Hi all, sorry I've been MIA. Lots going on lately. So latest update after we cancelled our IUI this cycle. We discussed it and we aren't going to mess around any more with IUIs any more. The multiple follicles, the rolling the dice...just too stressful. So we've decided to go asap to in vitro. I'm just waiting for AF to show, hopefully next week, and hopefully we can do a retrieval in April. Here's where it gets complicated. Depending on when my period is and whether I have residual cysts (side effect from the meds) I may need to go on birth control until May. At my clinic they get all the women on the same cycle and do all their retrievals at the same time. Slightly weird. So it could be as early as April, and as late as May. Now, my insurance has a $5,000 cap on ART, so one retrieval and we are done. Given the less than stellar quality of my ovaries at this time, ideally we want to do a few retrievals so we can have more than one child down the road. So luckily my insurance runs out June 30, and we can then hop on my hubby's July 1, which has $20,000 ART coverage. The the IVF clinic is closed in July for cleaning (seriously WTF IVF?). So then we'd ideally do another retrieval in August. Hopefully between the 2 we'd have a good amount stock piled in case of miscarriage, lack of implantation, or future kids. Crazy we have to do things like this, and I'm beyond frustrated that this could mean we are now talking 5 more months before even the possibility of conceiving. But at this point, I'm so used to things being delayed and out of my control, what's another few months. Then hopefully we can get started having the family we dreamed of. Never imagined insurance games would play into our family planning, but we are very lucky to have the option. Hopefully no hicupps when trying to switch over. There's also the possibility that I could make tons of eggs during the first round and we wouldn't need to do a second retrieval. We shall see. Time will tell.
Bee, welcome to our thread! Sorry you've had to join us under these circumstances, but you are in good hands at the doctors and we are here for you along the way. Will probably see you at a morning ultrasound!
Lemon, I have my fingers crossed for the MRI results. I found that oral meds did not change my ovulation day, but injectables made it earlier since the follicles developed so much faster. Either way, there are meds they can give to to delay or trigger ovulation (crazy) so you might be able to pull it off this month if your doctor's office would allow that.