Expecting #1 positive thinking buddies, sticking together!

Sorry I've been out of touch for several days now. Busyness comes and goes. I don't even have time to catch up on everyone now either, but I'll try a little.

Yay Dini and Maggz on the baby boys!! I think a boy would be so fun :)

Sorry for those of you getting nightmares, that sounds terrible. I don't really have nightmares per say, just weird dreams that I remember easily.

Karen I'm glad your UTI is gone and hubby is doing fine! Very cute bump too, I'd definitely say you look pregnant!

Those of you not showing yet, I would just try and take it as a good thing. Maybe it means you won't get as stretched out by the end! And I'm sure you'll start showing anytime now.

Jumpingo sorry about the OB appointment. That's really frustrating. But I'm glad you're able to go off base to another clinic.

For me, everything's going fine as far as I know. Work has just been busy and even now I'm not home but at a conference. I get home on Tuesday and have my mid-pregnancy u/s later that day! I'm getting so antsy to see my little one and learn the gender. Just 3 more days!
Maggz, congrats on the baby boy! :happydance:

Jumpingo, the first appointment can definitely be frustrating, but it's good that you have the option to get an u/s elsewhere. I remember my first appointment with the midwife was at 10 weeks, and the only thing that came out of it is I got a whole bunch of blood work ordered. She checked a few more things at 14 weeks.

Mia and SanJan, good luck on your scans. And we're hoping to find out the gender, but you never know if baby will cooperate. My one friend wanted to, but wasn't able to.

AFM, I'm definitely feeling the baby move a bit now. It's not constant by any means, but I occasionally feel it. :) It's a relief to feel something happening in there. And we're going furniture shopping today, and getting most of the furniture for the nursery! :thumbup:
Jumpingo sorry your appointment was a bust. First one often is I hear, at least I got an ultrasound at my 8 week so I was happy. After that one, every ob appt has been very pointless. I don't even go there for my scans.

SanJan I hope baby is cooperative! Even though mine moved eventually he was still not having his picture taken, or maybe it was just cause the tech was rushing.

Mia it's kinda good to stay busy don't you think?? Although it's always good to get the little relief in between. Only 3 days can't wait to see what you're having! I think girl for you somehow??

lacanadienne that's so cute when you start feeling it move! Still takes me by surprise all the time but it's so lovely. Last night I hadn't felt him (so weird to be able to say him or her!!) move for a while so before I went to sleep I was like hey buddy let me know you're in there and he kicked! :cloud9: Then I started naming names and seeing if he kicked lol... just haven't figured out if he likes a name when he kicks or if he's saying hell no! :haha:
hello ladies, glad to see everyone has been doing well.. I havent been on for a few weeks due to internet problems, but other than that i have been great!! Got my insurance worked out and I found the most beautiful birthing center full of very lovely nurse-midwives. But most importantly, I found out that I am Team PINK!! :pink:
Hubby and I are very happy, I knew it was a girl lol but now its confirmed.

Hopefully I will be able to check in more, but my internet situation wont be fully resolved to Dec 15th, so I may be on and off again :(

Wishing all the Americans a wonderful Thanksgiving next week, and for everyone else, wishing you just a wonderful week. :)
Hey swamp!!! Glad you had a chance to pop in I've been hoping everything's okay!
Awww congrats on your girl :flower:

Happy thanksgiving to you too, hopefully we'll see a little more of you :)
lacanadienne, it's nice to hear other people not getting in until later. it seems like everyone ELSE is getting scans at 6 or 8 weeks, which makes the wait feel even longer!:wacko:

that's exciting to start feeling the baby move - i can't wait to get there! and i'm a huge fan of retail therapy!:winkwink: have fun picking everything out!

MiaGirl, yeah, it was more frustrating in the weeks beforehand, but it was almost comical the lack of anything once we got there. whatever:roll: but yes, i'm glad i speak enough japanese to manage getting to another clinic off base.:thumbup:

and yay for finding out soon! do you have a feeling one way or the other, boy or girl??

maggz, yeah, i hear a lot of people say similar things about first appointments. it's just so frustrating that they don't do ANYTHING until 12 weeks. i guess there's nothing they can do, but you'd think in the first trimester there'd be more concern about heartbeats or there actually being a baby in there!!:shrug: of which i am not yet convinced!:haha:

swampmaiden, yay baby girl!!:happydance:

hope you have a great thanksgiving to you too! we hosted thanksgiving early this year (yesterday) and it was a great time. we haven't announced to most friends (or our parents! ha!) so we kept up our "we've given up alcohol after 2 weeks of heavy eating/drinking on vacation in october" lie (that was actually my tww:haha:) and people seemed to believe it, though there were a couple times when someone said the word pregnant that i had to roll my eyes and say, "yeah, right":blush: so there will be a lot of "oh my gosh, so you were lying the whole time!!?!!" when we let people in on the secret!:haha:
Swamp so glad to know you are good and congrats on your girl!! They must be so much fun to shop for.

I did talk to my mw about the heartburn and she said I can take an H2 blocker like Pepcid or Zantac so I took a Zantac the other night and it worked! I actually slept lol. I'm calling a local chiropractor Monday who also happens to be a doula so I hope she can fit me in soon! The pain has eased up a little but it still gets pretty uncomfortable at work.

Can't believe thanksgiving is next week. Seemed to creep up so fast. And I'm 19 weeks today! So close to half way. I haven't been feeling my little guy much the last few days really at all, I'm assuming he's changed positions especially since the back pain is a little less.

Oh and jumpingo, my first appt was a lot like that as well. I did get weighed and a urine sample though. The first trimester felt like all I did was hurry up and wait.
First of, Mint is doing ok. Physically everything is fine with her and the baby so far, but her father passed away so she won't be on here for a little while. :(

Congrats maggz on team :blue: and swampmaiden on team :pink: ! The boy community is growing ;) haha

Those nightmares sound horrible Karen! I had 3 nights of nightmares in a row, I hope it stops soon! I just wake up every morning feeling exhausted!

Jumpingo, I hope you get your first scan soon :flower:

For the girls that don't have a huge bump yet: Embrace it! I wanted my bump to be noticeable soooo bad, and now as my bump is getting bigger and bigger nothing fits anymore and my skin is starting to stretch and it's uncomfortable.
Haha talking about uncomfortable skin klink - my dh was rubbing my belly the other night and poked my bellybutton and I completely flipped out and started crying! I had asked him a few days before not to poke it but he still did I guess he forgot or didn't think it was THAT big of a deal - well he's not forgetting any time soon again!!! Seriously it is SO uncomfortable to touch my belly button now its ridiculous!

I saw about Mint's dad on Facebook. Can't imagine going through that right now.
Lacanadienne I'm glad you're feeling the baby now! And nursery furniture shopping sounds really fun!

Maggz in some ways yes it's nice to be keeping busy with things. I'm so antsy to find out in just 2 days now! I feel pretty 50/50 right now but DH thinks girl and many people have told me they think girl. Who knows! That's werid about your belly button, sorry it's so sensitive :( my stomach is more just itchy.

Swampmaiden congrats on your girl!! Yay! I hope you get the Internet situation resolved soon.

Jumpingo when do you think you'll start telling anybody?

Dini that's good you got help for the heartburn. I hope the chiropractor is able to help you too.

That's really sad about Mint's dad. I can't imagine losing a parent right now :(
swamp, congrats on the girl! Hope your Internet problems get resolved quickly.

Dini, glad you're finding some relief, and seeking out more help to make you more comfortable.

That's really sad about Mint's dad. I can't imagine losing my dad now.

AFM, I'm 20 weeks today! :happydance: And all our furniture has been ordered! I also went to get some more maternity clothes today, because my regular pants have not been fitting very comfortably in the last two or three days. It won't be a fashion statement - I have six tops now, and three pairs of the same pants, and one pair that's different, but at least I have something to wear to work. Now only need the scan in a week and a half to make it seem extra real.
we have told a handful of people: my grandma and my 2 best friends, his sister, 3 of his friends and about 5 of his coworkers know (he works in the hospital on base, and word travels fast, so even more probably know:dohh:). i originally wanted to tell at new years because my family will be getting together, but my grandma got sad when i told her that, as she won't be there. the problem is my mom will tell so many people as soon as she knows, so i want to wait to tell her for, well, pretty much as long as possible.

my husband and i are fairly private people, and while i don't think there's anything wrong with sharing on facebook nor do i think miscarriage should be hidden, i also don't want to broadcast mine (if something should happen) to the social media world.

so, we'll see what happens when my mom knows. i will likely tell more of my close friends after we see/hear the heartbeat. so, 8 or 9 weeks? i have a friend who has been trying for about 5 years with multiple miscarriages, so i also want to break the news to her myself before word gets to her through facebook (i'm assuming my mom will post something even if i ask her not too:roll:). the only saving grace is that we live in japan and so even if my husband's coworkers know, it pretty much stays here and it's easy to hide feeling crappy. ha.

sorry, longwinded way of saying, probably between 8-10 weeks. we'll try to tell as many people in person or on skype as we can, but otherwise won't likely be making any sort of "surprise!" announcement on facebook. maybe post something at 7 or 8 months, at which point all the people we see and interact with regularly will already know.

when did everyone else tell??
Jumpingo, I also only told essential people in the beginning and I still haven't announced the pregnancy on fb or even told a few others like family I don't talk to often. I don't think we will announce on fb until after our anatomy scan in a little over 2 weeks. It's not really that I'm afraid something will go wrong, but because I am just not ready to put it out there yet.

I'm sad to hear about mints dad, I know losing a parent is horrible as I've gone through it and I hope she is doing okay.

Klink you made me feel a bit better about not showing yet but I'm gaining weight so my clothes don't fit anyway lol. I'm a bigger girl and just want to look pregnant bit fatter lol.
jumpingo, we also only told a few people in the beginning but we did a fb announcement after our 13 week scan. Mainly because so many of our friends and family live far away (all over Europe and the States) so it was just simpler.

Nothing new here but my bump seems to get firmer and bigger by the day which is kinda fun! Almost halfway there now!
Hey ladies!

Klink, I am overweight but I feel my tummy getting harder. I already got 2 maternity pants!

lancadienne yay 20 weeks! post a furniture pic if you can

Maggs congrats on team blue!! :)

Jumpingo, I told my own family almost immediately. I told inlaws after my 8 week scan, and close friends + my boss at 12w scan. I will send private announcements over email to relatives and other friends at 25 weeks.

Hope everyone else is doing well. I missed being on here! So sorry to hear about Mints Dad. I hope she is coping well. :hugs:

AFM Ive been MIA because I was truly trying to rest after the bleed scare. I had another scan today and no bleed what so ever! Baby is doing great! :) I am so relieved :)

Also since my NT scan, the bleed scare scan and todays scan, all 3 put baby measuring almost 1 week ahead( than my 8 week dating scan), My doc pushed me ahead from 15w1d to 16w !! Ive updated my siggy already :haha:
Swamp, Mia, Mol - Glad to hear from you girls :) Good to know you all are doing good.

Swamp - Congrats on :pink: yayy! I wish I could join you guys in team pink. Given a choice, that would be DH and my preference.

Mia - Just one more day for the scan - Yayy :)

Mol - Nice to hear that the bleeding scare is gone. And yayy for measuring ahead. I have a question on maternity stuff for you - Where did you get them from? I could only see things from Mom & Me. Is there any other brands that I can have look at?

Dini - Glad that your MW can help you with heartburn. Hopefully a session with chiropractor also proves helpful.

Lacanadienne - you could feel the baby movements yayy :happydance: And, happy 20 weeks :)

It's really sad about Mint's dad. Prayers to their family to cope with such loss

Klink - right there with you on the stretching of skin in you stomach and it's irritation

As for me, 24hrs for my next scan :)

For the last 3-4 days, every time after food, I have this funny and some times uncomfortable feeling in stomach. Today after breakfast, while driving to office, the place from where this is happening kept changing with every bump in the road and some times way down the abdomen. I'm not sure if this is what baby movement is. Will ask the sonographer about this tomorrow and also about the baby's position.

Also, I have this pulsating feeling in the stomach which keeps moving up and it's not from my hand, as hubby also could feel the same. Currently, it's around a cm above my belly button. I dunno what it is either - have to ask that to the tech too. Hopefully I should get some answers tomorrow. Else I need to wait till 6th to ask my OB.

Let me know if any of you have any opinions on this.
Oh no, that's so awful about Mint's dad. :( That must be so hard.

Mol, I'm so glad to hear things are improving!! How great that your baby is doing so well. :)

Lacanadienne, yay for reaching the halfway point!! :)

Swamp, congrats on the girl, and Maggz, congrats on the boy!!! :happydance:

Mia and SanJan, good luck with your ultrasounds tomorrow! :)

SanJan, how regular is the pulsating feeling? Is it constant? How is the timing? I feel a strong pulse in my belly quite often, and one way to check if it is that it to put one hand on it, and then a finger on the pulse in your wrist, and see if they match. But if it is on a different pace, and more sporadic than consistent, it could definitely be your baby! :)

Jumpingo, we told our parents right away, and close friends and family around 6 weeks, but didn't make the "facebook announcement" till 14 weeks, I think? All at your own pace - whatever you feel is right. :)

I ended up back in the clinic on the weekend; the doctor at the follow-up Wednesday had said I could go back for a re-test if the symptoms worsened, and sure enough, they did. I mean, they weren't terrible, but I think I am just on heightened alert after having so many of these stupid UTIs. The test this time did show a small presence of white blood cells, but the doctor said it was not high enough for him to put me on another antibiotic; he did not want me to develop a resistance to them, in case a bad infection happens later. So, instead, I got a cranberry complex supplement which is intended to help prevent future UTIs, so I will take it for a month and see how it goes!

Have a good week, everyone!
@Sanjan while there is Mom&Me and Motherhood from where I got tunics and some tops , I found good at stuff online (jabong /flipkart/firstcry).

I also got some stuff from this shop here which sells pants with elasticated waists for large women (plus sized brands), same as Mom&Me but priced much lesser. Perhaps you could try one of those :)

Aw, sorry for those darn UTIs Karen. Hope the new concoction helps :)
How lucky that you advanced a week mol!

Sorry about the utis Karen, that sucks. Hopefully cranberry stuff works for you. Is there anything in your diet that you might remove that could be contributing to them returning?

Baby's so active this morning, it's so fun! I just wanna sit here and feel it but I have to go do math homework. Blahh.
Jumpingo, we told immediate family near the beginning, then waited until after the NT scan to announce it to other people.

maggz, it's fun to feel the belly get bigger and the baby kick. But yes, I think most of us have other things to do and can't just sit there and enjoy forever.

Mol, glad the bleed scare is gone.

SanJan, I'm pretty sure you're feeling the baby. Mine feels kind of like a pulsating too. At the beginning, it was too regular, so I was pretty sure it was either the placenta or my heart beat, but now it's really random. And yes, sometimes it will feel a bit like a cramp from gas.

Karen, sorry about the UTIs. You're really unlucky with them. Hope the cranberry supplement helps!

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