Expecting #1 positive thinking buddies, sticking together!

wow lacanadienne, that is one CRAZY day!! I hope you got a good night's sleep and today is more normal :thumbup:
Oh my I felt baby move last night!!! It felt like a rolling ball inside me, it was weird but awesome :haha:
Mintastic - I thought I replied the other day re: belly bars but apparently I totally forgot (gosh darn baby brain). I purchased a pregnancy bar and it arrived yesterday, I always feel defeated and upset when I have to take out a piercing so this is a good alternative and the pregnancy bar only cost me $5 on eBay.

I also just wanted to say how cute all your bump pics are! I think it's so cool seeing the difference between them each time you post them and Maggz there is DEFINITELY something in that bump pic :) Also how exciting about the movement! Congrats

Starluck- I found I was pregnant at about 5wks - and by 7 weeks I noticed a huge difference in boob size. I don't think they've grown since then but they've definitely changed.

Mint - Your scan was absolutely beautiful! Baby looks so snug in there!!

I've been so slack with reading and responding due to how busy I've been, I'm super sorry ladies. It's kind of just hit me that baby will be here in 10ish weeks so I've been rushing around. My baby shower is tomorrow and I'm so excited - I know it's supposed to get thrown for me but I needed to have it just right and have put in as much input as the girls who are planning it. We're expecting around 55 people, both male and female - reason being that my family live so far away and there's rarely an opportunity where we all get together. I've also started to nest, which is such a strange feeling (I'm TOTALLY the most anti-housework person on the planet) but my house has been spotless for a week now and I've started to clean out what will be the nursery, which was being used to store all my clothes.
Hi girls!! I'm so tired and will post more tomorrow but I caught up. Sounds like you are all doing well.

My lower back is really bothering me along with my left hip so I think im working on sciatica. I scheduled a massage tomorrow as my midwife said I was good to have one now and with any licensed person not just a prematal specialist. Can't wait!
Hey girls! Howz everyone?

MolGold - How are you? Belated Diwali wishes :)

Starluck - I was also on progesterone suppositories earlier and stopped it recently after 14 weeks. They can give these weird symptoms - in fact, my nausea was worse because of that and had bouts of dizziness too. But that's necessary for our baby, we had to go through that. Just wait till 14-15 weeks time.

Maggz, Karen, Mia - yayy! for the movements. I don't know why I'm not able to feel any yet though :( Hopefully it'll start soon.

Klink - sorry about all the trouble. Hopefully you'll reach the States and get to meet a good doctor soon to get some reassurance.

Dini, sorry about the pain. I have sciatica and it started similar to this. But, on top of that, the pain also travels through my thighs and some times, legs too.

Breeze - Just 10 more weeks!!! Hope you have a nice shower. Do post some pics of shower :)

Hopefully, I haven't missed any thread. As for me, I'm doing perfectly fine, except for occasional back-aches and tiredness. Almost all the other symptoms have vanished. And talked about mood swings! Couple of days back, I just cried a lot because we were finally able to do some shopping for festival season(It was Diwali here yesterday) :dohh:
Maggz, congrats on the movement!! That's so exciting! :)

Dini, I hope your back will feel better soon!

Bree, I hope you have an amazing time at your shower! I look forward to hearing all about it. :)

SanJan, I'm sure you'll feel the baby soon! The average for first movements is 18-22 weeks from what I read, so I think a few of us were just really lucky to feel it early. I think it can depend on a few factors, one of which is the placement of the placenta. I'm sure it won't be long till you feel your little one. :thumbup:

What's everyone up to this weekend? Tonight we are going on a double date with my best friend and her boyfriend to a pasta place where you basically build it from scratch - you choose your noodle, sauce, meats, veggies, cheeses, etc. and they put it all together for you. I can't wait, lol. And tomorrow my boss is having a Halloween costume party, which should be lots of fun. My husband and I are going to be Where's Waldo and Wenda! Anyone else dressing up?

My hubby had his appointment and the doctor did not seem concerned by the bump (he is very laid-back; sometimes I think too much so) but did agree to send him for an ultrasound to make sure. Guess when it is - right before mine next Friday. His and hers ultrasounds, lol. Hopefully it will turn out well and it will be double good news for us.

My baby did something so cool yesterday! I felt it kick a few inches to the left of my belly button, so I put my hand there. A couple seconds later, it kicked me about an inch or so to the right, so I moved my hand... and it nudged me to the right again! It did it about 3 or 4 times, like it was saying "Catch me if you can!" LOL! I loved it. :)

Have a great day, everyone! :thumbup:
Maggz, :happydance: I can't wait to feel this baby move! So amazing.

Breelizabeth, enjoy your baby shower!!

SanJan, the clumps coming out (lol), nausea, and dizziness are all worth it. Talking about emotional - I cried putting on my bra this morning because my boobs just hurt so much. It was so hard to put a bra on and I couldn't take it anymore :haha: My husband felt so bad for me!!

Karen, aww that's so cute @baby kicks! We're going to a halloween party next Saturday, I think I am going to be a black cat (I'm too tired to be more creative, ha!) and I'm not sure if DH has come up with something for himself. Waldo and Wenda is awesome! Last year we were Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf - it was really fun!
Aw such a cute bump, Magz :) I also cannot wait for the movements, so great that Karen and you feel them already!

Mint is that true about the food craving? I also have had zero MS, and canntostand sweets. I'd rather have spicy foods :)

Star, I have had a nipple enlargement/darkening but BB size still the same.. much to DHs disappointment ;) I am overweight but have always had small BBs so no change yet for me.

Lancadienne and Dini hope you guys are having a better day today.. :hugs:

Bree - wow, enjoy your baby shower! Not too far now, 75% loaded :)

Sanjan Happy Diwali to you too.. Ive been getting the bad backaches too and I fear it will only worsen :|

AFM nothing new to report, except its festive season here and I am at work while everyone is on leave, so that sucks. And being here whiel still having mild flu and back ache is plain tiresome :| But other than that, cant complain :) My scan is on the 1st Nov.. waiting to see lil one :)
Morning ladies! Glad you are all doing well.

Bree can't believe your shower is so soon! Baby will be here before you know it, have a great time!

My breasts haven't really gotten much bigger, maybe half a cup if that, they are more dense though. Still have time I'm holding out hope as it's the only way I'll ever have decent sized ones!

I have a massage scheduled this afternoon and I'm so excited. Actually should start getting ready, it's in just over 2 hours. I need it..I'm stressed as DH is acting weird, has been for weeks and I can't handle it much more, he's depressed and won't talk, always complaining he doesn't feel good when I want to talk or want to do something and he goes to bed early, sleeps all day and then is grumpy and moody. He is lazy and annoying me so much. I think he's overwhelmed and maybe feeling detached from the pregnancy but Im trying to share but he won't listen and I just keep hoping when we know what it is and I start showing maybe he'll come around but if things don't change soon I'll go crazy!
LOL MolGold, much to my DH's disappointment I don't want him to touch my boobs at all! I wince and pull away every time he tries :haha: So it doesn't matter they're bigger now, he can't enjoy them anyway :rofl: Can you sneak out of work early and go enjoy Diwali?

Enjoy your massage Dini! That must be frustrating with your DH. I wonder if maybe he is having problems at work or something like that and he just doesn't want to talk about it right now. :hugs: It can be frustrating when men don't want to talk about what's bothering them!! I know that all too well ;)
Bree, yay for the baby shower! Can't believe you're only 10 weeks away. My pregnancy is going by pretty quickly too - in not that long, I'll be half-way.

Maggz and Karen, that's awesome that you're feeling so much movement. :happydance: Still waiting to feel the baby move, but I know it'll happen soon.

Dini, pain sucks, but hopefully your massage will help. Sometimes I find the massage makes me feel worse for a bit, but then the muscles relax. Also, your DH's attitude sounds frustrating. I hate it when I know something is wrong, but someone won't tell me what's up. Hang in there. :hugs:

MolGold, too bad you have to work during the festival season. To you and SanJan, I have a student in my class who is East Indian and she was all excited to tell me about Diwali. She had henna done on her hands, and brought me some sweets. So cute!

starluck, lol on the not touching boobs - that was exactly my reaction at the beginning of the pregnancy. :rofl: My boobs hurt so much. Now they're not quite so sore.
Maggz - Your little bump is so cute, you make me feel like I'm a whale already haha You definitely a real bump though! So exciting that your sisters are coming to visit, enjoy your time with them! I'm so jealous you felt that sweet baby moving! I bet it was incredible!

Klink - I hope that you all made it safely to the airport and onto your flight! Just hang in there, you're so close to having this all done with! Keep using that doppler every few days to bring yourself some comfort.

Canadienne - I heard about that shooting here in the news. I'm glad that you and the kids were all safe though. Hopefully the weather has let up and today was a better day for you. Try and get as much rest as you can this weekend, you deserve it!

Bree - Enjoy your shower! That little girl will be here before you know it!

SanJan - I haven't felt any movement yet either so you aren't alone :)

Karen - Have fun on your double date! That restaurant sounds AMAZING! I might go make some pasta now haha. And your halloween costumes are great! Keep us up to date on your husband. I'm glad the doctor wasn't too worried, that's good. Will you find out the gender at your ultrasound then? I'm so excited for you that you felt the baby on the outside, that must be so neat! Has your husband been able to feel the baby move?

MolGold - I hope you were able to get out of work a little early to enjoy the festivities. Feel better soon!

Dini - Sorry about DH! Men can be so moody at times. I hope that he starts to feel better and his attitude gets better soon. If not maybe you can have a talk with him, but maybe approach him in a gentle way since you said he seems depressed. I hope you enjoyed your massage and that it helped with the pain you were having!

AFM - I feel like I'm blowing up! DH is so excited to finally be seeing a little bump though, its cute. He'll just stare at my stomach and smile. I scheduled our gender scan for next Saturday, November 1st! I'm sooo excited! DH wanted to wait until the 17 week mark but I'm too anxious and 1 week really won't make THAT big of a difference. So the countdown is on, EIGHT DAYS! :)
Karen I really need that restaurant in my life! :haha: It sounds awesome.

Bree have a great shower tomorrow, you're soooo close now! I feel like spring is forever away!

haha sweetbliss you have a tiny bump too! Definitely NOT a whale (but we probably will be soon lol)
I guess what they say is right though, be careful what you wish for, I may have popped out a little! Still totally hideable (it's a word) and some might be bloat, but what if it isn't! haha


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Maggz, as I said in the other thread, I think that's a bump!

DH came home in a much better mood last night even though he had a bad day at work. It was like a 180. We even talked about baby a bit last night. He also showed me these Goldfish crackers he bought me Thursday, he only bought them because they are BABY Goldfish. How sweet! It's the little things. We even managed to have sex for the first time in weeks (sorry if TMI) It was a good night, I hope he's coming around.
Sweetbliss that's so exciting you will find out the gender so soon!! I wish mine was sooner now. And I'm sure you're not blowing up, just enjoy the bump!

SanJan I bet you'll feel the baby soon. I totally get the moodiness too, it's so easy to cry these days!

Bree happy shower day, hope you have lots of fun!

Karen that's so fun about the baby kicking more, I can't wait for that. And that restaurant and the Halloween party sound great! DH and I are going to our church Halloween party tonight but we haven't figured out costumes yet..oops.

Dini I'm sorry about DH not being the best to you lately, but that's good you had a step forward yesterday. I hope things keep getting better!

Maggz you are definitely starting to pop out more since the last pic! How exciting!

Im just so glad to being coming out of the nausea now, feel like I'm starting to function like a normal person again. I still threw up two nights ago but just because I took a bite of some cheese that really grossed me out. Ick. Thankfully my boobs don't hurt anymore - sorry to those of you feeling a lot of pain! And they for sure grew at least a cup size, DH certainly loves it :winkwink:
Mia I'm so glad you are feeling better!

My boobs hurt almost daily but some days not as bad as others. Today was a good day in that respect. Sure wish they'd grow more though!
Haha Dini I feel the same. For all that pain in my boobs I wish they had grown some ;)

Mia glad you're getting some relief from the nausea! That lasted a long time for yah.
Oh my I felt baby move last night!!! It felt like a rolling ball inside me, it was weird but awesome :haha:

thats how mine feels too.. like somethings rolling around in there

I havent checked in for a while.. been in a weird mood the last few days. But Im glad everyone is doing well apart from all the 'fun' symptoms and pregnancy side effects
Maggz - That is just like my bump in the mornings, it's so cute!

Dini - I'm so glad that your DH is feeling better! I'm sure that was a big relief to you. I hope that things continue to look up for you.

Mia - Do they have places that will do a private scan for you? There are a few places here and the one we're going to is running a $50 2d gender scan special. Of course if you are able to get a good picture and want to upgrade to a full 3d scan then it is $150 which we'll hopefully end up doing, but it will so be worth it I think. I'm so glad that you're starting to feel better! I hope it keeps getting better and better for you.

Swamp - You're almost to the halfway mark! You're staying yellow right?

Things are good here. DH reminded me today that we only have 6 days until the gender! The other night when I was thinking about finding out the gender I started to get nervous. It wasn't a bad kind of nervous though. I think knowing if it is a boy or girl will just make it so much more real. Right now I feel like "yeah, I'm finally pregnant! This is fun and exciting!" but knowing the gender its going to be like "alright, lets get real, pick out a name, get things for that nursery and the gear that you'll need." Does that make sense or am I crazy? lol You all can be honest :) I took a picture the other morning before I'd eaten anything, I'll attach it.


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Maggz - that's a nice cute little bump :)

SweetBliss - It's perfectly normal. For us, we can't find out the gender legally, but I'm keeping my eyes open for any sign from the next scan(we have one on Nov 5th). And, It's really difficult to not shop any baby things because of all the family stuff. If only I could, I'm sure I would have bought everything for both a boy and a girl :winkwink: As the weeks change, it just gets more and more real.

Swamp - Yaayy.. You're almost near the half way mark!! :happydance:

Mia - So good that your nausea has finally ended. Now on to enjoying the better part of pregnancy :happydance:

Dini - Good that your hubby is feeling good. Hopefully thhings will continue that way.

For me, I'm just trying to get DH to discuss the names atleast, but it's very difficult as he wants to wait for some more time. I've anyways started making a small list. Hopefully, he'll come around soon after this next scan.

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