Entering the world of Assisted Conception...like it or not...

I don't know anything about estrogen priming, but I can relate to the RE not being the most helpful with suggesting protocols. It is so frustrating and everything I've asked about regarding mine has been be promoting the discussion, but I think a lot of times they don't know and don't want to suggest stuff to get our hopes up too much. Because anything else would just be an "attempt." Yes it very well could work, but it also couldn't so they have to be realistic about letting you know that.

I'd rather have them suggest something though. It's so frustrating. My RE told me this last visit that he used to suggest people do a lot more attempts like transferring day 3 if things are looking bad just to try "something" but that over time he's learned that it does a disservice to his patients and now he's more cautious and realistic in what he recommends. I can get it because they don't want to get hopes up too much, but I agree sometimes it does feel like they are giving us a death sentence and it's not fun to get at all.

Good luck on your next attempt.
Thanks Bronte, and I think that is probably where mine is coming from. She has been doing this for 37 years and maybe the truth just hurts when she keeps telling us the likelihood of success is so low. Having said that, I think she needs to listen when we say we aren't ready to give up, and try to be optimistic by telling us some options that we can try based on other DOR common protocols. Goodness, a simple Google search of DOR IVF protocols shows that there are several that are recommended. Why she is discounting them all as not likely to help is discouraging. But at least she's not refusing treatment, so if I can continue to bring up protocols and she's willing to do them, then I guess we are ok. Just feel like this is her job, not mine. Right??
Hiker, I totally agree that she should be the one suggesting new protocols. :dohh: It's awesome that she has so much experience, but maybe she's gotten lax about learning some of the newer ones? Or jaded? There has to be a good balance between being realistic and being hopeful. I'm glad she's up to try the one you suggested, at least.

I'm doing estrogen priming in my upcoming fall cycle. I didn't know it was helpful for DOR, though, which is good to hear. All I know so far is that they want me to go in on CD14 and at that point theyll do some scans and determine when to time starting the estrogen. I'll take estrogen through the rest of that cycle until AF and then after that, stimming begins. When I know more, I'll share it with you, but it sounds like our cycles might be around the same time as each other. If you learn anything new, I want to hear it, too!! <3
I totally agree. I feel like it's their job too. We are paying them a lot of money and I do feel like they should be making more suggestions, especially in your case since you have expressed interest to keep proceeding, she should have more suggestions of potential stuff.

I got the impression from one of my doctors they didn't want to change anything with my protocol which I didn't understand at all since we got bad results. I agree there's things I can change but can't they suggest changes on their end too that might help? I was frustrated after that visit as well.

Mine finally said he'd brainstorm protocol ideas with his fellow doctors at clinic meetings which I appreciated but he didn't give me much to go on in the meantime.

Have you asked Mdc on the other thread more about human growth hormone during the cycle? I don't know a ton about it or if it's recommended for DOR but maybe another thing to talk to your doctor about. I think it's mostly for poor responders which I don't fit exactly but you might and it's more money but if it works it would be worth it.
Hi all! New here too. I'm 38, had about 4 chemical pregnancies last year, my egg quality is poo! I just went to my 3rd eval with an RE and i had one follie...just one lonely follie on day 2...boo. LH and FSH are both 28+, and in combination to lack of ovarian reserve, my chances of conception are less than 1%, or better than really good birth control.
She mentioned that my only chance of getting pregnant is with a donor egg or donated embie. I'd go the embie route, donated eggs are so expensive :(.

I'd love to hear your personal stories. Anyone else go the donated embie route? How was the process (physically, emotionally). I'd love to hear successes or failed attempts.

Thank you all :)
I'm so sorry to hear of your bleak numbers. I have not gotten to the point of a donor egg or embryo, and won't do so until I've exhausted all my options. I know others don't have much of an issue with it, but I feel that as long as I'm producing eggs, I have to try. It doesn't sound like your body is responding much at all, so it might be realistic for you to consider it.

As for me, I'm continuing on my Chinese herbs and trying to stay healthy and positive for my estrogen priming cycle starting next month. The more I've thought about my doctor's response, the more I am coming to the conclusion I am going to look elsewhere if this cycle doesn't work. I continue to find doctors and facilities around the country where the doctors have detailed, published treatment plans for women with DOR, so I think I am going to take the plunge to go elsewhere. I'm trying to find the best options of facilities, and do my research ahead of time, so if things fail the next time, I have a plan. I will have to take a leave of absence and obviously it will be expensive, but so is buying a car, and this is a heck of a lot more important. I'm done messing around with clinics who aren't looking out for my best interest.
Hello darling - I don't have any experience with donor eggs or embies either but I wish you luck and so sorry you have gotten low odds but really hope donor eggs or embies will do the trick for you.

Hiker - glad to hear you are starting back up again and I think it's wise to move on after three attempts with no success. Going to a clinic with more experience treating patients with DOR seems like a smart choice. I still think you should talk with your doctor about using human growth hormone in your next cycle. After reading about it while deciding for myself I've read a few success stories with it for women with DOR and really increasing quality on the remaining eggs for that cycle. As with anything and IVF there's not a ton of research on it and my doctor advised against it but I think the reason there's not a ton of info is because it was more expensive for a while and rarely used. Now it's gone down in price and used a bit more. Whatever you choose, best wishes!!
Thanks! I did ask about it actually. And they gave a very logical response. 1) They are SUPER expensive and not covered and 2) there is limited data on the effectiveness. They will not recommend or endorse anything to their patients that does not have sound research behind it. That was enough for me. Maybe at another clinic, if I have to go that route, will be more progressive and recommend it, but I am realizing that you are limited by your clinic's practices. If they aren't endorsing or open to trying it, you either have to accept it or go elsewhere. Which is probably why I'll end up at clinic #3 in Timbuktu next :)
Goodness - I think you are right. You are limited a bit. If they'd only do anything with strong research there wouldn't be much to try with IVF. And as far as I've been told the cost is only around $1,000 now for most places in the U.S. That's a drop in the bucket in my opinion to everything else we are paying for.

Sorry you might have to switch clinics again and they aren't more open to trying things.

Really hope the estrogen priming works for you and that does the trick. At least they are switching it up a bit at your request.
Hellodarling - forgot to mention that I think most of the ladies on the "Inconceivable and beyond" thread that's pretty active on here have done donor eggs or embryos. They might be a great resource for you.

I've thought about it if our next cycle fails but think I'm leaning towards adoption since I don't have a super strong urge to carry my own child. It's such a personal decision.

Would you want to try with your own eggs at all first, despite the low odds? Again it's a personal choice and would be hard especially given all the financial involvement. But a lot of people need to start there before moving on.
Hellodarling - forgot to mention that I think most of the ladies on the "Inconceivable and beyond" thread that's pretty active on here have done donor eggs or embryos. They might be a great resource for you.

I've thought about it if our next cycle fails but think I'm leaning towards adoption since I don't have a super strong urge to carry my own child. It's such a personal decision.

Would you want to try with your own eggs at all first, despite the low odds? Again it's a personal choice and would be hard especially given all the financial involvement. But a lot of people need to start there before moving on.

I absolutely would have tried IUI on my own if I had eggs. I don't have any left though, my ovary had one follie last scan, so my reproducing days are over. I'll check on inconceivable and beyond!!! Thank you so much for the direction!
You're welcome. Good luck to you. Keep us updated if you decide to move forward. Would love to follow your progress.
Hiker -

Just checking in to see how you are doing. When do you start your next cycle with the estrogen priming? Really hope that does the trick for you.
Hi Bronte and everyone else! Thanks for thinking of me. I haven't been on here for a while as there hasn't been much to report, and I'm back to school so I've been a total nut job, stress ball. I'm glad I am not doing IVF right now because it would be too much. Things feel like they are coming together finally with school so hopefully I will be better equipped to start my next round!

I got my confirmed ovulation surge Monday with my opk and bloods/US, so I start taking Estrace on 10/4. As I understand it, I will take that until my period (7 days after that), then I will begin antagonist and stims? Sorry don't have the paperwork in front of me right now for the exact timing.

Trying to just live my life, while still taking all my loads of vitamins and Chinese herbs. Every so often the pang of childlessness takes over, especially when I hear baby and pregnancy announcements. My sister-in-law's showers are coming up and I cannot bring myself to care in the slightest. I'm not helping my mom, and thinking of looking at her registry makes me want to vomit. My best friend had her baby yesterday - planned for a home birth and turned out the baby was breached and her foot started coming out before the ambulance could get there. Makes me so mad that she could be so careless to assume all would go fine at home, seems like such an unneccessary risk to take in today's day and age. Luckily baby are fine and emergency c-section, but shoot, had she gone straight to the hospital, it might not have been such an emergency. But again, probably more to do with me and my anger at not being able to be blessed with such a gift...and then to think some people take it so much for granted. I digress. hope everyone is well. Tell me how you are all doing. I hope someone out there has some good news?
That's coming up soon. Great news! And hopefully the semester calms down enough so it's not as overwhelming. Do you teach or are you in school?

So sorry you are having a hard time with being childless and then having everyone around you pregnant it seems. It can definetly get challenging especially when you are at a low point. And it is really hard to watch people take unnecessary risks or some people fall pregnant so easily, when it's been taking forever for you. Hang in there and hopefully now that everyone has almost had kids it might get a bit easier in some ways not hearing about the pregnancy stage.

I seem to go in spurts with my emotions but usually seeing kids don't bother me much and lately I've been wondering more what it would be like without them. No idea if it's a defense mechanism for me or what. But today my friend asked me if I wanted to go to Greece with her next year and she knows we are doing IVF in January but forgot that would mean I probably couldn't. Anyway just thinking about traveling lots got me thinking life without kids would not be the worst for me. It's so weird how much our minds go in circles during this process (at least mine does). Sometimes I think it's just the waiting in general that makes our minds spin, makes us think crazier things, get more upset and bitter, and just feel everything more intensely.

Anyway, hope it starts improving for you and the emotions calm down.

AFM - not much going on. Just still trying to improve egg quality for my next IVF cycle in January.
Hi, ladies! Wanted to share my experience while facing infertility issues. Our path had been quite long before we achieved success abroad - in Ukraine. I'm 40 yo, suffering from endo and pcos. We tried 1 round clomid which ended with BFN. Then 1 fresh cycle with 5-day 2 embryos using own eggs. Unfortunately it turned out to be a disaster for us as I miscarried 12.2 weeks. Yet another fresh OE cycle - and another failure. Our doc suggested moving to egg donation as the only option. So the greatest helping hand for us became eviternity.org where we found the possibility to have 1st app for free and get more answers. Thankfully our patient coordinator Josephine was extremely helpful and supportive. She's through the world of infertility herself, that's why she understood our anxiety about DE and did her best to explain the treatment plan in Biotexcom. Just in a couple of days after this consultation we signed the papers and headed off. From that very moment time flew, donor matching program was completed in 2 weeks. I wish we could find this palce much earlier!
Thanks for reading and baby dust to all!
Hi all, just popping in. Finished my estrogen, got my period, took 7 days of Ganirelix, now tonight starting stims. Had an acupuncture appointment tonight to kickstart things and continuing on Chinese herbs. Staying busy and living life, as well as stepping away from the computer during these 2 months of no treatment, have all been a relief for me. I'm feeling renewed and ready to roll this cycle. Spent lots of time thinking of the next steps should this one not pan out. But not thinking too much on it since there's no sense in worrying before I know what we're dealing with. How are all of you?
Hiker, that's brilliant!!! How have the mess been treating you so far? And what's your estimated retrieval date?

Not much here, on a Clomid cycle now and gearing up for an IUI next cycle. Insurance will approve my IVF meds after 3 Clomid cycles, so hoping to jump on the IVF train early next year.

How are you feeling about the IVF experience so far?

It's good to see you on here again!
Hi Lemon,
I feel fine. Honestly trying to train my brain and use this time to think about what I will do when this cycle doesn't work. Adoption? Donor egg? Go to another doc somewhere else? That will be a huge decision, so as I go about my day, I try to think about how I feel about these things. I will still have insurance left for probably 2 more IVF rounds after this one, so I think it's worth continuing to try...but probably not with my doc due to their limited opinions and lack of desire to take risks with people with DOR. After that...if it pans out we just can't conceive...well today at least I am leaning toward adoption. Something about the donor egg thing I just can't come to terms with at this time. But I guess that's something we can decide later. That's just how I'm leaning today. :)

In other, freaking unbelievable, news. I found a lump on my breast last night. Like What. THE. hell. So my mind races to...it's going to be cancer...or at the very least they will have to do some crazy removal surgery and it will be my luck that we conceive and then we lose the baby. Based on how the docs freaked this summer when my brother was a carrier for a rare genetic disease, I am afraid to say anything in fear they will cancel this cycle. I want to get it checked, but also feel it's probably fine, but don't want the docs to freak again and risk cancelling me when we are SO close right now. My husband says to make an appt with the obgyn but there's no reason why the obgyn would need to share anything with the fertility doc...I dont know. But really. what the HELL!!! WHY???

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