Expecting #1 and over 30

Hi Ladies,
I'm 33 and pregnant with no. 1 and wondering if I could join you lovely ladies on this journey?
Hi Sam :hi:

Poor Chezek Your remedies aren't working? Have you tried the tanks yet? They have been working out well for me.

Preg pilot that makes me feel a little better about my poas, I'm not alone!

I will def. share pic of the house along the way. I'm so excited!

afm Bloating, sore bbs and cramping have disappeared :shrug:

Hope you all have a wonderful Monday. :hugs:
sam79 - hi and welcome! :hi: what is you due date so I can add you to the list :flower:

joey - yeah I can't believe it's 8 weeks already…and that's it's been 4 weeks since my BFP! I can't say that the time flew by though :haha: It's kind of dragging along!! But I can't believe I've survived to the 8 week mark - that I survived the nausea and that the noodlebug is still with me.

Breezy - I've just been going braless whenever at home and suffering through the bra wear when out and about or in company. I have a couple bra tank top pj tops that I've been test driving and they are pretty good…but they are super loose of course so I'm not sure how much support their going to give in the end!!!! The nausea is a bit better today than it was Sat night until last night so I'm trying to take advantage and get some stuff done and eat some nutritious food. I lost another half a pound from last week's doc appointment :nope:

SO, I had my 8 week ultrasound today but once again, I was dated 3 days back so noodle bug's size is at 7w4d. (S)he looked good, grew as should and the heart rate went up to 150. However, the little placental "lake" of blood that was hanging out in my uterus is now a bit of a sea :cry: The doc says it's fine and that we shouldn't worry but of course I'm a bit nervous. Now I'm having second thoughts about telling our parents next week. I guess we'll see how it progresses over the week. The hope is that as the embryo grows it will need more room and it's sac will push the lake out my cervix with some bleeding. I just hope it doesn't continue to grow.

Attached is my picture - it's not a good one because much time was spent examining the blood lake and we didn't want to disturb things for too long. FX this will all work out still!

The nausea today so far isn't too bad. I was able to eat a bowl of cereal for breakfast and a bagel with cream cheese for lunch. I bought ice pops in an attempt to hydrate more and the doc gave me the thumb up on drinking as much coke as I need to keep my stomach happy. Not too crazy about this idea but I guess I'll use it as necessary to burp. It's the only thing that works!!! :wacko:

Also, I was told to back off on using salicylic acid acne products just in case and to not use sulfur containing products (my esthetician recommended Dermalogica's concealing spot treatment with sulfur and zinc oxide since I didn't want benzoyl peroxide, makes me question her knowledge). Of course, still no sex because of the placental lake. I just hope my Noodlebug stays healthy and continues to grow. I'll do my best to get by all the symptoms with minimal intervention.


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Chezek I'm glad your doctor isn't worried but I feel terrible that you are worried. :hugs: When is your next appointment? Have you done any research on it?
You always have to mention food don't you. Now I want a bagel with cream cheese. :haha: Hopefully we can get you to burping and help relieve you a little bit.

I have an unplanned u/s today.....I called the on call doc this weekend because I had awful awful cramps Friday night that dropped me to my knees and my doctor just called and is sending me today for blood and a u/s. I'm so so nervous and excited at the same time so unexpected since the doctor on call told me not to worry.
Hi ladies!

Welcome Sam! :hi: H&H 9 months!

MrsC - I'm glad you got to see your little nugget. I am sorry about the bleeding. That is good your doc isn't worried and he seems like he is an over cautious one. It's also maybe good that you are getting these scans so that when you do start bleeding out it won't freak you out too much. I'm sorry you are worried though. :hugs:

We are going to open the studio about a month to a month and a half after we find the right studio space. Hopefully, we will find it soon!

Glad nausea isn't too bad today.

Breezy - so exciting about the house! Defy would love to see pics! I'm sorry you had bad cramping - that does not sound fun at all. Keeping you in my thoughts for a great scan today.

I am also having a hard time with this waiting. I almost called today for a scan b/c my symptoms are no longer here, but I keep telling myself to be patient and just wait until next week.

Well, not much going on here except for dealing with my impatience. How is everyone else doing?
Hello everyone!!!

Hope you are all ok?
MrsC loved your scan! I am so happy you got to see your bean! DH and I have decided to pay for a scan at 8 weeks as we want to hear the heart beat before we tell our parents - don't think we can wait until 12 weeks!! Try not to worry too much about the blood (easier said than done I know!) but your doc sounds good and doesn't seem too worried! :hugs:

Breezy hope all goes well with the scan today!! :thumbup: And you don't get anymore cramps!!

Yesterday I had the worse day so far!! Ended up getting a migraine whilst driving to work - felt terrible!!! And soooo sick (not sure is ms or migraine!). Haven't had one for ages! And I hate them so much :nope:
I work in different hospitals so when I got there the nurses took one look at me and sent me home! Ended being in bed all day and still felt sick in the evening. In bed now and feeling a bit scared to get up in case it comes back :cry:
Also I seem to be having trouble sleeping at the moment - which is unlike me!! Anyone else had this?

Hope you all have a good day :hugs: xx
Hi Ladies, I hope you are all doing well!
I've had a really crap couple of days! Started with some slightly off white (like beigy brown) discharge on Friday night and it continued all weekend, only when I wiped. Read all my books and did loads of googling and everything said that is pretty normal. Then on Sunday night it became a bit more brown. Then Monday morning it was kind of brown bloody colour. So phoned my gp and went in, she seemed quite concerned when I told her there was blood (once again only really when I go to the loo and wipe, slight bit on my pantyliner). So she did an external u/s, but couldn't see too clearly so did an internal and she said she can see the sac clearly and she thinks she can see the foetus but too small to tell and thought she might have seen a flutter of a heartbeat but also couldn't really tell. As I was just on 7 weeks, she said it might just be a bit too early to see or hear anything. But I know other people have heard heartbeats easily at this stage. Although a friend of mine said that her u/s equipment isn't as sensitive as the gynae's as she's only a gp. She then did an internal exam and said that my cervix is still closed which is a good thing. She's put me on bed rest and wants me to go back on Thursday. She basically couldn't tell me if it was good or bad. The bleeding is still there when I wipe, but dont have any cramps. So as you can imagine...seriously stressed out!!!!!! I have read so many different things that I just dont know what to think.
I haven't reallly had many symptoms throughout the pregnancy so far, so still dont really have any. So at this point I am just feeling very sad. I want to believe that there is a baby there and everything is fine, but the lack of anything on the scan has made me worry.

Sorry to burden you with this, I am just going out of my mind with worry. And just lying around at home gives me too much time to think about it.

Really hoping for a miracle.

Hope that you are all feeling well and that everything is going well!
Hi Ladies, I hope you are all doing well!
I've had a really crap couple of days! Started with some slightly off white (like beigy brown) discharge on Friday night and it continued all weekend, only when I wiped. Read all my books and did loads of googling and everything said that is pretty normal. Then on Sunday night it became a bit more brown. Then Monday morning it was kind of brown bloody colour. So phoned my gp and went in, she seemed quite concerned when I told her there was blood (once again only really when I go to the loo and wipe, slight bit on my pantyliner). So she did an external u/s, but couldn't see too clearly so did an internal and she said she can see the sac clearly and she thinks she can see the foetus but too small to tell and thought she might have seen a flutter of a heartbeat but also couldn't really tell. As I was just on 7 weeks, she said it might just be a bit too early to see or hear anything. But I know other people have heard heartbeats easily at this stage. Although a friend of mine said that her u/s equipment isn't as sensitive as the gynae's as she's only a gp. She then did an internal exam and said that my cervix is still closed which is a good thing. She's put me on bed rest and wants me to go back on Thursday. She basically couldn't tell me if it was good or bad. The bleeding is still there when I wipe, but dont have any cramps. So as you can imagine...seriously stressed out!!!!!! I have read so many different things that I just dont know what to think.
I haven't reallly had many symptoms throughout the pregnancy so far, so still dont really have any. So at this point I am just feeling very sad. I want to believe that there is a baby there and everything is fine, but the lack of anything on the scan has made me worry.

Sorry to burden you with this, I am just going out of my mind with worry. And just lying around at home gives me too much time to think about it.

Really hoping for a miracle.

Hope that you are all feeling well and that everything is going well!

Don´t worry about not having any symptoms. Mine didn´t really start until 8 weeks...
Breezy - How did your scan go yesterday? Thinking about you.

Babysa :hugs: I am sorry you are going through this. It is good that the blood is brown. Is there anyway you can get in with an obgyn? The equipment is probably not as strong at the GP and an obgyn may be able to read the scan better and give you more comfort. It is great she found the sac and thought she found the heartbeat. I would really try to get in with an obgyn b/c if the equipment is not strong enough, it may cause you more worry even on Thursday. Also, just as an FYI, my obgyn only does internal scans early on. So, I think it is very normal that the external scan didnt really work. Also, I almost 8 weeks when I had my first scan and I know sometimes at 6 weeks it can be difficult to find the heartbeat. So, with the less accurate equipment and the fact that you could be a couple days behind what you thought, I would try not to worry. I know - easier said than done. I am constantly worrying. But to bring back an old post I took from our Feb thread (where everybody is worrying too) . . . "Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength." Be strong for that little nugget and remember that stress is never good on your body. :hugs:

Joey - Ugh! Headaches are the worst! Much less a migraine. So sorry. I hope you feel better soon. I would not push it and just take it easy as long as you can. And, yes, I had a little insomnia last night. Had a hard time falling asleep and then after my middle of the night bathroom trip, I had such a hard time falling asleep again and could NOT get comfortable.

Well, thinking about all of you ladies! :hug:
Hi Ladies, I hope you are all doing well!
I've had a really crap couple of days! Started with some slightly off white (like beigy brown) discharge on Friday night and it continued all weekend, only when I wiped. Read all my books and did loads of googling and everything said that is pretty normal. Then on Sunday night it became a bit more brown. Then Monday morning it was kind of brown bloody colour. So phoned my gp and went in, she seemed quite concerned when I told her there was blood (once again only really when I go to the loo and wipe, slight bit on my pantyliner). So she did an external u/s, but couldn't see too clearly so did an internal and she said she can see the sac clearly and she thinks she can see the foetus but too small to tell and thought she might have seen a flutter of a heartbeat but also couldn't really tell. As I was just on 7 weeks, she said it might just be a bit too early to see or hear anything. But I know other people have heard heartbeats easily at this stage. Although a friend of mine said that her u/s equipment isn't as sensitive as the gynae's as she's only a gp. She then did an internal exam and said that my cervix is still closed which is a good thing. She's put me on bed rest and wants me to go back on Thursday. She basically couldn't tell me if it was good or bad. The bleeding is still there when I wipe, but dont have any cramps. So as you can imagine...seriously stressed out!!!!!! I have read so many different things that I just dont know what to think.
I haven't reallly had many symptoms throughout the pregnancy so far, so still dont really have any. So at this point I am just feeling very sad. I want to believe that there is a baby there and everything is fine, but the lack of anything on the scan has made me worry.

Sorry to burden you with this, I am just going out of my mind with worry. And just lying around at home gives me too much time to think about it.

Really hoping for a miracle.

Hope that you are all feeling well and that everything is going well!

Hope all is ok. Make sure you rest. :kiss:
Howdy :hi:

I think I am done brooding about the placental lake and back to feeling positive about things. Everything I've read says it's normal. I have to trust that mother nature will do it's thing and my bean will keep growing nice and healthy. IT HAS TO!!! Or I'll be very sad and no one wants mommy sad, right? :winkwink:

THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT and kind words :hug:

Breezy - how did your u/s go?? I hope everything is ok :hugs: Thinking of you…oh and about the food, at least I'm planting healthy food seeds in your head!!! :haha: Made a lamb curry with DH last night - felt SO good to cook again. :flower:

MD - that is the big reason my doc does all these scans is to inform his patients so that if they do see bleeding, they are prepared for it and if a m/c does happen, he can tell them as early on as possible (ideally before the big bleeding happens so you're as prepared for it as can be). I like him…though I'm a bit worried about the scans disrupting the placental lake…maybe I'll push out my Monday scan to next Thursday…to give it more time to heal. I'll at least talk to him about it. On another note, how exciting that you'll be opening the studio in a month!!! Is it just you or do you have a partner?

Joey - I'm glad you made the decision to see the bean. It will keep your mind at peace since you're not too symptomatic (which of course is not a bad thing but it does make us drive ourselves crazy) :hugs: I wake up to pee at least once if not twice a night and the last week to eat at some point between 2-4am. It's SOOO annoying but I wake up starving and I can't ignore it cause the nausea sets in if I do try to just sleep through it…it sucks :( BUT hey there are worst symptoms to be had, right? Like that migraine!! I used to get them a lot and find that they try to creep on now that I'm pg as well. I am quick to take acetaminophen as soon as one starts as to prevent it from going full blown migraine but it really really sucks. I hate migraines. Headaches are a common symptom of early pregnancy as part of the adjustment to the hormones. Sorry you got one :hugs:

babysa - don't ever think of sharing your fears with us as a burden!!! That's what we're all here for…SUPPORT :hugs: Is there a OB/GYN you can go see? I agree that a GP isn't as experienced in u/s and probably doesn't have the best equipment either. Apparently placental lakes are very common (I have one) at this early on and when they 'go away' you get some brown spotting. SO I bet it's something like that!!! I'm waiting for my spotting to come. But I would definitely try to see a GYN for your follow up rather than your GP. Most importantly, try to calm down. I know it's easy to say and hard to do, but stress is terrible for the embryo so do whatever you need to do to keep your mind off of it all and just relax. My best friend had spotting from about 5 weeks to 6.5 weeks…every day! And then it stopped and she's at 10 weeks now…so it really is common :hugs:

AFM, feeling ok today. Not much appetite although last night I was crazy hungry and had 3 servings at dinner. Nausea is tolerable, not good but not bad either. I think I might have a cold sore on the side of my nose...NEVER ever had that before. I've had them on my lip once a winter but supposedly pregnant women are more susceptible to them :shrug: Just my luck to already start getting them! It's still summer :cry: Yay for being pregnant! :dohh:
sam79 - hi and welcome! :hi: what is you due date so I can add you to the list :flower:

joey - yeah I can't believe it's 8 weeks already…and that's it's been 4 weeks since my BFP! I can't say that the time flew by though :haha: It's kind of dragging along!! But I can't believe I've survived to the 8 week mark - that I survived the nausea and that the noodlebug is still with me.

Breezy - I've just been going braless whenever at home and suffering through the bra wear when out and about or in company. I have a couple bra tank top pj tops that I've been test driving and they are pretty good…but they are super loose of course so I'm not sure how much support their going to give in the end!!!! The nausea is a bit better today than it was Sat night until last night so I'm trying to take advantage and get some stuff done and eat some nutritious food. I lost another half a pound from last week's doc appointment :nope:

SO, I had my 8 week ultrasound today but once again, I was dated 3 days back so noodle bug's size is at 7w4d. (S)he looked good, grew as should and the heart rate went up to 150. However, the little placental "lake" of blood that was hanging out in my uterus is now a bit of a sea :cry: The doc says it's fine and that we shouldn't worry but of course I'm a bit nervous. Now I'm having second thoughts about telling our parents next week. I guess we'll see how it progresses over the week. The hope is that as the embryo grows it will need more room and it's sac will push the lake out my cervix with some bleeding. I just hope it doesn't continue to grow.

Attached is my picture - it's not a good one because much time was spent examining the blood lake and we didn't want to disturb things for too long. FX this will all work out still!

The nausea today so far isn't too bad. I was able to eat a bowl of cereal for breakfast and a bagel with cream cheese for lunch. I bought ice pops in an attempt to hydrate more and the doc gave me the thumb up on drinking as much coke as I need to keep my stomach happy. Not too crazy about this idea but I guess I'll use it as necessary to burp. It's the only thing that works!!! :wacko:

Also, I was told to back off on using salicylic acid acne products just in case and to not use sulfur containing products (my esthetician recommended Dermalogica's concealing spot treatment with sulfur and zinc oxide since I didn't want benzoyl peroxide, makes me question her knowledge). Of course, still no sex because of the placental lake. I just hope my Noodlebug stays healthy and continues to grow. I'll do my best to get by all the symptoms with minimal intervention.

Hi MrsC, I'm due on Jan 26, 2013.
Sorry to hear about your concerns with your little bean. Glad to hear that your Dr. doesn't seemed to worried about which hopefully means that your Noodlebug is safe and sound.
Joey Migraines are no bueno! :nope: I haven't had one in years but I've been getting frequent headaches lately, which is usual too. Cold packs on my head work wonders. I hope you get to feeling better. How exciting you only have to wait a few more weeks for your scan now. :thumbup:

MD We are so excited, we meet the interior decorator Thursday A.M. They start framing next week already. All my symptoms had disappeared the last few days until today, I'm at home sick today, that's how bad they are. Hang in there! :winkwink:

babysa I had alot of the first few weeks totally freaked me out. My doc told me as long as it's brown it's old blood. Take it easy girl. I'll be thinking of you! You ALWAYS have us to vent to. :hugs:

Chezek I'm so happy you have decided to use your positive energy. By the sound of your doctor he would have told you if there was reason to be concerned. The bagel was yummy! :haha: No lamb curry, thank goodness! I don't feel well enough to hit up the store right now. Stick a piece of ice on your nose until it hurts so bad it numb. It will go away fast. I get them horrible all the time! That's the only thing that works for me.

afm The u/s was odd. It was a third party this time (it won't be in the future). They wouldn't let me see it, we didn't get to hear the heart beat and she didn't give us the results. I have to wait until tomorrow. However, she did tell us the heartbeat is 111, there is only 1 (my doctor was concerned) and I'm measuring right at 6 weeks 2 days (as of yesterday). The cramping had completely left my mind as it was only a few minutes and the doc on call told me it's normal so when my doc called I was a little surprised. I haven't has any since then or symptoms until today. Whew! I feel like I want on a week long drinking spree and decided to stop. I can't find any other way to describe it other than that. :shrug:
O yes and the nurse assured me yesterday that next Friday (coming up quick) we will get to hear the heartbeat and see the baby. I can't wait!

Hope everyone is doing great. So thankful to have all of you to share this experience with. :friends:
Thank you for all your kind words of support. I have been having more blood spotting but still no cramps or anything that makes a miscarriage obvious, so I am going to a specialist sonographer for a scan at 4pm today to get some answers. Really praying for a miracle!

Breezy, so glad that your cramps were only short lived and that all is well with your little bean. So odd that they dont show you anything, but exciting that you have another scan so soon.

Mrs. Chez, good for you not worrying about the placental lake, I always think if the docs not worried, there's no reason for us to be. We have enough worries as it is.

MD, Don't stress about your symptoms disappearing, totally normal for them to come and go. When have you booked your scan for?

Joey, Sorry to hear about the migraine! Hope you are feeling better now.

Sportysgirl, thanks, I am getting lots of rest. Just been hanging around the house in my jammies and gown since Monday lunch time.

Well ladies, will update you after my scan. Sooo nervous!
Thank you for all your kind words of support. I have been having more blood spotting but still no cramps or anything that makes a miscarriage obvious, so I am going to a specialist sonographer for a scan at 4pm today to get some answers. Really praying for a miracle!

Breezy, so glad that your cramps were only short lived and that all is well with your little bean. So odd that they dont show you anything, but exciting that you have another scan so soon.

Mrs. Chez, good for you not worrying about the placental lake, I always think if the docs not worried, there's no reason for us to be. We have enough worries as it is.

MD, Don't stress about your symptoms disappearing, totally normal for them to come and go. When have you booked your scan for?

Joey, Sorry to hear about the migraine! Hope you are feeling better now.

Sportysgirl, thanks, I am getting lots of rest. Just been hanging around the house in my jammies and gown since Monday lunch time.

Well ladies, will update you after my scan. Sooo nervous!

Goodluck-hope everything is ok :hugs:
GL with the scan babysa! Praying for you too.

I had one a little before 8 wks and we have our next one a week from tomorrow. A week - yay!

Breezy - glad your scan went well! That is strange about them not letting you see it, but at least you got some answers. :thumbup: Excited for you that you get to go back next week too and get the real deal! Ugh - Im sorry you are so sick. Hope it goes away soon. :hugs:

MrsC - glad you are staying positive! :thumbup: Doing the studio alone but my DH will help where he can.

Alrighty, headed out for the night. Oh, and traveling the rest of this week; so, may disappear for a little while. Im sure I'll still lurk - just may be diffy to write back right away.

Breezy - Yay for everything being ok! Weird that you couldn't see it but at least you got some answers :hugs: sorry the damned ms got ya :hugs: I'm having an ok day. I had several errands to run and that always makes me feel worse - to move and function feels like running a marathon :nope: How exciting to be meeting with the interior decorator already!!! Cannot wait to see the finished product :happydance: And I never heard of the ice remedy! I always get some lysine cream and if I catch it early enough, it doesn't get too bad. This time though, I kept thinking it was maybe a pimple or something as I've never had one on the side of my nose!

babysa - good luck with your scan! Hope it's all good :hugs:

AFM, I had a bit of a freak out this morning. I went out last night to dinner and ate some babaganoush not thinking anything could be wrong with it. After dinner, I felt really ill but figured I ate more than I have been lately. However, 5 hours later I still felt ill - full and nauseated, like my body was refusing to digest the dinner. I could't throw up - I suck at that just like burping. So eventually I just went to bed and had to sleep propped up all night. Woke up this morning still kind of ill with no appetite so I consulted dr. google. Of course I found all this info on listeria being found in hummus which is similar to babaganoush so I totally freaked out. Eventually called my doc and his nurse assured me that if it was serious, I'd be vomiting, having diarrhea and major cramps. But I have to say I did cry…I was just SO frustrated cause I try so hard to eat well but there seem to be so many 'concerns' we have to avoid and I totally forgot to think about the fact that hummus needs to be refrigerated and if the restaurant keeps it out for too long, it can get bacteria. :shrug: I swear, I feel like I'm navigating a mine field every time I try to eat well. Today, I gave up and only had some bread and butter, potato chips and Coca Cola. NO way any of those can have anything wrong with them…but now I feel ill from eating too many potato chips :dohh: I swear, I can't win! :wacko:
Hi ladies,

Feels like I haven't been here for ages, looks like I have missed so much.
Welcome to all the new comers congrats on your lil miracles.
Babysa- what a horrible ordeal to go through I hope it turns out to be nothing, hope your second scan was more reassuring. Fingers are crossed for you.
MrsC- seems like you can't catch a break with the sickness and now the placental lake. You must have one super strong bean in there to cause you so much grief. I totally understand the eating out, I am so paranoid about eating anything I don't cook myself. I went out for dinner last night and ate before I went then said "whoops I thought we were just catching up for a drink" they seemed to buy it. I had a lovely dinner of dry toast because I couldn't stomach anything else yesterday. Today has been pretty mild which usually means tomorrow will be hell, I think of you often when I feel sick and am so grateful I don't have it as bad sorry :-(
Breezy- Sorry about your cramping it's scary isn't it? I woke up the other morning to go toilet and noticed some cramping in my lower abdomen, thought it was gas again, got back into bed and bang the pain was so intense I thought for sure it was all over. Lasted for what seemes ages then just disappeared. Turns out I took too much metamucil lol!!! I was taking it daily in the morning and decided to try an extra glass after dinner. Dr took me off metamucil and on to something not so harsh and nothing since.
Thats awful that they wouldn't show you the ultrasound, I hope your next one is better. At least they told you the heartbeat, would have been nice to see/hear it.

I have my first ultrasound on Saturday I'm so excited yet nervous I keep worrying we won't see a heartbeat then I tell myself if there wasn't a heartbeat I wouldn't feel so sick. I'm also worrying that there is more than 1. Don't get me wrong I'll be over the moon either way I'm just not prepared for 2 I'm having a hard enough time believing I am pregnant!! Twins runs very strongly in my family and my husbands and my hcg levels were very high so it wouldn't be unlikely. I guess it's better to find out now rather than later.
For the ladies hating bra's I highly recommend the "Ah Bra" it is perfect it's almost like not wearing a bra but you still get the support. I sleep in one too cause my boobs get sore if I toss and turn too much.
Well ladies I hope you and your beans are all well I am off to bed it's been a while since I've made it past 9.30 pm.

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