Expecting #1 positive thinking buddies, sticking together!

I still don't have any symptoms except my face is covered in pimples, so gross :(

The only symptom I've got really is slightly sore boobs but that's only if I push on them. Careful what you wish for and all that...but I'd love a bit of morning sickness just to reassure me a bit!

Well yesterday I was meant to get my first hcg blood results back except the doctor called me to let me know that the lab are refusing to process them! Apparently they don't do them as standard anymore and the only way I could get my bloods or an early scan is if I was admitted to the early pregnancy unit. Doctor said we could "tell a little white lie" and pretend I'd had a bleed but I just don't want to jinx myself like that really.

So for now I'm just going to have to rely on digital tests to show my progression every week, and hope they don't drive me crazy if they don't progress as expected!!

On the plus side, the midwife also called me after the doctor referred me and I've got my booking appointment with her on the 18th Sep. She did offer me the 11th but annoyingly I've got a meeting that I can't get out of.
That stinks that they wouldn't do your hcg, welshgem! Procedures must vary by country, because where I live, that is pretty much the first thing they do. A couple days after I got my BFP, I went to see my family doctor, basically just to get the requisition form to bring to the lab. How did you go about trying to get yours? Could your OB or family doctor give you paperwork for a test? I hope you can get it, as it is a great reassurance!

Maggz, so sorry you've been feeling so worried! I definitely know what you mean, though; after a previous loss, the fear never really goes awayl. :( I think that the intermittent symptoms are pretty normal, though! I don't feel strong nausea every single day; I find it peaks every 2 or 3 days. Same with the boobs; the soreness isn't at the same level each day. The only thing that is pretty consistent for me is feeling tired pretty much all the time.

From what I understand, as your body gets used to the current level of hcg, the feeling of the symptoms tapers off; when you have another peak in hcg, you'll notice them more strongly again.

My morning sickness got pretty bad around 7 or 8 weeks, got better around 9 weeks, and then started getting worse around 10.

I also know that my mother-in-law never felt sick once when she was pregnant with my husband; nor did my husband's cousin when she was pregnant last year. It's odd how everyone's experience is so different, but such is life, I guess!

Hope that helps! :)

HopingCarter, so sorry about the bleeding. That must be very frustrating and worrisome. But, I'm glad you got to see that everything is still ok! Do you think you are going to get the doppler? I would love to have one. Being the compulsive worrier that I am, I would use it all the time, haha.

I am doing some better! The irritation isn't constant anymore; it's just once in a while. And the weird discharge has been gone for days. I haven't heard from my doctor's office, and they were supposedly going to call if they found anything in the cultures besides a UTI, so I guess I should just trust that the amoxicillin is doing its job and try not to worry. I am lucky that my hubby is very positive; he helps me think more optimistically, which is great!

Tomorrow is his birthday! I can't wait to give him the Batman caped bib, and the Montreal Canadiens bottle and pacifier set to go with his other gifts. I'm also going to bake a peanut butter banana cake..mmm!!! Our special symbol has always been two intertwined hearts, but this time, I'm going to decorate it it with 3! :)
Hi Ladies ((((:)hugs::hugs:))))) all around. Thank you guys for being so supportive!! I would say I love y'all if it didn't sound so weird over the internet lol!! I just have no one else to talk to this about, I mean my mom, but I wish we had a better relationship where I felt comfortable. Pretty sure DH is already stressed enough w/ the bleeding b/c he thinks everytime I'm having a miscarriage, so as much as I try to explain, he just gets sadder lol.

Samantha, the sore boobs will come, that's inevitable lol! As far as the pimples, I second that! I've been using Biore lately which has helped a lot but my face is so sensitive nowadays my hubby's morning breath can make me have an outbreak!! EEEEEEWWW I-HATE-MY-SKIN-RIGHT-NOW lol!! It's okay though, it's not the worst I'm going through haha!

I'm so jealous Mint and Maggz! Going to Iceland or having lived there before sounds like so much fun! I wish I had the means to travel like that! GL on your journey Mintastic!

Thanks Karen, and yes we are gonna get one! I think with the bleeding, even though I know what the reason is, b/c it's so scary to see and it's so random, I'm gonna be a worry wart too (look at how many times I've been to the dr's already lol) so having that Doppler is gonna put me to ease so much!! Today's payday for my hubby so he's gonna look online for some, I told him I want a Sonoline B, since I hear they're the best.
That's sooo cute about the bib and the pacifier set!!! I was planning on doing the same thing w/ my hubby for christmas! Since we don't officially find out til about Nov 6th, I was going to do the LA Lakers pacifier set they have online, which is his fav team and a Chicago Bulls pacifier set, which is my fav team! I know he's gonna love it. He keeps confessing we're having a girl though (his little singing princess he says haha) Oh well, she'll have some NBA pacifiers to start off with if it is a girl lol...
We only kind of have the means...mostly we are just being irresponsible and optimistic that we will make things work financially. Don't get me wrong...DH had a high paying job... that he just quit...and oh...I'm pregnant - let's go on a really expensive vacation! :)
LOL Mint, I don't disagree at all though, you only live once! I'm pretty sure it will work out for you. Just enjoy your trip and take care of your little bun, everything else will fall into place :)
I always feel like there is so much to catch up on!

Maggz - I know it is hard but try to not worry too much. We're all here though if you need to express any concerns or vent though. I know that I completely understand and I'm sure all of the other ladies do as well :)

Mint - Have fun on your trip! I'm jealous! DH would love to travel like that. He's been many places overseas and keeps saying he wants to take me someplace but I just can't swallow how expensive it is. How long will you be gone?

Karen - What you posted about the hcg levels and how the body gets used to them.... you're giving me hope. I laid in bed crying this morning because there is absolutely nothing that helps my all day nausea. I'm 7 weeks today so hopefully my body gets used to the hcg! I'm glad you're feeling better though! Let us know how DH reacts to his gift!!

Carter - I'm sorry you're having to deal with all of that :( Definitely get a doppler! I can imagine the amount of relief that will offer on a daily basis. Let us know which one you end up getting and how you like it.

I'm trying smoothies to help now. I think part of my food aversion is chewing. I'll get a few bites into something and just want to spit it all out. I'm hoping the smoothies will be easier since there is no chewing but it will also give me nutrients and fill my stomach, or at least that is what I'm hoping for. DH has been so sweet and helpful lately. I feel like I'm letting him down though even though he says I'm not and it is all fine. I just hate feeling helpless and useless :/
Sweet - we are going for one week. I have so much to do today and tomorrow morning before we leave - I shouldn't even be on here but I can't help myself.
Trying to decide if I want to pack any pregnancy tests to check progression of if I should just let it go until we return. I have one digi left - anyone know by what dpo it should start reading 2-3weeks??

Sorry you are feeling so sick. I indulged in a pregnancy magazine yesterday and it recommended the liquids thing - it said try smoothies, soups, and drinkable yoghurt. You can throw some spinach in a fruit smoothie too for better nutrients.
Aww sweetbliss I'm so sorry about the all day nausea, trust me, I know your pain!!! NOTHING worked at first! I had to start forcing myself to eat a light breakfast (yogurt, bananas, grapes, oatmeal, etc) I just couldn't chew either. It has been getting me through the day mostly, and I'll try and eat a salad at night and nothing heavy at all, but for the last 2 nights I haven't been able to eat anything at all.
Was the B6 not working though?? Dang it, I was gonna try that too! BOOOOOO Vitamin B6!! Is there any method to this madness? I know someone out there has a remedy. I know I'm only a few wks away from 2nd Tri but boy would I love a resolution now..
Mint - No clue on the test progression... I never took one of those. If you do pack it, pack it some place in your suitcase where you might forget about it. See if you can hold off on taking it. Out of sight, out of mind maybe? lol I really hope you get to relax and enjoy your vacation! The spinach is a good idea! I was just asking DH what I could add to them to make them even better for me lol. I was thinking maybe peanut butter? I figured that is high in protein, right? What would go good with PB? I have blueberries, strawberries and raspberries. I know people usually do bananas with PB but I hate bananas haha.

Carter - I'm sad for us that you can relate haha. It is nice to know that I'm not alone but I wouldn't wish this on anyone. Thank you for sympathizing :) Yes, the chewing! I just can't do it. And forcing yourself to eat is so unpleasant! I just started to feel it coming back on and took 2 bites out of a fiber one bar. We'll see if that holds it off at all. I thought the B6 was helping, and honestly, I bet this would be way worse if I wasn't taking it. I'm going to stick with it, it can't hurt. I'm hoping the DR will have some suggestions on the 8th. It is only 10 days away but that feels like an eternity with how I'm feeling lol.
:hugs: Sweetbliss, I hope they can offer a better solution! Woohoo The good news is I have my 12 wk scan on 9/8 too (really I'll be 11+5) so I'm gonna ask that as well. I would say raspberries, as I LOVE raspberries!! and with PB, you can't (or I can't) go wrong haha! I also love bananas too, so that's no help for you lol. I'm gonna wait til I see the DR to buy the B6 b/c with my hormones, I might call the company and chew someone out if it doesn't work lol! I hope it works for you though the more you take it
Ok - time for catchup. I've been living in a whirlwind of school, and sleep. So much has happened since last week!

Sweetbliss, sorry to hear the nausea is that bad. I've pretty much had constant nausea too, but I seem to be able to eat, except sometimes at dinner. Try soups as well. I found one night when I just felt like throwing up, chicken soup worked quite well for calming my stomach down. It's warm too, so your stomach doesn't have to work to warm it up.

Carter, the bleeding sounds awful. Sorry you have to deal with that. Having a doppler would be so neat, though.

Karen, glad to hear that the infection is slowly going away. I've heard we're more prone to that kind of thing during our pregnancy.

Mint, have fun in Iceland! It sounds like an amazing trip.

Don't remember who couldn't get their hcg levels tested. I think it depends on the doctor, quite honestly. I'm in Canada like Karen, but my family doctor didn't think it was necessary to test hcg levels because she said the home pregnancy tests were accurate enough. The labs here won't turn away a requisition for that, though, so if you can get your doctor to request it, you're good. I'm finding it hard to wait for my first prenatal appointment, as a lot of those things should be sorted out there (as well as ordering the first u/s), but it's now only two and a half weeks away. :thumbup:
Mint I think 2-3 weeks should be about 15-25 dpo. Not sure but I *think*so.

Thank you ladies so much for your kind words, I know we're all going through the same ridiculous worry stages!

It's fitting that this morning was the first that I threw up :haha: I guess the little one wanted me to know it was still in there :) I don't think I've ever been that happy (or at least, not unhappy) with being nauseous. :rofl:
It came on suddenly and went away when I had thrown up so it hasn't bothered me today at all, but I had just eaten so I was super hungry at work lol.

Sweetbliss - someone once said that the only thing that you spend money on and makes you wealthier is travelling :) It's so much fun and you learn a lot! But yeah it can get crazy expensive very fast.
Maggz - I'd love a little vomiting now too! Haha!!

Karen / Lacanadienne - I don't know if it's because I'm from the UK, or even maybe a regional thing, but it was my doctor who requested the bloodwork and the labs then called him to say they won't process GP requests anymore, hcg tests will only be processed if they're requested from the EPU at the hospital and the EPU only accept admissions for high risk pregnancies. Basically, they just accept your word that you are pregnant and unless you get a bleed then you have to wait until week 12 for the first scan!
Maggz - I'd love a little vomiting now too! Haha!!

Karen / Lacanadienne - I don't know if it's because I'm from the UK, or even maybe a regional thing, but it was my doctor who requested the bloodwork and the labs then called him to say they won't process GP requests anymore, hcg tests will only be processed if they're requested from the EPU at the hospital and the EPU only accept admissions for high risk pregnancies. Basically, they just accept your word that you are pregnant and unless you get a bleed then you have to wait until week 12 for the first scan!

I feel your pain, though. I'm pretty much in the same boat since my family doctor didn't order the test. I'm waiting for my first prenatal appointment on week 10, then hopefully a dating ultrasound in week 11 or 12.
Carter - Thank you! Yayyyy we have appointments the same day! We can count down together :) Let me know if you start trying the B6! I think the smoothies are helping. Well, they help me get something in me. I had a blueberry/strawberry smoothie this morning in honor of being a blueberry now haha

Lacanadienne - Thanks, that is a really good suggestion! I'll have to try that tonight for dinner. Grilled cheese and tomato soup for dinner doesn't sound half bad.

Maggz - I think this is the only time in any of our lives where we'll be glad to throw up! haha. I'm glad that after you got sick you didn't keep feeling sick though! That is the best way to be sick I think lol

Today has been the best day since I started feeling sick. It isn't completely not there but it just hasn't been as extreme today and is manageable. I had a question for you ladies. I realized this morning when I woke up that I forgot to take my prenatal gummy vitamins last night! Have any of you done that? I was really worried. I also wonder if that has been contributing to my nausea? I know that the pills make me sick so I've been taking the gummies for a good 6+ months now because I took them while we were TTC and it never bothered me. Any of you ever forgotten it or have any of you had the gummy prenatal make you sick too?
Sweet - Pills generally make me sick too so when TTC I tried a chewable (not a gummy though) and it made me so sick.
Right now I take New Chapter tablets and they don't make me sick (supposed to be easier on the stomach) but don't know if I will be able to stomach them once MS kicks in... I hope you figure it out and feel better soon.
Sweet bliss, I don't think it will matter if you forget just one day.

I have a question for you all. When did you tell your friends and family about your pregnancy? I know you're meant to wait a while until you announce it but what about your very close friends and family? The only people who know at the moment are my partner and I... Yesterday was my mums birthday and I kind of wanted to tell her but didn't end up doing it. Still so early! Also I'm the youngest of my family and I'm quite nervous about telling my older brothers and parents.. Anyone else felt like this? I know mum will be happy but I'm still nervous! Haha
hi ladies!

Ive been tied up between work and sleep, but I wanted to respond to a few things

I take my pills after dinner, before I go to bed at night. They dont bother my stomach at night, plus as Im taking baby aspirin also, the recommended time for that is before bed, so I just take them all then. I also have one of those senior citizen weekly pill box things with a lil compartment for each day.. I fill it up once a week, and that way I can see whether I took them or not without having to think. Because for me, thinking is hard lol

I actually havent done any blood work yet.. not a drop has yet been tested for anything. And tbh, I was supposed to go in this week and flaked out because Ive been LAZY and all I want to do when Im not working is lay around in bed or on the couch. Work sucks, Im on my feet running around a plant nursery/garden center all day. Well, I do love the plants tho.

As for announcing, at first I only told my most trusted family members on MY side. Then a few weeks later, I told the blabber mouths of the family on my side.. and inevitably everyone soon knew within days without me having to announce.
As for in-laws, I *just* announced like 2 days ago to them. I really wanted to wait because as theyre my in-laws I didnt want their pity if something were to have happened. Plus my mother in law can be overly 'super sweet very supportive' in a way I sometimes find distasteful.. as in today i get a text from her congratulating 'Mommy' and she cant wait to see the '2 of us' even tho I havent even seen her face to face yet and why couldnt she have just waited until I saw her in person to congrat me rather than a syrupy text? I didnt even respond it irritated me so bad, and I know she meant well but yeah... thats one reason i waited too lol

Hope all is well for you all, its good to see everyones progression and fruit. One day at a time!!! :)

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