Expecting #1 and over 30

Did they draw blood to confirm your pregnancy? Anything? I'm no sure what the British process is for things...my doc did blood work on my first visit to confirm I was pregnant. Or is that the next visit for you? :wacko:
Did they draw blood to confirm your pregnancy? Anything? I'm no sure what the British process is for things...my doc did blood work on my first visit to confirm I was pregnant. Or is that the next visit for you? :wacko:

No blood - just asked me when was my last period, if me or DH smoked and if I drink. That was it!! I guess they do more at the booking in appt - which is with midwives. I have that in 3 weeks!! I will look into the scan info but if it is ok I think I will book a package as in the UK you only get two scans! The private company I looked at also do the normal 2D scans as well and will tell you the sex - sometimes they won't tell you in NHS hospitals.
Chezek I just read this and thought of you. There is some good in all that's bad.

Nausea and vomiting: Whether you are experiencing slight queasiness or hurling breakfast, lunch, or dinner (or all three), look on the bright side. (Though admittedly it’s hard to look at the bright side when your view is the porcelain goddess!) Women who experience some nausea are significantly less likely to miscarry than those who don’t. Combat queasiness by eating small snacks that combine protein and complex carbs — cheese and multigrain crackers, yogurt and granola, whatever your stomach can stomach. (this was week 6)

Nausea and vomiting: Don’t choose the nursery colors just yet, but studies do show that moms-to-be who are severely nauseated in the first trimester tend to be carrying girls, thanks to the interplay of hormones produced by you and the female fetus. But regardless of your baby’s gender and how sick you feel, you’ll still want to keep some food down. Stick to foods that appeal to you, even if you’re only eating fruit salads for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. (Your baby’s nutritional needs are tiny at this point, so no worries.) (week 7) Maybe you are haivng a girl?
Joey - the private company does sound good to me too. I like having extra scans but do read up on those 3/4D scans. How exciting to have you here!!! :hugs:

Breezy - awwww thanks for thinking of me!!!! :hugs: That's so sweet :kiss: A girl huh??? That would be cool! :pink: It's all boys on my DH's side - sister has 2 and brother has 2. I don't have any siblings but my mom's sister's grandkids are all girls and my mom's cousins dominate in girls too. So who knows! It could be true :winkwink: I don't have a preference at all. I guess being a girl I've always wanted a big brother so a boy first born would be nice but I'll be thrilled with either :thumbup:

The nausea is a bit nicer today so I'm happy. I got a bit of fruit down (a protein smoothie I made and some fresh blueberries and cherries). I do dream of the days it will be totally gone but for now I'll take this over how I felt the last 2 days! I want to get out and exercise a bit, take the dog for a walk, but the weather has been terrible…today it was up to 100F (38C) and now we're having severe thunderstorms (lights keep flickering and all). Yesterday was high temps too as the day before. They CLAIM it's to cool down end of week so FX but I don't believe them…they keep screwing up the forecast lately.

How is everyone else? :hug:
Hi ladies...
Welcome joey, sporty and rmsh!!!! Congratulations on your bfp's! So very exciting!

Mrs Chez, so sorry to hear you've been feeling so nauseated! But what a cute little bean you have there!!! I can't wait to hear the heartbeat!!!!!!

PregPilot, what a happy little bean giving you a wave and looking so grown up already! Lovely scan pics! Howcome they backdated you? Size?

Breezy, hows the nausea going? You having any yet? Good for you going out still! You could always say you are on anti-biotics and therefore can't drink or something if someone gets suspicious! Enjoy!

MD, glad the headache has gone away, I also had a thumper of a headache last 2 days! Feel it's still lingering there in the background today, but not bad.

AFM, still feeling good. No nausea, although I do feel that empty stomach feeling a lot so have to keep eating all the time. I will be starving so eat a lot and then feel so bloated and full after...have to learn to eat smaller meals. I have started with a gross taste in my mouth since yesterday, it's not a metal taste...just not a nice one. I have gone off some food and am having a serious craving for stews and curries (mild ones). So plan to cook up a storm this weekend :) Otherwise, feeling good, I am going to the gym after work today, glad I am able to still keep a bit active. I booked my scan yesterday for the 2nd August...can't wait!!!! Will be just over 8 weeks then :-D
We've told most of our friends that we see often and parents. I haven't told my work yet as I am actually resigning at the end of the month....(petrified) as I have decided to start my own business. I am a beauty therapist and have been planning this for a few months now as something I can then have flexibility with when I have a baby. As it had been a year of ttc I thought I'd have a lot of time to set the business up before bub arrived, but now the pressure is really on. So I start on 1st September and will have a few months before baby arrives in March. I had to make a plan as at my current job my only maternity benefit is 4 months unpaid leave, and can't afford to just not earn anything and also didn't want to go back to full time work (8-5:30) with a newborn.
Shooo...sorry for the long explanation. Just feeling a bit stressed about it as it seems crazy to quit a job when pregnant...but it's going to be best for my future and will mean more quality time with baby.
How is everyone else doing???
babysa - how exciting to be starting something new! In Sept we'll be in our second tri so we should be feeling pretty good, so it's a good time! And I'm glad you'll have more time off and can control your own schedule :hugs: I left my 9-5 as a product manager in the internet industry to pursue my passion for photography about 4 years ago so I know it can be scary. But at the same time, it's so rewarding! So I'm excited for you :happydance: And Aug 2nd will be here in no time! So we'll get to see your cute bean as well :flower:

AFM, I woke up at 3am this time with a headache. As I'm prone to migraines, I know better than to try to 'wait it out'. I ate some crackers, drank some water and popped some acetaminophen before it got out of hand. I was able to fall back asleep a bit more easily than yesterday so that's good. I woke up this morning feeling much better. Which makes half of me super excited yet the other half petrified as to what tomorrow will bring! If nausea stays away even just this one day I'll be thrilled! :yipee: So FX…I don't want to jinx myself by celebrating too much :shy:
babysa We have our first appointment 8/3, I'll add you to my calendar. So exciting starting a new adventure that will allow a flexible schedule. So happy for you.

Chezek So glad you had a better day yesterday :happydance: Have you gotten your mommies bliss yet? It's super hot here too, it was 105 yesterday. :growlmad: I work underground so I can walk here on my breaks and it's room temp all year long and miles of walking room.
I'm the same on wanting a boy first but really doesn't matter either way. My dh is very athletic and already has a girl so a boy would be fun for him but I've always wanted a girl. Heathy is most important to us in the end though.

AFM, my bbs are back to sore but not too bad and I'm exhausted, lots of stomach pulling (hard to explain) that's it! I've got my game face on for the Pub crawl this Saturday. Although, last night I saw my aunt and first thing she said was "your pregnant" I about fell out of my seat. I said no at first but she just kept asking to where I finally said yes. When I asked how she knew....She said "I have that glow and my bbs are bigger than normal so she knew right way" :dohh:
Thanks MrsChez and Breezy for your words of encouragement, I really need it right now. I know this is the right move, but knowing I'm also busy growing a human makes me feel a bit stressed about growing a business at the same time ;-)

MrsChez...glad you nipped your migraine in the bud. That sounds very unpleasant! But really hoping the nausea eases up for you. Have you tried those pressure bangles you can wear for seasickness? Apparently they help quite a lot, and sipping on ginger beer. What kind of photography do you do?

Breezy...What type of work do you do that gets you underground? Sounds intriguing! That's amazing that your Aunt guessed! I have had a few clients ask me what I've been doing as my skin looks amazing and glowy...haha...luckily they didn't guess the pregnancy card ;-) I keep checking my bb's everyday for growth (I'm a b cup) but no growth as yet...just sore!

I have always been keen for a girl, but I have a feeling that we are having a boy. Think because I haven't been feeling nauseas and all my friends who had girls were VERY nauseous and the ones who had boys weren't really. Funnily, now that I am pregnant, I dont mind so much either way. Are you ladies all going to find out what you are having? We definately will!!!! Can't wait!!! Anyone have name ideas already? Girl names are so much easier than boy names!
Hope you all have a great evening!
Breezy - I can't believe your aunt guessed!!! You're screwed :dohh: j/k :haha: I'm worried my mom will be able to tell so I haven't been spending much time around her. Purposely, the one time I did spend some time with her, I was grumpy so she just assumed I was PMSing or just having a bad day. But I know she'll be able to tell if I let on any symptoms. She knows when I'm sick over the phone. I used to call her when I lived across the country in Cali and like 2 sentences into the conversation, she'd say 'what's wrong? you're sick?' It's crazy! Intuition is our enemy right now :winkwink: My friend from SF, granted she knew we've been trying, but when I posted that I had to bail on our anniversary dinner due to upset stomach, she texted me "upset tummy = baby?". So she now knows too! I couldn't tell her no…I have a thing with lying. If I can't bend or avoid the truth, I won't lie.

I've been having that pinching thing for weeks myself. It comes out of no where and last a couple seconds but it's not pleasant. Doc said it was normal. It's only noon here so no mail delivery yet…but it's to arrive today :thumbup: So you work underground? Are you CIA???? lol I've got images from Dan Brown books running through my head :flower:

babysa - I ordered the Sea Bands along with the ginger powder pills - both arriving today. I'll let you know if they help! I got them for my best friend and she said it helped a bit so I'm hopeful. I'm a children and pet portrait photographer :flower: I've recently started doing pregnancy shoots and am hoping to get into newborn portraits, but have been hesitant as i don't really have any experience with newborns. So will focus on that after I play around with my own :winkwink:

Still feel pretty good. Even took the dog for a walk and that felt nice. A bit more nausea than when I woke up but that's cause I'm trying to wear a bra today. I don't want saggy boobs but anything touching the area between my boobs makes me queasy. So on days where I feel bad, I give up and don't wear a bra. So on days like today, I try to wear one even though it's super uncomfortable. I don't even have under-wire on! Just anything slightly touching that space feels like a heavy weight. :wacko: Anyone dealing with that?
I was pretty shocked she guesses myself. I see my mom everyday, there was NO way I could hide it from her which is why we told my sis and dad also.

Chezek I have that thing with lying as well, that is what worries me about this weekend. I told everyone that has asked me that I couldn't drink because of a friends baby getting baptised at 730am before church :shrug: Sounds good to me! Who wants to go to church smelling like alcohol, not this girl :winkwink:

I've been wearing the tanks with a built in bra, maybe that will help. Kind of like a sports bra it keeps them babies in place so they dont move and hurt. :haha:

babysa You can do it! Allow having a :baby: to give you even more motivation.

OOOO names....I have had the same girl name picked out for 15 years which is Jasalyn (jazz-a-lyn) Marie. Dh doesn't like it [-X I don't even have a boys name yet. My dh and I both start with J so I'm thinking I want to go with J names but then I feel bad because his daughter name starts with a P

I work in a cave.....seriously a cave. I so wish I had some super exciting job but :nope: I run an accounting department for a freight company. We have wearhouses underground because it cost less to heat and cool with our crazy midwest weather. I've been here for so long I've gotten used to it but I don't see daylight for 7 hours of my day or even outside for that matter.
Hi ladies...
Welcome joey, sporty and rmsh!!!! Congratulations on your bfp's! So very exciting!

Mrs Chez, so sorry to hear you've been feeling so nauseated! But what a cute little bean you have there!!! I can't wait to hear the heartbeat!!!!!!

PregPilot, what a happy little bean giving you a wave and looking so grown up already! Lovely scan pics! Howcome they backdated you? Size?

Breezy, hows the nausea going? You having any yet? Good for you going out still! You could always say you are on anti-biotics and therefore can't drink or something if someone gets suspicious! Enjoy!

MD, glad the headache has gone away, I also had a thumper of a headache last 2 days! Feel it's still lingering there in the background today, but not bad.

AFM, still feeling good. No nausea, although I do feel that empty stomach feeling a lot so have to keep eating all the time. I will be starving so eat a lot and then feel so bloated and full after...have to learn to eat smaller meals. I have started with a gross taste in my mouth since yesterday, it's not a metal taste...just not a nice one. I have gone off some food and am having a serious craving for stews and curries (mild ones). So plan to cook up a storm this weekend :) Otherwise, feeling good, I am going to the gym after work today, glad I am able to still keep a bit active. I booked my scan yesterday for the 2nd August...can't wait!!!! Will be just over 8 weeks then :-D
We've told most of our friends that we see often and parents. I haven't told my work yet as I am actually resigning at the end of the month....(petrified) as I have decided to start my own business. I am a beauty therapist and have been planning this for a few months now as something I can then have flexibility with when I have a baby. As it had been a year of ttc I thought I'd have a lot of time to set the business up before bub arrived, but now the pressure is really on. So I start on 1st September and will have a few months before baby arrives in March. I had to make a plan as at my current job my only maternity benefit is 4 months unpaid leave, and can't afford to just not earn anything and also didn't want to go back to full time work (8-5:30) with a newborn.
Shooo...sorry for the long explanation. Just feeling a bit stressed about it as it seems crazy to quit a job when pregnant...but it's going to be best for my future and will mean more quality time with baby.
How is everyone else doing???

Yea, they went by size.
But I´m glad they did, as this way I can work until the 20th-26th of october, so I don´t have to quit my job early. (they´re letting me off after october anyways - but don´t worry, I get my job back in may next year).
I´m trying to worm my way in to an old job I had at the local bus company a couple of years back. Trying to get a temp position in november and december, for a little extra cash.
After that I´ll have 4 months to rest, the last month of pregnancy, and 3 months of maternity leave before going to work again (OH is going to work from home after that).
Babysa - my next appt is August 2 too! And, as Breezy said hers is the next day. Exciting week! Can't wait!

Also, I am doing the same thing! Leaving my job as a lawyer with a good company (that pays maternity leave) to start my own business in fitness. Kind of a crazy time to do it but also probably the best time at this point - maybe a little sooner would have been better, but can't look back now. I am excited but nervous too! It will definitely be a crazy couple of months. Mine prob won't open until October and then I will only have until mid-Feb to get it up and running smoothly enough for me to take some time off. I know we can do it, though! And, in the end, it will be so worth it! You can do it! :thumbup:

MrsC - Glad you are starting to feel a little better. You really have had it so bad! :hugs: I am back to being a tiny bit nervous b/c I'm feeling so much better. Think I can chalk it up to the placenta taking over more? I hope so. I hope your nausea is done for good! FX'd!

Breezy - that is so crazy about your aunt guessing. Pretty cool. (Except for sharing before you were ready.) That is cool about your job! If it makes you feel any better, I am in a high rise and don't get to see the sun ever either - they have us stuck in the middle of the building with no windows. :(

Preg_P - That is great you have so much time off and can still get your job back. I guess that is necessary with flying. Good luck with the temp job - Im sure you'll get it no prob.

Names and sex of the babes. We really don't care what we have - just want healthy and happy. I know that's cliche, but I can think of so many positives for both that I really just am so excited for either. And, names, I've always liked the name Caitlin for a little girl. :)

Ugh, have yall even started thinking about maternity clothes yet? Since I am starting my own business soon we are going to be on a tight budget and I am starting to think about alternative options - like friends' closets. ;) I know it is a little early, but . . . It is going to be hard in the winter!
Glad you are feeling a bit better MrsC!! I am struggling to believe it all as no symptoms - but I am hoping I don't get nausea, I get really bad travel sickness so I know how bad it can feel!!
I am trying not to think too far ahead as I still feel it's early days and I don't want to jinx anything! But have always liked George for a boy!
I have my first appt with the midwives on august 8th and I guess then my scan will be booked! Can't wait to see the bean - then I will know it's true!!

Sounds like you all have such exciting times coming up with all the job changes! Goodluck xx
Joey - I get bad motion sickness in cars/planes/boats which is why I read I have such bad nausea. So brace yourself!!! BUT I will cross everything that it skips you!!! :hugs:
Babysa - my next appt is August 2 too! And, as Breezy said hers is the next day. Exciting week! Can't wait!

Also, I am doing the same thing! Leaving my job as a lawyer with a good company (that pays maternity leave) to start my own business in fitness. Kind of a crazy time to do it but also probably the best time at this point - maybe a little sooner would have been better, but can't look back now. I am excited but nervous too! It will definitely be a crazy couple of months. Mine prob won't open until October and then I will only have until mid-Feb to get it up and running smoothly enough for me to take some time off. I know we can do it, though! And, in the end, it will be so worth it! You can do it! :thumbup:

MrsC - Glad you are starting to feel a little better. You really have had it so bad! :hugs: I am back to being a tiny bit nervous b/c I'm feeling so much better. Think I can chalk it up to the placenta taking over more? I hope so. I hope your nausea is done for good! FX'd!

Breezy - that is so crazy about your aunt guessing. Pretty cool. (Except for sharing before you were ready.) That is cool about your job! If it makes you feel any better, I am in a high rise and don't get to see the sun ever either - they have us stuck in the middle of the building with no windows. :(

Preg_P - That is great you have so much time off and can still get your job back. I guess that is necessary with flying. Good luck with the temp job - Im sure you'll get it no prob.

Names and sex of the babes. We really don't care what we have - just want healthy and happy. I know that's cliche, but I can think of so many positives for both that I really just am so excited for either. And, names, I've always liked the name Caitlin for a little girl. :)

Ugh, have yall even started thinking about maternity clothes yet? Since I am starting my own business soon we are going to be on a tight budget and I am starting to think about alternative options - like friends' closets. ;) I know it is a little early, but . . . It is going to be hard in the winter!

I would have lost my job anyways - this is my 6th year, getting my winter resignation. It´s just getting shorter each year now. Only a matter of time until I get to keep my job for the entire year :)
And thanks :)
Hey ladies, didn't have much time to check in today but wanted to check in on you guys.

Chezek You feeling any better?

MD and babysa Are you as bad at waiting as me? That's all I can think abou. They didn't even tell me what to expect in that appointment, it's driving me insane!

Still no m/s for me, thank goodness. I just keep waiting for it to kick in. I weiged myslf today and I've gained 12lbs. this is not good :nope: I am a pretty little person and never had an issue with gaining weight :shrug:

On another note we now have a foundation and basement. We are getting to the fun part of picking things out for our house. I can't wait :happydance: We move the week of Thanksgiving, all these changes are coming at me so fast.

O, I almost forgot, my POAS addiction is not gone. My test is still positive this eve :dohh:

Have a good weekend everyone! I'm still getting used to the fact I'm not waiting to O, in the tww or waiting for af. Silly me
Hehe. yea. I didn´t stop POAS until I got my ms... then I had confirmation enough.

I´ve gained between almost 18 pounds since I got pregnant. Not too happy. But I´m not gonna fret too much. I´m just gonna be as careful as I can be. Light exercise (walking, swimming, light weiglifting), and minimizing sugar and wheat.
Breezy - good idea on the tanks with the built in bras. I'll go get one and try it…I'm still hating on the bras!!! Ha. My old company's fulfillment center was in the midwest…I now wonder if it was underground too! I'm so glad you're not getting any ms…I really hope it skips you! FX :hugs: And how exciting about your house! I love picking things out…it is so much fun :happydance: You'll have to share pictures of the final product!!!

preg_pilot - sounds like you have your whole maternity leave plan ironed out!!! :thumbup: Glad everything is falling into place for you :hugs:

MD - thanks sweetie! I still feel pretty good today so I'm super happy. Even if it's temporary it's such a welcome break :flower: When do you plan to start your biz?? How exciting! Fitness is fun too…I have always wanted to do nutrition and considered becoming a personal trainer or a life coach. I find that whole area so rewarding to work in!

I guess the one good thing to come out of all that MS I went through, I've lost weight since my BFP! But I'm sure that won't stick around too long now that I'm feeling better. Unfortunately, even though the nausea isn't as bad, I still cannot stomach a lot of fruit or vegetables or protein without a ton of carbs. Carbs go straight to my gut so if that stays the case, I'll be gaining quickly!! :dohh: I'm seriously smiling half the day just because I don't feel so ill anymore. I can finally embrace being pregnant and I don't feel fully dysfunctional. It still comes and goes, especially when driving around or when trying to eat fruit or drink any liquid. For some reason, liquid things make me ill still. Otherwise, I feel pretty good; well, except that I've been SUPER tired…sleeping 10 hours and taking naps…which is SO not like me. But I'll take any of that over the nausea I had before…

We actually had some friends over for lunch today and that was exciting. I was nervous about it earlier in the week but luckily I have been feeling better and I actually enjoyed entertaining and hanging out. I felt human. The guy of the couple is moving to NC for grad school and he's one of my best friends from high school so I told them about our little bean as I didn't' want to have to tell him over the phone later. Plus, I know he won't tell anyone. Well, the weather has gotten beautiful around here so I'm heading back to the deck for some more relaxation in the breeze. Enjoy your weekends girls!
Hi girls. Sorry I've been MIA but the nausea has come back since yesterday evening and I've been trying to keep my head above water. I'm a bit sad but of course grateful for the few days I had "off". I'm also excited for my 8 week u/s tomorrow! Or as excited as I can since I'm feeling quite awful again. Hope to see the noodle bug progressing well :flower:

Thinking of you all…
Hi girls. Sorry I've been MIA but the nausea has come back since yesterday evening and I've been trying to keep my head above water. I'm a bit sad but of course grateful for the few days I had "off". I'm also excited for my 8 week u/s tomorrow! Or as excited as I can since I'm feeling quite awful again. Hope to see the noodle bug progressing well :flower:

Thinking of you all…

Oh no!! So sorry it has come back!! Hope it stops soon!! Must be so exhausting!! So exciting that you have your 8 week scan tomorrow - can't believe how fast 8 weeks goes!! :hugs:

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