Expecting #1 positive thinking buddies, sticking together!

Thanks for your hopes and prayers everyone. And lacanadienne, those were the similar words that my dr said too. She is really supportive and so positive. I'm in high risk category, but she had assured me that this isn't something to worry so much about. The extra precautions that I need to take now is, regular dosage of baby aspirin till 34th week and also they'll start monitoring the growth from 28 weeks itself instead of 34 weeks. I'm just praying that another month goes by soon and will get more reassurance in the 18 week scan soon.

MolGold, I'm in Hyderabad. Where are you from?
Your bump looks amazing Karen :)

And my corrected due date now is 8th April. I still need to adjust my tickr.
Swamp - Yay on being an orange!! Show us your bump! I agree, this is a great group of ladies! I'm in the April group and I just don't ever post because it moves so fast and seems impossible to stay up to date, so instead I just read it every now and then. I mainly just post in here with you ladies :)

Bree - That's really neat that you can tell she has flipped! I can't wait to feel the baby move.

Karen - Your bump is so cute! You've definitely popped! Is it like that even in the morning too?!

SanJan - I'm glad that your doctor is so positive. It sounds like they have a great plan of care in place for you!

Things are going well here. DH and I went out to brunch this morning because he had to be up early for something at work (he's normally night crew). So that was nice but I could barely eat anything. I've noticed that I get full much faster now. I'm really hoping that the nausea is officially on its way out. It has been very minimal lately so I'm loving that. Here's to hoping it doesn't come back!
I agree with you ladies I really find I like this smaller group. I like the April group but it moves so fast and sometimes I feel ignored like I'm not "one of the cool kids" although I'm sure that's just hormones!

I'm feeling a but better today but my head and ear are still very painful. I've decided the pain I'm having is just neuralgia and not the actual virus but if it is the midwife said today it's totally safe to take antivirals if needed so I feel better about that.

My appt went well, heartbeat was so loud and strong. She only said it was "in the 160's" because I think she was trying to count/guess but it sounded beautiful to me. The specialist ultrasound place will call me in the next few days to schedule my NT scan so it looks like it will be in my 12th week most likely.

It's funny how a dr appt feels like a milestone in pregnancy!

Karen your bump is so cute!!

Swampmaiden, happy orange day!!
Yay for different fruit and bumps! :happydance: Karen, your bump is really cute. Can't wait until mine shows up, even though DH says he likes my stomach flat. :p He understands it won't stay that way for long. My family is actually surprised that I'm not showing yet as I'm pretty thin, but I think it's because of my long torso. I have noticed it is harder to pull my stomach in though.

My first ultrasound is in two hours!!! The day has finally arrived. :happydance:
So this is our little peanut! He/she was very active and moving those arms and legs. :happydance: Sooo happy that everything is fine.


  • ultrasound no name.jpg
    ultrasound no name.jpg
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Awe how beautiful! I'm so happy for you!!!
Hi Ladies!

Sorry I have been MIA - just got caught up on 7 pages of reading! Can't reply to everything. Been super busy with work and school and started taking a prenatal Yoga class in the evenings as well so no free time at all!

Welcome Dini. :)

Love the scan lacanadienne! - glad it went well and thank you for sharing.

Sorry about the questionable test results SanJan - I don't know anything about that test or what it means but I am glad your doctor is supportive and positive!

swampmaiden - I seem to be missing the post where you say why your husband is going to be away for so long - I see all the reply posts referencing it but somehow missed that one. I went nuts when mine was gone for 2 weeks recently (longest time we had ever been apart since we met 9 years ago) - I agree, I have no idea how military spouses handle it! Power to them!

Sorry to those still feeling pukey - glad to hear it is finally passing for some.

AFM, Just anxiously awaiting my scan on Monday since I still don't feel sick or many symptoms at all.

I agree - I like this group better than the May group I am in - I kind of stopped checking it as there were too many convos going on about breastfeeding while expecting or how to tell your other children - which is great for those ladies but I felt really out of place. Also a whole lot of people just popping in and updating on themselves but not a whole lot of actual interaction.

As far as diapers - I feel like I SHOULD want to do cloth but I am wary - I don't have my own washing machine and it would seem wrong to wash those in the shared ones. I know my mom washed mine in the tub (I weirdly remember this - how do I remember this?! How long was I in diapers?!) but that grosses me out too since I like to take baths... I guess there are cleaning services but then doesn't that get just as expensive as disposables? I will have to research more.

As far as buying baby things - we have the one hat and blanket we allowed ourselves to get in Iceland and got a free hat for signing up at the Prenatal Yoga center. We don't have to worry about doing a nursery since we don't have any extra room to be a nursery... Baby will sleep in our room with us while we look for a bigger place. I actually want to start looking ASAP but DH is currently between jobs so I know we have to wait a little. He wants to wait even longer though! He's like oh, we have almost 2 years to worry about that since there is the whole pregnancy and then all the months before he/she starts walking. I don't want to wait until the last minute and then be in a bad situation! I know it is kind of a "1st world problem" since obviously plenty of people raise children in small/shared spaces but still...

Best to everyone! I forget, does anyone else have scans coming up next week?
lacanadienne - So cute, congrats!

Sweetbliss - it's a lovely feeling! Until they're kicking up a storm at 5 and waking you up :haha:

Mintastic - I know how you feel about wanting a bigger place, I mean, we have 3 bedrooms so baby can have her own but they're so tiny (with my bed a cot won't fit) and the spare-room gets really, really hot, not only that the landlord won't let me paint the nursery and it's this horrible green colour :( but it's wonderful that you've brought a few things for LO
Bree - Can you ask the landlord about that temporary wallpaper stuff? Apparently it peels right off and doesn't damage the paint and it comes in all kinds of patterns.
So I'm trying to find a cute shirt for my DH's little brother who is 10 when we tell him we are pregnant. We have had to keep it from him because he won't keep it a secret lol. We are going to tell him after we have the next ultrasound in the next two weeks. Also I'm looking at things to tell my brother, found a cute drinking glass that just says "Uncle Est. 2015" on it but I'm getting kind of nervous about ordering things like this. I know I'm almost in the clear with chances of miscarriage and all and hearing the strong heartbeat at this point is a great sign but I am still anxious about all this...

I can't really wait to order stuff since I want it to be here in the next week to two (planning to tell my brother and his family before the ultrasound). Should I just tell my brother without a gift and order DH's brother's shirt anyway??

We want to tell DH's extended family after we tell his little brother with him wearing the shirt to see how long it takes them to figure it out. The shirt says "This boy (with two thumbs up) is going to be an uncle".

Should I just chill out and stop being nervous??
Canadienne - That picture is great! So glad it went well.

Mint - I'm sure your scan on Monday will go great! My DH is the complete opposite, he thinks we should have every single item we will need now. He keeps telling me "we should be buying diapers and more wipes!" He says he doesn't want to have to buy anything once the baby is here.... he's going to have a big wake up call when he realizes that isn't a possibility at all, babies will always need things at some point haha.

Dini - I would just order the gifts if it is what you want. I've told myself all along that I was going to enjoy every minute of this and not live in fear. I know it is hard to do but try to have fun and not be too afraid. Soak this all in :)

Well I just made the first big purchase.... we weren't planning to yet but I wanted this dresser from Ikea, it is solid wood. I was going to wait but there isn't an Ikea within 3 hours of here and I had a friend here who needed something now and she was willing to split the shipping with me if we combined our orders so I went ahead and got it :)
That's so cool that your friend split the shipping.

I think you are right. I'll order them tomorrow after I find out his brothers shirt size. I have these moments when I get anxious and I think it was just because it makes it seem real this way. I'm not normally a negative person but pregnancy sure does a number on your emotions!
Dini I feel the same about the April group! Sometimes I feel like I'm talking to a wall over there, haha. So, if it's hormones, they're getting us both. ;)

I really haven't been keeping up but it seems like everyone's doing good and I love seeing those scan pics! Keep 'em coming :D

AFM I'm really stuck in some kind of rut... I think I feel bad for myself that DH is away, I hate school and I'm at a dead end job that I can't wait to get out of *sshhh don't tell my boss lol*. I just feel like since we moved everything's been so hard. I was going to a school that I really liked studying something that I was super interested in, only to go back to community college out here because I have to catch up on the general education requirements (difference between states), and THEN I have to worry about transferring - and the good schools are crazy hard to get into. I guess I just feel cheated. Also, I had an awesome internship where we lived which very well could have turned into a job, agh, the grass is always greener, eh?
Sorry that I'm whining to you but I don't really know who else to whine to :haha: I don't want my family or friends to think I hate everything here, especially my mom she's a little judgmental.
It's really all first world problems! We have a house, a bed, each other, a car, and can earn our own money. That's more than a lot of people can say (I keep trying to tell myself this to cheer myself up... it doesn't really work but it makes me feel bad for complaining).
Congrats on those nice scans Dini & lacanadienne!! :D

As for me, I'm doing really good now, except for this continuous fatigue. Just hate feeling this tired all the time. But otherwise things are so good. Trying to put all the test results behind and enjoy this period as of now.

And ladies, keep the bump pics coming!! It's so nice to see them and just wishing to get one soon :)
Dini, go ahead and order them. The risk is really so small if you've already had a good scan and you're this far along.

maggz, sorry to hear life is getting you down. Moving is always hard, I find. It takes a lot of adjusting and patience, and so does pregnancy, so I can only imagine. :hugs:
SanJan, I'm very glad your doctor said it is nothing to worry about. I know it's hard to stop worrying about something, but I think that sounds reassuring at least. :)

lacanadienne, congratulations on the great ultrasound!!! Such a sweet picture!

Maggz, I hope things will start going better for you soon! :thumbup:

Dini, the t-shirt and glass both sound cute! I'm sure your brother wouldn't mind if you told him before the glass comes in. :)

sweetbliss, my bump is a little smaller when I first wake up, but I find as soon as I eat even a little bit, there it is again. Maybe because of the close proximity to the stomach, when I eat and the stomach grows a bit, it pushes out the uterus a bit more? I don't know, I'm not very good with anatomy, lol.

Happy Weekend, everyone!!! :happydance:
Hey girls

This thread seems to have moved fast!

Sanjan I am happy your doc is so great :) I am from Pune

Karen, oh so cute bump!

Mint hope your scan goes great.. I have mine due in 12 hrs.. :)

Lancadienne Oh my what great picture you have there :)

Dini You know I was eyeing this crib at only 5w :) DH thought I was crazy! You just fuelled my desire for it and I think I will start saving up for it and buy it at the end of 1st tri :)

Maggz I get what you mean, I have every material thing I possibly need but I crave for more time with Dh and some stimulating work at office. But this bean makes me so excited for another day gone by, for time to pass soon before I hold it in my arms! That's what I think keeps me going :)
Morning ladies...or afternoon or evening to you where ever you are! I guess I was a bit vague with my appointment details, I didn't actually have a scan yesterday just the usual doppler exam. Last scan I had was at 6w4d which was good and all looked well then...and since the heartbeat is always good I will just try to enjoy this! I am going to order those things as soon as I find out what size t-shirt his brother wears.

I know my brother would not care if I told him before the glass came in, but I really have no idea when I'll get to him to tell him, he lives just over an hour away and I don't want to do it over the phone but everytime DH and I are free, his wife and kids are going to be gone and that's kinda a bummer since I'm more looking forward to telling my oldest niece who is also going through infertility.

Anyway...I checked for baby this morning and found it right away, heart rate in the 170's, and it's moving around because I didn't budge and I'd have it really strong, then poof..it was gone, had to keep chasing the little bugger!

Maggz, I'm sorry life has you down, I totally understand where you are coming from...and even though we know we are blessed to have each other and a roof over our heads, food to eat, a job to go to etc, it's okay to feel crummy about it not being a bit better because if you felt like it was all rosey, then you'd have no motivation to do better!! I feel like that sometimes as well, I have a good career, but need to further my education badly but haven't had the time or money to do so. I have lived in this house for over 13 years and it was a "starter" home and DH and I really want to live in the country..but..it's going to be several years before we can do anything about it. I just keep telling myself there is a light at the end of the tunnel and like you, I try to remember it could be so much worse!! Plus we have this little miracle on the way, doesn't get much better than that!

Karen, your thoughts on your bump sound right to me...but either way it's darn cute!

SanJan, I'm so wishing for a bump as well but since I'm "bumpy" already lol, it'll be a while, but I can see my body changing.

Geesh I wrote a novel here! Have a good one girls!
Molgold, good luck on your appointment..

Dini, even I'm rather bumpy. But I can feel my tummy muscles hardening each day and its difficult to take it in even a Lil bit... :)

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