Expecting #1 positive thinking buddies, sticking together!

That's good, I am glad it went away!
I feel good so far, I am very gassy and a bit constipated and because of all that the nausea got me since yesterday lol It creeps up on me and is there all of the sudden, but it's not so bad that I would have to vomit. Other than that my nipples hurt soo soo bad and I think the rest of my boobs are starting to hurt too. Sorry TMI but yesterday sometimes with the white milky discharge it was a bit yellow too, could that be from the progesterone in my body? I had that in my lutheal phase a lot when I was TTC.
My mom got the cartons from the attic yesterday and now I have 2 cartons full of newborn clothes (mostly boy only a handful girl) to take home :) And I probably will have my baby in Germany since I'm not a fan of flying, but everything one at a time. We will see what time brings.
Good morning, all! :flower:

swampmaiden, I'm sorry you had a scare, but I'm glad it seems to be going away!

My spotting continued throughout the weekend, so we decided to go to the ER so that we could get immediate results. They took a urine test to rule out a UTI, which was good, and then a blood test. I am so grateful to God; the hcg level came back at 19,000+ plus, and the doctor said that given my previous hcg level from 8 days prior, the development is looking perfect! What a relief! She did a bit of a cervical exam and was able to rule out a polyp, and said she could see no blood. Then, she did an ultrasound, and we could see the sac!!! Even though I couldn't see it really well, just to know it was there was one of the happiest moments of my life!!!

The doctor said that because there were no signs of any abnormalities, the bleeding was probably because of exertion - like you were saying, swampmaiden! I had to carry some fairly heavy stuff the day it started, and also did a lot of vacuuming, up and down the stairs. Maybe that will be my DH's new job for the next 8 months, hehe. ;)

Over the course of the weekend, I think we have decided to name her Lucy (if it is indeed a girl, of course!). Ahhh I just love this baby!!!!!!!!!
Yay Karen! I am so happy that your little bean seams to be a sticky one!! :) I can't wait til I get my blood work done, still have to wait two more weeks :(
But I am pretty positive that my baby is ok. I don't know why but I have a feeling in my gut that it's gonna be a girl lol. Anyone else who has this feeling?
And Lucy is a wonderful name for a girl!:)
Good morning Ladies!! Glad to hear everyone's doing a little bit better now. It seems like I haven't logged on in forever.
swampmaiden, I have my FX for you too! I will be praying that this bean is going to be the magic one for. I'm sorry to hear of your previous losses, but I'm hoping this is going to be the game changer for you! :dust:
Klink, that's pretty awesome you got some things early! I hope having those things in your possession helps with the confidence and positive thoughts, I know it would for me. As far as the discharge, I had the milky white kind 2 days in row. From what I was told, it's normal to have a white/slight yellowish discharge, not sure what it is, but my midwife said it's normal. My boobs have been killing me too. The week before last it was my nipples only, but it's starting to now be the whole boob for me as well. Yesterday, though, I got in the shower and for the first time, the water actually streaming down on them hurt. Not to the point of crying, but it was surely noticeable. And to think, it could get worse :sad2:

Lucy, awww. That's beautiful Karen. What was your families reaction to the news? I'm sure they were all so excited for you...

As for me, ladies, my weekend was pretty, well,...all over the place. Friday, I went to the doctor bc my cramps decided to get more intense which terrified me. I found out that I have a corpus luteum cyst by my right ovary since that's the one I ovulated from. It's about 2 to 2 1/2 cm in diameter, so about an inch wide. She said it's very common in pregnancies and it can be completely harmless as long as it doesn't get any bigger, or rupture. I was also diagnosed with Anemia. I am -4 deficient, which means the average level of b12 in a person is 14, I'm at level 10. So, I have to make sure I am eating lots of Iron fortified foods and take my prenatal vitamins TWICE a day. I can't take the iron pills yet since they cause constipation, and right now with the morning sickness, it's not recommended. All in all, everything is perfect with the baby, my HCG level, which I finally got, was 16,400, and she said it lines up with my dpo and due date, so the baby's A ok ;) Then on Saturday I had a high temp (101.4) with diarrhea (TMI) so I was stuck in the lou for both ends :sick:, it was nothing serious though. I just know now cranberry juice is not my friend. My DH was pretty supportive through it all, he made sure to clear the way, and he continued to rub my back when I lay down; he was just being really understanding. Then, yesterday we had a church picnic, and it rained...HARD!! I'm telling you this weekend couldn't have gotten any better :nope: I survived it though

Sorry for the book, but it seems like I missed so much and had to tell so much...
Yes klink, not that it's a girl though hehe! I have a feeling I'm having a boy, although my hubby begs to differ
Phew you weekend sounds busy!!! I am glad that the cramps where nothing bad, and yes the cyst is normal, I read about it in my book and usually it goes away on it's own. I wonder if I have the same thing when I feel the pinching on one side. :)
And what does Anemia do to you? I'm sorry, I'm German and some terms I just don't know :)
It doesn't really DO much to you, besides makes you cold and it could also complicate your pregnancy due to lack of red blood cells, but unless it's really severe, you should be able to take some vitamins or the iron pills and be back on track. It's just now I have to do extra to make sure I simply this pregnancy as much as possible, especially it being my first one!! What's going to suck, is eating foods that I don't like just because they're rich in iron, but I'm willing to do anything for the health of my baby.
wow karen, on one hand that sucks you had to experience to terror of spotting but on the other hand Im glad a doctor actually said it could be caused from exertion.. really hoping my spotting was merely because of that too. It *seems* to have gone away.. I had none yesterday and so far none today.. fx fx fx

carters, I always thought the corpus luteum was good cuz it creates progesterone, which helps support healthy pregnancy. I had no idea it could be bad... I wonder if thats what caused the yellow discharge, cuz doesnt luteum means yellow? i think its latin name literally translates to 'yellow body'

afm, I have my first midwife appt today, hoping they can do my hcg levels so i can know if Im on track or not. I'll be 7 weeks tomorrow, Im so happy.. I can't wait for the day when I'm 38 weeks :)
HopingCarter, I'm sorry you had such a rough weekend, but I'm glad it all worked out for the most part! That stinks about the anemia, but on the other hand, it's a good thing they caught it so now they can help you get things evened out.

Fx that you will get great hcg results, swampmaiden!

The doctor last night also said it is normal to get all kinds of cervical mucus, especially the creamy stuff and that it's normal for it to be white, even light yellow... she said it's just the hormone levels spiking and fluctuating that are responsible for that.

Klink, I too have a feeling it's a girl! Last time I had a feeling it's a boy. Who knows if I'm right, though... I'll find out in about 3 months!

My family were all really happy! It was a shame, though, because when we told them was when I was still worried about the spotting, so I couldn't fully savour the moment, but it was still a nice time nonetheless. So far, there are two little ones on that side of the family (two boys around 2 years old) and my cousin and his wife are having another baby in September, so now with mine in March, that will make 4 great-grandchildren for my grandpa. Pretty awesome! :thumbup:
wow karen, on one hand that sucks you had to experience to terror of spotting but on the other hand Im glad a doctor actually said it could be caused from exertion.. really hoping my spotting was merely because of that too. It *seems* to have gone away.. I had none yesterday and so far none today.. fx fx fx

carters, I always thought the corpus luteum was good cuz it creates progesterone, which helps support healthy pregnancy. I had no idea it could be bad... I wonder if thats what caused the yellow discharge, cuz doesnt luteum means yellow? i think its latin name literally translates to 'yellow body'

afm, I have my first midwife appt today, hoping they can do my hcg levels so i can know if Im on track or not. I'll be 7 weeks tomorrow, Im so happy.. I can't wait for the day when I'm 38 weeks :)
Not really sure what any of the words mean, Swampmaiden, as I have never look it up before. This was the first time I've heard of having one while being pregnant bc I've never been pregnant before, so all of my knowledge comes from my midwife. What I was told though, was that these cysts CAN get bigger and start to twist the ovary, or possibly rupture at any time, and the hormone that it releases until the placenta takes over will no longer be released if it hasn't taken over yet. Again, they are quite common, but not every woman experiences this (some are actually pretty lucky hehe) They do diminish and go away on their own after about the first trimester but there are cases were women have them full term. I'm not saying it's the worst thing in the world or that it's going to be a bad thing at all, because they do definitely help until the placenta takes over, but there is another side to it as well, and I'm just being a realist and taking that into consideration for my own knowledge. Plus, with my history with ovarian cysts, I'm just being cautious for all sides to it...
I keep my fingers crossed for you that the cyst doesn't do any bad to you! :)
Well, today I had this snotty, green thing in my undies, so off to the docs I go hopefully tomorrow. It was odorless and I saw small globs of it yesterday or so and today it was this big glob in my undies - yucky I know :wacko:
I hope it's just the bacteria being off balance down there. :/ Do you think if I call my insurance they'll consider it an emergency? And do you think a UTI could cause vaginal discharge?

And Karen, I understand that with being worried you couldn't be as excited probably but now you have assurance that y'all's baby is healthy and strong! :)
I keep my fingers crossed for you that the cyst doesn't do any bad to you! :)
Well, today I had this snotty, green thing in my undies, so off to the docs I go hopefully tomorrow. It was odorless and I saw small globs of it yesterday or so and today it was this big glob in my undies - yucky I know :wacko:
I hope it's just the bacteria being off balance down there. :/ Do you think if I call my insurance they'll consider it an emergency? And do you think a UTI could cause vaginal discharge?

And Karen, I understand that with being worried you couldn't be as excited probably but now you have assurance that y'all's baby is healthy and strong! :)

HAHA that's funny!

I'm not sure but it could definitely be the bacteria, that's what it sounds like it could be. Please keep us updated jic I come across this...I haven't even heard of green discharge so sorry I couldn't help..
Why is it funny? lol

Yea the rest of yesterday and so far today I didn't have it again and the doc opens in the afternoon so I'll call them this afternoon and ask if I should come in or not.
How are you guys feeling today?
Just the way it rolls off the tongue, klink. "..y'all's baby" My granny's from the south (Mississippi) and it reminds me of her accent b/c she says that too :)
FX you getting that appt today. I hope that green stuff was nothing serious

I'm not doing the greatest this morning. I had a minor scare last night. My hubby and I DTD last night (what's new I know), and when I went to the bathroom to shower, it was blood. I mean, bright red-covering the towel blood. I figured since I wasn't cramping bad or anything, I would try not to panick, but as you may guess, I panicked anyway! I kept going back to the bathroom every 15 mins, trying to see if it would get worse, which it didn't. Right now it's only spotting, but I do feel slight twinges in my lower adnominal area. I'm just praying that it's just the uterus stretching and it's nothing major, but I'm going to need you ladies to pray for me! I wanna go to the dr so bad, but I don't want them to think I'm crazy :wacko:!! I was just there Friday for the cramping, which turned out to be nothing. I'm just really scared right now bc this has never happened before when we DTD!! :confused:
Aw, HopingCarter, I'm sorry you are having that scare! I will definitely pray for you. I know that sex can cause some bleeding because the cervical area is more sensitive, as it is stretching and thinning. But honestly, if you feel you want to go to the doctor, go - hopefully you can get confirmation that everything is fine and then you can feel better. :hugs:

That's a good idea, klink, about calling ahead to see what they say. Good luck!

I'm very glad that the spotting seems to be gone for me now, although I did wake up in the night with some bad cramps. I'm hoping it's just the regular pregnancy cramps combined with a fatty dinner that I ate as well as constipation (sorry for tmi!).

I hope today will be a great day for everyone!
HopingCarter, I would go and let it get checked out just to be on the safe side. After all its YOUR baby and I would give a rats a$$ if other people think I'm crazy :) If that makes you feel more comfortable, do it! :) Keeping my fingers x for you! :hugs:

One night I woke up with bad cramps too Karen, and I think it was just stretching with a gas bubble lol Try not to worry as much! :hugs:

I called the OBgyn and the nurse said that it happens sometimes and as long as it only was once I shouldn't worry that much and just go to the docs whenever I'm back in Italy. If it occurs again she told me to just go to the ER and what to say there. :)

And I am constipated too Karen! And I drink a lot and eat whole grains (if that's how you say it lol) more than wheat and all that good stuff and still! Also get nauseous all of the sudden at times, but thankfully without vomiting and there aren't any foods that make me nauseous either!phew :)
Thank you guys so much! I will be going in today, they told me to come in anyway. Just came from the restroom and it was light pink spotting, and I very, very light cramping, but I'm going just to be SURE!! I, also, started a thread on it, and a responder said I may be put on "Pelvic Rest" so I may have to lay off intimacy for a while, which sucks :nope: :sad1:

On my way now!! FX
Ugh Carter that a nightmare.. bright red blood is bad bad bad... definitely go see the doctor.. and FYI, the Doctors in the ER/Urgent care know sooo much more than the regular practicioner/appointment doctors. I also would not worry about seeming like a hysteric crazy woman, because you'd be even crazier NOT to be worried at this!!

get an u/s ASAP, and god bless

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