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End of April Testers / Support System!!! Xmas/NYE Babies

Yahoo!!! Our septic line is thawed!!! We now have full use of all drains and an empty septic tank. Sorry, but I'm excited, it's been frozen for about a week now... On the plus side the guy that came to thaw it was not bad to look at :) don't get me wrong I love dh with all my heart, but a girl can look right! On the bad side this whole ordeal has cost me $550 dollars and 3 days of work. At least I have vacation time...
Yahoo!!! Our septic line is thawed!!! We now have full use of all drains and an empty septic tank. Sorry, but I'm excited, it's been frozen for about a week now... On the plus side the guy that came to thaw it was not bad to look at :) don't get me wrong I love dh with all my heart, but a girl can look right! On the bad side this whole ordeal has cost me $550 dollars and 3 days of work. At least I have vacation time...

Haha you're right, a girl can look. We use to have a cute security guard at work and he knew we all checked him out...we called him hot cop. When he made his rounds his demeanor changed like 'I'm sexy and I know it'. Ugh the cost sucks, but thank goodness it's fixed.
I'm already out this month. I didn't O. I started getting higher and higher LH and then this morning nothing. :(
I'm already out this month. I didn't O. I started getting higher and higher LH and then this morning nothing. :(

Could it be that you may O late? I can't believe that clomid didn't work. I'm really sorry hun.
Smille24 - I am not sure, It has never really happened late ever, but there is always a first for everything.

FLArmyWife - No I didn't end up getting the shot this month.

I took a test again this morning because I had EWCM and the test states low LH. OMG I don't get it!!! Sometimes I wish we had a little peep hole so we have some sort of idea on whats going on :haha:

I actually have a call into my doctor so I can schedule an appointment and see when I can come in for blood work, also about my sleeping pattern. This past weekend and last night were the worst. Waking up screaming, freaking out, feeling the worst, waking up with dripping sweat or shivering cold, but not remembering anything when my DH tried to comforts me. :shrug:
Faith- hope the dr can see you soon and figure out what needs to change

I too wish for a peep hole. I took clomid CD 5-9. Been temping and randomly this morning FF says I O'd on Friday?! That's on CD 11. I am supposed to go in for a follicular ultrasound tomorrow so i'm hoping FF is wrong because I didn't get back in town until last night which would mean this entire cycle was a bust if I O'd Friday
Faith- hope the dr can see you soon and figure out what needs to change

I too wish for a peep hole. I took clomid CD 5-9. Been temping and randomly this morning FF says I O'd on Friday?! That's on CD 11. I am supposed to go in for a follicular ultrasound tomorrow so i'm hoping FF is wrong because I didn't get back in town until last night which would mean this entire cycle was a bust if I O'd Friday

My app told me I o'd on the 11th which is false because I am still getting low LH and haven't even had the highest yet.

CD12 +Low LH
CD13 +Low LH
CD14 + Low LH (App said I O'd)
CD 15 -
CD16 + Low LH (This morning)

Weird :shrug: :growlmad:

So don't trust the app lol wait for your ultra sound!!!!
lol yes I am not going to trust some electronic computing program.. I'd rather SEE for myself.. tomorrow can't come soon enough
Faith- I am so sorry. I hope you O late rather than not at all. I really hope your dr can provide some answers regarding why clomid isn't working and your messed up sleep pattern.

I too wish we could look in and see what's happening. I still have a week b4 using opk. So I'm far behind.
Smille this will be my last time using clomid, my OB will have to give me something else. I refuse to feel the way i am feeling another month!!!

i hope I O too!!! Right now I am 3 days in my TTW (very weird!!!!)

I am just ready to get a + or I am ready for my couple months break. I am going insane!
Smille this will be my last time using clomid, my OB will have to give me something else. I refuse to feel the way i am feeling another month!!!

i hope I O too!!! Right now I am 3 days in my TTW (very weird!!!!)

I am just ready to get a + or I am ready for my couple months break. I am going insane!

:hugs: it sounds like your dr is confident so I am certain she will figure this out.
Faith, you should def. ask about femara, it literally causes me no side effects at all! I'm on cd 5-9, some drs prescribe 3-7, but I went from 60 X-ray cycles to 33-34, so it's def. working to make me o, now if we can just catch that dang eggy!
CD 17, clomid 3-7

6 days I have flashing smiley faces (detects estrogen levels) a day between those 6 days I got a circle which is nothing. Still have yet to get my sold smiley face (detects LH surge).

I just got off the phone with my doctor and she told me that it sounds like I wont O this month. (A little background, before Clomid I would only O every other or every 3-4 months, so thats why clomid was prescribed to me) She is thinking that I have a bad ovary:cry: WTF

She doesn't want me to skip next month because she wants to get to the bottom of all this. I did ask her about fermara but she wants me to do 6 cycles of clomid before we change. :dohh:
Hi everyone. I am new here and need some help. We TTC for :baby:2 years after m M/C. Always have regular 26-28 circles and regular ovulation around 12-15 day. Last month i had HSG and one tybe was blocked but the contrast did the job.
After that my AF showed 2 of April. From CD7 I had a lot of EWCM and i did OPK on CD7 and CD9 - negative.
Then on CD11 and CD12 positive (the same color like control line). And today CD13 negative( test line lighter than c line)
I had o-pain yesterday and today I feel my ovary swollen.
I had some bbt rise on CD 12 but today again low. No ovulation on bbt chart. :nope:
Question is when was or is my O?24-48 hours from first or second pos opk?
My next AF is around 29 of April. I don't want to see her face. :nope:
I wish you all BFP soon.
My Ovulation Chart
This is my chart.
Faith- :hugs: I really hope that it all works out soon! I hope you don't have a bum ovary.. but it is very possible still to conceive with just one. I just hope the clomid quits giving you such horrible side effects.

FF has been trying to tell me I O'd on Friday. This morning I had my follicular ultrasound and had a nice 23mm follicle (so NO FF I did not O on Friday!). Had the HCG shot and we have been told to BD tonight and tomorrow.
Faith- your dr seems to be onto something especially if your body skips Oing some months. Although it seems discouraging that you may have a bum ovary, you can definitely still get pregnant. It sounds like your dr has insight and I really think she can get the job done although not as quick as anticipated. We are all here to support you.

Tina- maybe you geared up to O but didn't. It's very possible to O late. That happened to me last month due to getting an infection. Keep temping and using opk.

FLarmy- FF is so unreliable sometimes. I only like it for keeping track of my temps. That's great that you'll be Oing soon!! GL!!!

Lots of :dust: to you all.
Faith- :hugs: I really hope that it all works out soon! I hope you don't have a bum ovary.. but it is very possible still to conceive with just one. I just hope the clomid quits giving you such horrible side effects.

FF has been trying to tell me I O'd on Friday. This morning I had my follicular ultrasound and had a nice 23mm follicle (so NO FF I did not O on Friday!). Had the HCG shot and we have been told to BD tonight and tomorrow.

yayayayya :happydance: thats so exciting!!!!!!! get your freak on :sex:

I told my DH and he doesnt want me on the clomid any more because he is worried lol so sweet!!!! But I totally get it. But its weird as I am typing this I feel some pain in my right side :shrug: I have a few more OPK that I will continue to use until I get a + or a -

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