Expecting #1 positive thinking buddies, sticking together!

Gator, I'll schedule my NT scan on Thursday and I really hope it's next week sometime. Friday would be a good day for us, and then we could announce to my brother on that Saturday the 4th, which will be my 12wk mark.

Sweetbliss, what kind of cloth did you get?? I really thought DH would be opposed but he seemed interested. And I would like to use the honest companies disposables when we need to use those. Of course we will go through whatever supply that is given to is first of course :).

I'm praying for a decent nights sleep, this cold is really getting to me, I'm so congested even after using a sinus rinse. Fingers crossed for some sleep and feeling better tomorrow!
Dini - I know back home that after week 12 is 2nd trimester, so from 13 weeks on. But I have no idea here, I didn't even ask my dr. haha.

As for the pack n plays, I don't think I would want that top part (changing and infant cradle) as I was planning to have that one up in our room next to our bed. I liked that the Graco one was only $70, and it's a trusted brand.
I want to have a bassinet on wheels downstairs and then the crib/pack n play upstairs. I don't think we'll be in any hurry to do a nursery cause I know the baby will be sleeping in our room while I'm breastfeeding.
I'm just looking though nothing's set in stone over here! Only thing I've gotten so far is a seven sling! Haha. We probably won't start buying stuff until around Christmas time, but I also do wanna spread out the purchases a little bit so all the expenses don't come out at the same time.

Sweetbliss I've been thinking about cloth diapering too. I'm not dead set on it yet, but it's a possibility :)
Dini - I hope you got some rest last night! I bought a variety so that we can try them all and see what works best. I stuck with pocket diapers though for a few reasons. They dry much faster than an all-in-one, you can add inserts or use different types of inserts to adjust the absorbency as baby grows, and they're a lot like a disposable so hopefully DH won't be afraid to use them. I have newborn diapers in Alva and Happy Flute brand. I'm still not sure that I'll cloth diaper right away, I'll take time for everything else to adjust but some babies don't fit into the one size diapers until they're much bigger so I wanted to get some newborn in case I am ready to make the transition or even just do it part time while baby is still small. Then for the one size diapers I have Alva, Happy Flute, Kawaii, and Bumgenius brands to try out :) Along with a bunch of different inserts. Now that I've written a novel, lol, if anyone has questions or anything, you're more than welcome to PM me! I love talking about cloth with people haha.

Maggz - I don't think we'll start buying until Christmas time either. I am going to wait until I know all visitors are done for the most part. We have a guest room but then the other room has a full futon as well that if more than 1 person/couple comes, they have that room. I don't want to fill that room with boxes and stuff if someone is going to be staying in there, so I'm going to try my hardest to wait lol. Do you have a scan coming up? I can't remember but I know that we are super close and I have one next week so I thought you might too.
Yeah mine was supposed to be next week too! But I pushed it back so DH could come since he'll be home by the week after that. So I have my 12 week appt on 10/6 and the NT scan on 10/10 :)
You're lucky, what day is yours??
Dini, hope you're feeling better soon. Having a cold during pregnancy really sucks.

And to join in on the cloth diaper discussion, my sister did cloth diapering with flat diapers. I thought about it, but decided that would be an awful lot of work. I also don't really like the thought of having to stuff diapers, so I've gone with fitted diapers for now (two sizes). Found them in excellent used condition for a good price.
Maggz - I have my general physical appointment tomorrow and then the NT scan on 10/1 at 11 weeks 5 days. Sorry you're having to wait longer but that's great that your DH will get to be there!

Canadienne - I could never do flats haha. My older sister used cloth on her twins and her youngest. She used Flips which is kind of like a flat but its more of a shell and then you just lay an insert in it. I got a few of those to try. Let me know how you like the fitteds!
Oooh exciting! I'm 11 weeks tomorrow (ticker is one day off I haven't bothered to change it)! :happydance:
Hi girls! I'm loving the cloth discussion. I'm really leaning that way, but agree that I may wait until baby is out of newborn stage and maybe I've recovered some as well lol. I'll have to do some looking for used ones. I don think it's super big here in the states yet at least not in my area.

Thanks for the well wishes guys, I feel awful. Yesterday was so hard at work. I felt so much worse, low grade fever and achy along with congestion and sinus headache. I only got through those very long 12 hours because I was training a new nurse to our unit who is pretty independent. I made sure to run to an empty room to blow my nose and stayed away from the patients mostly. I stayed home today, I need the rest, and so does baby! I'm going to make an appointment at my regular doc today because I think I also have an ear infection. UGH!

Maggz, yay for 11 weeks!! I'll be there Saturday!

My next OB appt is tomorrow and I can't wait as I'll get to schedule my NT scan. If I want DH to be there it's going to have to either be Monday, but I'll only be 11w2d then, or if I can get Friday off next week or it'll have to be after I get past 12weeks but I really wanted it before so I can tell my brother with an ultrasound picture and tell DH's family finally as soon I get to 12 weeks. DH and I aren't off on the same weekends often and it just happens that we are when I hit 12 weeks.

Is 11w2d too early??
Dini, that's soo bad to be down with cold and infection this time. Hope you'll get better soon. Take care! And, for the scan, confirm with ur Dr/midwife once as they just specify a particular time window for these scans as the referral values are based on that. So, what time they say gets the priority there.

Nice to see all those diaper discussion. I am planning to do cloth diapering only(as of now ;)).

And, coming to my update, it not so good and not really bad either. Had my NT scan today. Got to see all the body parts of the baby - head, backbone, neck, heart, kidneys, bladder, stomach and those beautiful tiny feets :) And the NT measurement was 1.5mm which is good and as per the sonographer the down's risk is very low, almost negative. The major worry is that my PAPP-A value is very low and that may have a slight chance to harm the growth in the last trimester and also can potentially lead to preeclampsia :( Am so worried since I heard this and have preponed my Dr appointment from Friday to today itself, in another couple of hours. So nervous and fingers crossed for some good & soothing words from the doctor.
Dini, I hope you feel better soon!

SanJan, I'm sorry to hear about the PAPP-A result, but hopefully it won't lead to anything, as you said it's just a slight chance! Hopefully your appointment with your doctor today will help put you at ease! :hugs:

Maggz, that's great that your husband can come with you to the scan! I am praying that I can get a Saturday appointment for my 18 week one so that he can come, or else he'd have to take the day, or at least the morning off work, and we're trying to save those for our end of the year trip. I tried booking it yesterday for the 25th, but the receptionist said their booking calendar only goes up to the week prior to that, so I have to call back next week. Oh well! Fingers crossed!
Dini feel better soon! As for your scan I don't know if 11+2 is too early, I think it might be? I have no idea honestly.

SanJan sorry about that PAPP thing, hoping the doctor calls you back and tells you it's nothing to worry about :hugs:

Karen that's so exciting that you're going on a trip! :) Hope you get a good appointment so your DH can make it too.

I've been listening to the hb just about every three-four days, it's so cute :) It's getting easier to find every time, and it's funny how baby is not in the same place all the time. Last night it was right in the middle under my bellybutton, but first time I heard it it was waaaay to the right. Hb was about 170bpm so it's holding steady up there - apparently girl's beat faster?? haha
Maggz - Yayyyy for 11 weeks!

Dini - Sorry you're feeling so sick :( I hope that your doctor is able to help you out and get you some sort of relief. Let us know when you get your NT scheduled for! I don't think 11w+2 is too early. I'll be having mine done at 11w+5. The time frame they aim for is 10w-13w so you're well within that window.

SanJan - Sorry to hear about the PAPP-A result. I didn't know they could check for that kind of stuff. I hope the doctor is able to give you some comforting advice!

Karen - I hope you can get that scan for the day you want so DH can be there! It's crazy that some are already getting ready to schedule their 18-20 week anatomy scans! I love it!

I had my physical appointment today. All went well. They didn't do a pap since I just had one in April and they can get the cultures they'd need from the urine sample, so yay for dodging that bullet haha. He found the HB with the doppler too, only took him like 45 seconds! It was way up in the 170's still :) both the doctor and nurse said "wow, that sounds really great" It was really nice to hear the HB and their reactions made me smile. I have my NT scan next Wednesday! Can't wait to see the little baby. As I was walking out to my car today after the appointment it all just started to sink in more that I'm going to have my very own baby and be a mommy. I got super giddy and excited haha.
Thanks for all the well wishes again girls, I got an appt at my regular doctor at 3pm, so just under 2 hours from now. I feel slightly better and can breathe again but my ear really hurts. See I'm probably a bit of a worrier here but last year in Feb-March I got what we thought was "pink eye" at first but it was terribly painful and didn't go away with drops, so went back and the doctor changed my drops, but also discovered I had strep throat as well so put me on oral antibiotics, and sent me on my way. Still very painful and didn't get better, got worse, I toughed it out for about 3 days after that but then had DH take me to urgent care, who sent me straight to the ER. Found out there I had shingles in my eye :saywhat: I couldn't believe it, and had never heard of it, and I'm a nurse. Turns out I also had it in my ear but do to the intense pain in my eye I didn't even notice the pain in my ear. Long story short..sort of lol, I had something called Ramsey-Hunt syndrome, which usually causes facial paralysis but didn't in my case thankfully! I could have gone blind but instead just got nerve damage in my eye so it waters constantly, and people always think I'm crying and I can't wear make up anymore :cry:

Well when I get sick sometimes it flares up, and being pregnant gives it a much higher chance of reoccurring and to treat it you have to go on antivirals, which I do not want! So the ear pain scares me and my eye is sore but not red so I'm hopeful, however my skin is tender over my temple where a nerve runs on that side of my face and it was when I had that last year...but I'm trying to stay hopeful and pray my immune system kicks it before it becomes a big problem! Sorry if I sound like a whiny person, I'm not but I do worry about it.

Sanjan, sorry about your PAPP-A results but it may be nothing and you got to see an adorable baby!!!

Sweetbliss, I'm so glad your appt went well! I smiled when I read the nurse and doctors reactions! How awesome that is!!

Well I should get in the shower, I've been lounging and resting, but since I have to go out in public, I probably should get to it!
Dini, I think the timeframe they gave me is anywhere from 11w to 13w, so it should be fine? Mine is going to be at 11w4d (tomorrow! can't wait!).

SanJan, try not to worry too much about the test results. My mom keeps telling me she didn't even have a single u/s for my sister (who was born premature), and we all turned out fine. I think all the tests these days sometimes make us worry more than we should.

Karen, good luck on getting a Saturday appointment. I don't know of anywhere in town here that does those - they're all 8 am to 4 pm Mon-Fri or something similar.
hi ladies, glad everyone is doing well.. and welcome Dini to the group :)

Im considering going cloth diapers also, but only for like the first 4 months or so.. then it seems like their bladder capacity outgrows the cloth absorbency capacity, so I'll likely switch to disposable around then. Also hoping a family member can pay for diaper service too! Then I won't have to deal with the dirty diapers too much haha

AND.... Im an orange today!! And I finally think Im starting to see a bump! :happydance:
Yay for oranges and bumps swamp!!!
thanks maggz.. this is just a great group of people on this thread!
I wish the march group were a bit more supportive.. its irritating to post there only to get ignored in favor of talking about newborn poop.. that thread moves so fast because one or two people are constantly on it, and the conversation of the thread just gets dominated by them. maybe Im being hormonal, but i just wanna say how thankful i am that were are a smaller group.. group hug!!
Swampmaiden, I know how you feel, I feel the same about the January group. Much nicer here :blush:

Dini, that sounds unpleasant, hopefully the pregnancy doesn't make it flare up for you!!

I've been sooo exhausted lately so I haven't been online much, also have a few uni assignments due in plus exam study!
I'm convinced little miss has gone head down now, my ribs are getting kicked and can find her heartbeat on the doppler down low. Can't believe I'm 25 weeks already!!!
Hope all you ladies have been keeping well xx
hey ladies,

Ive been away awhile due to crazy work. I really will have to let people know I am in my 1 tri, what with all this workload. :| But Ive been keeping up with you all :)

Sanjan Hope your PAPP numbers go up, and your doc is supportive. Where are you from in India?

Swamp wow, show us a bump pic!

Magzz Yay for 11 weeks :) I hope to hear a HB on Sat.. FX!

How is everyone else?
sweetbliss, I'm so glad your appointment went so well, and that the heartbeat sounds so strong! Best of luck with your next ultrasound - I'm sure it will go great!

Dini, I hope you continue to feel better!

Swampmaiden, congrats on being an orange, and on the bumpage! :)

I think I have officially "popped" now as well. What do you think:


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