Expecting #1 and over 30

Hi its great to see lots more bfp's joining us! Sooooo exciting!

Has anyone else had the flu vaccination? I had it on saturday and now feel a bit rough :-( cold, tired & a bit of a headache too.

I had my flu vaccination at about 10 wks too. Lucky for me, I didn't have any reaction/symptoms to it. Sorry to hear that it's made you feel a bit rough. Hope you feel better soon.

I did a lot of research about the flu vaccine as I never normally get one, but after all the reading and talking to my doctor, I've decided to do it. I just haven't yet! Mainly, cause I fear feeling sick afterward :nope: Sorry poppy that it made you feel rough :hugs: I'll let you know how I'll make out. Hopefully I'll get lucky like sam did - FX!
Zeez - I'm keeping everything crossed for you! Let us know how your hcg levels fair after wednesday's test. Lots of sticky dust!!!

Breezy - no drano at our house :nope: And I felt silly buying it just so I can pee on it :haha: I'll see if my parent's have any when I visit this Thursday :winkwink: Let me know if you did it!!!

I've started to slowly build my baby registry...it's hidden right now from public while I get my head around all this stuff. But it's super exciting!! Have any of you started?
Mrs Chezek- glad your headache is better :) I was looking for drano as well, couldnt find any :haha: Looking forward to hearing about your anatomy scan:happydance:

Zee- i hope you skip the ms too. Good luck with the HCG testings, Im sure they will double beautifully. So happy for you!!

poppy- nice to see you. Im not sure i will get the flu shot...I guess I will discuss it with my OB tomorrow.

AFM, i told all our family this weekend past about the pregnancy. It was fun. Everyone was excited and happy for us. We still have to tell a couple close friends. I have my first OB appt tomorrow and she will probably send me for my 12 week scan. havent seen the bean in 2 weeks. I have had a little brown spotting over the last couple days so been resting a lot. Makes me little nervous though. I will call my fertility dr today at some point.
Zeez good luck with hcg...keep us posted...

Poppy sorry you feel bad after a flu shot...I had mine before I knew I was prego...hope you start feeling better soon..

I am excited for all of you that are getting ready to have your gender scan...can't wait to hear what you find out...

AFM...got my blood work results today (have them drown on Friday)..My HCG was 21000 :happydance: and she said that anything over 25 they consider pregnant...and my progesterone was 27...
Great news Sasha!

Mrschezek - I don't think I'll be able to hold out starting the baby registerary for long.

Clarky - thats so exciting! I'm sure the spotting is nothing to worry about but understand how it can be unsettling.

afm - last night was the first time out with friends since BFP. I told everyone I had blood tests for sugar levels today so couldn't drink. I ''suspect''that the results will be high and I'll need to avoid drinking for a while still...

Also a friends wife is 7 weeks pregnant. They were going to wait to tell too but told close family and some one posted it on facebook. I'm so proud of DH for not spilling the beans right then - he is terrible at keeping secrets but he knows that we're not low risk because of the PCOS.

keep well everyone.
Clarkey - how did your doc appointment go? I hope the spotting is nothing at all; it is normal to see some as long as it is brown - that's old blood. :hugs: Weren't you the one with the placental lake? I bet that is what the blood is from...had to come out somehow!

sasha - yay for such a lovely hCG count! And your progesterone is in a good place so are you coming off the supplement? :happydance:

Zeez - I'm just a superstitious dork…I was too scared to start one earlier as not to jinx things!! But now I'm feeling more confident. I'll definitely go all out after our anatomy scan :winkwink: I love your blood sugar story and 'suspicions'. :haha:

AFM, had a bit of a dizzy spell this morning…I think my blood pressure must be extra low the last 24 hours as I had one last night too…if I have another, I'll call my doc just to check in with the nurse. My belly is getting bigger! Feels like it blew up overnight the last few days. All my yoga pants are getting unbearably tight so I have to suck it up and go get some maternity ones this weekend. :dohh: Hope everyone is doing well!

Please tell me it is normal to worry...nothing has happened but I have read so many girls have had a m/c and that worries me as this is our first bean ever since we have started trying 2 years ago...o yea and I have told lots of people I was pregnant because I cannot keep a secret so now I am worried I have jinxed myself...sorry I am just freaking out and I do not want to freak out…
MrsChezek - I totally understand. My MIL told me that in her culture you not even supposed to buy a single thing until after the birth. I'm haven't even really started my pregnancy journal - waiting for the blood test to come back first.

Sasha - its so normal. Ms doesn't always kick in straight away, try and enjoy it and eat as much healthy food in you while you can. I'm also so nervous I took a pic of my hpt and sneak a peak now and then to remind myself I'm not dreaming.
sasha - worrying is TOTALLY normal but it's unnecessary :hugs: your bean will be just fine. Your hCG levels were great, you already heard the heartbeat and the doc saw that things looked good (not ectopic or chemical) so relax and send positive thoughts and energy to your bean so it will grow big and strong! Focus on eating well and getting some exercise in each day - walks are great for the body AND the mind! Think of yourself as a little incubator and give your LO the very best environment for growing and it will :hugs:

Zeez - when will you get your results from yesterday's blood work? I want to see those big doubled numbers!!! :happydance:

But this is a good question…what does everyone on here do when they start to worry and panic? How do you get yourself back to happyville? Let's share some coping mechanisms :kiss:

My number one is to take a deep breath and repeat to myself that being nervous and freaking out isn't going to help anything and might hurt things. Then, I go and do one good thing for myself/baby - either drink a glass of water, eat some fruit, go for a walk…anything that makes me feel like I'm doing the best that I can for the bean to be healthy.

For example, I was freaking out just yesterday. During my chiropractor appointment, he was using a stomach drop down to accommodate my belly each time I was on my tummy; but then at the end of the session, he wanted to check my muscles for spasms and had me lie on my tummy and he forgot to use the stomach drop. I knew he was rushing cause I showed up late (got stuck in traffic) and two people were already waiting to see him. So I didn't want to bother him with asking for it especially cause it didn't feel uncomfortable to lie there on my belly. But as he was going through my muscles (the whole process probably took a minute or two), I started to freak out that I was squishing bean and that I was hurting it somehow. It felt like an eternity that I was lying there. After the appointment, I was being super hard on myself for not speaking up and I was freaking out that what if I broke an arm or a leg on bean or it couldn't breathe or something. I wanted to call my doctor and get affirmation that everything is ok. But instead, I went for a walk with my DH and our dog and by the time I came home, I felt better and mostly forgot those feelings of regret. There's nothing I could do to turn back time and fix what happened so I did my best to move forward. I guess I'm a big believer in methods of distraction :thumbup:
Thanks Zees and MrsChezek...it is always good to know that feelings are normal...O yea and MrsChezek re has told me to stay on progesterone pills since I have already started before getting results back...he said it will not hurt anything and once in second tri-master I can stop taking them…
Zee- ugghh..someone posted on facebook...Thats has been my biggest worry and every time I tell a family member or friend I specifically say NO FACEBOOK!! If I want it on there I would post it myself. Im not ready yet for the world to know. What are your blood work results??

Sasha- Wow nice HCG results!! I know how hard it is not to worry. I do worry a lot but try to distract myself as Mrs Chezek was saying. It took us a year and half to get pregnant and got my first BFP with first round clomid and IUI. You are past the the biggest stages and the percentage for m/c drops to about 5% once you have seen the heartbeat!!:hugs:

Mrs Chezek- i have been dizzy at times as well but feel better once I eat something. Hope your BP is ok. :hugs: Also nice advice on how to calm down if stressing. It is so hard sometimes. And your little bean is safe and sound in his/her strong little sac! Yeah for belly growing!

AFM, talking about freaking out well i did a little with the spotting but saw my OB yesterday and baby heartbeat is fine. Spotting has also stopped and she thinks its just from inserting the progesterone supps in too far:blush: Now I dont go in far at all. Another couple weeks and I will be done with those. I have my 12 week scan tomorrow so I will see the LO again. :happydance: I hope all goes well with my IPS testings.
Question. Did any of you experience implantation bleeding? If so, what did it look like and when did you see it? I am 3dpo today and when I went to the bathroom there was bright red blood. There wasn't a lot, but enough that it is there. Just curious if ff can be wrong or if implantation is possible at 3dpo.
Question. Did any of you experience implantation bleeding? If so, what did it look like and when did you see it? I am 3dpo today and when I went to the bathroom there was bright red blood. There wasn't a lot, but enough that it is there. Just curious if ff can be wrong or if implantation is possible at 3dpo.

Sorry gypsy I did not experienced implantation bleeding just wanted to send lots of baby dust your way...
Clarkyness - That’s why I refuse to tell anyone at all until I’m ready to go public. My friends would never forgive me if they found out on Facebook!

Gypsy - sorry I'm no help either.

Sasha – definitely can’t hurt to be on them just in case. I had 2 friends mc their first due to low progesterone and the next pregnancies they took supplements and both had beautiful healthy girls.

Mrschezek - I like your idea about doing healthy things. Besides the pic of the HPT i just keep telling myself that my body knows what its doing and wants this baby. I wish I had just trusted it more while TTC. I kept doing all the 'right' things – meds, scans, checking CM, OPKs, weeks of every other day BD. Except there were days I'd feel like 'we should BD" but I ignored it because we just finished a BD marathon, or we'd be on the "off day" and I didn't want to tire DH out. This month we thought I wasn't going to O so no BD marathon and when the thought popped into my head I just went with it and BFP!

I called for my test results today. Doctor was in theatre so I won’t get them until Monday but the receptionist said that he had looked at them and she’s sure that if there was a problem he would have seen and contacted me or faxed me a script.

Edit: The doctor called back and confirmed all results are good. Hgc doubled nicely.
Yay Zee! That is great news.

Gypsy I didn't have any either. Sorry. GL to you and hope it was something great! I'm trying to catch up on the other thread and things are looking good for you. Excercise and eating heathly produces good endorphins so hopefully it helps with your crazy cycles. Can't wait for you to join us.

Clarky Glad all if ok with the bleeding, I had some in the bginning but it was nothing to worry about. Hope your testing goes well.

Sasha Don't freak out. Once we heard the h/b doctor said we were good to tell the world there was only 3% chance of mc. Of course, it's hard because of all of the horrible stories you read but it seems you are looking for them. Who actually talks about everything going great? :hugs:

Chezek Disraction is my answer to all worries. I think I am going through a dry spell of worries. I just have to have Faith (if it'g a girl that's the middle name we choose) and enjoy this because before I know it, it will be over. Speakinf of before you know it, your gender appointment is this coming week. I'm so excited for you. Are you going to spill to us before your family? It's going to be hard for me to keep from him/her until Thanksgiving. FX I don't ruin it. :dohh:

So this wait is worse than any 2 week wait.....11 days until we find out the gender. I just can't wait....Chinese calendar says girl, ring test shows girl and eye test shows girl....BUT I still think it's a boy and have no idea why. I didn't try the drano test, we didn't have any. I just heard about the eye test you pull down your eyelid and there should be a V or Y vein just under your eye. If it's the left it's a girl and right it's a boy....Who knows how accurate these things are but I'm totally having fun with my impatientness. :haha:

One less stress going away soon is our house. I'm finally packing a box a night and our house is getting the final touches of being done! Almost time to decorate a new house and new baby room. :happydance:
clarkey - how did your scan go? share your pics! We all love pics :hugs:

gypsy - no implantation bleeding for me either :nope: Sending you lots of :dust:!

Zeez - yay for doubled hCG! When is your next appointment? How are you feeling? Other than over the moon of course :kiss:

Breezy - yeah Wednesday is the big day! We won't find out until the weekend though as we're going to do a reveal photo shoot. I'll definitely post here asap! Haven't figured out how to surprise our families with the news though…we want to do something fun and special but not sure 100% what yet. Funny the eye test I heard about has you look at the veins on the bottom part of your whites and there should be hooks rather than a Y or V. I remember someone posting a link to this on one of my threads but can't find it anymore. I think I have 2 hooks in my right eye…I'll check again to see if there are any Ys or Vs! :haha: It is fun to guess…I just hope our scan is clear as day and we aren't left guessing still!!!!! :dohh: Good luck practicing the art of distraction over the next 11 days :winkwink: Hope it flies by for you!

And congrats on almost being all moved into the new house…we just kicked off the house search - going to look at 5 houses on Tuesday but we don't *love* any of them so it's more of a 'start'…we're also test driving cars as DH needs a baby friendly car and we need a second all wheel drive for the winters here on the east coast. So that is exciting as well…life is good right now :happydance: I'm definitely feeling blessed!

How are all the other girls on here?? Keeping busy :flower: Any scans coming up?

Pilot - I know you're staying team yellow and said you'd be away. Hope all is well! I'm thinking of you :hugs:

sam - did you have your anatomy scan yet?

ttc1st and sportys, your scans should be coming up around Breezy's scan. Hope you are all well :hugs:

:hug: to those lurking and popping by!! We miss you :flower:
MrsChezek, I am doing well thanks.

Glad its the weekend, been a long week at work. OH is away this weekend though so looking forward to his return.

Our next scan is in two weeks time and I cannot wait! :happydance:

Hope you are well. :kiss:
My 12week scan is a week on monday. Looking forward to seeing munchkin again!
I've been getting some sharp twinges around my pelvic area which must be everything stretching...flipping painful though! Cant believe its nearly time for second tri!!
Hugs to all xx
Thanks all

Mrschezeck - Doing good thanks. Still getting cramps and trying not to freak out at them. No ms yet but getting slightly queasy if I go too long with out eating. I haven't booked the next appointment because I was with friends when the doc called back on Friday and couldn't really ask questions without incriminating myself. Good luck with the house / car hunt!

breezy - yay, congrates on the new house.

so exciting hearing about everyones scans. Definately post pics!

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