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emergency c section ladies

I was rushed to surgery in the space of a minute I had to sign the form as they wheeled my down the corridor. I was in labour for 7 days with contractions every 10m
so no sleep for 7 days. On the 7th day i was 7cm dilated but no closer together
they tried inducing me for 15 hours to no avail. Her heartbeat dropped dangerously and they proceeded to a crash c sec. It turns out the chord was wrapped round her leg tight and her head was jammed in my pelvis. So
she Would never have come out naturally
I found that as the proceudure was being done I went into severe shock and started shaking uncontrollably even for 15m after mike kept asking if it was normal but they just kept saying I would be fine. They put emilia on my chest and I remember being more concerned that I was having a heart attack or something!
I had three sections. Two were 'emergency' and the last was 'planned'. The first was because I had previa, and it was supposed to be planned, but my water broke and I went into labour at 38 weeks, only two days before my scheduled section. It was OK. A bit hairy when we first arrived as I guess they weren't ready as my pre-admit was supposed to be for the next day when all the paper work and blood work would have been done. I left the house at 4:30ish and he was born at 6:59pm...and that includes all the time driving, parking, etc...so really quick. I had some complications following. I hemorraged quite badly from an atonic uterus from a big baby, and they had to stop that, which I won't go into detail. It took me a long time to recover from the anemia that occurred from that, but I swam 1km three weeks later.

The second section was also scheduled, but again, I went into labour on my own, this time at 37 weeks. Really fast this time too, went in, put me on monitors and fund out I was in labour, rushed me in...but this time, they couldn't get the spinal in due to a previous back injury, and so was put under a general anesthetic. I was out shopping two days later.

My last baby I went into labour at 34 weeks, but they stopped it. I then had a 'scheduled' section and it was much like getting a filling at the dentist...go in, get numbed, and then they put your newborn baby on your chest. You are awake and alert for the whole thing, and less stress than an emergency. I had some slight complications from some medication I received afterwards, but I went home four days later and went shopping like two days after that. I was out walking everyday three weeks later.

I know that some would say that they weren't 'perfect' deliveries, and tbh, I went through alot of heartache about my daughter, Makena's birth...missing it entirely by being unconsious! Imagine how that would be? Not to see your baby born, hear her first cry, see her first moments. But, over time, I have healed, and I realize that birth is much like life...unpredictable. I am not going to let saddness destroy another precious second of our lives together. And, even though some would say the births were 'traumatic'...I would do it again in a second...and they are still the best days of my life. x
I went into hospital after my waters broke on the Saturday at 2pm. Started having contractions but they were all over the place, mw was telling me they weren't contractions even though they bloody hurt!

By 10am the next morning I hadn't progressed past 4cm so they decided to induce me with the drip. Contractions started straight away and were horrific! By 6pm I had got to 9cm so mw took me off the drip and put me under the shower on a birth ball. After 15-30 minutes contractions had eased back to almost nothing. They got me out and hooked me up to the drip and contractions started again on top of each other. Dr came in and said he could feel swelling on LO's head and he believed he was stuck and best case scenario would be forceps delivery, with 80% chance of c sec. Dr was trying to push me to just go ahead with the c sec while mw were trying to talk me out of it. By this time I was exhausted and basically incoherent so DH and mum stepped in and requested a c sec which I was so relieved about.

Mw from that point on were complete and utter bitches to me (sorry no other word for it) they left the drip in while the dr was calling staff in (it was 8pm on a Sunday by this time and it's a very small hospital) I had held it together up until this point but I remember yelling 'can someone take me off the drip, I don't need to be in labour anymore!!'

I was taken to theatre still contracting and shaking and terrified of the operation. Everything was fine but dr said LO was basically wedged into my pelvis and it was difficult to get him out. He was really bruised and swollen and had a massive conehead, even then the stupid mw couldn't admit the right decision had been made. Apparently while I was in recovery my mum expressed her shock at his beaten up appearance and the mw snapped rudely 'haven't you seen a newborn before'. To which mum said 'yes, I've had four of my own and they didn't look like that'

It was the best and worst day of my life. I think I needto talk to a professional as I still get really upset by it. :cry:
Just reading through the other replies, so sorry for those who had awful experiences :hugs:
My LO was back to back...but we didn't know it till I made it to 10cm. I pushed for 2hrs with everything I had because I really didn't want a section. They told me with the way I was pushing if LO was face down, he would have been born in just a few pushes. But he got stuck. I was getting a fever and his head was swelling really bad. They wanted to rush me to the OR, but they were all in use. So they did all the prep they could in my labour and delivery room. As soon as an OR was free they pushed my bed quickly down the hall. I don't remember it, but OH said they were still cleaning up the OR from the last surgery as they brought me in.

I was in a panic because I didn't want a section, but I knew it was best for both of us. They told me that there were extra staff including NICU because it was an emergancy. The surgery started out calm, but LO was so stuck they had a hard time getting him out. When they did get him free it riped up both sides of my uterus(but they didn't tell me that at the time). They jabbed my arm with a shot to try to stop the bleeding and it hurt. After giving me the needle the doctor doctor said sorry but he needed to get it in there fast. After another hour or more of people rushing around the room they finally said they were done and explained what had happened. The pain after was awful, and now 6 weeks later its just finally starting to feel a bit better.

Any other children from now on have to be c sections because of the damage to my uterus. That is heartbreaking for me and for a few weeks after I said that I wasn't going to have any more children because I didn't want to go through another section. After talking to many ladies who have had both emergancy and planned sections they have convinced me that a planned one wont be as bad. So I hope there will be another addition to our family in a few years.
My emergency c-section was pretty calm. I was induced at 13 days overdue with the oxytocin drip (I was already 3cm dilated and 90% effaced without being in labour) and after about 15 hours of a horrible labour (even with the epidural I was screaming in pain) they said that I'd probably need a section but were going to wait a little longer.:wacko: Clara had never dropped into my pelvis at all, even after they made me push for 45 minutes. During the operation the doctor said I had banding of the uterus from having failed labour and that Clara had her back to my ribs which is why she couldn't drop. So after 17 hours of hard labour Clara was finally born by c-section and though it wasn't the birth I was hoping for, I wouldn't change it for a minute because I got my wonderful little girl out of it.
semi calm, but wheeled down the hall on a bed to theatre. I was supposed to have an epidural but the anaethetist was called away to a real emergency (placental abruption) so I got a spinal in theatre a bit later after they wheeled me down there.
Other than that it was hurried but relaxed IYKWIM.
Mine was semi-calm. I had gone into labour naturally around 10pm the following night, was at the hospital by 6:30am as there was meconium when my waters broke.

I was failing to progress and the fetal heartrate was dipping very low. I was put on the induction drip thingy and that didn't help. Then I had an epidural as I couldn't handle the pain any longer, I am sure Thomas was stuck. I am 4'10" with a very narrow pelvis.

At 2pm a doctor came in and checked things over and was quite worried, buy 2:21pm Thomas was 'born'.

I had planned on a home water birth, and at second best - a hospital water birth. So it was all a surprise to me!
my contractions started at 11.50am by 3pm nothing had happened went to the hospital and they said i jus had a water infection, but then they hooked me up to the monitor and realised i was actually in labour but that everytime i had a contraction babys heart rate was dropping to 50s so had to do emergency section. i was terrified, no one had told me anything about it. i had a spinal epidural and within minutes baby was out. i lost 500ml of blood so my blood pressure dropped as did my iron levels. but all is well now. although that was 5 weeks ago now and im still in a lot of pain in right side, back and stomach and have no idea why.
After 40 hour labour the trace showed joe was in severe distress, so rushed down the corridor on the bed, but fortunately I already had a line in, so not under ga. Turns out cord was wrapped around him and he was transverse. The surgeon said id never have born him naturally. I don't know why celebs choose sections, I've found it vile.
Gosh I cant believe this thread was restarted today! I had some horrific nightmares last night about being induced wrong and they were trying to force me to have another section!
My emergency section was pretty calm. I had been in the Accute Observation Unit (AOU) in hospital for abuot a week. One night i woke up and about 7 doctors and midwives were hovering over me, and said I would have to have a section in a couple of hours. I had severe pre-e, and Molly was born at 29 weeks. Saddest thing was I didnt see her for 36 hours as I was pretty ill.
Mine was awful! after my waters breaking Thursday,and being sent home after going in to hospital everyday,being told they hadn't and i wasn't in labour!i admitted myself Sunday night, begged for a sweep,went in to labour at 3am, waited about 5 hours for epidural.which slowed it all down,started to push 2pm at 4.30 nothing happening.had student mw with fully trained1,who ignored trainee when she said somethings not right, trainee then insisted for her to look.and baby's hb was irregular,my temp and bp sky high(later found out due to infection as my waters had broke when i said! so they should have induced me latest sat)!,team of doctors came in, found he had turned his head, failed ventouse.and half hours screaming later em-c sec. but as was shift changeover all took longer than expected, they failed2 top up my epidural correctly.after i kept trying to tell them,they eventually realised and gave antithetic! he was delivered.by a team who hadn't assessed me,or understood the emergency as he wasn't born till 5.40 pm!:(,
Mine was a crash section under GA. I had a speedy labour... Got to hospital at 8th dilated. About 40mins later the mw examined me again as I said I needed to push, she said I was 10cm. While examining me she felt that lo was breech, so she called the registrar in to check, and from that moment, all I remember is him pressing a button, about 7 drs rushing in, and being rushed down the corridor being shouted at not to push! From there all I remember is them stripping me and knocking me out. I had no clue what had happened when I woke up and I thought my baby had died :( literally the worst experience of my life, I'm suffering from PTSD now :(
Mine was a crash section under GA. I had a speedy labour... Got to hospital at 8th dilated. About 40mins later the mw examined me again as I said I needed to push, she said I was 10cm. While examining me she felt that lo was breech, so she called the registrar in to check, and from that moment, all I remember is him pressing a button, about 7 drs rushing in, and being rushed down the corridor being shouted at not to push! From there all I remember is them stripping me and knocking me out. I had no clue what had happened when I woke up and I thought my baby had died :( literally the worst experience of my life, I'm suffering from PTSD now :(


I wasn't in labour but my crash section was extremely tramatic likes yours. I still think about it every day and feel so sad that my daughters birth was probably the worst day of my life. :cry:

I see you are pregnant again (congratulations!) Have you decided what you are going to do this time? We are going to start TTC soon and part of me really wants to try VBAC as I have always wanted a 'normal birth' However part of me just wants to be awake to see my baby being born and not risk the chance of having another crash section.

I was rushed down the corridoor with not a clue what was happening as all was well one minute, the next I had a room full of doctors and lots of panic. The panic and decision to take me for an emergency C section was because they had lost baby's heartbeat.

As they were rushing me to theatre I was trying to tell them that the baby was coming out but they weren't listening :wacko: When we got there they could see his head and told me to push instead, I delivered him in a couple of minutes with Vontuse and avoided the section after all! Thankfully he was perfectly healthy.

I don't really remember it well as I was high on gas and air, but DH says it was the worst experience of his life, mainly because it was so fast and nobody was explaining anything.

This is pretty similar to what happened with me. I was rushed in for emergency section since I had very high temperature, baby was in distress and exhausted and he slipped out of position and got stuck. There wasn't panic as such as I think the medical staff are quite good at just getting on with things quickly without there being widespread panice and shouting or anything but it was quiet and everyone was very serious if you know what I mean. I was prepped for the section, had spinal block then my little one decided to give it another go, got back into position and they performed quite a major episiotomy and he was delivered with forceps.

The worst bit was really for my husband as I can't remember much. He says he was given a gown, mask and hat thingy that they wear for surgery, then left out in the corridor not having a clue what was going on. The midwife only went out to get him the seconds before our little boy was born. My husband was chalk white and shaking. He was thinking the worst cos the last he saw was me being rushed in (I was well and truly out of it and the surgeon was really adamant saying "No... no... get them in here now. Right now" but just authoritative rather than panicking) and then he was just left out on his own until he walked in a saw me wide awake and smiling about to push out our first baby! Nothing was really explained to us either but we were just so relieved everything was well and we had our little boy safe and sound that I think we just wanted to forget about the scary bit.
Thank you Hun :hugs:

I'm 95% im going to go for an elective section. I had a major infection after my first, which resulted in 2 weeks hospital. It was basically caused by the section being so rushed. Id love to go for a vbac this time but it would be my worst nightmare to end up with another emergency. If I go for an elective, at least I'll be in control and will get to see my baby born this time

Mine was a crash section under GA. I had a speedy labour... Got to hospital at 8th dilated. About 40mins later the mw examined me again as I said I needed to push, she said I was 10cm. While examining me she felt that lo was breech, so she called the registrar in to check, and from that moment, all I remember is him pressing a button, about 7 drs rushing in, and being rushed down the corridor being shouted at not to push! From there all I remember is them stripping me and knocking me out. I had no clue what had happened when I woke up and I thought my baby had died :( literally the worst experience of my life, I'm suffering from PTSD now :(


I wasn't in labour but my crash section was extremely tramatic likes yours. I still think about it every day and feel so sad that my daughters birth was probably the worst day of my life. :cry:

I see you are pregnant again (congratulations!) Have you decided what you are going to do this time? We are going to start TTC soon and part of me really wants to try VBAC as I have always wanted a 'normal birth' However part of me just wants to be awake to see my baby being born and not risk the chance of having another crash section.

It took 22 minutes from the time they said I was going to have a section to when he was born. The didn't exactly run down the hall, but the definitely rushed.
Mine was an emergency c section in that it wasn't planned but certainly not a real emergency. After my waters broke and I went into hospital they discovered LO was breech and as first baby a c section was best option. So it was literally a matter of waiting for theatre to become free. Although it was a bit of a shock, I had enough time to mentally prepare and it was a relatively calm affair.

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