Expecting #1 and over 30

There we go girls!! Love seeing more posts about you all:hugs:

Breezy- Yeah for a great HB..My Lo was 180 last time but he/she was very active. Im also looking forward to the gender scan:happydance: Would you prefer a boy or girl?? Obviously a healthy baby and either would be great...

Mrs Chezek/Sporty- You also have to post right away when yo find out the sex...so exciting!!

Well, Im almost 11 weeks and cant believe i will be a lime soon :)
At about 12 weeks ours was 165. I really want a girl but I'm feeling it's a boy and have since the day we found out. My sd is 12 and really wants a sister but I've got her believing it's a boy already even though I have no idea. OH thinks it's a girl and since he's always wrong he must be this time too :haha:
I know I will be thrilled either way but it's so much fun to guess when it's impossible. How about you guys?

You are going to be a lime soon. I was already showing big time by then, are you showing yet? Time was flying by for me until I scheduled that 10/23 appointment. Now it's been dragging on. Building our house is helping though because eveyday something new is going on there. So much fun!
There we go girls!! Love seeing more posts about you all:hugs:

Breezy- Yeah for a great HB..My Lo was 180 last time but he/she was very active. Im also looking forward to the gender scan:happydance: Would you prefer a boy or girl?? Obviously a healthy baby and either would be great...

Mrs Chezek/Sporty- You also have to post right away when yo find out the sex...so exciting!!

Well, Im almost 11 weeks and cant believe i will be a lime soon :)

Lime soon yeah! I love seeing what fruit/veg I will be!
Breezy - It was SO exciting to buy my first few items…I can't wait to go shopping in person though. Online wasn't as cool cause I had to wait days to actually get the item from when I bought it and that put a damper on things. I hope to go stroller and carseat shopping after the anatomy scan myself :happydance: Yay for being a pisces!!! This will be the greatest bday gift ever, huh? As far as stretch marks, I got Mustela cream which is a French brand. I like the smell of it and hopefully it will work. I got stretch marks when I 'filled out' as a teenager. I was always stick skinny and then at like 13 I grew a butt and hips seemingly overnight so I guess that means I'm prone to them. FX I won't get any this time!

Clarkey - time is totally flying! Feels like just yesterday you shared your BFP with us. And I'm glad you're not feeling too bad - enjoy it! :hugs:

Breezy - your LO's HB is in the 'girl' range I'm afraid :winkwink: If you believe in that stuff…mine is smack in the center!! I think my DH's want for a girl has got me thinking I have one but I honestly don't mind either way. Clarkey, do you have a preference?

AFM, had my doc appt this morning and everything was good - heartbeat at 147 :happydance: My doc was running late due to two emergency appts earlier in the day so I got to sit in his office and read all kinds of pregnancy mags for almost 2 hours. Luckily, I thought to bring snacks or I would have died of hunger as it was lunch time!! I got the script for my anatomy scan so now I have to call the hospital and schedule it!! :yipee:

So who's having their gender scan next? Am I the next one on the 18th?
Forgot to mention, I posted a new updated belly shot on my journal thread for anyone interested :flower:


*EDIT: my anatomy scan date has been set!! Noon on 10/17 - sooooo excited!!
Breezy- 165 does sound like a girl by the old wives tale but I know this is not always true. i am usually very slim and therefore i do have a little belly. DH cant get over how big it is growing.

Mrs chezek- Your lo hb is in the middle..could go either way. Cant wait to hear about your next scan:happydance: And yes time is flying by but cant wait to be in the 2nd tri. We would like boys but would be happy with either.

We have our first OB appt Oct 10 which Im kinda nervous as she will be doing a pap test...Is this painful when pregnant? I heard it may be. Also has anyone bought or thought about buying a doppler to listen to the HB? Im thinking about it
A great birthday gift indeed!

I don't know what I believe. The doctor sat down with us and explained exactly why they say that about the h/b and why it isn't accurate but it's still so much fun to judge based on wivestales. Has anyone tried any of the other crazy ones, like drano or the needle test?

I really wanted a girl at first, but everyday that goes by I get more and more excited for either for different reasons. I just can't wait to find out! We are scheduled 10/23 the Tuesday after you Chezek :happydance:

Chezek So glad your appointment went well, it's always such a relief. :thumbup: Can't wait for your scan!!!! Have you decided how you are going to reveal yet?

Clarkey I'm very slim too, well was :haha: My OB has not done a pap since being pregnant, I did have one right before though when we started cloimid. I did think about buying 1, but never ended up doing it so I'm not much help there. :shrug:
I am so excited to read about everyone's scans and experiences. Everything (including the info about m/s) gives me something to look forward to when it is my turn. There should be a couple more heading over here from the other thread soon because we got a couple more BFP's. :happydance:
Clarkey - I had a pap done at about 11 weeks myself - it's required in the state of NJ, which is where my doctor is and where I will deliver (I actually live just across the border in PA). It wasn't any more painful than my usual paps! The key is to try to relax (while metal is inserted and poked around your innards - yuk).

Breezy - drano and needle test????? Ummm no thank you. The sound of them itself is scary enough!!!!! I'll just wait out the next 12 days…although we won't really find out on that day anyway until we figure out our reveal!!!!! I like the idea of a photo session with the balloons in a box. It will make for cute photos and I'm a photographer :winkwink:

gypsy - we love to have you TTC girls pop over so come on by! I just heard about Zeez! Such great news…and we're still waiting for Peoples and Sasha :happydance:

AFM, I've been stressing about something dumb. A lady on my March due date thread miscarried previously at 24 months cause of an incompetent cervix and I read somewhere (I wasn't researching this, just stumbled upon the info) that this is most likely to become an issue at weeks 20-22. So I'm nervous...my doc hasn't looked at my cervix at all since that pap around week 12! I think I might call him up tomorrow and just chat to him about it all...maybe have him have a look, just in case. I don't want to stress about it but now that all this info landed on my lap, I can't help myself!!!! Especially since all the books I'm skimming say that regular check ups include cervix checks and fundal height measurements which my doc isn't doing either. I wish I could find my own cervix and check to see if it is closed! I never could locate the damn thing when we were TTC :dohh: I hate that I'm stressing about something I have no solid reason for...I'm not in some high risk of this happening...I wish I was more sensible :nope: I'm going to blame it all on hormones! :haha:

Otherwise, all is good. Headaches been bugging me 24/7 the last 3+ days but otherwise all good. How is everyone else?
Well I should drop in and say hey...I did not think this day would ever come...I have gotten my BFP on 10-5-2012...well actually I have got to see a heart beat before coming home and taking a test...I was surprised and I believe my RE was just as shocked because as he was doing vaginal ultrasound to check and see if my cyst were gone he was telling me that we need to be more aggressive and start thinking about IVF, embryo donor or egg donors because my blood work was so screwed up...then little later he said wait a minute you are pregnant and that is how I got to see heart beat...I am just 5 and a half weeks and he said that in two weeks when I go back he will give me EDD...I have had blood work done as well to see my HCG levels, thyroid and progesterone....O yea he has put me on 200mg of progesterone as he said just in case...So far I have just had AF like cramps and headaches...from all of you that are further along what could I expect to see in near future...o year this was second time I have seen an RE I have had just regular OB prescribing Clomid and then she has referred me to him
Hi everyone, I finally get to join. BFP this morning. I'm too scared to go to sleep in case i wake up and its a dream.

I also have very mild AF type cramps. Please tell me this is normal?
ZZZZEEEEEEEEE So happy to see you made it!!! Congrats to you. :happydance:
I had AF cramps and lots of CM, it's totally normal!

Sasha What a wondeful story. It's stories like these that keep others from giving up and holding on to hope. My doctor said you risk goes down once you can hear the heartbeat as well. I'm over the moon for you! :cloud9:

Chezek I guess they sound much worse than they are. The drano test is peeing in drano to see what color it turns and the needle is threading a needle and hanging it over your stomach to see if it turns in circles or sways back and forth. I have a friend who did the balloon release, her photos are amazing. It's tough not to worry when you hear someone else's heartwrenching stories. I'm sure your doctor will put your mind at ease when you call. :thumbup: Hope your heachache clears up soon!

What a weekend full of great news!
Thanks breezy.

I've got my first doc appointment today. I think it's early for a scan but he is very popular and I booked it months ago not sure if I'd even be pregnant yet.
Good luck today! Keep us posted on how it goes. How far along are you?
sasha - congratulations again! :hugs: I'm so happy for you!! At 5 and a half weeks, I got hit with miserable morning sickness that lasted until week 11…I hope this skips you like it did Breezy and Clarkey so far!!! Otherwise, I just had sore boobs and lots of CM. Have you gotten your blood results back yet? Hope your natural progesterone is high so you don't have to take the supplement. FX for you!!!

zeez - I had cramping and lots of CM too. My biggest sign was super sore boobs though which I don't normally get with AF. How crazy is that you scheduled this doc appointment months ago and you got your BFP just yesterday?? I'm glad you get to see a doc to confirm with blood work. Let us know how it goes! Congrats to you again and happy and healthy 9 months!!

Breezy - thanks :hugs: I didn't wake up with a headache today so that's a plus…hopefully they will stay at bay. Peeing on drano. That seems simple - did you do it? We might have some somewhere… :haha:

I'm going to call my doc now…will let you all know what he says!
Yay for no headache! :thumbup: I have them everyday, they get worse as the day goes on, doc says they are tension headaches and completely normal. Still no fun and ruins my day.

I didn't try it! I didn't try hanging the needle over my belly either. Not sure why :shrug: I think I will try them both tonight.
Hopefully your doctor will put your hormone mind at ease.

Drano instructions: https://www.babygenderprediction.com/drano-gender-prediction.html
Ring/Needle test: https://www.babygenderprediction.com/needle-gender-prediction.html

I'll let you know the results......We only have 2weeks 1 day until we find out!
Yeah so far so good…I have this mild ache but it's at about a 1.5/10…so FX! It's been at like 5-8 over the weekend :( I have a lot of knots in my neck and shoulders though so I might go get a massage - I bet that would help a lot! I've been sleeping in the Snoogle and I seem to position my neck funny most nights which is the cause of all this I think. But who knows! :shrug:

If I find the drano, I'll try it tonight too :happydance: Who else is in?????

I talked to my doc's nurse and she totally set my mind at ease. Basically, during the 12 week ultrasound, the doc took a bunch of measurements which gave him the info he needs to decide if you are at risk or not and I was fine. So she said there is no reason to worry. She explained things to me for like 10 minutes so I'm glad I called - I feel much better! I was also able to get a bunch of other questions answered I forgot to ask so I'm glad I didn't have to go in again. Now just 9 more days until the anatomy scan!!!! :yipee:

Oh and I learned a new tip for nausea on a podcast station I started listening too called Pregtastic (super useful!). A doctor they had on there suggested sipping on a bit of the syrup from a can of fruit. He said it coats the stomach and helps alleviate symptoms. So if anyone is still suffering from ms, try it and let us know if it works!
Hi its great to see lots more bfp's joining us! Sooooo exciting!

Has anyone else had the flu vaccination? I had it on saturday and now feel a bit rough :-( cold, tired & a bit of a headache too.
I'm about 4 weeks today. FF put me at 4w2 but I think it's really 4w0.

Do did a scan and as expected too early to see even the sac. There was a favourable sign that he saw a reaction in my uterus that usually happens with pregnancy but he couldn't see the corpus lutem so a bit worried.

Did Hcg and progesterone bloods today and another hcg on Wednesday so I'll know more by the end of the week.

As for symptoms so far mostly just tired but today the boobs were a bit sensitive. Not looking forward to ms but will definitely try the can fruit syrup - thanks.

Breezy - wow it's so exciting finding out the gender!

Mrschezek - glad you low risk. I'll remember to ask when I'm at my 12 week scan. I'm already learning so much from you guys. Definitely feel like i've got some catching up to do.

Poppy - hope you feel better soon.
Hi its great to see lots more bfp's joining us! Sooooo exciting!

Has anyone else had the flu vaccination? I had it on saturday and now feel a bit rough :-( cold, tired & a bit of a headache too.

I had my flu vaccination at about 10 wks too. Lucky for me, I didn't have any reaction/symptoms to it. Sorry to hear that it's made you feel a bit rough. Hope you feel better soon.

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