Expecting #1 and over 30

Breezy - I'm so glad your boss was not only supportive but also excited!! That's great…really lucky to have that :flower: We do seem to be on the same food schedule! :haha: Not the best lunch choice but it sounded appealing so I went for it!!! I got extra lettuce and extra tomato to make myself feel better :winkwink:

MD - I'm kind of gassy now that you mentioned it…but it was mostly just yesterday. Today hasn't been as bad…so I'll see if this is a new trend moving forward :dohh: My nausea is deffy much more manageable than it was…it's worse at times and better at others. I can handle that :thumbup:

OK here are my scan pics…as you can see not a placental lake in sight on the zoomed out one and the yolk sac is just above the 'other' sac (forget the name!!). And on the zoomed in one you can't see much but you can see I'm measuring only at 8w4d today. Tada! Exciting times :happydance:


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Breezy - I'm so glad your boss was not only supportive but also excited!! That's great…really lucky to have that :flower: We do seem to be on the same food schedule! :haha: Not the best lunch choice but it sounded appealing so I went for it!!! I got extra lettuce and extra tomato to make myself feel better :winkwink:

MD - I'm kind of gassy now that you mentioned it…but it was mostly just yesterday. Today hasn't been as bad…so I'll see if this is a new trend moving forward :dohh: My nausea is deffy much more manageable than it was…it's worse at times and better at others. I can handle that :thumbup:

OK here are my scan pics…as you can see not a placental lake in sight on the zoomed out one and the yolk sac is just above the 'other' sac (forget the name!!). And on the zoomed in one you can't see much but you can see I'm measuring only at 8w4d today. Tada! Exciting times :happydance:

Great pictures. So pleased that your lake has gone!

I am feeling more nauseous this week and so shattered! Really missing my hubby (who is away for 6 weeks). Mum and sister came today for a visit, will be here at least a week, so great to have some company and support. xx
MrsC - it's so good to hear that everything is alright with your little bean :)
Gorgeous pictures :D

I had my second midwife appointment today.
She told me I can definitely plan on a homebirth, :D the only thing I might need to give up is the lotusbirth, as the midwife needs to take blood from the chord to find out the baby's bloodtype.
MrsC - So glad to here that the placental lake has gone and you are able to relax and enjoy your pregnancy now. Great pictures too by the way.

Breezy- It such a relief when you tell your boss and all goes well. I also told my principal etc. this week and they all took it much better then I was expecting. Now I'm just waiting to find out how much maternity leave I am entitled to as I am not a permanent teacher yet.

preg_pilot - That's great that you are able to have a homebirth like you wanted.

I've also got bad acne ladies and am gassy (not as bad as in the beginning though). Sportygirl, my tiredness subsided a bit after week 11.
Chezek I LOVE the pics!

Sporty Hang in there girl, good thing you have other support for the time being.

MD Only 1 more day until your appointment :thumbup:, I can't wait to see the pictures!

Pregpilot How cool to get to have a home birth. They don't do that much around here.

Our little blueberry is measuring right on time with a hb of 142 @ 7 weeks. I don't get my results on the cyst until we go for our first actual doctors appointment Friday and I am just counting down the minutes. We decided to wait to tell my dh daughter, it would destroy me if something happened and we had to tell her so waiting is def. the best idea. We do have a plan though. They start framing our new house today and we are going to wait until they have the rooms done then do a walk through with her and say this is where your room will be and this is where the babies room will be. I'm very excited to incorporate the 2 new things coming in our lives together.

I hope you all have a wonderful day.
Hello ladies!

MrsC love the pics so glad everything is progressing nicely!
I am so jealous that you are all able to have so many scans and see your baby!! Just wanted to ask all your advice - DH and I have decided to pay for an early scan (can't wait until 12 weeks!!) but I don't know whether to have one done at 8 weeks or try and wait until 9? What do you think????

I feel very lucky indeed.
The policy in my country is actually to not intervene at all, unless absolutely necessary.
If you do go to the hospital (which about 90% do), they try not to do an epidural, unless you insist on one. They almost never induce, unless something is wrong with the baby, and cesareans are only in emergencies.
preg_pilot - sounds wonderful! I'm all about the option of meds and having doctor's standing by to deal with emergency situations but I so want this to be as natural as possible. I'm not daring enough to do a homebirth but that is why I chose a hospital with a birthing center so it feels more like home and they tend to be more natural in their choices and recommendations. I'm glad you are getting the option you want!

Breezy - GL tomorrow! Let us know how it goes...

MD - how did your appointment go? It was today, right?

Joey- I had my appt at 8.5 weeks and the bean wiggled around, had a nice strong heartbeat and I was pretty happy with that. I'm pretty sure you'd get the same thing at 8 and probably 9 as I doubt there is a big change in that one week! SO if you're dying to see your bean, I'd say go for 8 but if you are up for waiting, then go for 9 in case you are earlier than where your 1st day of period puts you, which was my case, so you'll know you're at least 8 weeks for sure :thumbup:

AFM, finally told our parents last night and it was awesome! We took them out to dinner (DH's mom flew in yesterday evening) and at the end, when we asked for the 'check', the waitstaff brought out dessert with candles that said congratulations! Then we each handed our families a card that said Congratulations on the cover and when they opened it, there was a copy of our u/s and the words "Say hello to your future grandchild!" My parents totally teared up...it's their first. I just feel so much better not hiding it from my mom...

Otherwise, nausea is manageable still...still here of course but not too bad. I'm just very tired and feel kind of useless. Speaking of which, I think I'm going to go for a nap...
Hi ladies.

Just checking in very quickly to let you all know the scan went well today. Yay! It's so cute - seems to have really long legs. :) will post a pic tomorrow.

Joey - I agree with MrsC. I had my first scan at 7w4d and we could see a lot but it was internal. If you can hold off until 9 wks you'll have less of a wait for the next appt which is nice. Go with whatever feels right to you. I don't think you can go wrong as long as they are doing an internal scan.

MrsC - LOVE the scan pics. What a cute lil stinker.

Btw, ladies, I take back my comment about acne being better. I currently have a big painful Z on my eyelid! Yes, my eyelid! Ever heard of such a thing - never had this before. It's terrible and so random.

Alright, ladies. Hope all are well. I'm exhausted so going to call it a night.

Breezy - excited for your appt tomorrow. Can't wait to see pics!

I love all the scan photos on here I'll have to pull out my laptop and see if I can figure out how to put mine up.
Mrs C great news on the lake disappearing you must be so relieved. How exciting for your parents I bet they were overjoyed what a lovely way to break the news too.
Sportysgirl wow 6 weeks that's tough my hubby is away a few nights most weeks I thought that was bad. Have you told a close friend that you can count on while he's away?
MD congrats the great scan not to sure what to say about the eyelid zit though ouch!! Everyone I think my acne is clearing up bam a new batch show up.:Breezy any news on the cyst? Hope the scan went well.

I had an appt with my dr today she set up appt's with the antenatal clinic there is an 8 week wait though and I got a referral for my 12 week scan so I'm starting to feel like I'm actually pregnant.

I spent the last few days with my sister who's separating from her husband and out of the blue she says your pregnant I denied it but she wouldn't let it go so in the end I confessed I asked what gave it away and she said nothing I just had a feeling. The bond of a sister hey.

Hope everyone is having a great day
Glad I am not the only one with the acne - feel like a teenager again!!!!

I booked my scan - 18th August which will make me 8 weeks + 5 so should hopefully see something!! All I really want to see is a heartbeat and then we can tell our parents!!
I have my midwife appt nxt Wednesday so should get a date for a 12 week scan then too!! I just want to see something because at the moment I still don't feel it's actually happening. The only symptom I have is sore boobs (I am not complaining I really don't want to get sick!).

Hope you all have a lovely day x
Yay, so it sounds like we're all in a good place :thumbup:

Have a great weekend everyone! We're off to the shore house again. I'm planning to read and do nothing all weekend :happydance:

:hug: to each of you!!!
I love all the scan photos on here I'll have to pull out my laptop and see if I can figure out how to put mine up.
Mrs C great news on the lake disappearing you must be so relieved. How exciting for your parents I bet they were overjoyed what a lovely way to break the news too.
Sportysgirl wow 6 weeks that's tough my hubby is away a few nights most weeks I thought that was bad. Have you told a close friend that you can count on while he's away?
MD congrats the great scan not to sure what to say about the eyelid zit though ouch!! Everyone I think my acne is clearing up bam a new batch show up.:Breezy any news on the cyst? Hope the scan went well.

I had an appt with my dr today she set up appt's with the antenatal clinic there is an 8 week wait though and I got a referral for my 12 week scan so I'm starting to feel like I'm actually pregnant.

I spent the last few days with my sister who's separating from her husband and out of the blue she says your pregnant I denied it but she wouldn't let it go so in the end I confessed I asked what gave it away and she said nothing I just had a feeling. The bond of a sister hey.

Hope everyone is having a great day

Hey, yeah it is tough I could do with him hear to run around after me!
I have a very good friend over the road who I have told and she is a great support. Halfway through the time hubby is away so now on the home straight!

I have my first midwife appointment next Thursday. xxx
Joey - don't worry about your lack of symptoms. I started feeling so much better at 8.5 weeks and haven't really had any big symptoms since (minus the acne, gas, etc. :blush:). I was nervous before my scan, but it turns out it didnt mean anything. All is good. Glad you have your scan booked and something to look forward to!

Breezy - thinking about you. Can't wait for pics!

sportysgirl - I can't imagine DH being away for 6 weeks while Im pregnant - I am so needy right now. You poor thing. Glad you are half way through! And, glad you have support from friends and family.

ttc1st - I can't believe your sister was able to tell. That's awesome. Love it. I hope she is doing ok - sorry she is going through a separation. Glad you gave her something exciting and fun to look forward to. :)

pregpilot - That is really neat about the natural births, etc. I feel like they push the epidural so much here in the US that I'm going to need to hire a doula to help talk me through whether I really want one or not. I'm not per se opposed to them, but if I can handle it (we'll see), I'd love to try to do it natural. Seems like labor and recovery are quicker. I'm also worried about the number of csections they do . . . especially, b/c my DH and his sister were big babies (over 9 lbs) and I'm afraid our baby will be big and they'll tell me I need a csection b/c my body cant handle it - well, then why did my body let it get so big? I really just hope it takes after me and my sibs and stays in the 6-7 lb range. ;)

What's everyone else thinking for birth plan?

MrsC - thanks for the great weekend wishes! You too! Enjoy your down time!

Ok, so here is the little peanut. Look at its cute lil froggy leg. :) So happy. :cloud9:

Oh, btw, remember when I thought I had gained 12 lbs already? Well, turns out the scale wasn't working properly. I haven't gained any weight. How crazy is that? For weeks, I've been wondering how I gained so much so fast. :dohh: Haha.

I second MrsC - Hope everyone has a lovely weekend! Enjoy!


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Yay! Love the froggy legs MD!!! :happydance:

I'm so ravenous today...I keep eating and my tummy just keeps growling for more!!! :shrug: it would help if I found more foods appealing...I seem to be living off of toast with cheese :dohh:
Yay! Love the froggy legs MD!!! :happydance:

I'm so ravenous today...I keep eating and my tummy just keeps growling for more!!! :shrug: it would help if I found more foods appealing...I seem to be living off of toast with cheese :dohh:

I remember when that was me :)
I can finally eat more normal foods. I lived off salt crackers and toast with cheese for several weeks in the beginning.
It felt good, when I could finally go for 2-3 hours without needing to eat something.
Breezy - how are you, lady? Did you have your appt on Friday? Hope all is great.

How's everyone else feeling? I am feeling well. We ended up telling lots of friends on Friday night for DH's bday. It was fun getting to talk about it. We have our nuchal translucency scan on Friday. Praying all goes well.

Well, just wanted to check in and say hi. Hope everyone is feeling good.
Hi Ladies! Sorry I've been MIA, work is hectic with taking time off for doctors appointments and decisions for our house. Plus all the 10+ hours of sleep I am needing a night, I haven't had much time to check in.

U/S went well on Friday! I actually have a pic of baby C, that once i figure out how to share I will. Cyst is COMPLETELY gone :happydance: Our doctor actually told us we could tell whoever we want too, my levels are good and babyC is buried in good so my chances are less than 3%. I'm not ready to tell everyone just yet though, we weren't able to hear the h/b yet even though we could see it. We are telling my sd this coming weekend and taking her with us for our next appointment 8/30. We don't get our next sono until 20weeks, this does not make me very happy :nope: I have officially gained 8lbs. already and can't wear any of my clothes :shrug: but doctor said everyone gains at different times and show earlier. (so much for keeping things a secret much longer) :dohh:

Chezek I bet your parents are excited! Mine were overjoyed and still are, they already bought a crib for their house :wacko: Toast and Cheese is yummy, always adding convo about food to make my hungry. :winkwink:

Sporty Hope you are hanging in there while dh is away.

Joey Pretty much all I've had is sore bbs, no morning sickness but everything is going just fine. Hopefully we are the lucky ones all the way through this, it does happen:thumbup:

ttc It's funny how people can just tell isn't it, it's happened to me already and it seems to early for that.

Everyone doing ok? I missed you all. Hope everyone had a great weekend.
Yay! Glad everything went well and that the cyst is gone! :happydance:

Can't wait to see the pic. Totally hear you on needing so much sleep. I went to bed at 9:30 last night! And, didnt get up until after 8. I don't know how preggers with kids do it. I guess we'll find out someday (hopefully).
MD - let me know how your test goes on Friday! My doc wants me to go in for my first tri combined at 11 weeks which is 1 week and 2 days away. I might wait until I'm 12 weeks though. I like to be more in the middle of the 11-14 week time frame! (no rational reasoning just paranoia in case their measurements are off and 11 weeks would be a couple days too early I guess). Are you having just the nuchal trans or the whole kitten caboodle (+ bloodwork)?

Breezy - yay for the cyst being completely gone!!!! :wohoo: I'm so happy for you! And everything is looking great - such great news :hugs: Do post your pic when you can! And yes, I do talk a lot about food, don't I? I think it's because I'm so upset I can't eat everything I'd like to be eating - all the healthy stuff I used to enjoy!!! Hopefully soon…

AFM, the nausea was back pretty bad the last 48 hours. I'm really hoping today will be a better day - FX! I really don't like feeling queasy all day. It sucks! I find I'm much more emotional about it now…I start to pout and cry to my DH who feels so bad! I just am so tired all the time and on top of that to feel not that great just drains me and turns me into a little baby myself :dohh: Well, I'll be 10 weeks in 2 days so I hope to be out of the nausea boat in another couple weeks…everything crossed! Otherwise, I've been having some cramping/pulling/pinching in my lower abs the last 3 days - I think my uterus is expanding!! It doesn't feel great but it does mean baby is growing and that of course makes me happy :thumbup: We have our final u/s in this initial series today. I hope everything looks perfect and we can tell the rest of our immediate family - plan to tell DH's bro and sis and their families and my godmother (mom's only sister) and my dad's bro and sis. After that, I know the news will spread like wildfire throughout my family which is why we waited to tell them until this scan. We will wait to announce to all others until the 2nd trimester…or at least the end of the month which is when we're heading to Cali (where we used to live) for a week and it might be hard to cover it up to all our friends out there!!! But I'll be 12 weeks by then. Anyway, I'm rambling…I guess I should go make some more toast for my cheese :dohh: Trying to get some tea down my throat first as to rehydrate from the night…fun never ends! :winkwink:

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