Expecting #1 positive thinking buddies, sticking together!

My symptoms have come back somewhat, the nausea in the mornings and the off and on dizziness. The round ligament pain has become more noticeable now and more frequent. But I can handle that lol.

Maggz, don't feel bad I'm 34 and only have my Associates, didn't even get that until I was 27. You should feel proud of what you have accomplished! Some people never even finish high school!
I always hear about round ligament pain and also SI pain but I don't actually know what either of them are. I should Google...

And yes, I finished my Bachelors at 28 and Masters at 33 so I am a bit behind a lot of my peers (most in my position are in their 20s and most my age are supervisors) but just so happy I kept going with it even though it took a long time. This certification is super important for me to make that transition to supervisor though so I really hope I can finish it this year before baby comes!!
Interesting article, swamp. Still not sure it's good to be sick, though. They do say to get the flu vaccine to avoid the inflammation.

Mint, that scan is adorable. So happy for you! :happydance:
nice scan, Mint! is it starting to feel real yet? :)

maggz, Im showing a bit.. though it looks more like a beer belly than a pregnant belly.. :haha:

dini, just wait until you trade the nausea in for heartburn.. Im thinking of switching my prenatal pills time to With a Meal rather than Before Bed, because the acid is killin me at night
heres my current bump.. Im not sucking it in or anything, but even when I do, I cant get it 'in' all the way like I could before... and this comes with baby movement in the style of random flips and twists


  • 16wks.jpg
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Swampmaiden -
It already felt more real after the last scan - if I wasn't high-risk I would totally be paying for private scans! But last time it was like "wow! there is really a blob in there that's moving around!" This time it was like "holy crap! The blob grew hands and feet and a head in two weeks! That's gonna be a for-real baby in no time!" Lol. DH was super smiley after - I think it definitely made it more real for him.

As for your prenatals, I know they say it is better to take on an empty stomach but I always have to take all pills with food all the time. Hope switching it gives you some relief!

As for bumps, I am so bloated today that if I don't suck it in I totally look preg.
Mint - pictures! Would love to see that lil bean :)

Swamp - cute bump you got there :) I already am so bloated and have that bump size already what with me being overweight :| But I am glad for it :)

Dini 12 hour shifts sound awful.. cant you talk with your managers to delegate you to jobs that are easier on you?

Just when I was thinking I have no symptoms, I got a major flu like symptoms going on :( But as Mint said, that may be a good thing so I am rolling with it with minimal meds.
Mint, MolGold - nice scans :)

Karen, hope you get your appointments on the day you want.

Klink, Swampmaiden, Maggz - nice bumps. Swampmaiden, mine looks exactly like yours, in fact a lil bigger in the evening. And I'm only 13 weeks now LOL :haha:

Dini, can you try talking to your manager and see if you can get your workload reduced? At least for few more weeks till you cross this first trimester.

As for me, things are going good. Nausea is slightly there some times, but gone for most part. Is anybody else having trouble in sleeping through the night? Being a belly sleeper always, I'm finding it really difficult. And frequent trip to the toilet and to drink water doesn't help either. And that makes me even more tired next day :(
Great scan pic, Mint!!! And cute bump pic, swampmaiden! :)

SanJan, I'm glad your nausea has died down! :thumbup:

Thanks for the well-wishes, everyone! Unfortunately, I was not successful with booking the appointment yet. First the lady said she didn't want to put me in that week (October 24ish) because I'd only be 18.5 weeks, and she would prefer to put me as close to 20 weeks as possible to increase our chances of accurately seeing the gender. Then she told me, while they do other types of ultrasounds on Saturdays, they do not do the obstetrical ones. Since we have to do a weekday now, that means my husband will have to leave early from work to get there on time. In the summer, that was fine because I had Wednesdays off, but now that the school year is on, I work until 8pm most nights. My day off is Friday, but I have a private student right at the time when we'd have to go in for the scan. So, I either have to reschedule her for another day, which they can't always do, or take an evening off work. I'd rather not do that, though, because I would lose out on the day's pay. We'll see. If I can reschedule my private student, my new goal date is October 31. I'll be 19+2 that day, so I think that is close enough to 20 weeks!
Thanks Karen! I can't tell you how it felt soo good to have a vomit-free day after a long time. Especially, when hubby asked that day for the count and I said zero :haha:

That's bad about your appointment. Hope you get to figure out a way to fit in both the scan appointment and work.
Karen I hope you get your appt figured out!! I think 19+2 is close enough! I'm hoping to get an appt a few days before Thanksgiving because I hit 20 weeks the Saturday after and we'd love to reveal on Thanksgiving! I'm sure I won't get my way though lol.

swampmaiden, I've already got heartburn but if I don't eat for about 5 hours before bed it's better, but then I'm starving in the middle of the night lol. Cute bump by the way!!

As for reducing my work load or hours, it won't happen, I'm a nurse and most of us work until the day we deliver doing just as much work as before...I don't know how some of them do it as big as they got, but they did so I feel like I can't wuss out. A few girls start leave a week or so early...but I have a ways to go there lol. Not too much longer until second trimester.
Trying to catch up!

Mol - So glad your scan went well! We're planning to find out the gender. I hope you're not actually getting sick and it is just some pregnancy nausea that will go away!

Maggz - Your bump is cute! I did the suck in test last night too and have a little something left too. Our remaining symptoms are almost the exact same as well hah.

Canadienne - Sorry you're sick! I hope you start feeling better soon!

Dini - I read about it being a brussel sprout now too, I'm sticking with lime as well, sounds so much better haha.

Mint - Yay for a great scan pic! It is crazy just how fast they grow!

SanJan - So glad you're feeling better. I'm a belly sleeper too and am finding it to be more difficult to sleep lately. I might get one of those pregnancy pillows for when I can no longer sleep on my stomach.

Karen - Sorry they wouldn't let you schedule the u/s when you wanted to. I hope something works out! Are you able to do a private scan in town maybe? I believe they usually do them earlier than 20 weeks. My doctor told me that they wait until 20 weeks because it is really the anatomy scan, you can just see the gender at that time, and so their focus is the heart and all of the organs, not the gender.

AFM - I've been feeling pretty good, brushing my teeth is a challenge some days, my gag reflex is just horrible lately. I've only been feeling nauseous when my stomach is empty. The NT scan is tomorrow so I'm excited for that but DH can't come with me to it now due to work, they're making him come in 2 hours early :/ I called this morning to try and move it up a few hours but they said they are all booked, I'm not sure I believe it because it didn't sound like she even tried to look. DH's work has given us another obstacle too. He has to go away just before we were planning on going home for Thanksgiving. We'll still be able to go, he just has to take extra days off and travel an extra 14 hours total. It is frustrating but its fine, we'll deal and always figure it out. What really upset me though is that he won't be able to be there for the 20 week anatomy scan when we'd find out the gender. So now we're having to plan to pay $100 to get a private scan done before he'd leave. He's more okay with that than me. I'm just still upset that we even have to figure out so many alternate plans but that's the military for you lol. I'm so used to it that it doesn't surprise me but I'm also so hormonal that it still upsets me haha. At least we were able to figure out ways around it even if it will cost us $100 and him a lot of extra travel time and leave days. Oh, and for the anatomy scan, my sister said to ask them if I bring a disc if they'll record it for me. I guess some doctors near her do that (she's in Georgia). I'm going to ask tomorrow at my appointment if they can do that at the 20 weeks scan. Never hurts to ask, right?
Well that's my novel... sorry its so long!
Oh, and good luck to all of those of you who are in school or wanting to go back! YOU CAN DO IT! If it is any inspiration at all, my older sister finished out her bachelors degree while her husband was deployed for 12 months, she had given birth to a baby girl JUST before he left, and had 19 months old twins at that time as well. How she did it, I don't know, but if she can do it, than all of you can too! Just keep at it!
Mol - I did post a pic - bottom of page 86!

Karen - what do you do? I ask because I have private students as well (I teach kids and teens on the autism spectrum).

Everyone else - will catch up later, gotta rush back to work!
Swampmaiden nice bump pic! It's so exciting to really see it!

Mol sorry you're not feeling well :( fatigue and sickness together are awful.

SanJan I'm so glad the nausea is easing up for you! That gives me hope that maybe mine will start passing soon.

Karen sorry about the u/s news. I hope you can get it worked out though. People should hopefully be flexible with you to reschedule things considering you're pregnant :winkwink:

Sweetbliss that's great you're starting to feel better too! Sorry you're having scheduling issues too :( that's so frustrating! But I'm glad you're getting it worked out even if it costs a little more. Seeing the gender together is worth it.

Not much news for me, still just battling the nausea. Yesterday was awful but so has every Monday been for the past 4 weeks. I'm wanting to try and think through how we'll make our facebook announcement but I can't decide. Have any of you girls in the 2nd tri made a public announcement or going to soon?
I'm planning to wait until after October 13th when I have my 13 week scan.
Karen, sorry about the scheduling difficulties. It must be frustrating.

Sweetbliss, most labs in Canada (even the publicly-funded ones) record it on a disc for a fee. Doesn't hurt to ask, but I suspect it's possible.

Mia, we announced it on Facebook with a drawing that my sister-in-law did for us. It's basically a stork carrying a blonde baby (we're both blonde) and it says April 2015 under it. Announcing it publicly definitely makes it feel more real, to me at least, and we figured after a good scan near 12 weeks, the big m/c danger was gone.
hello ladies!

Mol, I had the flu pretty bad when i was around 6-8 weeks.. seemed like it took forever to go away, but apparently it doesnt the bother the baby a bit.. I hope you feel better sooner rather than later tho :flower:

SanJan.. yes, I have trouble sleeping thru the night as well.. I have no prob falling asleep, but I wake up in the middle of the night to pee, and then I just cant fall back asleep afterwards.. I toss and turn for a hour or more before I fall back asleep.. it sucks!!! My midwife said sometimes you are too exhausted to sleep? That doesnt make sense to me, but she said try to get a nap in during the day, sometimes that helps.. but I havent noticed anything one way or the other..

Karen, that sounds like a lot of logistics trying to get your appt.. maybe, does your husband absolutely HAVE to be there? Maybe it'd be easier and less stress if you just went on your own? I dunno, whatever feels right for you tho. :)

Dini, when do you take your prenatals? If its at night right before bed, that could be causing heartburn.. Im switching to taking them with dinner, but I have yet to see if that helps. As for now, Tums are my new best friend lol

sweetbliss, I can empathize on the Thanksgiving travel.. my husband has to travel 500miles just to make it home for that weekend.. I feel bad for him, but what can ya do??? lots of hugs :)

Mia, I'm dragging the Facebook announcement out until Christmas.. when I enter the 3rd tri. I figure it'll be facebooks Xmas present :haha:

As for me.. I had a midwife appt today.. everything is great so far!! I got to hear the HB for the first time on a Doppler.. it was 153bpm!! Thats right on the border of the boy/girl gender prediction lol so still gotta wait another month to know for sure
swampmaiden - Yay for hearing the heartbeat! From threads on here it seems that the heartbeat/gender thing actually doesn't work at all.

My BFF just told me that she thinks I'm having a boy since I haven't been sick at all yet. I hope so!

I don't even want to make a FB announcement really... I kind of hate Facebook... I certainly use it but I don't post much - mostly just see what other people are up to.

I might just do what one friend of mine did which was just post a normal photo of something else going on that she happened to have a huge bump in - so that people who didn't already know in person were like "wait...what?! congrats!"
We live so far away from most of our family and friends we kinda have to utilize the power of facebook so to speak. haha... But I don't know what to do yet, maybe the prego sauce one, DH has high hopes for making videos and stuff I'm like naaahhh

sweetbliss it's so funny how similar everything is with us!!

Only 6 days till 12 week dr appointment - what do they do there?? In Iceland that's the first u/s but I already had my first so I'm wondering if they're gonna do another one?
Hi ladies! Just popping in before bed. Dealing with my heartburn lol. I take my prenatals in the morning so I know it isn't that but my guess is just good old pregnancy hormones! Hoping the tums help.

Swampmaiden, congrats on the heartbeat! Such a beautiful sound isn't it?

Sweetbliss, sorry for all the scheduling problems. At least you can do the private one together :).

I'm having lunch with a new friend tomorrow who is also pregnant. She's 16 weeks now I think. She has done my hair several times at the salon I go to and we both have PCOS and have dealt with fertility issues so we kinda bonded. This is the first time we've hung out though so I'm excited. It's nice to have someone to go through the first time mom thing with, at my age it's hard to find lol.

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