Expecting #1 and over 30

Thx ttc1st! I forgot about those bras...I read about them months ago when I was TTC. I'll try to hit up a store and grab some today. I believe Bed, Bath & Beyond carries them in the US :thumbup:

AFM, an ok day so far. Not much appetite and the nausea isn't debilitating. Long day though of errands, appts and hanging out with my parents, who don't know. I hate hiding this from them!!! DH's mom comes into town on next Wed so we'll tell them all in about a week. CANNOT WAIT. :coffee:
Well ladies, I haven't been able to read and catch up yet but just wanted to let you know they have discovered what is causing the cramping. I have a cyst on my ovary. So I have another u/s scheduled next Tuesday and Friday next week. I'll check in with you guys in a little bit once I get caught up at work.
Hi Ladies,
Just to update you...unfortunately sad news on my side. I went for my 2nd scan with the specialist and he searched and searched and eventually concluded the following: he could see the sac, but he didn't like where it had implanted as it is very low which is an area of low blood supply so the embryo wasn't able to get enough nutrients etc from my blood supply so stopped growing. He couldn't find any signs of life ie. heartbeat and the size of the embryo vs the size of the sac didn't add up and the embryo looked like it was being drawn toward the edges of the sac which isn't a good sign. Obviously paired together with my bleeding and cramps means I am busy miscarrying. We are devastated, especially after our year long wait for this baby. I have been advised to just let nature take its course as it's so early I will probably just continue bleeding for a while. They dont recommend a d&c as that can cause problems with your endometrial lining.
Very sad to share this news with you ladies, but I suppose these things happen and maybe it's for a reason. I am just greatful that I know that we are fertile and able to conceive naturally and glad that this happened very early rather than later.
Thank you all for your support. And I wish you all well on this beautiful journey. I will hopefully be back to join this group again soon. But for now it's goodbye.
Hi Ladies,
Just to update you...unfortunately sad news on my side. I went for my 2nd scan with the specialist and he searched and searched and eventually concluded the following: he could see the sac, but he didn't like where it had implanted as it is very low which is an area of low blood supply so the embryo wasn't able to get enough nutrients etc from my blood supply so stopped growing. He couldn't find any signs of life ie. heartbeat and the size of the embryo vs the size of the sac didn't add up and the embryo looked like it was being drawn toward the edges of the sac which isn't a good sign. Obviously paired together with my bleeding and cramps means I am busy miscarrying. We are devastated, especially after our year long wait for this baby. I have been advised to just let nature take its course as it's so early I will probably just continue bleeding for a while. They dont recommend a d&c as that can cause problems with your endometrial lining.
Very sad to share this news with you ladies, but I suppose these things happen and maybe it's for a reason. I am just greatful that I know that we are fertile and able to conceive naturally and glad that this happened very early rather than later.
Thank you all for your support. And I wish you all well on this beautiful journey. I will hopefully be back to join this group again soon. But for now it's goodbye.

So sorry to hear your sad news. I will be thinking of you and will say a prayer. I hope you have a supportive OH and family to help you through.

Take care of yourself. :kiss:
Breezy - oh no! I'm sorry to hear about the cyst. How will that affect the pregnancy? Would they try to remove it? I'm really sorry you have to go through this :hugs:

babysa - I'm sorry to hear of your sad news :hugs: My heart goes out to you and your family. I'm glad you were able to get the second scan and get an answer though. I'm also glad you are hopeful and going to continue trying. I too hope to have you back in this group soon. Take care of yourself :hugs:
Hi Ladies,
Just to update you...unfortunately sad news on my side. I went for my 2nd scan with the specialist and he searched and searched and eventually concluded the following: he could see the sac, but he didn't like where it had implanted as it is very low which is an area of low blood supply so the embryo wasn't able to get enough nutrients etc from my blood supply so stopped growing. He couldn't find any signs of life ie. heartbeat and the size of the embryo vs the size of the sac didn't add up and the embryo looked like it was being drawn toward the edges of the sac which isn't a good sign. Obviously paired together with my bleeding and cramps means I am busy miscarrying. We are devastated, especially after our year long wait for this baby. I have been advised to just let nature take its course as it's so early I will probably just continue bleeding for a while. They dont recommend a d&c as that can cause problems with your endometrial lining.
Very sad to share this news with you ladies, but I suppose these things happen and maybe it's for a reason. I am just greatful that I know that we are fertile and able to conceive naturally and glad that this happened very early rather than later.
Thank you all for your support. And I wish you all well on this beautiful journey. I will hopefully be back to join this group again soon. But for now it's goodbye.

Such sad news. I will be thinking of you and hopefully see you back on here soon :hugs: xx
Babysa I am so sorry to hear that. We will be here for you when you get back! I'm glad you are seeing something positive out of your heartbreak. :hugs:

Chezek Did you get a new bra/bras yet? I am going to have to do something if this gets much worse. Whew! Did your mom notice anything different about you? I know you mentioned she could always tell if something was wrong......You finally starting to feel better? My co-worker just had her baby today and she had the worst m/s I've ever seen in my life, I held her hair for her on a daily basis, it was AWFUL, anyways....she had a girl. She played into the wives tale. :winkwink:

ttc That happened to me years ago with metamucil, how funny!
What are you taking instead? Hope tomorrow goes well. I would have loved to have had twins but only 1. They run in our family plus I did clomid so it increased but in reality 1 is all I can handle right now :thumbup:

MD can't wait until this time next week, you'll have pics to share and I'll be going into to get mine! Hurry up weekend and week let's get to Thursday next week!

afm We are going in again for one of the u/s and sono we don't get to see on Tuesday afternoon. They are going to take another look at the cyst and see where we go from here. Our best option is it shrinking on it's own [-o< if not they will see how fast it's growing and go from there. Worst case is it forces the baby out or it's growing super fast and I will have to deal with the pain until the 2nd tri. So really it can go either way.

I can't wait until next Friday......time is ticking by :coffee:
If all goes well Tuesday we are debating telling my dh daughter Thursday and taking her with us to hear the h/b Friday....I just keep battling. I will only be 8 weeks and not out of the clear yet....What do you ladies thinK?
babysa - I´m so sorry. :hugs:

Breezy81 - maybe 8 weeks is a little early? At least here it would be, but our equipment seems to be sadly outdated.
babysa - I'm so sorry to hear your sad news. :hugs:

Breezy - I really hope the cyst shrinks on its own as I've heard they can be quite painful. fx'd for you. GL with your scan next Friday.

MrsC - It must be so hard keeping your pregnancy from your parents. My parents knew early on because they knew when certain things were happening in regards to our fertility treatment. They were sworn to absolute secrecy until we had our 12 wk scan. I'm sure they will be over the moon when you tell them this week. :D
Hi Ladies,
Just to update you...unfortunately sad news on my side. I went for my 2nd scan with the specialist and he searched and searched and eventually concluded the following: he could see the sac, but he didn't like where it had implanted as it is very low which is an area of low blood supply so the embryo wasn't able to get enough nutrients etc from my blood supply so stopped growing. He couldn't find any signs of life ie. heartbeat and the size of the embryo vs the size of the sac didn't add up and the embryo looked like it was being drawn toward the edges of the sac which isn't a good sign. Obviously paired together with my bleeding and cramps means I am busy miscarrying. We are devastated, especially after our year long wait for this baby. I have been advised to just let nature take its course as it's so early I will probably just continue bleeding for a while. They dont recommend a d&c as that can cause problems with your endometrial lining.
Very sad to share this news with you ladies, but I suppose these things happen and maybe it's for a reason. I am just greatful that I know that we are fertile and able to conceive naturally and glad that this happened very early rather than later.
Thank you all for your support. And I wish you all well on this beautiful journey. I will hopefully be back to join this group again soon. But for now it's goodbye.

I am so so sorry. My thoughts are with you. Hope to see you back soon. Take care xxx
Babysa I am so sorry to hear that. We will be here for you when you get back! I'm glad you are seeing something positive out of your heartbreak. :hugs:

Chezek Did you get a new bra/bras yet? I am going to have to do something if this gets much worse. Whew! Did your mom notice anything different about you? I know you mentioned she could always tell if something was wrong......You finally starting to feel better? My co-worker just had her baby today and she had the worst m/s I've ever seen in my life, I held her hair for her on a daily basis, it was AWFUL, anyways....she had a girl. She played into the wives tale. :winkwink:

ttc That happened to me years ago with metamucil, how funny!
What are you taking instead? Hope tomorrow goes well. I would have loved to have had twins but only 1. They run in our family plus I did clomid so it increased but in reality 1 is all I can handle right now :thumbup:

MD can't wait until this time next week, you'll have pics to share and I'll be going into to get mine! Hurry up weekend and week let's get to Thursday next week!

afm We are going in again for one of the u/s and sono we don't get to see on Tuesday afternoon. They are going to take another look at the cyst and see where we go from here. Our best option is it shrinking on it's own [-o< if not they will see how fast it's growing and go from there. Worst case is it forces the baby out or it's growing super fast and I will have to deal with the pain until the 2nd tri. So really it can go either way.

I can't wait until next Friday......time is ticking by :coffee:
If all goes well Tuesday we are debating telling my dh daughter Thursday and taking her with us to hear the h/b Friday....I just keep battling. I will only be 8 weeks and not out of the clear yet....What do you ladies thinK?

I'm taking Benefibre now, it does the job and has far less side effects I love that I'm not bloated all the time.
My scan was this morning and it was amazing, only one bub they put my date forward to the 10th of March making me 8 weeks tomorrow. We saw the heartbeat which was the most magical thing I've even seen.
I hope things go well with your cyst, fingers crossed it sorts itself out and you don't have to put up with too much pain.
Breezy - I'll be praying for you that the cyst shrinks. Everything crossed!! :hugs: I tried on a bunch of bras like the ah bra but they all bug me…ideally I'd need something without a band which is IMPOSSIBLE. The band pressing in the area between and below my boobs is what makes me more nauseated. I'm contemplating building some slings out of bandages :haha: I have been feeling better as far as nausea but I have been feeling weak and lightheaded :nope: Yesterday, DH had to come pick me up from the mall cause after an hour of shopping I got blurry vision and lightheaded and couldn't drive back home! I'm a bit more worried about that as there are such more dangerous implications to that than feeling ill and throwing up. I'm refusing to drive anywhere for now :shrug:

8 weeks is early. My doc claims that most things that go wrong happen either early (ectopic, wrong placement, etc) or are in the 8-9 week period but that because of no scanning until 12 weeks, most women don't find out right away unless they bleed. Which is why I'm waiting until 9 weeks to tell our parents. But in the end, it's up to you!

sam79 - if I tell my parents, I'm pretty much telling my WHOLE family (aunts, cousins, great aunts, etc). They wouldn't be able to keep their mouths shut and they'd tell one or two people who would then do the same and pretty much within 48 hours everyone would know. SO, I have to keep it to myself…which of course I hate! But I don't want to have to tell hundreds of family members if anything goes awry.

AFM, still light headed and have headache but I didn't sleep well. I have a bachelorette party tonight and I have been stressing about it since yesterday afternoon. I'm worried I'll drive to the dinner and then not be able to drive back home if I get blurry vision again or if I'm just too damn tired. The festivities start at 7:30pm which is when my exhaustion kicks in…by 9 I am useless. SO I finally decided to tell the bride that I'm pg and that I might not make it. She was very supportive (and excited for me) so I feel better. I'm 90% sure I am not going to go. They are going to see Magic Mike about 20 minutes away from me this afternoon so I plan to do that part only. I feel bad and mostly sad as I was really looking forward to this since it was planned back in May. But I know it's best for me not to go…my nausea has definitely decreased since yesterday morning which of course has me worrying about that damn placental lake…I can't wait until Fall when I'm more happily pregnant :thumbup: [and if this craziness of worry and discomfort continues past the first tri, don't tell me cause I need something to look forward to!!! :dohh:]
ttc1st - I somehow missed your post on this page! YAY for heartbeat and being moved forward! How nice is that...you just skipped several days of pregnancy :hugs: And I'm glad your fear of twins is now over and you get to focus on kicking things off with one. I agree that kicking off with twins must be totally like being thrown in the deep end of the pool!! I'd love to have twins next to just get the numbers in faster...don't want to do this too many times considering how bad I've felt!!!!
ttc1st - I somehow missed your post on this page! YAY for heartbeat and being moved forward! How nice is that...you just skipped several days of pregnancy :hugs: And I'm glad your fear of twins is now over and you get to focus on kicking things off with one. I agree that kicking off with twins must be totally like being thrown in the deep end of the pool!! I'd love to have twins next to just get the numbers in faster...don't want to do this too many times considering how bad I've felt!!!!

I was very happy not to get put back that's for sure the faster I get through this first trimester the better!!
My sister has 21 month old twin girls and they are gorgeous, I think it would be better to have twins 1st time round as you'd have nothing to compare it to :winkwink:
I hope your feeling better soon you poor thing, I bought some carob coated ginger today hoping that will give me some relief my nausea seems to be getting worse. Hopefully it goes away once your past 12 weeks.
How is everyone doing? So quiet on here :coffee:

I'm off to my next scan in a bit...I'm nervous about how things have progressed with that placental lake. I haven't had any spotting so I don't believe it will be gone :nope: but hopefully everything is still good. Be back in a couple hours...xx
AAAhhhhh Monday....we meet again. :wacko:
Thank you to all of you for your well wishes on this cyst. I'm certainly wishing for the the best tomorrow. [-o<

Hope everyone had a nice weekend, I'm not ready to be back in the swing of things. Plus I'm totally nervous about telling my male boss today. I have to leave tomorrow (which is my buisest day of the month) for my u/s to check out the cyst then Friday at nooon for my acutal first doctors appointment :happydance: So dh (which works with me) and I discussed it and I'm going to tell him today.

Chezek Good luck on your scan today. Did you diziness subside? That is scary. Did you make it to the party?

ttc Benefiber does work well, that's what I take now too. Congrat on the new due date and only 1 bub :happydance:

MD Only a few more days left to wait? How are you hanging in there?

We have decided to wait to tell my step daughter, it's just killing us both but we know the best thing is waiting. We are going to get her a shirt and by then we will be able to walk threw our house, they start framing today....and we will just say here is your room and here is your baby brother or sisters room and let her figure it out on her own.

Holy acne btw....I feel like a teenager again. :haha:
Good luck tomorrow Breezy! :hugs: I totally had crazy acne the last few weeks but it seems to have gone away the last 4 days...I'm not complaining of course but it was one of my worries since the nausea got better as well.

Fortunately, doc appt confirmed that everything looks great - placental lake ALL GONE - so there is nothing to worry about anymore. I'm sooooo happy. It's like I can finally let myself believe that I am preggers. I know there are still risks and I'm not quite out of the first trimester worry but it just feels so good to look all normal in the uterus :thumbup: Heartbeat was strong at 176 and we even so the little bean wiggle!!! It was awesome. I'm super happy and much more optimistic about everything. I have pictures but haven't scanned them yet...das all to report from my end.

Oh and I was able to stomach a cheeseburger today! With lettuce and tomatoes and pickles...VERY proud of myself...such progress!!! The drinking is still a big issue...and speaking of which, I'm off to make myself a glass of lemonade...

:hug: to all!!!!
Hi Ladies,
Just to update you...unfortunately sad news on my side. I went for my 2nd scan with the specialist and he searched and searched and eventually concluded the following: he could see the sac, but he didn't like where it had implanted as it is very low which is an area of low blood supply so the embryo wasn't able to get enough nutrients etc from my blood supply so stopped growing. He couldn't find any signs of life ie. heartbeat and the size of the embryo vs the size of the sac didn't add up and the embryo looked like it was being drawn toward the edges of the sac which isn't a good sign. Obviously paired together with my bleeding and cramps means I am busy miscarrying. We are devastated, especially after our year long wait for this baby. I have been advised to just let nature take its course as it's so early I will probably just continue bleeding for a while. They dont recommend a d&c as that can cause problems with your endometrial lining.
Very sad to share this news with you ladies, but I suppose these things happen and maybe it's for a reason. I am just greatful that I know that we are fertile and able to conceive naturally and glad that this happened very early rather than later.
Thank you all for your support. And I wish you all well on this beautiful journey. I will hopefully be back to join this group again soon. But for now it's goodbye.

I'm so sorry Babysa. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your husband during this time. I know it is difficult to think about the positive right now, but that is very good news that you can conceive naturally. After my very early miscarriage in April, my doctor told me that you are often very fertile in the next two to three months and that certainly was the case for us. I hope to see you back here very soon. :hugs:
Yay! MrsC - so glad the placental lake is gone and that you had such an awesome scan! And, glad you are feeling so much better! I had that same dizzy thing you had the other day yesterday. Scared me like crazy. We had just flown home from a trip to visit the family and I started to feel weak and got all shaky. It felt so scary that I started crying. :dohh: I felt much better after drinking and eating something but it wasn't like I had gone very long without food. It was weird.

Sorry you might have to miss the bachelorette party. I think it is good you told your friend, though. I am sure she is so excited for you and completely understands. Still not fun to have to miss out.

Sam and Mrs C - We have told so many people already for one reason or another. Whoops. I can't keep a secret. But we are going to start telling all after our appt this week. Except for work - keeping that under wraps a little bit longer. My fam is the same way - we told immediate family early on and it turns out my mom has been freely sharing the news! Mom! Oh well.

Breezy - Im glad you found out where the pain was coming from. I hope that cyst shrinks quickly. Thinking about you. I'm holding up - not feeling as anxious as last week. Now I am just excited to see the little stinker again! I can't wait! So close now. I will defy post pics - you too. MrsC - we definitely want to see yours when you get the chance to upload them. Anyone else have new scan pics?

Me too - acne like crazy! Well, that is actually starting to get better, but (TMI) gas is getting worse! :( My hubs is not loving that. Whoops. :haha: I can't help it - if I try to control it my stomach hurts so badly.

ttc1st - yumm - carob coated ginger. I need to find me some of those (even though Im not really nauseous anymore). Twin girls - how adorable! I thought I wanted twins but was actually unexpectedly relieved to find out there is just one. Twins would be so much work! That said, I still think they would be fun. Maybe as my last two - when my first two are a little older (we want four - we'll see). And, congrats on the great scan and heartbeat!

I hope you are all doing well. :hug:
Good luck tomorrow Breezy! :hugs: I totally had crazy acne the last few weeks but it seems to have gone away the last 4 days...I'm not complaining of course but it was one of my worries since the nausea got better as well.

Fortunately, doc appt confirmed that everything looks great - placental lake ALL GONE - so there is nothing to worry about anymore. I'm sooooo happy. It's like I can finally let myself believe that I am preggers. I know there are still risks and I'm not quite out of the first trimester worry but it just feels so good to look all normal in the uterus :thumbup: Heartbeat was strong at 176 and we even so the little bean wiggle!!! It was awesome. I'm super happy and much more optimistic about everything. I have pictures but haven't scanned them yet...das all to report from my end.

Oh and I was able to stomach a cheeseburger today! With lettuce and tomatoes and pickles...VERY proud of myself...such progress!!! The drinking is still a big issue...and speaking of which, I'm off to make myself a glass of lemonade...

:hug: to all!!!!

WWWHHHHOOOOOO :wohoo: So happy the lake is gone, what a relief!

Thank you, too bad I don't get the results until Thursday :growlmad:
But Friday we get to hear the heartbeat, hard to believe I'll be a day shy of 8 weeks already.

I had a cheeseburger today for lunch too. I don't know what it is about us and food. Enjoy it while you can :winkwink:

Told the boss, he is super happy for us and I'm so thankful that he is understanding about me needing a lot of x-tra time off for doctors appointments and such. I can honestly say I love my job :thumbup:

MD I don't know which is worse acne or gas :haha:

Post your pictures ladies! I can't wait until I can post mine......:coffee:

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