Emotional support please :( HELP ME.....


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2012
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Im 21 year's old (so im in my prime time to concieve a baby) i have a wonderful little girl who is now 2 and a half and have being trying to give my little princess and brother or sister for over 2 year's now. I am emotional drained of trying and have gave up for a while (NTNP). Iv been to the doctor's for test's and some was good result's some was bad and same for my fiance, my doctor reffered me to a fertility specialist and they said I didnt meet the strict criteria. So I got turned away and my doctor is not willing to help me in no way. Iv even asked if they could put me on femara to see if it work's. But NOOOOOOO was the answer I got. I cant affort fertility treatment, well defo not more then once anyway, it's just to much and it doe's not mean that it will work the first time. RIGHT. x

I live in south east london (uk) and just wanted any advice or tip's on how -

secondary infertility women have got help and which area they live?


If you haven't were do they stand, how do you feel?

Any advice or tip's or your story's would be great thank's x X x

Load's of baby dust to you all. x x x
Hi, I live in Stoke and when I first went to Drs for help etc I had all tests done on Nhs, I have pcos and was given clomid and ovarian drilling. Now I don't think they give the drilling on the Nhs.
I'm not sure of help in London though and I suppose it depends on the reason for you struggling ttc.
My Drs then told me my only option now is ivf funded by ourselves which is a massive no no as we just can't afford, so I have just done an egg share scheme, details in my siggy.

Sorry I'm not much help to you, just wanted to let you know. P.s I wouldn't take the first no from them and stayed on their cases a lot. After all, druggies and drunks get treatment on Nhs so keep pushing if you can.
Also different Drs have different limits.
GL to you Hun, I hope you get some help xx
Hello hun,

Thank's for your advice and tip's anythink is better then nothink right. im very greatful just for the reply. x

So you share your egg's to women who's egg's dont produce, and then you get free IVF or somethink?

Thank's again and hope to hear from you again. x x x

I know how ur feeling. i have 3 children, one of which is my foster son. i had my first baby with no problems then my next was 4 years later. now 13 yrs on we was not trying nor preventing and we got 0 pregnancies. so with that i went to the docs who has done some reg checks on me and now my partner is also in the middle of checks then we have to try for at least another 6 months and then go back if it doesnt happen. i think when you have a child already you really believe getting pregnant is pretty easy but ive learnt its not and its a game of patience lol x
I'm going through the same thing - although we're ttc #2 after a miscarriage last year and although all the tests/numbers come back fine.. nothing's happening..
What were the tests they did and the results. We might be able to bounce more ideas off you with results and such :)
Much luck to you!
Well my Fiance's SA come bad low, but then my doctor started telling me it was really low, but didnt care to help. My blood result's were good and bad but dont really remember what. Got some bloods coming up soon for a syndrome I might have in my legs but they are doing some of the one's I had done when doctors was doing blood works for fertility problem's so gonna check them and see if there's and difference. x x x

Thank's girlie's for all the advice and help. Hope you all get your BFP's soon because we all deserve to have as many children as we like but sometime's it just take's a lot longer then normal. x x x

Foxykins and TTC4Two hope all your test result's come back good news. :D x x x
Hi Jessica, yeah I share my eggs with a lady who can't use her own for whatever reason and ivf is greatly discounted. I paid £1000 but I know it's even cheaper in some hospitals.
It's good your pushing to find out now about any issues, there are some ladies on here who's oh has low count and they give them supplements to help improve it.
Don't know much about it but maybe worth asking in ltttc or assisted conception.
GL xx
Hi Jessica,
I can't remember all the specific names of the tests but I've had an HSG, ultrasounds, traditional bloodwork, and my husband was also tested and all came back fine and within normal ranges.. It took us a while with our first but then we decided to have a second and got pregnant right away and we were really happy but then I miscarried.. and have been trying ever since. Unfortunately they've labeled me as 'unexplained infertility' so i'm not sure what to do next. I've done all the otc methods and nothing helped.. just getting frustrated each month..good luck to all
Hello girlie's,

Thank's hun and your very brave and giving to give away your egg's, its a really lovely thing to do but I dunno if I could do that. x x x But you should be very proud of yourself hun. x x x

TTC4Two I only got blood works and finace got SA, when you say HSG do you mean the shot? Did you get reffered then because I got turned away. ow and thx for letting me know x x x
hey hun, i have 5 n haf yr old daughter and have been trying for sibling with new partner (also has a child) for 2 n haf years. i know my day 5 bloods were normal and u/s scan last yr healthy, waiting for up to date u/s coza health probs now. dnt know why i am not preg, sucks coz with father of 1st child, could never just enjoy pregnancy and cant remember anything of it. now am wih someone who i want baby with/sibling for daughter, just not happening. cant describe the emotion. how u getting on? x
Hi, Sorry to hear your having problems.

I've just had my day21 results, and my ovulataion test came back as 2.2, well under the 30+ that means i'v ov'd. my dr said its prob pcos, but dh has to have tests doing (going tuesday) then we go back for the results and to find the next step. I think I will get clomid on the nhs, but she told me that we wouldn't qualify for IVF as we already have a dd. I'm quite anxious about it all and whats going on.

No-one who isn't going through it seems to understand how hard it is. did they tell you what criteria you didn't meet?
Hi, Sorry to hear your having problems.

I've just had my day21 results, and my ovulataion test came back as 2.2, well under the 30+ that means i'v ov'd. my dr said its prob pcos, but dh has to have tests doing (going tuesday) then we go back for the results and to find the next step. I think I will get clomid on the nhs, but she told me that we wouldn't qualify for IVF as we already have a dd. I'm quite anxious about it all and whats going on.

No-one who isn't going through it seems to understand how hard it is. did they tell you what criteria you didn't meet?

i had a gp tell me that i couldnt have help with costs for ivf etc coza having a daughter already -however several since have told me this isnt true x
if it turns out is just u not ovulating, is it clomid they can give you to help stimulate ovulation? I gonna go for me day 21s soon too x
I think they start you on metformin first then clomid. But I will find out for def when we go back for dh's results.

other gp's told you? i'll have a look on my health-trusts website to find out. I've had a look at a couple of private clinics (I like to have the facts!) and ivf costs £2500 at one and £4500 at another. Not sure why its such a massive difference. But if you do egg sharing its £995. So feels a bit more possible now, would have to save like mad though!
Thank's girlie's all great tip's and advice. I Also didnt meet there critiria because I already have a daughter and also have seen and heard since then that there are alot of women getting free treatment with kid's. I just think my doctors is a joke but I went to see my women doctor last week and she wants my fiance to do another SA and if result's are still low she will help him, but if his result's are normal then she said she will help me as much as she can but with alot of differculty as I already have a child. But she said she will start with test's like checking my tube's aint blocked so when my fiance does the SA im hopeing and praying there normal. :D x x x GL ladie's and keep in touch I didn't no there was this many mummy TTC number 2 or more with trouble. x x x
Hi Jessica, I am going through something similar as well. I cannot afford fertility treatments either and My Husband has low sperm count as well (4 million count total!) What I have had success with making his sperm count higher are:

Good Mulitvitamin
B complex vitamin blend
drink tons of water
Folic acid
Horny goatweed Herb
Maca Herb
Roomy underwear
No cell phone in pocket
No laptop on lap

Sorry I know the list is long but hey when ur desperate for a baby it seems like you'll do anydthing!!! I also know alot about natural female fertility. We just found out about his low sperm count about six months ago and have done more semen analysis and his counts have increased with all the things we have been doing! There is hope i promise!
Thank's hun. LOL horny goatweed herb cant stop cracking up, never heard off it before were do you get it and is it a tab?

Thank's again I dont mind a long list better then none and there more the better chance of helping my fiance im just hopeing the doctor was lieing and that his next SA result's will be fine. I just hope it's not me trying to hope it is not my fiance with fertility problems. x x x

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