26. This is my #2 (DH's first biological, but really his #2 as well). This is my third pregnancy. My first in Nov of 07 ended with a blighted ovum at 6 weeks.
5. Have you had any pregnancy symptoms so far?
Mild cramping, bodily exhaustion, always either hungry or nauseous. I noticed today that I'm a bit bloated in my belly area now too.... Yaaaaay.... Lol
6. Have you announced your pregnancy to friends and family yet? If not, when do you plan on telling?
No one but my DH and me. My sister is going to be angry with me, but I want to at least have a doctor's appointment before telling anyone. I'll probably tell family sometime in the 8-10 week range. I'll probably wait until I successfully make it to the second trimester before announcing it to everyone else.
7. Do you have baby names picked out yet, and if so, do you want to share?
Ellyson Lana or Robert John
8. How do you feel about this pregnancy?
I feel great! I'm so excited about it, but I'd like to fast forward through this first trimester. Always seems so nerve wracking during this time. Plus, DH knows I'm pregnant but it's not "real" for him yet, if you know what I mean. I think it'll hit him when he hears the heartbeat or sees the scan. Meanwhile, I'm sitting on cloud nine absolutely elated.... Despite the fact that I know what is coming...morning sickness, aching body, etc.... I say, bring it on! It's worth it!