Expecting #1 positive thinking buddies, sticking together!

Mia I hope everything turns out to be ok. When I went for my 11 week us they said that the bladder was too big and that it would resolve on it's own in 90% of the cases but I was so suoer nervous. Of course I went back and it was gone but I know how you feel. Hang in there. :hugs:

Jumpingo - i hope they can get you in earlier so you can put your mind at ease :hugs:

Lacanadienne - I'm glad that you got some rest this weekend. I can't wait until our stuff gets here from italy so we can put up our tree.

Maggz - back pain sucks! My back hurts occasionaly but for me it's more my hips.

We found an apartment that we can somewhat afford and it is pretty new. We are gonna put a deposit down for it this morning. Also DH will be doing paper route from now on which brings 370 every two weeks and I'll help him with it so once Jace is here and I have my work permission I can take over. I really hope we are getting this apartment cause I hate it here. And it's not even only the accusing part. His dad is a big partier so there is liquor everywhere accessable and other stuff that a child shouldn't be around and even though it's his grandson we are talking about, he got mad at us for even asking to get rid of thatbstuff once the baby is here. He said I was being disrespectful for criticizing his lifestyle. Sorry but I can't raise my child in a house like that.
Good morning, my friends! :flower:

SanJan, I'm so sorry you had that scary experience. That must have been horrible. But, I'm glad they were able to determine the root of the problem and treat it accordingly! Try to relax and get as much rest as you can - although I know that's easier said than done! Big hugs to you!

Jumpingo, I'm so sorry about your ultrasound. Maybe the baby's position, and/or the position of the placenta was preventing getting a clear heartbeat? I hope and pray your ultrasound next week will find it strong and clear! :hugs:

Mia, I hope and pray everything will turn out all right for your little one! That is good, though, if they said it is most likely to resolve itself on its own. Best of luck!! Try to stay positive and get some time to relax while you wait - hard, I know. :/

Klink, I'm sorry things have been rough at home, but that's great about the new apartment! I hope you get it! So sorry to hear about the pain/cramping/etc. That's good that you are so diligent about getting checked out, though! I hope you'll feel better soon. :)

Mol, I"m glad to hear things are going well! I can't wait to see your ultrasound pic and participate in the guessing!!! What day is it, again?

Maggz, I loved your cute cupcake reveal - and nails to match! :) Have you been thinking of names for your son?

Bree, you're getting so close now!!! Exciting! I hope you will start feeling better soon!!

Swamp, I get itchy sometimes as well. Mostly it is on my belly, or sometimes on my boobs. I think the skin itches when it stretches, possibly? I use a 'tummy butter' sometimes, although not as often as I should. Even when I don't use a lot at night, I find I still feel sticky/slimy the next day, lol.

lacanadienne and maggz, I hope your back pain will start to subside soon! That is no fun! Is there anything that helps you feel better when the pain starts getting bad?

AFM, things are going pretty ok around here. I didn't actually have a diagnosable UTI this past time, just a presence of a low level of white blood cells in the urine. I've been taking a 500mg Cranberry Complex supplement twice a day, and it was also recommended to me to drink pure cranberry juice, so I started that yesterday. I put a few spoonfuls into water and stir it up. It's pretty bitter, but not as bad as I've been warned. My husband is a pharmacist and doesn't think I need the juice in addition to the supplements, but being a worrier, anything I can do to bring more peace of mind is worth it to me.

The crib building went well! I didn't do too much to be honest, other than sort the various pieces into piles and hand stuff to my hubby and my dad, lol. But the pieces were heavy and I didn't want to lift heavy stuff. But they did a great job! And we also moved my great-great-aunt's rocking chair into that room as well. She is the one after whom our baby's middle name (Dorothy) was chosen. It will be so special to me to rock our baby in the same chair that she sat in for so many years. I also got a great deal on a change table yesterday, so I'm pretty pumped about that! It is scheduled to arrive on Thursday, and then more building will ensue. :)

Have a great day, everyone! I hope this will be a better week for all you lovely ladies! You are wonderful and you deserve it! :thumbup:
Everyone is so sweet and encouraging on here, I love reading all the positive support we have for each other!

Jumpingo, I've heard from u/s technicians that the time to detect the first of heartbeat is a tricky thing to time.. They've said one day nothing and the very next day something, that the heart develops and starts up just like that, and you are still so early. You're in my thoughts because I know personally it's hard not to worry... Hang in there, no matter what the result, you'll be strong enough to handle it.

Klink, in glad you guys found an apt and are getting out of FiL house... He sounds like a real gem lol

My itching has gotten much better, it has been really dry here in SoCal, and I've been using this herbal salve under my body lotion... I knew not to Google, but I can't help it, every weird symptom worries me even though I'm so far along that the end is in sight!

I echo Karen n hoping this week will be a better week for all of us!
Klink, glad you found an apartment.

Karen, pelvic rocking helps the back pain a bit, as does massage. Sometimes I find stretching that is good for sciatic pain also helps.

Swamp, glad the itching is dying down.

Bree, I just realized that I haven't answered your questions about the prenatal class. We are taking one through a local doula, so it goes more in depth than the ones offered by the hospitals or city. So far, we have covered stages of labor, complications, different meds available, alternatives (ie non-medicated pain relief), breast feeding, and tonight, the class will be on infant care. We only have two more weeks after this week, so by Xmas we will be done. Basically most of the information we're covering is in the book The Birth Partner (https://www.amazon.ca/The-Birth-Partner-Childbirth-Companions/dp/155832819X/ref=dp_ob_title_bk).
klink I think I would feel the same about living with DH's parents. Not so much drinking but his dad smokes in the master bedroom and the garage and even though it's just one room in the actual house, the smell has seeped into everything. We stayed there for a couple of weeks while we were house hunting and I ended up throwing away our pillows cause I couldn't get the smell out :(

Karen that sounds precious :flower: Lucky you getting it all ready I'm kind of dreading to start baby shopping cause I have no idea where to start! I don't think we'll actually do anything until maybe February.
Hope the extra effort brings you no more UTI's!!!! :D

swamp that's good! Did you get rain today? It's been raining here since before noon!

jumpingo I second swamp's statement about us techs. Even some midwives and doctors won't check the heartbeat until after week 12 so they don't freak parents out in case there is nothing to be heard. :hugs:

lacanadienne and Karen, re: back pain, I've tried to sit on a fitness ball instead of the couch or chair when I can, and like lacanadienne said, rock pelvis back and forth helps strengthen the muscles and massages them. Doing some exercises on the ball helps as well.

Swamp - I had real dry patches too - I started using Bio-Oil before a bath and Shea body butter after, to resolve my itch

Klink - So sorry your FIL is being unsupportive. Hope you get the new house :) Hope your ER visit wasn't too unpleasant and that it doesn't come up again :)

Mia - I hope the cyst resolves on its own and no further complications come up in the tests. Glad you are being positive, sorry you have to go through this scare :( Let us know how it all goes, praying for the best outcome!

Lancadienne - So is your scan today? Pics please!

Maggz - Ive had such bad aches just from commuting in the bus and I don't want to take painkillers for it, yet. Ive got low BP too but my doc didn't seem too concerned :|

jumpingo - Good luck for the scan hun! :hugs: I hope for positive outcome to come your way and for this phase to go away soon! FX!

Karen - Yay for all the concoctions and no UTI :) Wow, your nursery seems to be coming along great! Please put up pics :D

How is everyone else? Mint, Dini, Sanjan and the rest - hope you all are well!

AFM - My family doesn't traditionally celebrate Xmas but DH, my sis and couple of our Christian friends do exchange gifts and have dinner together. I got DH a Dads Guide to pregnancy for Dummies :haha: I wonder if he'll be furious for the Dummy thing in front of everybody? LoL :D

Ive been wondering about pre-natal classes to take. Of course there are Yoga classes everywhere here. And I know that there are some good parenting ones but far away from where we live. I wonder if there's an alternative to it or if they can be skipped. But as a first time mom-to-be I was really keen on them. Hmmph!
Thanks everyone for all the positive support and encouragement. It's really helpful, I'm happy to have you on here :)

Klink that's so great you are finding your own place! I hope moving there goes well and really solves your living situation problems.

Karen yay for not another UTI! Sorry for all the extra stuff you have to take it but I'm sure it beats a UTI. And yeah I'd love to see your nursery pics, it sounds so fun!

Lacanadienne let us know how your u/s goes today!

Hubby and I got our house all decorated for Christmas and I just love it! :xmas9: now I have my mind on the bedroom that will become the nursery. Since we work with college students we get a winter break starting at the end of next week and I'm hoping to make progress on the room! We picked out nursery furniture on Amazon but haven't pulled the trigger yet to actually buying it...
My mom has also been name storming with me like crazy, almost to an annoying degree though because I hate when she shoots down names that I like and acts like its her responsibility to pick a name!
So our scan was today, and it's most likely a girl! The techs here are very hesitant to actually say what gender it is because they can't be 100% sure, but she said she was happy with what she saw, and that "it looked like a little girl in there". :happydance: All the measurements were normal, and the heartbeat came in at 151, so one more worry off the table. The picture isn't quite as clear this time because the tech had me empty my bladder, and so there are more shadows, but the little face is so precious. Went straight to the midwife's, and my outside measurements are normal too.

Mia, I'm not sure I'll discuss names until I've decided on a name just because I don't want people shooting down my ideas. It's our daughter, and it should be our choice.


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Hey all, sorry I haven't been responding much here.

Went for a follow up check yesterday. Things are fine now and I'm off the injections finally. Will have to stop the hormone supplements this week end. Have to be on rest for one more week after that just to make sure my body is taking things fine and stable after stopping the medicines. I just wish all this will end and I can go back to work soon. This whole rest thingy with no work to do is literally driving me crazy. And, with all this, our trip is also canceled :growlmad:

Lacannadienne - yayy for a girl. Wow, girls are literally ruling this thread.
Aw, SanJan, I'm sorry you had to cancel your trip. Can it be rescheduled?

Lacanadienne, congrats on the great scan!! Beautiful picture. :)

Mia, that's frustrating that your mom is interfering with your choosing a name. I think sometimes people try to be helpful but don't realize their being just the opposite!

I hope everyone has a great day!
Sorry I've been MIA! We are finally home from 2 weeks back home visiting family. It was a good trip but very long and exhausting. I'm going to need a week just to recover. I finally got all of the laundry done and put away, just need to finish washing the blankets we took. Only problem is, while getting the house back in order I've found about 15 things I want to organize in the house. I made a list and hopefully once things are back to normal I can start tackling them. The baby's room also looks like a tornado hit because the last 2 days we've gotten a bunch of baby stuff and I just haven't gotten the time to organize it all so that is on my list of things to do once the house is in some sort of normal state.
We told all of our family while back home that the baby is a girl, so that was fun. We had the anatomy scan on Tuesday when we got back. That went great. She is perfect and healthy. I had them double check to make sure it was definitely a girl and it is lol. It was great to see her again. We got a few good pictures too, I'll post them. I need to take a bump pic too. I missed week 20 because we were back home and I haven't had time since we got back so I'll just take one tomorrow at 21 weeks.

Congratulations to all of the gender announcements that I missed! I briefly scanned and it seems like the girls are still in the lead but not by much :) I hope you're all doing well! I'm going to keep up much better now!
lacanadienne that is a precious picture!! Awwwww :) I feel like when they say they can't be a 100% they really are but just don't wanna be held liable lol

Mia, I'm doing the same as lacanadienne - not discussing names or even talking about our top picks. I feel like it's such a personal decision I don't want other people to weigh in on it. However, I love hearing all your guys' ideas ;) haha! It's also a cultural thing I believe, since no one back home shares the name until after the baby is born.
That's fun that you got everything decorated though! I baked cookies... and I'm eating them ALL :haha:

I saw the baby move from the outside earlier *aww* it was so cool. Only a couple of times and I had to watch for a long time but I got it! :haha: Crazy cause by now I can feel him move up by my bellybutton and then a second later way down low so I guess he's getting long!
Also realized my abs are parting, I can put my finger in between them above my bellybutton. Ew. Lol.

We had an appointment with the hypnobirthing instructor tonight and I forgot!!! :dohh: Can't believe I did it I feel so bad! She was nice about it though and we rescheduled for next week.

Anyone watching Walking Dead or Sons of Anarchy??

Just dropping in to say my scan date has been pushed to 20 Dec from the 13th :(

Congrats on your girl Lancadienne!

Mia hope everything is good now, My mom also has nicknames and names tossing going on all the time. I press the IGNORE button :p

Sanjan glad everything is getting better. Sorry for the trip :( My family (SIL, MIL and mom) also keeps telling me not to go for any trips or even late night drives, avoid dinner out.. their advice is endless! I get that they are caring but.. Anyhow, hope your trip works out!
Lacanadienne congrats on the baby girl! Team pink :) beautiful girl picture too!

SanJan I'm so glad to hear things are better for you and you can get back to work soon!

Sweetbliss welcome back! I know what you mean about needing a week to recover, I always feel that way when we're gone for a while. You just want to come back to a perfect organized house and it never is. I'm glad your girl is doing great and healthy!

Maggz I just saw my girl move from the outside for the first time 2 days ago! It's the only time so far but yes it's so awesome to see! Sorry you missed your appointment...at least you can blame pregnancy brain. I'm glad she was nice about it. Sorry I don't watch those shows, can't handle zombies.

Mol sorry about your scan being pushed back! That's frustrating but I'm sure it'll still be here before you know it.

It's good to hear from you girls that it's normal to not let people in on the naming game. DH has no problem always bringing it up and asking for input from our coworkers but I'd like him to stop. We'll never pick a name if we want the approval of so many people.
I have a front runner for a first name but sadly DH doesn't like it :( I'm hoping he comes around with time! It's Aurora, and Rory for short. I think it's beautiful :flower: but need DH's approval, sigh.
Hey sweetbliss totally missed your post! Welcome back :) I need to make an organizing list too... but I really shouldn't since finals are coming up I should be focusing on that... which means my house will probably be super clean cause I want to avoid studying! lol

Haha mol why should you avoid late night drives and dinners out?

Mia DH does the same, except I think I cleared it up before he talked about it to his coworkers but he told his mom our top pick and she now refers to the baby as that name. I want him to tell her that it's out now lol...
I like Aurora, I'm sure he'll come around, use all your convincing powers! :D
I second that on not telling people names.. I told family my name choices and now between my great grandma always calling the bump by it's name to other peoples opinions on what i should name her instead... i wish i wouldve just kept my mouth shut!! My husband likes the name Rebekah, which I dont really like. I like the name Vivian, which some days I like better than others but I just can't think of any of names that are better. Something will work out tho, because it has too.

maggz, yep, we got lots and lots of rain here!! We needed it bad, despite the flooding it caused in some parts. I wasnt affected by any of it, other than just listening to the storm at night. Everything is so clean and fresh now, and the humidity has been good for my skin. i swear i have never used as much lotion ever in my life as i have been lately!!

I've got my first Xmas party to go to this Saturday.. its an Eggnog and Beer party, but the hostess (my friend) was kind enough to tell me she'll make a batch of virgin eggnog for me. I sometimes wonder if all the non-alcoholic options are really that much better because i feel like the sugar rush from drinking so much sparkling juice can't be good. I might bring some decaf coffee and cream, because the party is outdoors under a big sheltered patio, so it'll be chilly. Might rain tomorrow too... All I know is that Im getting sick of juice lol
Hey friends! :)

lacanadienne - Congrats on your babygirl! I'll update the front page for you!

SanJan - I'm sorry that you had to cancel your trip :(

maggz - I see jace move around all the time now lol It looks so weird and his kicks are getting hard, sometimes it even hurts. Especially when he kicks me in my bladder and this morning he kicked me in my ribs.

I hope everyone is doing good so far, I'll try to be on here more often again now.

Afm, I've been in some pain lately. The doc said it's because the baby is running out of space and that my belly is gonna grow outwards. She also said "Poor you, you're gonna be huge and in a lot of back pain." Not so encouraging and it kind of scares me lol But I'm glad she isn't sugar coating anything. I have my gestational diabetes test on the 31st at 28 weeks. For some reason I am so scared that I'll go into preterm labor even though everything is fine. He is moving soooo sooo much and a lot of times I can't go to sleep because he's kicking and rolling around in my tummy :flower:
DH signs the lease for our apartment today and we are doing a paper route job together, since I can't get a job. It's technically his job but I help him every day. We have to get up at 3 AM mon - thurs and fri, sat, sun we have to start at like 2AM. It's really exhausting but at least it brings in money. I would do anything possible to make sure my baby has a good life and we have our own place and everything.
Sorry for TMI but today I squeezed my nipples (I'm a weirdo lol) and I think a bit of milk came out! lol I'm glad cause that hopefully means that I'll have enough milk later on to breastfeed but it also made me feel kind of weird.
Mia, Aurora is a nice name, but I think it's important that both of you like what you name your daughter, so hopefully DH will come around.

klink, congrats on the apartment!

Yay for all of you seeing movements on the outside! We found out at the u/s that the placenta is anterior, so that's probably why I wasn't feeling movement sooner. It'll probably take more time to see it on the outside too.
klink I saw your video on fb that's why I started looking at my bump haha :)
Wow waking up so early is gonna be challenging! Hopefully it will do you good to get the paper route walking in every day. Hopefully your doc is wrong... that's not very encouraging!

swamp we have a Christmas party down in SD with DH's work on the 18th... I have no idea what to wear! How is your DH doing and how's life apart??
We don't walk we drive cause it's a pretty spread out route. Even by car the route takes about 1 1/2 - 2 hours during the week and 2 - 3 hours at the weekend. I'm super exhausted but it's worth it. :)

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