Entering the world of Assisted Conception...like it or not...

Hey Hiker, it's so good to hear from you! I'm so glad you are starting fresh and feel particularly excited about the new insurance coverage.

I hope you find good luck with this new doctor! What will your protocol be? When do you start?

AFM - in the midst of stimming for IVF, but not seeing much response so far. Taking it one day at a time.

Big hugs to you. :hugs:
Hiker good to hear from you. That's amazing and wonderful you have such great IVF coverage. Very jealous and wish is was standard!

So sorry about the mini cycle but it sounds like you are now with a doctor that is your best chance and will hopefully be able to provide you with a child.

Lemon - really hoping you see more growth when you go for your appointment tomorrow.

AFM - I'm getting ready to start my next IVF cycle finally. We are doing a Lupron protocol this time. So starting Lupron next week on CD 21. Excited to finally be moving forward again.
Hiker- I am glad you found a place that is very supportive and better for you in the long run. That's amazing regarding your insurance. Ours covers nothing for infertility. I hope this coming cycle is your last. I think of you often and hope 2017 blesses you with a baby.
Hiker- just wanted to pop in and see how you're doing. Have you started a new cycle yet? I think of you often and hope you're doing well.
HI smille, how nice of you to think of me :) I have started estrogen priming and am waiting for AF to start, then we will begin ivf number 5. Can't belive it. 5 times of this crap. It's been several weeks of getting all my meds ordered, paperwork completed, an on Thursday had an EFT test, which involves an endometrial biopsy (ouch) to test if I have any receptivity issues. Unlikely, but I'd rather know now so if we do get good embryos I want to make sure there is absolutely no good reason they wouldn't implant. Should find out before we'd have to transfer hopefully.

How is your baby? I love the steelers outfits!

Lemon how did your cycle go?

Bronte, what's the status on your cycle?

Anyone else out there still reading? What's going on with you all?
Hiker I'm glad to see you're doing ok, and proceeding with everything. I had been wondering about you!
Hey, Hiker! :wave: It's so good to hear an update from you!

5 times around. Wow. I hope this one brings you your success story. <3

My first cycle was cancelled. We got three eggs and none fertilized. It sucked. :nope: I actually start estrogen priming myself again on Tuesday and then stims shortly after AF starts! Looks like we'll be cycle buddies. :hugs:

Wishing you so much luck. Keep us posted!
I'm sorry this will be the 5th time, but I hope this is the final cycle for you :hugs:. Just the words 'endometrial biopsy' sound awful, but you have a point it's best to know if there could possibly be any issues that could complicate things. I hope you get some good embryos this time around. Fxd for you!

Lemon- I'm sorry to see that none of your eggs fertilized. I hope this cycle is kinder to you.

Maybe next year the Steelers will make it to the superbowl &#129300;. Baby is doing really good...growing like a weed.
Hi Smille, thanks for checking on me. Not sure if anyone else is still reading, but I figure it might be time for an update. So my last cycle, #5, was also a bust. I was feeling so hopeful with my new, wonderful doctor. They got more eggs than ever (10) and more than ever mature and fertilize (4) but again they all were highly fragmented and stopped growing at about 4 cells.

In the meantime, I got the results of that EFT test. It showed, of course, that I also have receptivity issues with my lining. So in other words, no embryo would ever be able to implant in my uterus at its current state. Kinda makes the past 2+ years feel like a waste. But at least we know now, and I am thankful to have a doctor who is looking to diligently to find a reason for our lack of success. So what that means is, and a likely cause among several reasons, was that I could have endometriosis. Yes, on top of all of this, I could have had endometriosis that was never diagnosed.

So after my failed IVF, the doctor said I should get a laparoscopy to get a better look inside. Well I had it Tuesday, and wouldn't you know, the found some! My doctor was right again! They removed everything they could - it was minor, only stage 1, but still was there. So now I am at home recovering.

As far as next steps, my doctor said it is actually a good thing that I have endo as it 1) explains some things (could be contributing to my poor egg quality all along!) and 2) we have some direction now. Had they found nothing, he said we likely would have been "stuck" (aka in my mind, time for donor eggs). So the plan is to supress me with BCP and Letrozole for 2 months, which should shrink any residual endo as I understand it, then stim again for likely our last round of IVF as our insurance will run out. If we still have the same results, well I'll feel like we gave it our all and I think will be at peace with donor eggs.

Which, on the DE note, I was losing my mind looking through profiles and trying to wrap my mind around having my child be genetically related to a stranger. Well life moves in mysterious ways sometimes...we broached the subject with my brother, whose wife may be willing to donate. And then today out of the blue, my friend came to visit me with her 3 month old. I finally opened up to her about our struggles and the surgery, etc., and she flat out said she would love to give me her eggs. I couldn't believe it. I can't believe someone could be so generous and kind. She seemed very excited about doing it and being able to help us. So I don't know how this whole story will end, but I am thankful to feel like we have some options ahead of us - that we don't seem to be at a dead end...yet.
I am so happy to hear from you. I think of you often and peek in from time to time to see if you've given an update.

I am so happy you're working with a dr who is thorough and trying to see why all of th these cycles have been a bust. Your drs back home should've caught the endometriosis or at least look for it. It's a shame some drs are too quick to give up.

Although it sucks you have endometriosis, you found the issue and from the way it sounds your dr is hopeful that it could take.

You have a plan B when all else fails and it's such a blessing that people in your life are willing to assist in any way possible. It's lovely to see you have amazing support. I didn't have that in real life when we were struggling. I am so excited for you and I hope you keep updating. I don't know you personally, but you are a strong woman who has fought through this tough battle and I'd love to see you come out on top.
Hello All! I am new to these particular threads. I was on the TTC #1 threads for a while but DH and I spent the last few months getting some tests done and well...here we are!

Backstory...DH was born without the vas deferens (the tube that connects the testes to the penis). So, he has the little swimmers :spermy: they just cant go anywhere.

So we have our first consult appointment with Boston IVF on 5/8/17. I know that we'll get a lot of answers on that day but I'm driving myself crazy wondering what we're getting into. Can anyone help me prepare for what will happen first? What can I expect?:shrug:

I'm 27 years old, so is DH. I have normal regular AF cycles and I've never taken birth control in my life. As far as we know I am perfectly healthy. Will this change how they treat me? I'm most anxious about the injections I've been reading about and the preparation part that I will have to do. That's where I would really like to get some feed back and hear about other's experiences.
Will you have to do IVF or is IUI an option? If you could do IUI then you wouldn't need to do anything as far as meds.
We were told that we could only do IUI if DH could naturally release his sperm. Since the only way to get to his sperm is through aspiration and cryofreezing, it wont have enough motility. So we HAVE to do IVF.
My first pregnancy was via IVF, I was 25. It really wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It worked on the first try - we transferred one embryo and got one baby, so that helped some. Just take it as it comes. Good luck!
Hi Erin!

During your consult, you will discuss your plans and go over your medical histories that you filled out with your doctor. She'll recommend specific blood tests, etc., based on your discussion, genetic background, etc., and then when your tests are done will depend on where you are in your cycle. Most initial bloodwork is done on cycle day 3. HSGs to see if your tubes are open need to be done by cycle day 12. I haven't had a sono so I can't speak to that, but the testing goes pretty quickly. I'm not sure how this will differ for you with your DH's condition, but after all tests are done you'll go back in for another appointment and then make plans for your first cycle depending on the test results.

The injections seem scary but they will become second nature after a day or two. I promise. You can watch Freedom Pharmacy injection training videos to get a better idea, and your clinic will have a nurse on hand to answer specific questions as well.

You'll have monitoring every few days to check on egg follicle size and then when the lead follicle size is right, you'll take a trigger shot and have your egg retrieval (under anesthesia) 36 hours later. Transfer and additional meds will depend on your embryos and if you're doing a fresh or frozen transfer.

Wish I could give you more insight into what your DH's experience may be like. Will they have to do a sperm retrieval procedure on him?

I wish you luck! Please keep us posted!
Oh Lemontree thank you for the extra insight!

Yes they will have to do a sperm retrieval procedure on DH. We actually have that scheduled for 7/11/17. In fact he will only have to do his part once. Ha! I felt bad about him having to get poked in the ball until I started reading everything I'm going to have to do! But, I'm really hoping that we can be doing all of my testing and prep work in the mean time. Does that seem likely?

And like I said, I've never shown any signs of having irregularities in my cycle. I even have pretty clear ovulation symptoms. So, I don't know what of the testing is standard procedure for all women or if there might be some that are only done if you've ever had problems.

So, it sounds like I will be doing quite a bit of going back and forth during these tests and monitoring. I live about an hour away from the clinic we are using (there's not much to choose from where I'm at though). Should I just plan on taking a full week off during the expected time of my egg retrieval? It almost seems, like I might need to be prepared to do this procedure at the last minute. Is that how it was for you? Or were you able to give your employer notice on these things?

MMW- So glad to hear that, it gives me hope! Obviously I'm really hoping it goes the same way for us. Did you all do the eSET technique that I've been reading about?

Hi Erin!

During your consult, you will discuss your plans and go over your medical histories that you filled out with your doctor. She'll recommend specific blood tests, etc., based on your discussion, genetic background, etc., and then when your tests are done will depend on where you are in your cycle. Most initial bloodwork is done on cycle day 3. HSGs to see if your tubes are open need to be done by cycle day 12. I haven't had a sono so I can't speak to that, but the testing goes pretty quickly. I'm not sure how this will differ for you with your DH's condition, but after all tests are done you'll go back in for another appointment and then make plans for your first cycle depending on the test results.

The injections seem scary but they will become second nature after a day or two. I promise. You can watch Freedom Pharmacy injection training videos to get a better idea, and your clinic will have a nurse on hand to answer specific questions as well.

You'll have monitoring every few days to check on egg follicle size and then when the lead follicle size is right, you'll take a trigger shot and have your egg retrieval (under anesthesia) 36 hours later. Transfer and additional meds will depend on your embryos and if you're doing a fresh or frozen transfer.

Wish I could give you more insight into what your DH's experience may be like. Will they have to do a sperm retrieval procedure on him?

I wish you luck! Please keep us posted!
Anytime! Do you have a specific doctor you&#8217;ll be working with?

I know Boston IVF can do monitoring appointments as early as 6:30 in the morning in some of their clinics. Depending on the day, you may be able to get an early appointment in and not have to worry about missing work or burning through your time off. (It also may help to have to go in to work to keep your mind off things!) They&#8217;ll probably have you go in for monitoring every 2-3 days, but as often as every day towards the end.

I&#8217;ve heard that in general, women stim an average of 10-12 days during an IVF cycle. If you&#8217;re ok with some ambiguity/flexibility, you can anticipate having your egg retrieval around that time. The day of retrieval won&#8217;t be a surprise, though, because after your lead follicle reaches a certain size, your nurse will call you that morning and tell exactly you when to take your trigger shot. That will be at a very specific date/time. (One of mine was at 1:30 am and the other one was at 7:30 pm!) Your egg retrieval will be exactly 36 hours later, so you&#8217;ll have a 36+ hour gap when you know it&#8217;ll be coming and can plan to be off work at that point.

I confided in my manager and told him we were doing IVF and that I'd need to have some flexibility in the weeks leading up to my retrieval, as well as a day or two off at a yet-to-be-determined date. He was super understanding and supportive, but it's a really personal decision to tell someone that and to share that at work. You could also just say you're going to have some testing done and may need to miss a little bit of work, if you think it'll be an issue.

Whatever you decide, you&#8217;ll definitely need to take the day of retrieval off as you&#8217;ll be going under anesthesia and will probably be exhausted and uncomfortable after you wake up, plus not allowed to drive, etc.
I have actually confided in my managers so they are aware and have so far been really understanding.

Boston IVF is actually where I am going! I'll be going to the one in Newburgh, IN. and working with Dr. Griffin.

Wow, I had no idea it would get that specific. So, when you say "stiming" are you referring to the at home injections?
That's awesome!

And whoa I didn't realize they had offices that far outside of New England.

Yeah, stimming is the ovarian stimulation phase, when you are doing your at home injections. :thumbup:

You'll be great! They'll walk you through everything. It'll go by so fast once you really get started!

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