Expecting #1 and over 30

Hey Mrs C, no long walks or curry for you then!
Must be strange to find out baby could come early - most people say they are late.
I was a month early and a healthy six pounds.

Ouch re various veins hope it goes soon xx
SO I might have jinxed myself with that whole "no baby arriving here yet"…she's not here yet! But apparently she is VERY low in my pelvis like she's ready to go!!! My doc said to take it easy and not do anything that might trigger preterm labor :dohh: Not that I know what that is…other than sex and nipple stimulation…staying away for that for sure!

I went in to se my doc this morning as I found this little nodule in my vajayjay that was a bit tender to the touch. :shy: Felt like a bubble but was black in color and pretty hard to the touch. Turns out it's a varicose vein!!!! SERIOUSLY??? I can't believe I got the equivalent of a hemorrhoid in my girly parts :cry: Luckily it's tiny and doesn't really hurt…just kind of like a pebble in your shoe; chafes at times but mostly is just there and annoying. The worst part is there is nothing I can do to get rid of it or to prevent others from forming…I think it's because she dropped late last week…I totally knew something was up. I've been having a lot of nerve numbness since about Friday…like when I cross my legs or even sometimes sit down onto the toilet. I jump right back up cause my whole leg hurts and goes numb! She's deffy on some nerve…BUT, because I said I was having the nerve pain and that she was very different yesterday in her movement and kicking, the doc did a quick ultrasound to see if she was head down and she is…but like I said above, a bit TOO LOW for 34.5 weeks! So he's going to have me start fetal non-stress tests twice a week starting this Thursday…fun fun :dohh: Better safe than sorry I guess!

Zeez - I have heard about spinning babies! I actually tried to use it to coax my doc into checking her position today rather than waiting until week 37…though that wasn't as convincing as the other symptoms I was having! He said it doesn't work…I disagree but turns out that I don't need it for now…thank goodness! :happydance: How come your anatomy scan isn't until week 23? Are you planning to find out the gender? You are SO much more on top of things than I am and I'm 10 weeks ahead of you! NICE WORK :thumbup:

As far as cord blood banking and delayed clamping, we've done a lot of research…or I should say my DH has done TONS and I've heard many of his conversations with my doc. The pro delaying books/articles say you can do both but talking to CBR and ViaCord, they don't recommend waiting…ViaCord said not to wait past 12 minutes and CBR just said not to wait. My doc said that he doesn't wait past 2 minutes. He also said that there isn't a real benefit to the baby with delaying for a long time and that in fact it might hurt the baby and cause a condition called hyperbilirubinemia which can lead to jaundice. The baby gets enough of iron and stuff within the first few minutes. We haven't decided 100% what we will do yet…still trying to read some articles! THERE ARE LOTS and all have conflicting outcomes unfortunately :nope:

sportys - glad you had a good pre birth visit! Can't believe we're all getting so close :happydance:

pilot - my one friend talked about putting bags of cold peas on her bump to get the baby to flip when it was breeched…I wonder if you could use that to coax your LO out!!! :haha:

My LO was actually head down and low in my pelvis at 35 weeks...
Stayed that way for 4 days, then popped out, did it again a week later, popped out again, and then 2 weeks ago got fully ready down there.
Still not here though.
Fingers crossed she pops out again for you :hugs:

About delayed chord clamping. Yes it can cause jaundice, but the benefits of all the vitamins that are transferred to the baby are undeniable.
Jaundice also goes away fairly soon when treated with sunlight therapy.
I had jaundice myself when born (because of delayed chord clamping).
My midwife tries not to cut the chord before the placenta is born if at all possible. If the chord is short, she cuts it sooner though, to enable easier bonding with the baby (not until the chord stops pulsing though).

Hehe, I think if I would put something cold on my belly, LO would actually try to flip even now.
I just got home from a Bower-massage. (pressure-point massage to try to coax LO out).
If I haven´t started by tomorrow night, I´m going back to a ... hmm.. what to call it. Basically a conference where lots of people are using their connection to the spirit world (psychic stuff) to tell LO it´s safe to arrive now.
For some this might be considered mental in itself, but for me, when I had a stomach ulcer, a few of those sessions actually helped me a lot. (though that was one on one).
When I had surgery the next month, the ulcer was completely gone.
Hey ladies, saw doctor today as not right. I have hyperemesis gravidarium. Been prescribed anti sickness meds, signed off for two weeks and told to rest, have to monitor myself if things get worse have to go straight back to doc. :cry:
Sorry I have been MIA, but I am now officially team :pink: :happydance:

I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl on Sunday morning. I started getting contractions on Saturday afternoon and around 10pm they started to get more painful. I called the hospital and they told me that as I could breathe through them that it wasn't time to go in yet. Anyway, I managed to stay at home until 1:30am. I got to the hospital around 2am and I was 5cm dilated. Just before they checked I had my bloody show. So I was taking to the birthing suite. I had been using a TENS machine to try and help relieve the pain. By the time I got to the birthing suite I could no longer handle the pain so asked for an epidural. It was the best thing ever!! I got my epidural around 5:30 am and then they broke my waters soon after that. I dosed on and off after that until around 10:30 am when they checked my cervix again hoping that I was fully diluted. When they checked she had already started her decent down and the midwife could see the tip of her head. I started pushing at 11am and with the help of my dh holding one leg and offering lots of encouragement and my ob holding my other leg. Olivia Charlotte came into the world at 11:53am. The had been a bit of meconium in the fluid when my waters broke so she was quickly checked over by the pediatrician after my dh cut her umbilical cord. She was then brought back to me for lots of skin to skin and her first breastfeed. Although I am quite sore down below still, I had minimal damage with a first degree cut and 2 stitches. I feel so lucky to have had to birth experience that I had. My biggest issue now is my already huge boobs are now even bigger since my milk has come in and are extremely tender to touch. But I'm going to take it in my stride and enjoy every moment of my baby girl! I'll post photos soon.

Hope everyone else is doing well and I still have to catch up with recent posts.
Sam - Congratulations! Yippee! I'm so happy for you. I wish you and your new family all the best.

Pilot – It’s going to be your turn really soon. Good luck with convincing LO it’s safe to come out.

Lou - so sorry. I hope you feel better soon.

Mrschezek - definitely don't do anything to encourage LO coming early but as pilot says she might pop back out. At least you know she's in a good position. Here the anatomy scan is done anywhere from 18 – 24 weeks and my doctor was fully booked till then. We will be finding out the gender – if LO co-operates.

Sportygirl – thanks. Glad your pre-birth visit went well.

Cord debate: It so hard to find unbiased info. The cord banks tell you one thing and the natural birth activists tell you another.
The argument for Delayed cord clamping - Based on our family history it’s very unlikely stem cells will be of any benefit to our children versus the fact that your baby definitely can use the extra nutrients and boosted immune system from the placenta. Also the baby hardly gets any iron when breastfeeding and has to rely on its birth reserves until it starts on formula or solid food. Early clamping increases the likelihood of iron deficiency (even more so if the baby was premature and didn’t have time to build up reserves in the womb).
The argument for cord banking - On the other hand you can supplement formula for an iron deficiency and children have been clamped for the past 20 years with no serious side effects so in the very unlikely event my child (or future siblings) needs stem cells will I forgive myself for not doing it?
I haven’t even factored the cost of the cord banking since it was in our original budget but I imagine that for many parents it’s a huge consideration as well.
Sam- Big congrats to you and your family!!:hugs::happydance: Team pink YAY...So happy things went well with you and baby. Cant wait to see pictures!xo

Pilot- Still waiting, must be frustrating. LO is just very comfy in there and yes it is too cold outside and he senses that..hehehe. Hope you have some progression soon!! Cant wait to hear about it:hugs:

Lou- Sorry about feeling sick and not doing too well. Hope the meds work and you feel better soon:hugs:

Zee-Cant wait to hear about your anatomy scan and gender reveal!! We are looking into cord blood banking as well..not sure what to do though. YAY for half way there and getting a lot done. We are still trying to decorate the LO room. I think hubby is going to paint a blue horizontal stripe on the accent wall, the rest of the walls are beige. We have a chocolate brown crib and dresser in there and a couple shelves up. Wanting to do more...advice anyone?

Mrs Chezek- i heard varicose veins are uncomfortable in the girly parts..so sorry hun. :hugs:Hope it doesnt get worse for you. Also you take it easy anyways and rest to keep ur LO in there for another couple weeks!! Im sure everything will be fine as you are 35 weeks :hugs: Keep us posted!

AFM, I had my 3D u/s last week and got a few good pics but LO was not cooperating very well as he just loved to have his hands and feet over his face..lol. Hubby spoke to him through my belly during the u/s and it was cool to see him move his hands away when he heard his voice...didnt last too long though hehehe. oh well. My OB thinks I am a little small for almost 28weeks but ok for my size as I was small before. I am going to have another u/s in 2 weeks to measure the LO, hope all is ok. He is still breech but i know there is time for him to move.
I totally thought I posted here yesterday but I guess I forgot to hit submit??? Here is what I had saved (I pre-write my posts on a text editor tool as I've lost posts while typing directly into this site):

"So I had some some preterm labor signs Tuesday evening and throughout the night, but have been symptom free since breakfast. Symptoms were - lightning bolt pain in cervix area at bed time, period like cramps in the night and then lower back pain just like I used to get with PMS when I woke up in the morning. It's all gone now, has been since breakfast, so hopefully it won't come back, but I see my doctor tomorrow (that's today) and will have my first non-stress test so hopefully all is well :thumbup:

I'm not too worried but JUST IN CASE, we vamped up our baby prep today and checked off a bunch of items that are critical to be done before LO arrives...going to continue that for the next few days so we're ready if push comes to shove. Kind of exciting I guess but mostly scary. I want her to wait at least 2 more weeks!!!!"

Since then, it's been even more eventful! We got a letter in the mail from our township that the lead levels in our water are extremely high - we filter our water with a Brita but that doesn't get rid of lead! :cry: We went to the township today to get clarification and they think it's a fluke because NO ONE else in our neighborhood or the other 30 randomly tested homes in our township had high levels. So they are going to redo the test today and hopefully get the results to us soon. But that is super stressful! I was already not sleeping well because of that and woke up to our dog throwing up in our bedroom, on the carpet at 5am! So we had to clean and scrub our carpet as it's a rental and we don't want to get charged for staining…all in all I'm exhausted today. Oh and I woke up to a couple more brown spots in my undies…definitely looking forward to seeing my doc in an hour and getting some answers/comfort.

OK, now that I'm done moaning about my world, a big CONGRATULATIONS to sam!!!!!! Cannot wait to see your little girl :happydance: Yay for our first 'over 30 threads' baby making an appearance!!!!! :wohoo:

Lou - sorry about your diagnosis. I'm not sure what it is and can't google it right now but hopefully things will go as well as they can for you :hugs: Definitely rest and do whatever is best!

pilot - thanks for your words of comfort…I'm glad that your LO popped down and up and still hasn't showed…makes me feel better about her coming too soon! :hugs: And good luck with the psychic connection stuff!!! It's whatever you believe in that works…some believe in praying, some believe in the spirit world and others in something else. I respect that (and I believe in all of it which makes a lot of people angry for some reason "u can't believe in God and in Buddha and after life and the caste system of Hinduism all at once!!! blah blah blah")

Zeez - I just wish I knew what makes LO's come early! Apparently this lovely lead in our water could be the culprit…though I'm still hoping the test results were wrong!!! And I agree in regards to finding unbiased info on cord blood is IMPOSSIBLE…everyone has an opinion and their 'facts' are interpreted as they please. You gotta go with whatever feels best for your situation…read all you can and go with your gut. That's what we're going to do!

Clarkey - if you want to decorate more, get some wall decals…they are pretty affordable yet definitely add personality to a room! Otherwise, I think you got the basics :thumbup: Glad your scan went well! Share some pics if you're up for it :flower: Always cool to see!
Thanks Clarkey. Your nursery sounds lovely. Sorry I don’t really have suggestions right now but I agree with MrsChezek about the decals. Do you plan on incorporating a theme?

Aside from painting the walls (pastel green) and furniture (white) we haven’t thought any further about decorating. I’m sure that will change after the gender scan.

That’s so amazing about seeing LO move for DH’s voice. I’m going to have to try that! I’m sure everything will be fine – babies grow at different rates and it’s nothing to worry about. At 28 weeks there is still plenty of time for him to flip.

Wow MrsChezek – You’ve really had an eventful couple of days. I’m sure it would be fine if LO arrived early at 35 weeks but still glad the symptoms stopped if only to give you time to get everything done first.

Fingers crossed that the lead was a fluke and everything is alright. It sounds like it is fine but please keep us updated.
Hey ladies, saw doctor today as not right. I have hyperemesis gravidarium. Been prescribed anti sickness meds, signed off for two weeks and told to rest, have to monitor myself if things get worse have to go straight back to doc. :cry:

I´ve known a few ladies who had HG... I hope the meds help you.
The one time I had to go in to the hospital during this pregnancy because of dehydration, I was put in a room with ladies with HG. Most of them had to go in at least once a week to get fluids replenished.
I hope the meds help soon.

Sorry I have been MIA, but I am now officially team :pink: :happydance:

I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl on Sunday morning. I started getting contractions on Saturday afternoon and around 10pm they started to get more painful. I called the hospital and they told me that as I could breathe through them that it wasn't time to go in yet. Anyway, I managed to stay at home until 1:30am. I got to the hospital around 2am and I was 5cm dilated. Just before they checked I had my bloody show. So I was taking to the birthing suite. I had been using a TENS machine to try and help relieve the pain. By the time I got to the birthing suite I could no longer handle the pain so asked for an epidural. It was the best thing ever!! I got my epidural around 5:30 am and then they broke my waters soon after that. I dosed on and off after that until around 10:30 am when they checked my cervix again hoping that I was fully diluted. When they checked she had already started her decent down and the midwife could see the tip of her head. I started pushing at 11am and with the help of my dh holding one leg and offering lots of encouragement and my ob holding my other leg. Olivia Charlotte came into the world at 11:53am. The had been a bit of meconium in the fluid when my waters broke so she was quickly checked over by the pediatrician after my dh cut her umbilical cord. She was then brought back to me for lots of skin to skin and her first breastfeed. Although I am quite sore down below still, I had minimal damage with a first degree cut and 2 stitches. I feel so lucky to have had to birth experience that I had. My biggest issue now is my already huge boobs are now even bigger since my milk has come in and are extremely tender to touch. But I'm going to take it in my stride and enjoy every moment of my baby girl! I'll post photos soon.

Hope everyone else is doing well and I still have to catch up with recent posts.

Oh, wow, congratulations :hugs: :happydance:

I totally thought I posted here yesterday but I guess I forgot to hit submit??? Here is what I had saved (I pre-write my posts on a text editor tool as I've lost posts while typing directly into this site):

"So I had some some preterm labor signs Tuesday evening and throughout the night, but have been symptom free since breakfast. Symptoms were - lightning bolt pain in cervix area at bed time, period like cramps in the night and then lower back pain just like I used to get with PMS when I woke up in the morning. It's all gone now, has been since breakfast, so hopefully it won't come back, but I see my doctor tomorrow (that's today) and will have my first non-stress test so hopefully all is well :thumbup:

I'm not too worried but JUST IN CASE, we vamped up our baby prep today and checked off a bunch of items that are critical to be done before LO arrives...going to continue that for the next few days so we're ready if push comes to shove. Kind of exciting I guess but mostly scary. I want her to wait at least 2 more weeks!!!!"

Since then, it's been even more eventful! We got a letter in the mail from our township that the lead levels in our water are extremely high - we filter our water with a Brita but that doesn't get rid of lead! :cry: We went to the township today to get clarification and they think it's a fluke because NO ONE else in our neighborhood or the other 30 randomly tested homes in our township had high levels. So they are going to redo the test today and hopefully get the results to us soon. But that is super stressful! I was already not sleeping well because of that and woke up to our dog throwing up in our bedroom, on the carpet at 5am! So we had to clean and scrub our carpet as it's a rental and we don't want to get charged for staining…all in all I'm exhausted today. Oh and I woke up to a couple more brown spots in my undies…definitely looking forward to seeing my doc in an hour and getting some answers/comfort.

OK, now that I'm done moaning about my world, a big CONGRATULATIONS to sam!!!!!! Cannot wait to see your little girl :happydance: Yay for our first 'over 30 threads' baby making an appearance!!!!! :wohoo:

Lou - sorry about your diagnosis. I'm not sure what it is and can't google it right now but hopefully things will go as well as they can for you :hugs: Definitely rest and do whatever is best!

pilot - thanks for your words of comfort…I'm glad that your LO popped down and up and still hasn't showed…makes me feel better about her coming too soon! :hugs: And good luck with the psychic connection stuff!!! It's whatever you believe in that works…some believe in praying, some believe in the spirit world and others in something else. I respect that (and I believe in all of it which makes a lot of people angry for some reason "u can't believe in God and in Buddha and after life and the caste system of Hinduism all at once!!! blah blah blah")

Zeez - I just wish I knew what makes LO's come early! Apparently this lovely lead in our water could be the culprit…though I'm still hoping the test results were wrong!!! And I agree in regards to finding unbiased info on cord blood is IMPOSSIBLE…everyone has an opinion and their 'facts' are interpreted as they please. You gotta go with whatever feels best for your situation…read all you can and go with your gut. That's what we're going to do!

Clarkey - if you want to decorate more, get some wall decals…they are pretty affordable yet definitely add personality to a room! Otherwise, I think you got the basics :thumbup: Glad your scan went well! Share some pics if you're up for it :flower: Always cool to see!

Fingers crossed she stays in there until at least 37 weeks :hugs:
I hope that Lead test was wrong... fingers crossed for that too.

Nothing much to report still, still getting a bunch of false starts (contractions every 3-5 minutes for an hour here and there).
LO still nice and snug in there. HB about 140-160 (sometimes 170) these days, and moving nicely, so nobody is worried just yet.
Meeting the midwife in about 3-4 hours now. She´ll probably do acupuncture and other stuff to get me going.
oh Pilot...hopefully she can help start something for you! How long will they let you go before you have to be induced??

Zee- your room sounds cute too! I have been looking at decals, maybe a nice tree and animals. We do have a couple hockey items as well as hubby is a sports freak!! i will post a pic when we are finished!!

Mrs C- i will post some pics of the 3D u/s soon...just have to load them to the computer. :) and yes keep us updated on the lead issue..wow that's scary..hopefully it was a mistake!
oh Pilot...hopefully she can help start something for you! How long will they let you go before you have to be induced??

Zee- your room sounds cute too! I have been looking at decals, maybe a nice tree and animals. We do have a couple hockey items as well as hubby is a sports freak!! i will post a pic when we are finished!!

Mrs C- i will post some pics of the 3D u/s soon...just have to load them to the computer. :) and yes keep us updated on the lead issue..wow that's scary..hopefully it was a mistake!

We can go up to about 42 weeks if everything looks good until then.
She asked me today if I wanted to go into the hospital to be induced, so basically it´s up to me, until next Saturday (8 more days).
I hope I don´t have to be induced...
I hope you don't have to get induced either pilot! I'll keep everything crossed for you. Did you do the psychic session yet? How did it go?

AFM, got my baby shower tomorrow so I'm super excited for that. Otherwise, I'm doing alright. Got the bum pains :blush: (TMI - hemorrhoids) so I'm uncomfortable to say the least and still getting BH. Found a bit of (TMI again) reddish brown sticky mucous in my undies yesterday evening so I think my plug is starting to come out. I had more liquid brown discharge throughout the night when I wiped but no red blood so I guess we're still good. Trying to take it easy and wait out the next 2 weeks at least!

DH got his hands on the actual water report and the number was supposed to be .00085 not the .85 they put in our letter so the water is clean. Morons!!! However, we had them retest it this morning just in case so hopefully it will be confirmed as all good. Thank goodness!

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
I hope you don't have to get induced either pilot! I'll keep everything crossed for you. Did you do the psychic session yet? How did it go?

AFM, got my baby shower tomorrow so I'm super excited for that. Otherwise, I'm doing alright. Got the bum pains :blush: (TMI - hemorrhoids) so I'm uncomfortable to say the least and still getting BH. Found a bit of (TMI again) reddish brown sticky mucous in my undies yesterday evening so I think my plug is starting to come out. I had more liquid brown discharge throughout the night when I wiped but no red blood so I guess we're still good. Trying to take it easy and wait out the next 2 weeks at least!

DH got his hands on the actual water report and the number was supposed to be .00085 not the .85 they put in our letter so the water is clean. Morons!!! However, we had them retest it this morning just in case so hopefully it will be confirmed as all good. Thank goodness!

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

Felt too tired for the psychic session.
Still haven´t started, fingers crossed you don´t start yet either :hugs:
Good to hear the water report was wrong.
I hope you don't have to get induced either pilot! I'll keep everything crossed for you. Did you do the psychic session yet? How did it go?

AFM, got my baby shower tomorrow so I'm super excited for that. Otherwise, I'm doing alright. Got the bum pains :blush: (TMI - hemorrhoids) so I'm uncomfortable to say the least and still getting BH. Found a bit of (TMI again) reddish brown sticky mucous in my undies yesterday evening so I think my plug is starting to come out. I had more liquid brown discharge throughout the night when I wiped but no red blood so I guess we're still good. Trying to take it easy and wait out the next 2 weeks at least!

DH got his hands on the actual water report and the number was supposed to be .00085 not the .85 they put in our letter so the water is clean. Morons!!! However, we had them retest it this morning just in case so hopefully it will be confirmed as all good. Thank goodness!

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

Hope you enjoy your shower tomorrow!!!!

And good luck pilot not long now! It's exciting that one of the group is so close!!

Tiny update.
Still waiting, had contractions 12 minutes apart for 2 hours this morning. Occasional ones now.
Come on little man, let´s get this show on the road :happydance:
Tiny update.
Still waiting, had contractions 12 minutes apart for 2 hours this morning. Occasional ones now.
Come on little man, let´s get this show on the road :happydance:

Fingers crossed he is on his way! :happydance:
Tiny update.
Still waiting, had contractions 12 minutes apart for 2 hours this morning. Occasional ones now.
Come on little man, let´s get this show on the road :happydance:

How long are the contractions? Are they at least 1 min? I hope this is it!!! I'm sending your LO lots of encouragement and positive energy! Go for a walk if you can muster the energy!!
Tiny update.
Still waiting, had contractions 12 minutes apart for 2 hours this morning. Occasional ones now.
Come on little man, let´s get this show on the road :happydance:

How long are the contractions? Are they at least 1 min? I hope this is it!!! I'm sending your LO lots of encouragement and positive energy! Go for a walk if you can muster the energy!!

The contractions can be anywhere from 40 seconds up to 2 minutes.
Usually average around 1:10...
I´m going out later today if I haven´t started.
Going to visit my elderly cat, and get some more stuff from moms storage.
Then we´re going out for chicken nachos, going to eat some of the strong stuff too, and hope that gets me going.
Feeling hormonal and a bit hurt today.
Don´t know when/if I´ll post again.

Sorry guys, everything is fine with the pregnancy though...

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