So true! I went from one to 3 in 20 months and i feel as if my children are better children purely because i wasn't 'perfect' with them. With your first baby,they are always dressed in cute outfits and you programe your day to every last second and you waste so much time on stupid things.
Twins spent their first year in baby gros on the floor playing with utensils,they run around in their socks outside,they touch our puppy and then put their hands in the mouth and i dont have detol with me at all times. Yes there is 3 of them now, but life just seems so much easier now,its crazy!
lol that's funny. I definitely wont be having a third My sister was the 3rd born and she is the clingiest of the lot of us and the most babyish lol shes definitely not independent x
lol that's funny. I definitely wont be having a third My sister was the 3rd born and she is the clingiest of the lot of us and the most babyish lol shes definitely not independent x
Never say never! I have two teenage stepkids and we had two together and I was completely done. I had a surprise pregnancy at 38.
SO true My third, who is also my only boy, is so much more independent than my girls .... sure my daughters live away from home now, but if they phone me once a day they phone a dozen times
"Mum, I can't find my chicken fillets and my dress won't fit properly without them" ; "Mum, I can't find my passport" ; "Mum, I left my ID in the changing bag - can you pop it round?" ; "Mum, I can't find my clean work shirt, what shall I do?" .... and that was just yesterday While Jake just carried on with his normal everyday stuff, found whatever he needed and cooked himself dinner - all without needing to consult me once