Establishing breastfeeding - nipple shields...


Twin Mummy
Sep 23, 2009
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Hi girls

Just wondered how you got on with establishing breastfeeding your premmies? My twins were born 31+6 and are now 36+6, and it is mainly the feeding that is holding us back from going home from NICU now. I am quite determined I want to breastfeed but they don't seem to be able to latch on to me, they can't get enough breast in their mouth to set off the sucking reflex. I am just trying them to the breast when they are awake at feed times (they are still fully tube fed) which tends to be every other time at the moment (4 hourly feeds)

I have started to try using nipple shields as a temporary measure to hopefully wean them off them when they can open their mouths a bit wider - how have people got on with using them? I am worried they may not feed from me after using them - would be really grateful for your advice...

After buying every brand there is I have found the Medela ones have worked the best so far - feel like I'm finally making progress, but worried about the consequences of using them
I think it's quite common to use nipple shields with preemies. I used them until my lo was about 6 weeks corrected them started weaning her of it which took another few weeks. She is 11 months actual today and is still breastfed. I found the medela ones best as well as the avent ones were huge!

Good luck x
I don't have personal experience of them but have heard good success stories. There was a lady at my bf group that was still using them at 4 months (full term baby) because of a problem with her nipple shape, but she was still successfully feeding
Hi, I don't have any tips Re the nipple shields but just wanted to say how cute the picture is of your 2 girls together - my 2 have only been together the once (in my avatar picture) when they were 2 weeks old very very briefly, they haven't been together again since :-( I'm hoping that they will still have the twin bond - Max is home now but Hannah is still in the hospital after 6 weeks so we will need to wait a bit longer to find out.

Good luck with establishing the breastfeeding, I'm still expressing but didn't manage to get Max to latch properly.
Sophie was born at 27 weeks, and at 36 weeks I started trying to BF her. I too was determined to BF even though that was the thing keeping her in hospital by the end! I didn't get on very well at first but then as soon as they gave me a nipple shield it was so much easier. I used a Medela one and we got the feeding established really well with that in the hospital.

I continued to use it for a few weeks after Sophie came home and I did eventually manage to wean her off it - I did it by starting a feed with it then taking her off for winding and re-latching without it. Then eventually managed a whole feed without it. There was one time at my mum's when Sophie hadn't been home long at all, and I had forgotten to take the shield with me but Sophie was hungry so there was nothing else for it but to try without the shield and she actually got a really good latch and had a great feed!!

I managed to BF Sophie until she was 5 months old then for various reasons put her onto formula. I think one of the main ones was that I didn't have enough confidence that she was getting enough milk - and I often wish I had just had the confidence and stuck with it!!! I just felt so nervous about everything at the beginning!
i used it with great sucess was able to wean Michael off it @ 3 weeks corrected
Hi Angelblue,
My son was born @ 30 weeks and struggled to breastfeed until we introduced a nipple shield. After this we had no problems. Don't worry about the consequences, the silicone ones allow for sufficient stimulation of the breast for milk to be produced, so your supply shouldn't be a problem.

We used them for 2.5 years as I found weaning him off them too stressful and it was easier to continue with them. We had a happy and successful breastfeeding relationship.

Hope this helps.
I certainly found using the shields easier
I had William at 31 weeks, he was always really healthy. We just had probs with his feeding I tried to get him to feed for about 3ish weeks and we got no where until we introduced the sheilds. It was amazing how quick he took to the sheilds.
I have been unable to wean him, my nipples are too flat. I was worried about losing my supply and everyone told me I would, but we are still going strong and he is nearly 4 months. We have no plans to stop now.
I think the best thing, is to do what is right for you. If they will only take from a sheild that is ok and if they dont wean off them that is ok.
Not quite as convenient, because you have to sterilise and remember to take the sheilds everywhere. But i love feeding him and the bond it gives us. I also get a warm glow everytime he is weighed because I know that is down to me.
Hope everything goes well with you and your girls XXX
If anyone has flat nipple, then many uses pumping the nipple and feed through bottle but can pumping effect the nipple on later stage? please give me your suggestions.

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