Hey Smille and everyone,
Thanks for checking in on me! Wednesday I'll be 14 DPO/IUI, and that's when they said to test. If I can, I want to wait until Thursday, which is when I'd be considered "late." Too many times I jump the gun and then AF shows the same day I test, and I'm too cheap to go and buy 500 HPT's lol. So going forward I don't want to use up a test unless I have good reason to. I'm a pretty regular 13 to 14 luteal length, so I think if nothing by Thursday morning, I'll give it a go.
I have had some very slight cramping here and there, but like so many months before, so I'm not reading into it at all. It's been nice during this 2 weeks to not have to worry about shots, meds, scans, etc. Just back to living life (except for the progesterone at bedtime :-/)
How are you doing? I can't believe you and I were in the same boat not that long ago, and you must be what, 7/8 weeks along now??
PeanutorJelly, welcome! We all know what you're going through and hope to be supportive for you here. What's your current cycle's plan?
Lemon, yikes just 2%?? Does that mean 2% if you were TTC on your own? Hopefully that number will go up with some assistance with meds, etc. My doc always reiterates to me "10%, 10%. On any given cycle or plan, your chances are 10%." I don't know if that's accurate for all the patients he's seen over the years, or if he's just trying to keep things realistic...but that's what I hear a lot from him.
I hope you get some good news from the doc at your surgical consult. I'm with you on trying the IUI's first, since it's less invasive, but I also don't want to stay on that train for very long. I figure if it doesn't work after 3 months, especially if I have multiple follicles like this round, then it's time to bring out the big guns. But hopefully we won't have to!!