Expecting #1 positive thinking buddies, sticking together!

Haha Bselck what is moody?!??! Who is moody?? Not me for sure! DH is currently counting the days I can go without crying :rofl:

Welshgem I kinda agree with swamp - it doesn't seem like she even deserves to know and it'll probably just give you more heartache. But whichever way you go we're here for you, if for nothing else but so you can vent ;)

My ms kicked in again this morning, I think you guys are right about the body getting used to the hormones and then when they double again the symptoms kick in. Haven't thrown up again though :)
My boobs are still sore mostly on the sides and the bumps around the nipples are a little more pronounced.

Anyways nothing really new but I can't wait for my appointment on Friday!!! DH just got the day off so he'll be able to come too :happydance:
4 more days!!! :D
Glad everyone is well and excited for those of you with appointments coming up soon.

I think I read that 25% of women never throw up from MS? So just to feel lucky, not worried, if you don't.

DH had some work to do so I am just sitting in the living room of the b&b waiting to get going. It has gorgeous views though so I can't complain!

I am happy to have passed into the 4 week mark. Since I got my first positive test at only 8dpo I have been 3-something for a bit which seemed a lot scarier - although I know it is still very early for me.
I am starting to get a little nervous that my boobs aren't sore at all. My nips hurt a bit the last two nights when I took my bra off but that was it.
I had some really amazing sexy-time dreams last night - I didn't even want to wake up! I have heard of that being a symptom but who knows.

I looked at some pregnancy books (in English) at a bookstore here but the only interesting one was a giant hardcover (it goes though day-by-day) that I didn't want to lug around while traveling.
It was cute though - Right after me a man came over and started looking at the pregnancy books too, then his wife or girlfriend came over and saw him holding the book and they both got these huge dumb giddy smiles on their faces. I bet they just found out recently also. It was very sweet and made me happy :)
Oh also, as far as telling family, DH picked out an Iceland postcard with a vintage photo of two women pushing a baby in a carriage by a lake and said "let's just send this to my mom but not mention it." so we did. He actually wants to find more things with babies on them to send her. I really don't mind if she knows even if things don't work out. I think she would be supportive and not tell the rest of the family.
Sorry to those who have bad in-laws. Mine can occasionally be bad about certain things (like all people) but is great overall. Plus my mom died when I just turned 18 and my aunt died last year so I am very glad to have my MIL.
Thanks ladies - I'm sure I'll definitely be here venting in a few weeks!!

My MS kind of kicked in this morning too. Nothing too crazy but I did have to take myself off to the bathroom in work and have a good minute of deep breathing to stop myself being sick.

I'm seeing my best friend tonight - She's due next month and I worked out that our babies will have the same age difference that she and I both have so that'll be nice!
Hello, everyone!!

Sorry I have been MIA for a few days, as things were pretty busy with my hubby's birthday! He really liked the Batman caped bib and the Montreal Canadiens baby set, so that made me very happy. :)

I've finally finished the amoxicillin, and I'm feeling much better in that regard, thank goodness! Unfortunately, my nausea has returned pretty strongly over the last few days. No more vomiting, but lots of feeling yucky and unfortunately, some terrible dry heaving when we got home from my husband's birthday party at the casino. Not exactly the ending I had planned for the night, but what can ya do?

hanrh, congratulations and welcome to the thread!!! I'm very happy for you! :flower:

welshgem, sorry to hear you have such a tough relationship with your mother-in-law. :( That must be so terrible! :hugs: to you!

I've been thinking, do we have a due date list for us girlies? Forgive me if I've just missed it, but I was thinking it would be fun to have a comprehensive list, so as the dates get closer, we can cheer everyone on!

Feel free to post your due date whenever you know it and I can add it to a list.

Mine is March 25.
Mint - I absolutely love your idea of a postcard from Iceland. Do you think they will get the hint? I also completely inderstand your point about getting to the 4 week mark! I'm wanting Thursday to hurry up for that very reason!!! I suppose we shouldn't have been so impatient with testing. Haha.

Welshgem - when did your ms first start? I am feeling very queeZy first thing in the morning which is waking me up but I feel it's way too early for anything like that! Putting it down to anxiety! What about everyone else with ms?

Karen - thank you and it's lovely to see you over here! I love the gift ideas for hubby - so cute! It my hubby's bday in
Oct, I may steal your idea! :).

I really like the idea of a due date list. Having just joined the group it would be nice to understand where everyone is at! Despite being so early, my due date will be May 14th 2015!

Mint that's so cute I hope she gets the hint. And that couple at the bookstore sound adorable :)

Glad you're feeling better Karen :)

DH has told his dad, his cousin (who's older and has grown kids), his brother, and his chief (to get off work for the dr appt) and I'm over here like what?!!? He was the one who didn't wanna tell anyone until 12 weeks and he can't keep his mouth shut! :haha:
I'm thinking about telling my best friend on Friday after the scan, if I can get her on skype after the dr appt.
What do you guys think, I really wanna tell my sisters in person, and they're coming to see me at the end of Oct, which will make me almost 16 weeks. Should I wait and do a hoopla at the airport when I pick them up or should I just tell them over the internet somehow?? If I don't tell them we won't be able to announce on fb or anything, which I'm fine with not doing until later.
Mia - I'm with you, Monday needs to get here! I need to see that little heart flickering and see if there's 1 or more babies in there....

Mint - That postcard is a really cute idea. Let us know what other things you send her :) Don't be too worried about symptoms. I had none aside from bloating for 1.5 weeks after my positive, then the nausea set in. Maybe you'll be able to get through your trip without any super strong side effects and that way you can get the full experience and then when you get back I'm sure it'll all start to set in.

Karen - So glad your DH liked his gifts! I love the due date list, good idea! I'm April 17th, at least until my u/s on Monday lol, we'll see if they change it.

Yesterday was my best day as far as MS since the nausea set in. I was even able to eat pancakes for breakfast. At the end of the day I felt dead though. I was out all afternoon and didn't get a nap in, I was not functional at all haha. This morning has been alright, not too sick but really crampy and not too hungry. I'm still taking the B6 and I'm hoping that it is building up in my system and helping and also hoping my body is getting used to the HCG. 6 days to u/s!
Maggz - I'd go ahead and tell your family over the webcam if you can. That's how I had to tell my family. We sent my mom a book (the whole story is in my blog) and we were able to surprise them all that way but still got to see their reaction and we have video of it too. I could never keep it a secret that long haha, that's just me though :)
Hi ladies, just wanted to catch up. Crazy, bad, sad :cry: weekend for me, but I know God is working this out for our good, despite how bad the storm is right now. The essentials (meaning my peanut, roof, car) we're still blessed with, so I gotta be thankful anyway. 9/8 12 week scan (at 11+5) :dance:

Anywho...wow so much is going on! First up, Mint, I hope you're have a blast in Iceland!! :cold: That card sounds pretty funny too. I hope she gets it...

Welcome and Congrats Hanrh!!! Sorry I'm late on that! I'm so happy you got your BFP though! :happydance: H&H9 to you!! Hope you enjoy this long nauseating journey with us lol

Karen, I'm glad the hubby like your gifts. That was really cool idea. I didn't know we were due the same day March 25th!! I could've sworn yours was a couple of days before mine when we first started? Did they change it at some point? Either way that's sooooo AWESOME! This is going to be great having you as due date buddy, if you'll have me haha..

BSelck, you sound just like me at 7 wks!! Now, just add the vomiting to the list and we're twins lol..I had those exact symptoms

Maggz, :rofl: you're so funny! Make that my hubby too! Everything brings tears to my eyes

Welshgem, Sorry about the MIL, must be a PITA (pain in the a**). So far I haven't had any real encounters with my in laws b/c they all live in CA, which is about 1500 miles away lol. So far everytime I speak with them on the phone they sound pretty pleasant and always encouraging (b/c they know how my DH is obviously lmao), but so far they seem excited about the baby. I don't know how they would be in person though. I guess I'll just see when we visit next year.

How's everyone today?
HopingCarter, I'm so sorry you had a tough weekend!!! :hugs: I hope that this week will be much better for you!

How awesome that we have the same due date! My previous ticker was a little off because I had inputted my cycle start date, but because I ovulated a little later than the norm, I realized it was a bit inaccurate. I was pretty sure I'd O'ed on July 2, and the 8 week scan I had confirmed that the baby was exactly 8 weeks and so conception did happen that day. So, I re-did my ticker with the confirmed O date, and now it's accurate. :)
HopingCarter, sorry to hear your weekend was bad. Mine was pretty bad too in terms of nausea and fatigue. I basically felt sick all weekend. I'm wondering if it's the iron in my prenatal, so I'm experimenting with cutting that out and going back to a half dose of my regular multi for a week.

Sweetbliss, glad your ms is getting better. Fxed that it's the vitamin B6 and that it keeps improving.

Mint, welcome to the club of ms. Hopefully you won't get it too bad.

Karen, that's awesome that your DH liked his gifts, and that your weekend went well apart from the nausea.

As for my due date, it's April 12th so far. Haven't had any u/s though, so we'll see. The date's based on my o date.

Oh yeah - and if any of you are wondering... I tried the gravol ginger this weekend because I was feeling awful, and it helped some. I don't know if they sell it in the US.
Karen - love the sound of a due date list. As far as I am aware so far, I am due on May 2nd.

Hanrh - ms only really showed yesterday morning for the first time at 5+3. I've been ok up to then, and even then it was just some dry heaving.

It's difficult for me to tell as I lor a good nap anyway but I was working from home yesterday and has to take two daytime naps and last night I was ready for bed at half 9 whereas pre-pregnancy I used to stay up until 11pm.

As an aside, is anyone still temping? My acupuncturist asked me to keep temping until I next see her which is another 2 weeks of temping and my temps have been increasing beautifully but this morning it dropped and Monday morning it dropped too so I'm back to pre-bfp temps (still above coverline). Should I be concerned?
Hi all,

Sorry for being away for quite sometime. MS is back with vengeance and it's been 5 days since I've been to work :( Thankfully we have "work from home" option and I'm using that to the fullest.

As for the due date, though the baby measured four days behind, the Dr haven't changed the due date for me yet. So, it's still 3 April, 2015.
Hey San Jan, that's the day before my Bday (4/4)!! If you carry to full term, you're baby's gonna be an Awesome Aries lol!!

Thanks ladies for the support, I really needed and appreciate it. Is anyone else that's in 10/11 wk stage still cramping. I had some cramping last night mildly (with no blood, thank god especially with my condition) but I'm guessing those are just the growing pains?? I haven't had cramping like that in a while, so I was just wondering if anyone else had them?

How's everyone today?
Sorry you've been so sick, SanJan! I hope you feel better soon.

HopingCarter, once in a while I have very mild cramps. Not as frequently as in the beginning, but maybe once a week or so. I've read it is still normal at this stage as things are stretching and growing. I read in my Mayo Clinic Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy book that at 11 weeks, the blood vessels in the placenta start growing, so maybe it is related to that?

Thanks for the due dates, everyone! Here's what I have compiled so far (if I have accidentally missed your post, please notify me!):

Due Date List
Hoping Carter - March 25
Karen916 - March 25
SanJan - April 3
lacanadienne - April 12
sweetbliss89 - April 17
welshgem - May 2
hanrh - May 14
Thank you, thank you so much Karen916!! Oh my god, I've been ruining myself these last few hours trying to find answers. I'm so relieved to hear it's common, b/c you're right it's not consistent, and plus it's not like I'm dying in agony so I'm sure it's all good in there.

I think swampmaiden is 3/18 and Klink is 3/26, ...I think. Hopefully they'll see the post
carter I think it's normal as everything's getting bigger in there! I cramp after we dtd, especially when I o... my DH feels so bad for me he didn't wanna do it for a few days after the first time it happened.

Karen my estimate is April 16th but I have a scan on Friday so I should get a better idea if it might change.

Oh and one thing I've been meaning to ask you ladies - what do you think about making a facebook group for our discussions? It could be secret so none of our friends would see it on their newsfeed or anything :)
Welshgem I have no idea about the temping, sorry!
thats so sweet of you Karen to compile the EDD list.. Carter is right, Im 3/18.. her and I are exactly a week apart.

Carter, yeah I wouldnt sweat the cramps too much.. I was going thru them too, and theyre likely round ligament pain.. supposedly RLP really kicks up a notch in 2nd tri, so youre just starting to get your first taste ;)

SanJan, hope you better soon :hugs:

maggz.. I'm all for a FB page.. but Im not planning on announcing on FB until early January so it'd have to be a Secret page. Plus, I barely check facebook anyways.. Im much more active on here!

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