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End of April Testers / Support System!!! Xmas/NYE Babies

Faith- your dr seems to be onto something especially if your body skips Oing some months. Although it seems discouraging that you may have a bum ovary, you can definitely still get pregnant. It sounds like your dr has insight and I really think she can get the job done although not as quick as anticipated. We are all here to support you.

Tina- maybe you geared up to O but didn't. It's very possible to O late. That happened to me last month due to getting an infection. Keep temping and using opk.

FLarmy- FF is so unreliable sometimes. I only like it for keeping track of my temps. That's great that you'll be Oing soon!! GL!!!

Lots of :dust: to you all.

Thank you sweets!! I am just very discouraged! But I am trying so hard to keep my spirits up! I just bought the book The Impatient Woman's Guide to Getting Pregnant.

So let me ask this, if I O late does that mean my LP is just off and I can still have a TTW and have a chance? Like lets say my OB is wrong and I get a + tomorrow or even Friday, is their still a chance?

I don't even want to think about a screwed up ovary until a test is done and its confirmed, I would be heart broken!!!!!
Hi everyone. I am new here and need some help. We TTC for :baby:2 years after m M/C. Always have regular 26-28 circles and regular ovulation around 12-15 day. Last month i had HSG and one tybe was blocked but the contrast did the job.
After that my AF showed 2 of April. From CD7 I had a lot of EWCM and i did OPK on CD7 and CD9 - negative.
Then on CD11 and CD12 positive (the same color like control line). And today CD13 negative( test line lighter than c line)
I had o-pain yesterday and today I feel my ovary swollen.
I had some bbt rise on CD 12 but today again low. No ovulation on bbt chart. :nope:
Question is when was or is my O?24-48 hours from first or second pos opk?
My next AF is around 29 of April. I don't want to see her face. :nope:
I wish you all BFP soon.

When you OPK on CD 11 and CD12, was one in the morning and the other at night? From my understanding you will only have 12 hrs of LH surge and then O will happen 24-36 hrs after that surge. If thats the case I would say CD13 is your big O
Hi everyone. I am new here and need some help. We TTC for :baby:2 years after m M/C. Always have regular 26-28 circles and regular ovulation around 12-15 day. Last month i had HSG and one tybe was blocked but the contrast did the job.
After that my AF showed 2 of April. From CD7 I had a lot of EWCM and i did OPK on CD7 and CD9 - negative.
Then on CD11 and CD12 positive (the same color like control line). And today CD13 negative( test line lighter than c line)
I had o-pain yesterday and today I feel my ovary swollen.
I had some bbt rise on CD 12 but today again low. No ovulation on bbt chart. :nope:
Question is when was or is my O?24-48 hours from first or second pos opk?
My next AF is around 29 of April. I don't want to see her face. :nope:
I wish you all BFP soon.

When you OPK on CD 11 and CD12, was one in the morning and the other at night? From my understanding you will only have 12 hrs of LH surge and then O will happen 24-36 hrs after that surge. If thats the case I would say CD13 is your big O
Thanks. Both poz opk on CD11 and 12 were at 2 p.m.And today my breasts started be painful like usually have 1-2 dpo.
Now i will wait for BFP. :happydance:
Hi everyone. I am new here and need some help. We TTC for :baby:2 years after m M/C. Always have regular 26-28 circles and regular ovulation around 12-15 day. Last month i had HSG and one tybe was blocked but the contrast did the job.
After that my AF showed 2 of April. From CD7 I had a lot of EWCM and i did OPK on CD7 and CD9 - negative.
Then on CD11 and CD12 positive (the same color like control line). And today CD13 negative( test line lighter than c line)
I had o-pain yesterday and today I feel my ovary swollen.
I had some bbt rise on CD 12 but today again low. No ovulation on bbt chart. :nope:
Question is when was or is my O?24-48 hours from first or second pos opk?
My next AF is around 29 of April. I don't want to see her face. :nope:
I wish you all BFP soon.

When you OPK on CD 11 and CD12, was one in the morning and the other at night? From my understanding you will only have 12 hrs of LH surge and then O will happen 24-36 hrs after that surge. If thats the case I would say CD13 is your big O
Thanks. Both poz opk on CD11 and 12 were at 2 p.m.And today my breasts started be painful like usually have 1-2 dpo.
Now i will wait for BFP. :happydance:

I would totally count that as 1-2 DPO. I see on all these forums that temping can get messed up with the slightest change. I tried temping for a month and made it 2 weeks because clomid makes me have night sweats and I am always over heating so my chart was skitsofrantic :haha:
I can attest to the irritation in temping. It kept telling me I O'd Friday but had my follicule appointment today and NOPE didn't O yet. My follicle measured 23mm and I was given the HCG shot to induce ovulation. So.. I'll be in the TWW starting tomorrow I suppose.

Faith- sending lots of :dust: your way. Hope this is your month!
Thanks. Sometimes I want to leave all: bbt,ewcm, opk. But I want:baby:so I have to be friend with them.
I wish you all the best. See you BFP soon.
I can attest to the irritation in temping. It kept telling me I O'd Friday but had my follicule appointment today and NOPE didn't O yet. My follicle measured 23mm and I was given the HCG shot to induce ovulation. So.. I'll be in the TWW starting tomorrow I suppose.

Faith- sending lots of :dust: your way. Hope this is your month!

Thank you sweetie. I opk again and got a fully blown out :bfn: :(
:( oh no.. well we can't always rely on POAS can we? I'll hold out hope that you still did O
Aww faith sorry Hun! :hugs: I am thinking I oed yesterday, had a temp drop yesterday and a good rise today.. Tomorrow will tell, hopefully we caught it.. :sex: 3 days in a row leading up to o, so here's hoping... I guess I'm officially in the tww...
I can attest to the irritation in temping. It kept telling me I O'd Friday but had my follicule appointment today and NOPE didn't O yet. My follicle measured 23mm and I was given the HCG shot to induce ovulation. So.. I'll be in the TWW starting tomorrow I suppose.

Faith- sending lots of :dust: your way. Hope this is your month!

Last month ff said according to my temps I O'd as well but I ended up Oing later. I'm questioning whether bbt is even worth it grr.
Faith- your dr seems to be onto something especially if your body skips Oing some months. Although it seems discouraging that you may have a bum ovary, you can definitely still get pregnant. It sounds like your dr has insight and I really think she can get the job done although not as quick as anticipated. We are all here to support you.

Tina- maybe you geared up to O but didn't. It's very possible to O late. That happened to me last month due to getting an infection. Keep temping and using opk.

FLarmy- FF is so unreliable sometimes. I only like it for keeping track of my temps. That's great that you'll be Oing soon!! GL!!!

Lots of :dust: to you all.

Thank you sweets!! I am just very discouraged! But I am trying so hard to keep my spirits up! I just bought the book The Impatient Woman's Guide to Getting Pregnant.

So let me ask this, if I O late does that mean my LP is just off and I can still have a TTW and have a chance? Like lets say my OB is wrong and I get a + tomorrow or even Friday, is their still a chance?

I don't even want to think about a screwed up ovary until a test is done and its confirmed, I would be heart broken!!!!!

If you get a + tomorrow and you just O late I'd say you definitely have a chance. Your LP will remain the same length and your af will be late. Like what happened to me last month. I got an infection around the time I was to O, so it was delayed but I O'd 4 days later. That's why af was late causing me to go insane. Any slight imbalance can probably cause a delay.
Omg i got a - last night and a + this morning. No LH surge yet. Grrr should i go buy more tests? I have no idea what my body is trying to pull
:hugs: I'm not sure how OPKs work so don't have any advice there but I just want to send you lots of :dust: to O soon
Omg i got a - last night and a + this morning. No LH surge yet. Grrr should i go buy more tests? I have no idea what my body is trying to pull

I'd definitely get more tests especially if you got a + and experienced pinching on one side last night.
Omg i got a - last night and a + this morning. No LH surge yet. Grrr should i go buy more tests? I have no idea what my body is trying to pull

I'd definitely get more tests especially if you got a + and experienced pinching on one side last night.

I def am as soon as I get off work. Plus I just went potty and I have clear CM (weird smell also). Not sure if its EW because I am at work and don't have time to examine lol
you ladies are so awesome. This is a complete first for me!! Smille I now know how you feel :hugs:

I tried talking to my DH and he is just soo laid back and closed door he just doesn't understand and It upsets me that he doesn't take the time to learn about this process. I guess I shouldn't be to upset because he has came a long way since his performance issues!! He is now always ready to :sex: :haha:
:hugs: I'm sorry he isn't a little more understanding, but maybe he'll get it over time.

Mine didn't understand things when we first got together but after some counseling and reading (he picked the book) he is a bit more understanding plus he has taken the initiative to look up different information to be as informed as possible.

get that BD ;)
All great signs Faith :dance:.

My hubby is the same. I try to explain it to him but I swear as soon as the subject arises he zones out :dohh:. He just wants to know when to show up. I'm just hoping that since I O'd late last month I won't O early this month. DH isn't back until Sunday.

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