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Everyone does drugs.

if someone is silly enough to say that everyone does 'illegal' drugs then im not sure why that opinion is being entertained? Of course it's a load of crap. Of course not everyone does 'illegal' or 'prescription' drugs. What a silly statement from that person!

But then there are the ones that do. I have never done prescription drugs, nor has my husband - but i wont deny that before LO was born that we would on the odd occasion go to a festival and experience psychedelics and smoke some weed. We both have always worked very hard in our jobs, paying off the house.. constantly trying to get ahead in life. Back in the day our escape from all the hustle bustle would to be head out camping with friends and go to a different planet for the night. I can say some of the most memorable experiences in my life have been from those occasions. NO regrets.

Just remember where all the great music came from. ;)

But yeah back on topic - No not everyone does drugs. I wouldn't even respond to a comment like that, that person clearly is trying to justify something to themselves or something or other.
but I know people on here from past conversations who think that's ok.

Tbh the truth about cannabis is actually starting to come out now, that it has a LOT more to offer than just being labelled an illegal drug.

They are looking into possible legalizing it here in Australia. I hope they do because it seriously could save many lives and also help a lot of people in great pain.
I thought it was probably making a point about the fact that a drug refers to so many things - and people forget that things like caffeine and painkillers are drugs too!

I have to admit that recreational drug use is and has always been so normalised within the groups of people I associate with that I do find it surprising to find that so many people have never even experimented with milder illegal drugs...and almost all of my friends are educated people who have graduated with good jobs, I guess we have always just viewed it as no different from getting drunk on the weekend! (Obviously I'm not talking about shit like crystal meth here :haha:)

I do find it hard not to feel a bit irritated when people rant about how terrible cannabis is when they have no idea about the history and politics behind it...it is absolutely drenched in racism! Everyone should watch the documentary The House I Live In at some point, it will totally open your eyes to the wider issues surrounding drug arrests.
I think weed needs to just be legalised everywhere :haha: the law hasn't stopped ANYONE from growing, selling and using so why have they bothered fighting against it for so long?!

It's another thing to tax us all on so they should want it legal. So many health benefits aswel.

Anyone watch that "super high me"? It was the same guy that did "supersize me", he just smoked pot constantly (no tobacco) and the results were his heart rate returning to normal and his sperm count increasing. Good old cannabis ;)
Haven't watched super high me. I don't think me and oh could watch it nowadays without it making us want to smoke again :haha:
Illegal drugs, no not at all. Yet i would struggle to find someone i knew who hadn't... but thats likely due to my age and location

Legal drugs, yes, i think *pretty much* everyone has tried them. Coffee, ciggerettes, Alcohol, painkillers, antibiotics...
My Psychopharmacology professor who obviously has a PhD and is quite well-read as far as drugs are concerned, was open about using marijuana recreationally and is 100% supportive of it being legalized. Now, as far as I'm concerned, I'm never going to meet anyone who knows more about it than he does, so I pretty much take his word over anyone else's. From the unbiased course material I found myself coming to similar conclusions. :)
My Psychopharmacology professor who obviously has a PhD and is quite well-read as far as drugs are concerned, was open about using marijuana recreationally and is 100% supportive of it being legalized. Now, as far as I'm concerned, I'm never going to meet anyone who knows more about it than he does, so I pretty much take his word over anyone else's. From the unbiased course material I found myself coming to similar conclusions. :)

But has he watched Jeremy Kyle UK?????
That keeps me away from cannabis :haha:
My Psychopharmacology professor who obviously has a PhD and is quite well-read as far as drugs are concerned, was open about using marijuana recreationally and is 100% supportive of it being legalized. Now, as far as I'm concerned, I'm never going to meet anyone who knows more about it than he does, so I pretty much take his word over anyone else's. From the unbiased course material I found myself coming to similar conclusions. :)

But has he watched Jeremy Kyle UK?????
That keeps me away from cannabis :haha:

This made me chuckle! :haha: I don't know where JK finds them people but none of the people I know that smoke weed are anything like that :p
depends what they mean by "drugs". I have never used any recreational drugs and now am too old to start or want to lol! But drugs could mean over the counter drugs, cigarette, coffee,...
When someone says "drugs" I imagine illegal drugs not painkillers ect.
Not everyone does drugs, that's a ridiculous thing to say, I've tried weed once and I smoke cigarettes occasionally but I've never done anything more than that and I never intend to either. The area that we live in, quite a few people smoke weed, so it's kind of the "norm" round here. My OH smokes weed on the odd occasion, I neither agree nor disagree with it, as long as people don't smoke it next to me, I don't mind.
I'll admit though, before I met OH, I had no idea what weed was, never mind any other type of drug! I had a very sheltered upbringing, my mum would go absolutely crazy if she knew I'd tried it!
Not everyone has tried or does drugs, the vast majority of my family I can 100% say have never tried any sort of illegal drug.
I think there's a difference between 'doing drugs' caffeine, alcohol.. Etc.. And abusing drugs /doing illegal drugs.

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