Oh my, I am so behind on this thread! Sorry, ladies!
To all who have been feeling lousy, welshgem, Dini, SanJan, MolGold, klink, Mia, and anyone I missed (sorry if I did!) I hope you all feel better soon!!!
Klink, I'm sorry your flight got messed up, but glad that it seems it worked out in the end? I'm sorry you've had to deal with such stress, though. I wonder if that contributed to the ache you were feeling. I'm glad to hear you heard a great heartbeat after, so I'm sure your little baby boy is fine, but it's no fun to worry, nonetheless!
Mint, I am definitely having pregnancy brain as well! I blame a combination of rising hormones, lack of sleep, and lots on the mind. I can sometimes laugh at myself later, but it's not too fun at the time, lol.
As for me, I had a pretty stressful weekend and spent a lot of it crying.
I developed a yeast infection from the antibiotics I was taking, and was starting to have a pink tinge when I wiped. It wasn't like spotting, but I thought it might be blood in the urine, so I freaked out that the UTI had spread and that I might need an IV antibiotic (I'd heard of someone that happened to). In addition, I found out my husband may have an abdominal hernia, which would likely necessitate a surgery. Granted it is supposedly a very simple, outpatient procedure, but still, it had me quite shaken. He had a cancer scare two years ago and ever since whenever he has a health issue, my mind instantly wanders to the worst.
Luckily, yesterday was a better day! I had my scheduled OB checkup, and she explained that the blood tinge I saw was actually very common, and most likely just from irritation to the area caused by the UTI and yeast infection. She said it would only be worrisome if the blood was heavy or accompanied by bad cramps, neither being the case with me, so that made me feel a lot better. All I had to do was get a cream for the yeast infection, so luckily nothing too bad.
Best of all, she used the doppler and was able to pick up the heartbeat instantly, and it sounded soooo good! It was very loud, clear, fast, and strong, much clearer than last time! It was truly music to my ears.
I also asked her about a weird feeling I've been having on and off. At first it was just sort of a pressure feeling in my lady parts, lol, like I was being poked with a Q-tip, but over time it got stronger, and the other day it felt like I had an electric shock go through the area! I asked her, and she said it is just the pubic bone opening up. Weird, but interesting I guess, and I'm glad to know it is nothing to worry about.
My hubby has his appointment on Thursday, and hopefully it will go well. I'm trying to stay positive! Then onward and upward to our gender ultrasound - 10 days to go!!