Expecting #1 positive thinking buddies, sticking together!

Dini, there are no guarantees in life, but I figure there is a 0.5% chance of miscarriage after a good NT scan, so I can't live my life freaking out about every possibility. I mean you're more likely to get hit by a car, and yes, it does happen, but I try to put things into perspective.
hi ladies just checking in to say hi

Ive pretty much been on the couch if Im not working.. and today Ive been having these intermittant cramps.. theyre really light, slightly like my period cramps or like I pulled a muscle or something.. its probably just round ligament pain, but it worries me. Theyre also mainly on the right side too, which is reassuring..

But Dini, it makes me think of your ???... how likely is it to have a pregnancy loss at 17 weeks, after detecting heartbeat multiple times yadda yadda.. I think im just hormonal lately, cuz Ive also been extra bitchy... sigh..

everything else is well tho.. just still tired all the time
Swampmaiden I hope the pain lets up soon. And you are all right about the chances and lacanadienne I like the analogy that you are more likely to get hit by a car. You're totally right and just because it happened to someone else doesn't mean it will happen to me.

Sometimes the hormones just knock my better judgement aside lol.

I had so little energy today. I hope that starts to get better soon. I'm hoping to start an aqua Zumba class in a few weeks maybe increasing my activity will help my energy levels.
I have a strange feeling I really over did it today. I go to college on a campus on a very large hill. There are some areas that I park where I don't have to climb what seems like mountains to get to class. Today I went off campus for an agency visit with someone and came back. She parked in the lower lot. I walked up that large hill. I was completely out of breath by the end, feeling really dizzy. I went to my next two classes and just felt off. I got home and I was spotting light brown. It really freaked me out (DH too as he called the dr. himself!!) It seems to have stopped now and it only happened a few times. It worries me but my doctor wasn't concerned and said it is normal as long as it is brown with no other symptoms (bad cramping, etc.) She asked how I was feeling and I said my boobs were sore, I am really tired and I still can't eat or drink much and am continuing on the zofran. It's for sure been quite a day and I think it's time for me to curl up and go to bed.
hey ladies how are all of you?

My cold n flu let up earlier this week and I am drowned in work! I am afraid it might tire me out :( Couldn't catch up with you all lately.

I hear your fears too, I had a loss at 7w and now that that's over, I am obsessing about the 13w mark. I guess 26w will be next after that :) I guess all that worrying is our developing motherly instinct :)
Aww, lacanadienne, you've had that cold for so long! :( I hope you'll get some relief soon!

Dini, I'm sorry that hearing about that other situation got you feeling nervous! I had trouble with that earlier, too, so I've told myself not to read any more sad stories like that. They get me too anxious. But I agree with lacanadienne, it is very unlikely, so we have to try to focus on the positive, as difficult as that can be when we are carrying something so precious! That's why I'm so glad to have you girls to share with! :hugs:

Good luck with your scan tomorrow!

swampmaiden, I'm sorry you've been feeling bothersome cramps and have felt kinda lousy! Not to be too TMI, but sometimes I get little cramps if I am constipated... Could that be it for you? In regards to the hormones/emotions, I felt like that last night, too. Everything was annoying to me and I wasn't being as nice to my husband as I should. I just felt drained. Then when I got in bed he reached out his arms to pull me in and hug me and I just started crying for no reason. Argh, lol.

Christina, I'm sorry you had that scary experience! I'm glad the spotting seems to have stopped. My doctor said spotting can happen due to over-exertion, so I bet that's what happened. I've been feeling more breathless and lightheaded lately, which I think are due to our heart rates and blood volume going up, but blood pressure going down, if I have that correct. I find it's worse for me in warmer temperatures, too.

Two crazy busy days for me, and then it will be Thanksgiving weekend! I can't wait!
Swampmaiden sorry you've been feeling those cramps. But it's most likely nothing to worry about like you said, just an annoyance right now.

Dini, choosing positivity really is best and I love that we find it here :) otherwise it's true there are too many sad stories you can read out there. But think about how many happy stories there are for every one sad one! The odds are with you.

Molgold I'm glad your cold has gone away but sorry you're swamped with work, that's no fun.

I found a place not too far from me that will do a gender u/s for just $60! So I'm going to ask about pushing my December u/s at the doctor's back until January (so my payment counts towards next year's deductible). And then I could find out the gender at this private place even before 20 weeks! I'm still bummed to cancel my Monday u/s, but to save over $400 is worth it to me anyway.
Christina I'm sorry you had that experience. I had one very very similar at about 6wk from over exertion and it never came back. I just rested that night and tried to relax.

Mia that's awesome about the cheap gender scan!! How early will they do it?

Ugh my back is killing me this morning and I'm a bit crampy. I think my bed is the culprit, it hurts everyday when I get up and goes away after a few hours. The cramping is likely nothing but I do wish it would stop.

Getting nervous about my scan tomorrow. If all is well we are telling more family including DH's 10 year old brother. Then everyone will know!!
Thanks to both of you. It is worrisome. I'm assuming I just over did it. It is still there -very slightly- today but now how it was yesterday. My friend who is a nurse said it is normal and unless I have cramping or sharp pains to not worry. And I dont. I just want everything to be okay so not worrying probably isn't going to happen. I just have to breathe. It also doesn't hekp that my symptoms are less severe. I was able to use the bathroom (after a week) so I'm thinking my lack of appetite and feeling the way I did was a combonation of morning sickness and severe constipation issues (tmi sorry). I do take comfort in that the baby was healthy with a strong heart beat at the U/s a week ago. =]
Dini they say they'll do it starting at 15 weeks! That seems slightly unreliable to me though? I don't know...I'd probably wait to schedule it until like 17/18 to be more sure they could tell, I'd hate to waste the trip there.
I hope your scan goes well tomorrow! It seems like it'd definitely be a safe enough time for everyone to know now.

Christina that's good things are getting better. It sounds like a scary experience but since it didn't get worse I wouldn't worry anymore. Maybe ask your doctor for suggestions on helping with the constipation because that really is so uncomfortable.
hi ladies

christina, Im glad the spotting is subsiding, it very well could be from the over exertion

thanks everyone else for the reassurance about the cramps.. Ive been fine today, and even though Im sure they were RLP and not gas cramps, sometimes things moving thru the intestines have to squeeze past the uterus and the ligaments supporting the uterus have some spasms in protest.
tmi alert: constipation super sucks.. I drink lots of water and eat lots of veggies, so when I go it all comes out fairly easily, ie no straining.... BUT I seem to go only like every 3 days. I try not to worry about that either.. but seriously, between digestive issues, cramps, giant boobs, hormones...it just seems theres always something!!!

MiaGirl... hell ya on saving $400 on a medical ultrasound. The private ones are great! You dont feel rushed, the techs are still trained people and really know their business! Can't wait to hear the results :)

Karen, it sounds like you have a very sweet husband... mine is really sweet too.. hes a much nicer person than I am.. and I miss him!!! 6 more weeks to go before I see him again, it sucks having to do ALL the dishes all the time now, and no one to cuddle with at night. I named my body pillow after DH... funny, sad, true... lol
I finally got to hear the heartbeat today! Got me all teary-eyed, I loved it! I saw a different doctor than last time and this one said I don't need to go to the high-risk department. He said there's basically no hereditary connection between us and what happened in DH's family, so that was really great news!

They couldn't move my 20 week u/s to January so I'll have to just suck it up and pay all $600 for it, but you gotta do what you gotta do. I'm sooo excited for November 25th now to find out gender!
I finally got to hear the heartbeat today! Got me all teary-eyed, I loved it! I saw a different doctor than last time and this one said I don't need to go to the high-risk department. He said there's basically no hereditary connection between us and what happened in DH's family, so that was really great news!

They couldn't move my 20 week u/s to January so I'll have to just suck it up and pay all $600 for it, but you gotta do what you gotta do. I'm sooo excited for November 25th now to find out gender!

Yay for not having to move to the High risk dept!

I'm hoping for a gender scan around then as well.
NT scan went great today, so relieved!! All measurements were normal, but it took her a while to get it because baby was all over the place! It definitely loves to suck its thumb at this point lol, and it looked like it was chewing on it a few times. Heart rate was 170 and baby measured 4 days ahead at 13w2d but I will wait until I see my regular OB in 2 weeks to decide if the due date should change. The maternal fetal medicine people said they'd use the new one because they obtained it but my OB may choose to stick with the original so I'm doing that for now.

Here are a few pics.

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I am WAY behind! Sorry I've been MIA ladies! I hope you all are feeling well! To those that are sick or dealing with spotting, I'm sorry :( I hope you all start to feel better soon! Keep those positive thoughts though!

Dini - Those are great pictures! So glad you got to see your sweet baby.

I can't believe so many of us will be finding out the genders soon! We're still waiting to hear a date from DH's work about when he has to leave so I can then schedule our private scan before then. I'm thinking I'll schedule it for November 7th. I'll be 17 weeks that day so I think it'd be a good time. DH may want to go the week before that though, I'll see what he says :) It is all so exciting though!
I think we are going to try to wait until the week before thanksgiving and do a private gender scan because I doubt the OB will do it before thanksgiving. We want to announce then.
Hi ladies, sorry, I've been MIA for sometime. Have been busy with both work and nausea :dohh: But it seems to be subsiding though. Definitely better in the last two days after stopping the progesterone supplements.

I hope everyone's nausea has subsided!

Hope everyone is doing really good! Can't believe most of us are soo close to finding out the gender :happydance: I just hope I'll try to get a peek at things during U/S and would be able to make a good guess. We are hoping for a pink bundle but sometimes, my gut feeling says that it's going to be a blue bump.. Lets see :)

Sorry, haven't caught up on the thread completely yet. Will reply once I'm all up to date :D
Mia, that's great about the heartbeat! I get to hear mine on Tuesday next week.

Dini, great u/s! I hope that gives you some reassurance.

I'm doing a bit better from my cold, but am still very tired, and it's been raining all week so the kids have been cooped up inside. Not very fun when you have to try to teach them. The problem is when a cold gets in my lungs, it takes a while to go away. Plus I couldn't take very much to help.

To all, Happy Canadian Thanksgiving! It's Monday, so long weekend here! Hooray! Hopefully I get some much-needed rest.
Mia and Dini, congrats on the wonderful appointments!! I'm very happy for you. :happydance:

sweetbliss, I hope you can get your gender u/s scheduled soon! :) Any guesses as to the gender?

Sanjan, sorry you've still been feeling nauseated, but I'm glad it's starting to get better!

Happy Thanksgiving, lacanadienne (and any other fellow Canucks out there! Please forgive me if I've missed you!)!! I hope your cold will continue to subside. Indoor recesses are no fun... hopefully the weather will improve so you can have quieter breaks!

I tried for I think the 4th time now to schedule my appointment, and their new calendar still isn't in. :/ She says it should be there for sure on Tuesday, though, so I will be calling in as early as I can. If all goes well, I'll find out 3 weeks from today! Yippee! :)

Happy weekend, everyone! :thumbup:
Oh, and here's my latest bump picture, from 16 weeks - I think the baby is starting to go through a growth spurt!!! Does anyone else have an updated bump pic to share? I love to see them!


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