Expecting #1 positive thinking buddies, sticking together!

Karen - So glad your u/s went so well. That sounds really awesome and exciting!

Mia - We can count down together! :) Mine is at 10am! We're both going to be a ball of nerves the days leading up to it I'm sure lol. Can't wait :)

I wrapped up the book we're sending to my Mom to tell her and my younger siblings (They live in PA and we're down in SC)! We got a Hallmark recordable book and on the front cover I wrote "Dear Nana, Please record this for me and send it back to Mom and Dad any time after April 2015. Love, Grandbaby #6" Her birthday is the 25th and we're going to have her open it a few days before, probably next Friday. I'm so excited and anxious to tell her and all of my siblings. I'll probably tell one of the sisters I'm closest with the day before. Right now only my older sister knows so it'll be fun for every one to finally know :)
Oh yay Karen! I am so happy for you guys! You were so nervous and I hope that you can relax now a bit :)
Well I hope I don't loose my weight by puking lol I am glad that my nausea pretty much only shows up when I have an empty stomach, so if I have to puke, there won't be much coming out lol
Oh and I would love to send y'all some of my boobs :D I have slight scoliosis so that and the big boobs result in back pain for years now.
DH talked to his commander today and he said he'll help out as much as he can and is trying to at least get us an extension. And if DH would be able to continue being active it would probably be Ft. Bragg, NC where we would be getting stationed at or Ft. Hood, TX.
Sweetbliss that book is a great idea :)
HopingCarter I'm sorry that you puked that much, you are a bit further along than what I am so I hope that doesn't happen to me haha And I don't know where that weight went other than my butt a bit and maybe some of my thighs but that's about it though.
Thanks so much, everyone! :hugs:

lacandienne, yes, the printouts were free! Hopefully this will be the case for you, too!

It's weird, even though my belly has gotten progressively larger, as have my boobs, I haven't really gained any weight! I'm eating more, too, except for breakfasts being a little smaller lately due to the nausea. Even with that, my weight just fluctuates a few ounces each day. As of today I was one pound up from what I was the day I found out (29 days ago), so we'll see if it stays that way or goes back down tomorrow. It's not that I necessarily want to gain a bunch of weight, because I know in the first trimester just a few pounds are optimal; I just don't understand how I haven't when the belly and boobs have definitely grown! Maybe my scale just stinks, lol.
Klink - I'm so glad DH's command is willing to try and help! Yayyyy! Please keep us up to date on it all!

Karen - I'm afraid to get on the scale haha. I've always had a slight struggle with numbers and I'm afraid I'll be one of those people who gains 60+ lbs with baby #1. I've been building up the courage to step on the scale since you ladies started talking about it earlier so maybe tomorrow morning, or I'll do it tonight and tomorrow morning for comparison.

Ladies.... ROUND LIGAMENT PAIN! It is no joke. Since just a few days after I found out I was pregnant I'd had random what I would describe as stabbing pain on my lower right side if I make a sudden movement (rolling over too fast in bed, jumping up from a sitting position). I googled it.... apparently it isn't just me being crazy. At first I thought it meant something was wrong, nope, it is apparently normal but most common in the 2nd trimester. I'm barely into the first trimester though!
Sweetbliss I'm glad you've figured out what's going on! Is there anything you can do to help it?

Klink that's great about DH! Hope it works out!
klink I really hope it all works out and they can work with you both on that.

sweetbliss I haven't heard about that, but it sounds painful :/

lol Karen be happy about the no weight gain I'm sure we'll all be gaining more than enough weight in the upcoming months ;)

I got to know the hcg levels, last Saturday (16dpo) they were 763 and the Monday after that (18dpo) 1749 :D
klink - Fxed for you and your DH.

Karen - thanks for the info, and don't worry too much about no weight gain. A colleague of mine was pregnant and said that after month 3, 1 lb/week was typical, but before, it was like 1/2 lb per week or something - you might have more fluctuation than that in a day, let alone a week.
maggz, yes I was crazy enough to actually take 2 jobs... one is just a summer job working at a day camp for kids, which tomorrow is my last day thank god.. my other job is at a garden center, which is waaay more chiil.. but they are both 25ish/hrs a week, so the double work load really piles up. I really shoulve quit the day camp one as soon as I found out i was pregnant, but oh well, I made it through the summer. The busy-ness probably helped to keep my mind off obsessing over this pregnancy, because otherwise Id worry about every little thing.. as it is, sometimes Im so busy i forget Im even pregnant for like, 5 whole minutes at a time

but yeah, all I do now is work, sleep, sit, lay on the couch... MAYBE an occasional load of laundry.. but Ive dropped the ball on cooking and cleaning.. I just dont have the juice for it.. and i feel bad for my husband, cuz he also has 2 jobs and works nearly 50hrs a week also so this month our house has kinda been a mess, but oh well lol

sweetbliss-- yes, ive been getting more round ligament pain also.. its a little worrisome, because sometimes it feels like its kinda pulsing a bit, but i guess thats normal?? Its nothing major, just tugs and twinges

karen, yay on the great u/s... its such a good feeling to know that the lil baby is alive and kickin in there

for all you ladies just 5 weeks in.. the nausea really starts getting bad around week 7.. youll feel like you are constantly motion sick.. that and the near debilitating exhaustion.. boy, can i sleep at the drop of a hat nowadays.. looking forward to entering 2nd trimester now.. less than a month away!! eeek!!
Lol swamomaiden. Sleeping at the drop of a hat, I can relate because that was me yesterday. After I came back from the u/s it's like I couldn't stay up for more than an hour. I'm glad you made it through those 2 jobs unharmed. At least now you can get the relaxation you need, even though you'll probably still be tired no matter what. The life of a pregnant woman...

Klink, I'm praying your DH gets that extension. It's so nice to have that support, b/c my fear of flying is probably worst haha. I have NEVER been on an airplane. I drive, or take the Greyhound or Megabus if I need to go out of state. I'm happy to hear he's holding things up so that he can travel with you. That's a great hubby for you :)!!!

My vomiting is not as bad these last 2 days. My doctor said the reason it came on so strong was because I was so Anemic (iron deficient), and once I started taking the prenatals, since it had such high percentage of Iron (21st Century PreNatal/ Iron 28mg 156%dv) my body didn't take too well to it because it was such a high dosage, but it should start to adjust daily as I take the pills (just a FYI if anyone else has experience w/ being Anemic)

Here's my little peanut at 8+1, 163 bpm:

Look at those arm buds!! I was bawling when I saw it
Swampmaiden - It really is worrisome. I try to not think too much about it and just move a little slower now.

HopingCarter - That's awesome! The u/s looks so good!

Someone put my mind at ease? Had a BM this morning (sorry, TMI) and there was the slightest tinge of pink in my CM afterwards. Like it was more yellow/white than anything but kind of peach in color too. I feel like logically it was just that during a BM it can irritate the cervix but then the other part of me just worries and comes up with horrible scenarios. And just now I think I feel cramping :/
I don't know if it's going to ease your mind (that's just how us new mothers are lol) but I have actually been spotting the last 2 weeks. Of course, I went to the dr yesterday and everything checked out perfect. Some women truly do just experience slight bleeding, which that might not even be blood. It may just be the color mixture, that happens too. You could be right on target with the theory of that just being your BM, especially if it was kind of a hard one ;). It's so sensitive down there, just breathing too hard can irritate the cervix lol (my midwife said that yesterday). Doesn't sound like it could be problem to me.:thumbup:
Maggz that's great about the hcg levels! Must be really reassuring :) my reassurance since I won't get blood tests is that i took a digital today and the weeks estimator is up to 2-3, so that makes me happy.

Swampmaiden that sounds tiring enough to make a non-pregnant person exhausted! Thanks for the warnings too, I'm trying to enjoy my non morning sickness days right now.

Hopingcarter, beautiful u/s!!

Sweetbliss I would also say don't be concerned about it. Like you said, irritation can happen easily and it's not like it was a lot of blood or bright red or anything.
nice u/s, hopingcarter!

sweetbliss, i heard its normal for the mucous to be yellowish in color. now when you say 'cervical mucous' are you actually reaching all the way up and swabbing the cervix itself, or you just mean the regular vaginal secretions? because sometimes even poop can have a pinkish, peachish tinge to it.. if its just the barest hint of something, I wouldnt worry too much about it either
Oh yeah and sweetbliss, I just read on the last page how you're going to break the news w/ the book. I thought that was a really creative and awesome idea :thumbup: Man, I wish my hubby wouldn't have spilled the beans. I would've loved to try some of those things haha
Sorry you're feeling worried, sweetbliss! What you have described sounds like what happened to me when I was about 5 1/2 weeks. I had three days of spotting like that after BMs. With my history I was concerned so I ended up going to the hospital to get it checked out, and all was fine. The doctor said it can be caused by exertion, such as jogging, but I wonder if possibly a very difficult BM could be the culprit. My friend who is also a doctor was explaining to me that as the uterus grows it presses on the bowels a bit, which can cause cramping, too.

Other causes for cramping that I've learned about are the uterus stretching, and the placenta forming and attaching itself to the uterus. I've also read that that can cause a little bit of bleeding, too. Also, not to be too TMI, but having an orgasm can cause cramping, as well.

I hope that helps put you at ease! But, if you are still feeling concerned, I'm sure it can't hurt to consult with a doctor, and hopefully that will help you feel more relaxed. :flower:
Okay so sorry I'm not getting this but what is BM? lol...
sweetbliss I'm sure it's just a little tiny spotting don't worry (I know, easier said than done!)

hoping that is awesome!!! I almost bawled when I saw it, so precious! It makes it so real :baby:

miagirl that's great!!
Thank you SO much ladies! You all are the best! I've gone to the bathroom like 4 times in the last hour just to check haha. No more spotting so I'm going to chalk it up to the BM and leave it at that. I think I have a sensitive cervix or something because I do almost always have a light amount of spotting after sex (this wasn't due to that though lol) and I had to have a blood vessel on my cervix cauterized back in April because it was too close to the surface and I was spotting literally all day for 10 days in the middle of each cycle and it'd be awful after a BM due to the irritation. UGH, I wish I wasn't such a worry wart lol. That first appt needs to hurry up and get here.

Mia - I won't be given blood tests to check my HCG either so a digi like that is a good idea! I might have to do that as well, maybe next week.
For all of you U.S. ladies who are a little farther along than me, I have an appt. scheduled for Monday with an OB/GYN. I know that they aren't going to do a scan or anything, but what are they going to do? Will they check levels or just confirm pregnancy and move on from there? I've never done this before, so I don't know what to expect.:shrug:
Maggz, BM is bowel movement

Well, mewolkens, the only reason I had an appt that early was because I going thru a crazy stage, when the cramping and blood after DTD made me paranoid, and they still did a scan for me (a transvag only at that time) and they did BW too! If this is your actual dating scan, then you should automatically get that. From what I know, if they set it up that early for you, you should still get the scan and BW just to make sure things are progressing well and you don't have any blood issues of course, even if you don't get a printout of the u/s. Also, if this is dating scan, they do cultures (check for diseases, infections, etc) and also talk to you about full term prenatal care. That's what happened for me
I've been having that pain too ladies! Actually today I got another set of bad news from DH work and ever since I had to cry so hard I am cramping some on the left side. It feels like it's where one of my ovaries is located. At first it was only when I was walking and now it's also while sitting down. :nope: DH said if it's not better until tomorrow we go to the hospital. Told him about the cramping today and his unit said, that he can't take me to the hospital during work because I am "not that pregnant yet." can you guys believe this?? :growlmad:
And on top of that they are sending him on a 3 week field rotation so unless I push the dating scan farther back, he won't be able to come. :cry:
I've been crying all day and I just don't know what to do anymore. I mean being able to stay with my family pretty much whenever is great, but I never get the rest I need at my mom's place. I have younger siblings that are only 7 and 9 (I turn 22 next month) and they are just so loud and don't understand that I need rest. Plus I would not even have my own room there or a bad. And sleeping on the couch while being pregnant just sucks.

And look at this little baby of yours!!!!! He/She is adorable already!!! :baby::happydance:

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