Expecting #1 positive thinking buddies, sticking together!

Hi ladies! Sorry I've been away for a bit. We had a lot going on with thanksgiving and had a lot of friends over so I haven't gotten the chance to be on here much.

MiaGirl - Congrats on your baby girl!!! :happydance:

Jumpingo - I added you to the front page. I am so sorry that I haven't added you sooner! :blush:

Karen - Another UTI? I am so sorry that you have to go through this :nope:

Jenny Bean - Welcome and happy and a happy and healthy pregnancy! :flower: would you like me to add you to the front page with the due date in your ticker or do you want me to wait until your dating scan? :flower:

And yay to all the ladies that feel their little one move more now! :happydance:

Afm, I had a lot of stuff going on. We currently have some problems that need to be addressed where we are living now and as much as I want them to be solved, I hate talks like that. :nope:
Other than that I am doing good. My MIL bought me two nice looking things I can wear for the holidays. A poncho and a sweater dress and stuff for Jace. We have his going home outfit now :happydance:
My husbands aunt gave me some maternity shirts since almost none of mine fit me anymore. :cry:
My belly is growing and last night Jace decided not to let me sleep and then he was up already when I woke up at 9.30 this morning :haha: When I lay down now and he moves I can feel him all over my belly and his kicks are getting really, really strong. I had to go to the doc last week, because I thought I had some weird discharge and cramps. But it turned out everything was ok and she said the cramps could be because my uterus is already pretty much at the highest point as it can be and from now my belly will probably only grow outwards :wacko:

I hope everyone is ok and had a great thanksgiving! :flower:
Well I just saw that the pregnancy ticker says that his eyes can now open. I thought they don't open until 27 weeks?
thanks klink!

actually, i went off base for an early ultrasound on friday (8w+1) because i could not relax about everything being okay. unfortunately, the news was not what we had hoped for. now i am waiting to either convince OB on base to see me, early, sometime this week (my OB appt is not until 12/24) or will go back to the same off base clinic and pay for a 2nd ultrasound on friday to see if they can find a heartbeat and if the baby has grown or not.

positive thoughts and all that are appreciated, but i'm already expecting and assuming the worst.:cry:
Hi all,

Jumpingo, I would suggest waiting for at least 10 weeks post LMP, because the same thing happened with me and we could find the heartbeat at 10 weeks. It was mainly because I ovulated late that cycle. Hugs and prayers that everything is well.

As for prayers, I would need some too... The last 4 days had been the toughest of my life. On Wednesday, morning, around 11ish, I started spotting a bit. Then, post 12:30 pm, I started having backache on and off with a weird uncomfortable tightening in my abdomen. As I had already had BH once,I thought its the same and just tried to relax a bit. But the spotting still continued, so, finally went to the doctor at 5:30pm. And got a really bad news - my cervical length has reduced below the minimum to 1.9cm and I was indeed having contractions :cry: Then, they had admitted me there and was given medicines and injections to stop my contractions and also on progesterone supplement injections. I still had contractions on and off on Wednesday night and finally it stopped on Thursday morning. Then they could put me on more hormone supplements. Finally, by friday, the cervical length was at the minimum of 2.5cm. I was still on hospital till today morning and, in today's scan it was 3.02 cm, thankfully.

I still need to be on daily injections, medicines and bed rest for a week and in pelvic rest for the rest of this pregnancy. So, still fx that things are good.
Jumpingo, I agree with SanJan to wait until 10 weeks.. You'll get a better answer by then.

SanJan, I'm so sorry to hear all that! At least you caught it early enough that medical intervention was able to stop it. Did they give you any reasons why you may have been going into preterm labor?
Swamp - my progesterone level has always been very very less. I'm still taking a total of 400mg dosage plus now injections too. Since the cervical length dropped too much the labor pains had started.
Jumpingo, as others have said, try to wait it out. The beginning of pregnancy is always very nerve-wracking, and it's easy to assume something is wrong when it is in fact just fine.

SanJan, sorry about the rough few days. I'm glad the interventions worked, though, and that you and baby are ok.

AFM, we have three weeks left of our prenatal course, and on Wednesday, I get to see the baby for the second time! Three days! Fxed that baby will cooperate so we can know the gender, but if not, it's not a huge deal. Above all, we want a healthy, happy baby. Also, have any of you done the glucose screening test yet? Anyone get a false positive? I'm a little apprehensive about it as I really don't eat refined sugar a whole lot (it doesn't agree with me and turns my stomach), so I'm worried a) that I might get a false positive and b) that I might throw up. It's a little ways down the road still, and I'm going to talk to my midwife about alternatives, but would love to hear about your experiences.
LaCanadienne.. I took my glucose test.. And I don't eat much refined sugar, carbs either. I passed, but I also went for a walk during the hour wait. They don't like you walking, but I did it anyway since I don't exactly sit around all day anyways after eating so I felt a walk represented my regular metabolism. A walk will help burn off the blood sugar. I tested at 110, which my husband says is kinds high but the clinic considered normal. I think up to 130 is still considered normal. Good luck!
Hi ladies.

Jumpingo, I'm sorry about the scan. If it is any reassurance to you we couldn't find my baby's HB at one of my early scans. Was your scan done transvaginally? It may also be because your uterus is tilted towards the back making everything further from the transducer. As the other ladies have said try and wait a little before having another scan.

SanJan - hopefully this medical intervention can keep baby put! :hugs: I hope you're keeping well and bed rest isn't too tedious for you.

Also congrats on everyone's gender reveals that have happened since I've been away.

Lacanadienne, how are you finding your class? Mine starts in a fortnight (they don't do weekly classes in my area and do a full day just before your due date which is going to be horrible). Are you learning lots of important things about birth and afterwards? Also try not to worry too much about the GTT, I thought for sure mine would come up positive or that I'd spew and be told that I couldn't continue the test but none of it happened and I did the 3hr test. I don't know about false positives but they usually don't base the results off the first test, if there is a problem they will make you do the longer test. Hopefully when the time comes you can stomach the drink (it's not that bad really, I was surprised).

AFM I'm over it all. My lower back aches and I've had the runs (tmi sorry!!) for days, having contractions and sharp stabbing pains. Morning sickness (or all day sickness) is back with a vengeance. Can't sleep, have horrid heartburn and pee every two seconds. Sorry about my pity party but my body is just not coping and it's starting to become too much. Ugh :(
thanks everyone.

the scan was transvaginal and you could see baby pretty well, head, body, little crux where the heart should be beating, etc. and CRL was 9.4mm, which is roughly 6-7weeks. i was temping when we conceived, so i'm fairly certain on when i ovulated. the amniotic sac was a little small compared to the size of the baby, the doc said. she seemed concerned and recommended getting seen in a week to check the size of the baby. i understand sometimes it's hard to see the heartbeat early, but there should be noticeable growth even between 8 and 9 weeks, right?:shrug: i just don't know if i can mentally/emotionally manage waiting 2 weeks...
Jumping I'm sorry you couldn't find the heartbeat. Hopefully you just ovulated late and all will be well. I also could not wait 2 weeks for a scan!!

Sanjan I hope the rest and medications work for you. Have you been taking the progesterone since conception? My progesterone was low initially and I have PCOS so I was taking 200mg twice a day and about 6 weeks ago the mw told me j could stop it or cut it down or keep taking it. I cut it down to once a day but I am about out and only have one refill and I'm nervous about stopping it.

Klink sorry for your issues going on at home. Hope you get it worked out.

Afm, I'm doing okay, but today had a rough one. I was fine, in a good mood and watching Christmas movies when about 1pm my DH finally got out of bed and he tripped over our older dog and fell. He got mad at her and pushed her away and she has terrible arthritis and I just freaked out and told him to leave her alone and then threw the vacuum cleaner and ran away crying. I literally sobbed for 10 min. At one point he came into the bedroom but he has no idea what to say and asked what he did to bring that on and when j said I don't know he said he isn't cut out for this. Which made me cry even more. In his defense, I rarely cry let alone breakdown. The only time he has seen anything close to that is the last time we failed an iui. I'm the strong one and I guess the hormones just took over and I couldn't stop crying. I kept thinking I didn't know why I was crying and then I'd cry harder. I've not been emotional at all this pregnancy and bam, it hits. I really hope my sobbing didn't hurt the baby, I cried pretty hard and I've been a little crampy today, nothing big really just feel like my uterus is tender.

Sorry for the pity party. Today just left me depressed. I hope I feel better tomorrow.
Thanks for the support girls. Yeah, the bed rest part is hard, but doing better now. No more spotting, but getting a lot of BH. I guess, that's another thing I have to put up with.

Breeze, so close now. Hopefully, your pains ease up a bit and don't give you soon much rough time.

Lacannadienne - I was supposed to have one GTT this week, but the doctor asked me to wait till all these issues get solved.

Jumpingo - I would still wait. I couldn't see any cardiac activity in our first scan, though the other measurements were normal.

Dini - I was also taking similar dosage and I reduced it to 20mg per day from 12 weeks and finally stopped at 14 weeks. I was having more side effects with that. You can still stop them, but if you notice any change in discharge or any cramping, go to your MW and get your progesterone levels checked.
Hey girls! Sorry I've been awol. I see some of you are having troubles I wish I could be there for you right now :hugs:

It's been pretty hectic here, DH and my best friend surprised me by her showing up at Thanksgiving dinner (she lives in NYC) so I've hardly been online. At the same time DH and I are having petty arguments which is tiring. We managed to have a long talk this morning so currently all is well. I think we are just both stressing.

We did the gender reveal on Thanksgiving day as well, which was fun :)

Hope you all feel better ladies :flower: I'll catch up better during the week!


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Hi there,
klink - I hope your other problems sort out. I hope the additional stress goes away soon.

dini - I am sorry you had few bad days in a row with the tires and the emotional upheaval. :hugs: I hope you feel better soon. I wish all our OHs would be a little more sensitive or know the right things to say!

jumpingo - I was measuring almost 8 days behind in my 1st scan, I got another scan in 2 weeks when it was 6 days behind and finally LO seems to have caught up! I hope you can relax during this time.. and you will be in my thoughts. I hope everything measures up fine in the next scan.

Sanjan - Oh no! I am so sorry you had to go through the scare. I know this is scary but I am glad everything seems to be improving. :hugs: I will keep you and your lil one in my prayers!

lancadienne - Yay for scan time! I cant wait for mine too in 2 weeks. I did do the glucose test and it was way low at 76! I think I might have to re-do it.

swamp - I am sorry you did not find support during your announcement.. We are all excited and happy for every milestone you cross though hun! :)

Bree - Wow you are close! I hope you can find comfort in the fact that Jan is just round the corner. I hope you feel better. MS in the last tri must be hard :(

mag -Glad your gender reveal went well :) Arent we all little too emotional and pricky! I hope you are fine now :)

AFM I am at moms place with My dad and DH out of town. I had a lazy weekend and no news as such (which is good news!). I am happy to be 17 weeks today!!

Only thing I am looking forward to is the upcoming scan - to see the baby and to get some good shots of it, to enable my boy/girl guessing game again ;) I am also concerned of feeling nothing till now - no flutters or movement :( I hope to ask about that, or even better, feel it before my scan :) FX!
Anybody really itchy?

Behind my knees had been crazy itchy for like a week now.. Of course I googled it and an now freaking out over the possibility of obstetric cholestasis, which is a liver bile problem that can led to stillbirth. I can't imagine having that, so upon further googling, it may just be eczema, which commonly happens behind the knees and inner elbows. My next appt isn't until next week.. Not sure if it's worth calling them about...
Dini - I am super emotional too! I cried every day for the past 4 days and I was actually sobbing everytime.

Maggz - i saw your gender reveal on fb, how cool!

SanJan - I am so sorry that you had to go through this! That must have been so scary! I hope everything will progress peaceful for you feom now on.

Swampmaiden - Oh my gosh I get so itchy there too at times. I actually just asked a nurse about it and she said as long as its not the palm of the hands or bottom of the feet not to worry about it.

Afm, everything sucks right now. My FIL thst we are living with right now is accusing us of stupid things like turning up the heat or using too much water and electricith when we are hardly ever home. I bet it's his gf. I can't stand her and I bet she just wants us out of the house. We are looking for apartments now but it's so hard to find something that we can afford and thats not in a bad part of town.
I went to the ER yesterday for bad abdominal pain and they put me on a monitor but thankfully no contractions or anything. They took a urine samole and sid i had some bacteria in there but nothing worrysome. So today I had ro go back to the docs cause the pain just wouldn't stop and they gonna take another samole which I'm currently waiting in my bladder to fill lol
SanJan I'm sorry about the problems you'd been experiencing! But I'm glad the supplements help, although I'm sure it's annoying to be on bed rest.

Jumpingo I hope they see the heartbeat at the next one! Sorry you've had to be afraid like this, that's so hard. Praying everything is just fine!

Breeelizabeth sorry you're having such bad discomfort towards the end here. I hope it eases up somehow! It's exciting you're geting so close to meeting your little girl!

Dini I think you're entitled to some emotional craziness. It's ok, just a phase. I know that's probably hard though when it's causing conflict :(

Klink sorry about your home life troubles. I hope you're able to find a good place to move into that's affordable. And Im glad the baby's doing alright, I hope the pains get better! That's scary to be in pain so much.

For me, I'm just waiting for the doctor to call and schedule me for a level 2 ultrasound. I didn't mention this to you girls yet, but at the last one they said they found choroid plexus cysts on baby girl's brain. My doctor said don't worry they almost always go away and don't mean anything. They are rarely, and only when combined with other signs, a cause for concern. So they're going to look for any other signs of a problem and I'm praying they don't find any! I'm choosing to believe my doctor and not worry so I don't lose my mind.
Man, rough couple days on the thread.

Dini, don't beat yourself up too much about being emotional. I know it's rough, and your DH doesn't seem to be handling it in the best way possible, but I'm sure you two can figure it out and patch things up.

klink, best of luck finding someplace less stressful to live. It's never easy to live with inlaws and depend on them, but it definitely sounds like a bad situation if your FIL is accusing you without reason. I hope they find some way to relieve your pain, too.

swamp, I've heard it's perfectly normal to have drier skin in pregnancy, and so to be itchy. Don't worry too much about it. I'm not that itchy, but my hands have been ultra dry with the winter weather.

Mia, my thoughts are with you and we'll hope your doctor is correct. I'm sure it's still a little stressful, though. None of us like hearing that there's something unusual about our scan.

Karen, how did crib-building go? I can't wait to get everything ready for our baby.

AFM, I had a pretty restful weekend, which I needed. DH put up Xmas lights outside, and we put up our artificial tree, though it's not fully decorated yet. I went out for lunch with one of my friends who is also pregnant, and also did a bit of Xmas shopping online, but mostly had a lot of time to rest. I've been having pretty bad lower back pain in the past few days, but have booked a massage in a week and a half, so hopefully it helps. And the u/s is in just two days!!!
jumpingo, any news?? I hope you'll get an earlier ultrasound to confirm everything is okay :flower:

swamp I'm a little itchy on my abdomen but only occasionally in other places. I've heard it's normal though and pregnant ladies get itchy a lot. Maybe try something non-irritant like coconut oil before bed?

bree sorry you're uncomfortable. You're almost there sweetie! I'm so excited for you. :dance:

klink that sounds stressful, I hope your FIL doesn't let his gf come in between you guys being able to stay there. Any way you can talk it out and find out a way for you to stay with a certain amount to contribute to bills and such?

Mia, fx that everything is okay :hugs: We are going for a second ultrasound too but they didn't really say why, now that I'm thinking about it it's making me worried that they're hiding something from us. But they said everything looked good so maybe it's just something they missed, since baby wasn't being cooperative.

Sorry I'm missing some of you guys, it's been a rough couple of days on here. :hugs: Hope everyone starts feeling better.

AFM, my back pain is getting worse when I walk for extended periods of time. I mentioned it to my doctor since I had an appointment today but she just brushed it off, didn't say anything about what it might be. I'm pretty sure it pelvic girdle pain, making it's way further down my buttocks now. It sucks but I just hope it won't get worse. I don't know if it's good or bad that my doctor seems to be totally unfazed by everything, maybe cause I seem healthy so she's not concerned.
My bp was 88/49, just seems to be getting lower and lower :haha: It's usually pretty low but that's pretty much as low as I've seen it that I remember.

Anyways girls, good night, hugs to you all :hugs:
i feel like i haven't been good at responding to everyone else... i wish i was in a place to feel like i could even be a little encouraging or helpful, but i'm not, so a blanket "i hope everyone is feeling better if they weren't or are fully enjoying gender reveals and showers and everything else.<3" statement will have to suffice for now. sorry.:nope:

the OB clinic on base finally agreed to order an ultrasound, so just waiting for that, which is next tuesday. i just have a sinking feeling about the whole thing and unsuccessfully attempting to keep busy and be positive.:shy:

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