hello ladies!
Mol, I had the flu pretty bad when i was around 6-8 weeks.. seemed like it took forever to go away, but apparently it doesnt the bother the baby a bit.. I hope you feel better sooner rather than later tho
SanJan.. yes, I have trouble sleeping thru the night as well.. I have no prob falling asleep, but I wake up in the middle of the night to pee, and then I just cant fall back asleep afterwards.. I toss and turn for a hour or more before I fall back asleep.. it sucks!!! My midwife said sometimes you are too exhausted to sleep? That doesnt make sense to me, but she said try to get a nap in during the day, sometimes that helps.. but I havent noticed anything one way or the other..
Karen, that sounds like a lot of logistics trying to get your appt.. maybe, does your husband absolutely HAVE to be there? Maybe it'd be easier and less stress if you just went on your own? I dunno, whatever feels right for you tho.
Dini, when do you take your prenatals? If its at night right before bed, that could be causing heartburn.. Im switching to taking them with dinner, but I have yet to see if that helps. As for now, Tums are my new best friend lol
sweetbliss, I can empathize on the Thanksgiving travel.. my husband has to travel 500miles just to make it home for that weekend.. I feel bad for him, but what can ya do??? lots of hugs
Mia, I'm dragging the Facebook announcement out until Christmas.. when I enter the 3rd tri. I figure it'll be facebooks Xmas present
As for me.. I had a midwife appt today.. everything is great so far!! I got to hear the HB for the first time on a Doppler.. it was 153bpm!! Thats right on the border of the boy/girl gender prediction lol so still gotta wait another month to know for sure