Expecting #1 positive thinking buddies, sticking together!

thanks lacanadienne, it's great you heard the heartbeat and even a kick!! How exciting! :happydance:

klink, good luck with your move!

TMI warning ;) I feel 'wet' all the time these days and there is always a wet mark in my underwear. I instinctively know it's not blood when I feel it so I don't worry and of course when I go to the bathroom I check and no blood. Does anyone else experience the same thing? Does it get more abundant as pregnancy progresses? I'm hoping to learn from all of you who are further along than me :flower:
SanJan, I'm sorry you've been having sciatica! You've been having a rough go of things! :( I hope the UTI results will be negative!

Starluck, welcome and congratulations!!! I'm very happy for you. Wishing you the bets for a happy and healthy pregnancy! :thumbup:

lacanadienne, that's so great that you heard the heartbeat, and a kick! How exciting!!

I hope all goes well with your last stressful day, klink!
Karen that's exciting you'll know gender soon! Sorry about the UTI though, no fun at all.

Klink I hope the transition goes well for you and you find a great OB here in the States!

Starluck congratulations!! I remember you from the TTC thread and I'm soooo happy for you! Enjoy this exciting journey :)

Maggz that's so crazy your bump did kind of just go away haha :) makes me wonder if mine is just pure bloat that doesn't want to leave. Hmmm..

I keep waiting for that magical day when I wake up and finally feel normal again. Hasn't happened yet as I still threw up first thing yesterday :( ugh. Maybe 14 weeks will be my magic number, I just hate hearing stories of women who are sick the entire time. That freaks me out because this feels unbearable at times.
Does anyone ever get pains in your abdomen? I have abdominal pain occasionally (not even when constipated) and it kind of freaks me out, didn't know if anyone else feels that.
Well just when I thought it couldn't get more stressful - here we go.
So short explanation for the non army folks. Whenever you move to a different duty station or get out of the army (like my husband does) you need to clear the base. Which means you get a paper and with this paper you have to go to different locations and get a signature or stamp from them. Usually this requires about 7 days.
Well my husband had to do his in 3 days and the worst thing happened today. He couldn't finish clearing. So now we are stuck in Italy for god knows how many more days and probably have to pay the hotel out of pocket. On top of that our ID cards expire tomorrow, so we can't leave base.
And all just because they didn't give my husband enough time, cause they decided to send him on field rotation when he was already supposed to be acaping (it's a program to make the transition to the civilian life easier). And because the people that bought our car today where freaking a-holes! :growlmad:
We took our car to the registration place which is a 10 to 15 minute drive from base and it's in the country. So we get there and want to sign the car over, turns out the people had the wrong insurance. So the only way to clear out of registration was to leave the car and keys there and sign it over to the other people. But since they didn't have the right insurance, the car had to stay at the registration place. They were supposed to give us a ride back, but then said they can't cause they said they can't fit us in their car, since it's a tiny hatchback. So they just freaking left us there and we had to find someone else to pick us up. And by the time we got back, the last 4 places DH had to clear out of where closed. :growlmad::growlmad:
To top all of this, I am so scared not to be able to take my puppy with me now because the flight is gonna be very short notice and she has to fly in the cabin with us and therefore we can only fly with a specific airline since she's a pug.
I was bawling my eyes out this evening cause I just can't take it anymore. I just want to enjoy my pregnancy and I just can't and it makes me so so mad. :cry:
I'm sorry for this super long post but I needed to vent :cry:
Hopefully everyone else had a better day than DH and I! :flower:
Starluck - Welcome in our little group and happy and healthy 9 Months!!! :flower:
Hi everyone,

I'm fairly new around here, and I'm expecting my first. I'm SO nervous it is silly. Like, I worry about the m word every. single. day. even though I know I shouldn't. This group is perfect for me!
Hi heather! First of, congrats! And happy and healthy 9 months!:flower: I
I totally understand your fear of the m word! I had it all the time and even now I am still kind of nervous. Try not to worry too much! :hugs:
Are you serious klink?! Damn that's a lot of bad luck for 3 days. I'm so sorry you're having to deal with this, the military just continues to surprise me - and it really shouldn't cause we should be used to everything by now, right? :/
I hope you get it all figured out and your dog can fly safely with you. Sorry about the money as well... ugh that whole thing sucks. :hugs:

starluck to answer your question - yes. Lol.. more cm is totally normal, either watery or creamy, so have fun with that! It's still actually kind of a lot on my end, but not as much as the beginning. Well, I guess it depends on the day.

Mia yeah I get abdomen pain/cramps as well, it has gotten pretty bad during the last week or so but I've listened to baby a couple of times and it seems fine in there :)
Hope your ms clears up in the next few days :hugs:

Nothing new over here, contemplating if I should take a nap or not? ;) haha
Thanks maggz! I am so upset. I cried so much that my eyes are swollen. The army is really taking its toll on me on those last days :/

How have you been feeling? And you should take a nap lol Probably not really helping your case here haha.
heather, welcome!

klink, that sounds awful. :hugs: Hopefully you'll be in the States before you know it, and everything will go smoothly on that end. It certainly gives you some great stories to tell your little boy later - how it was while you were waiting for him - but I know those things are never fun while you're living through them.
wow klink, I can't believe what insensitive jerks some people could be.. I can't believe they just left you guys stranded out there, after you did them a favor of selling them the car despite their faulty paperwork/insurance!! And as for the government/army... well, the incompetancy doesnt surprise me :(
I echo maggz about your puppy tho, I really hope you guys find a way to bring him :hugs:

star, yes, the fluid flow down there actually does get heavier as you progress.. to the point it literally feels like a gush sometimes. Im seriously debating about wearing pantyliners soon.. Ive been wearing cotton granny-panties, that I will def be throwing out after the baby is born. gross, i know lol

Mia, I get cramps and pain occasionally too.. usually nothing to really worry about, but occasionally I will freak out if its especially strong or rhythmic feeling. But so far, so good, so I guess its just stretching, gas, RLP, whatever is going on in there. They are more intense if Im moving around/lifting too much.. but sometimes theres just no other option!

and welcome new ladies, congrats on your BFPs :)
Oh my gosh klink!! I'm so sorry you had to go through that mess today :hugs: I can't believe how people can be so rude to leave you stranded there.

hi heather! welcome :flower:

thanks maggz @cm. it's to the point that i want to wear a pantyliner every day!

swampmaiden, we'll be wearing panty liners together! :haha:

I had m/s all morning until about 2 pm. I took a 10 minute nap (working from home today, and just had to do it) and felt a million times better! My m/s went away and I felt normal for dinner - yay! Now I'm already ready for bed, which honestly isn't all that unusual for me lol
I'm not sure where to start, I feel like there's so much to respond to.

Welcome to those of you who are joining us! :)

Karen - sorry about the UTI! But yay for your gender appointment! That is super exciting and now you have an actual countdown!

Dini - I'm glad you got some great NT results!

SanJan - So sorry about the sciatica! I've been having some of that here and there but nothing consistent. I've heard a heating pad can sometimes help at the end of the day. I hope you find something that is able to bring you some relief.

Maggz - I bet one morning you're going to wake up and have totally popped! You're so tiny that when you do start to show I think you'll be all belly!

Canadienne - That's awesome that you were even able to hear a kick!

Mia - I'm so sorry that you're still dealing with MS :( Are you taking anything to help? B6 helped with my nausea. I wonder if your doctor would be able to get you something to help, have you asked? I have been getting abdominal pains. They can be pretty uncomfortable but I'm sure it is just everything stretching down there.

Klink - I'm so so soooo sorry that you're having to deal with all of that! It will all be over with soon, just hang in there! I'll be thinking of you and praying for you all! I really hope your puppy can fly with you! My dogs are like my babies so I know how important that little dog must be to you!

I borrowed my friend's doppler and listened to baby's heartbeat the other day :) I think we'll listen again tonight. Also got the dresser for the baby from Ikea recently and I finished staining that. It looks so good! DH is going to put the coats of polyurethane on it now though, I can't breathe that stuff in. I can't wait to see it all put together and finished! Hormonal headaches are in full swing here. It was so bad the other night I almost had DH take me to the emergency room. My OB called in medicine for me the next day though and that finally kicked the migraine and I've been fine today. I'm just glad I have that medicine now in case I get another bad migraine because that last one as horrible! Other than that, things are good here!
Klink I don't even know what to say. I am just in shock at the rough time you are having. All I know is you will get through this and be enjoying your pregnancy right along with your pup before you know it! Big Huggs!

Sweetbliss you should post a pic when it's done! We have built in dressers in the baby's room but they stick so bad as they are old and I painted then last year. I don't know what to do with them. They are very very difficult to open. I could put another dresser in there for clothes I guess and use those for things we wouldn't be using daily but I hate to take up the space.

I'm also still getting the cramping or light pain in my uterus pretty much daily and for quite a bit of the day. I'm not too worried as I'm a ftm and I'm sure it has some stretching to do.

Have a great day ladies and to those of you feeling yucky I hope you feel better!
Welcome Heather to the group :) Congratulations and wish you a very happy and healthy 9 months.

Klink - sorry to hear about what all you are going through! Hopefully everything gets sorted out soon and you can leave Italy and come to states soon.

Starluck - I am having lot of discharge too, and for me I still kind of freak out and go to the ladies room as soon as possible to check everything is ok , though in my case it might be due to progesterone supplement.

So, to say about my day - it was all exciting with ups and downs. I had two beta tests done one on Monday (5 weeks + 6 days) hcg came out to be 16,002 and progesterone 25.3 - Nurse said it looks good then on Wednesday (6 weeks + 0 day) and the hcg was 20,002 and progesterone 21.3 - so the hcg did not quite double and the nurse called me in for an ultrasound today itself. I got kind of freaked out and got tears in my eyes, hoping that everything is Ok, it was the most exciting moment to see the tiny seed with its heart fluttering :) the nurse said its reassuring and the baby's heart is beating at 123 bpm which is where it should be - I was so relieved that everything was Ok.
Klink - I'm sorry to hear about all the bad luck over the past couple of days. Here's hoping things pick up and all works out well.

Dini - going back to earlier in the thread, I'm also getting lower back pain and it's getting a little unbearable now. I just can't get comfortable. Is yours on and off or all the time?

Sanjan - yes I'm getting the hunger pangs too. I'm finding the ms is emptying my belly so much that I'm always hungry and its a vicious cycle because the hunger pangs make me sick.

Thank you ladies for your well wishes and the tips on uploading photos. I'll see if I can get that to work today.

Last night I went to my acupuncturist in the hope that she could manage my ms but instead I spent the whole hour being sick and was so faint afterwards that she refused to let me drive. I burst into tears as soon as my parents picked me up! This morning I've been sick again and had a panic attack because I couldn't breathe. Then I actually pooed my pants. I just didn't make it to the toilet in time. It's all so undignified! I can't imagine myself ever feeling normal again. I'm hoping I'm not one of those women who suffer throughout the whole pregnancy!
Aww welshgem, so sorry you are feeling so miserable. I hope it starts to get better for you. I've heard some people don't start to feel normal again until around 16wks so fingers crossed you don't deal with this all 40 weeks!

In regards to the back pain, it's off and on but getting more frequent, I sit too long it hurts and standing makes it pretty terrible if I'm on my feet all day. A friend at work said her friend had it from about 12 weeks to 20 weeks and it went away until closer to the end. I'm hoping that's how it works for us.
Klink, I'm so sorry you had such a rough time! It seems so unfair. :( And stress is definitely so much harder to cope with during pregnancy. I hope and pray things will start to go better for you, and that you'll have some great, peaceful rest and relaxation in your near future!

Mia, Dini, and welshgem, I'm sorry you've all been feeling lousy with the ms and back pain! I hope you'll feel better soon! :hugs:

Mango, I'm sorry you were nervous about the hcg, but how great that you got to see the heartbeat!! What a beautiful feeling!

sweetbliss, that's so fun about the dresser, and how wonderful about hearing the heartbeat on your doppler!

I've read that when the baby is large enough, you can hear its heartbeat with a stethoscope! My husband works in a hospital so he has a great one at home. Even though it's too early still, we've tried it a couple times just for fun. It's funny all the crazy gurgling that's going on in there, lol!

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend, and that it will bring happy things for everyone! You ladies all deserve it! :thumbup:
Welcome Heather to the group :) Congratulations and wish you a very happy and healthy 9 months.

Klink - sorry to hear about what all you are going through! Hopefully everything gets sorted out soon and you can leave Italy and come to states soon.

Starluck - I am having lot of discharge too, and for me I still kind of freak out and go to the ladies room as soon as possible to check everything is ok , though in my case it might be due to progesterone supplement.

So, to say about my day - it was all exciting with ups and downs. I had two beta tests done one on Monday (5 weeks + 6 days) hcg came out to be 16,002 and progesterone 25.3 - Nurse said it looks good then on Wednesday (6 weeks + 0 day) and the hcg was 20,002 and progesterone 21.3 - so the hcg did not quite double and the nurse called me in for an ultrasound today itself. I got kind of freaked out and got tears in my eyes, hoping that everything is Ok, it was the most exciting moment to see the tiny seed with its heart fluttering :) the nurse said its reassuring and the baby's heart is beating at 123 bpm which is where it should be - I was so relieved that everything was Ok.

mangoberry, i'm on progesterone suppositories too! maybe that's it! but it's more watery as opposed to white cream or dried white lumps which I've also noticed (I think the white lumps are just unabsorbed progesterone?) TMI? :haha:

Klink - I'm sorry to hear about all the bad luck over the past couple of days. Here's hoping things pick up and all works out well.

Dini - going back to earlier in the thread, I'm also getting lower back pain and it's getting a little unbearable now. I just can't get comfortable. Is yours on and off or all the time?

Sanjan - yes I'm getting the hunger pangs too. I'm finding the ms is emptying my belly so much that I'm always hungry and its a vicious cycle because the hunger pangs make me sick.

Thank you ladies for your well wishes and the tips on uploading photos. I'll see if I can get that to work today.

Last night I went to my acupuncturist in the hope that she could manage my ms but instead I spent the whole hour being sick and was so faint afterwards that she refused to let me drive. I burst into tears as soon as my parents picked me up! This morning I've been sick again and had a panic attack because I couldn't breathe. Then I actually pooed my pants. I just didn't make it to the toilet in time. It's all so undignified! I can't imagine myself ever feeling normal again. I'm hoping I'm not one of those women who suffer throughout the whole pregnancy!

welshgem, awwww I'm so sorry you didn't feel well :hugs: I hope your morning sickness eases up soon :hugs: You gave me a good laugh with the poo in the pants; I can only imagine what more kind of undignified things are to come for all of us!

Karen, aw it's great you have a stethoscope and can try listening in!

as for me, my m/s comes and goes. yesterday was particularly awful in that department :sick: i was nauseous until 2 pm. i was also so exhausted i had to take a 10 minute nap (I was working from home, so this was possible!). i felt a MILLION times better after that short nap. i'm grateful for it all :) this pregnancy is such a blessing and i am so happy to be given this gift. <-- FYI, I'm a total mush and very corny so I hope you don't mind it :haha:
Sweetbliss - yay doppler!
Mangoberry - yay good scan!
Starluck - yay you are here!
Heather - yay, welcome!
Klink - boo rough day! Hope it works out okay.
Welshgem - boo feeling awful! Feel better soon.

Dini - yay good NT results! I just joined you in the 34 club (need to update my sig...). My NT scan is on Tues. I don't care about Down's though - just the bad trisomys - and I won't get an amnio either.

I have been super exhausted this week. Otherwise same same.

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