Jumpingo, my heart goes out to you... losing a pregnancy is a tough thing to go thru.. take all the time you need to heal from it, especially emotionally. It will happen for you.
So many things to worry about throughout a pregnancy, each trimester seems like it has its own set of worries. And trying to maintain a faithful, trustful, zen-like attitude about everything and anything is SO MUCH easier said than done!
I'm in the middle of straightening out some last details for my insurance, and its coming down to the wire because if Im not 'IN' my birth center by 28 weeks, they won't take me... and Im about to hit 26 weeks on Wednesday... commence nail biting lol
My party was fun, it was pretty mellow, at least for me since I couldn't drink. I was a slightly bad girl for taking a sip of my friends spiked eggnog, but I figured one sip wouldn't hurt. Otherwise I drank cranberry juice mixed with club soda and ate a bunch of food.
maggz, I can empathize on the finals for school.. my husband is in school right now and he's going crazy with all his finals. I can't wait for him to be done and come back home for a month... he gets back in town on Friday, and we're planning on going out for gyros.
Mia, yeah the backaches have not been fun lately and it is kinda weird to have such bad backaches esp with our bumps really not being THAT huge... I was reading a lot of it has to do with hormones softening the ligaments, but I also think I triggered my backache from sitting in a really bad position for a few hours last week, then not resting afterward. I had to shovel a raised bed worth of dirt off my patio to get ready for our move next weekend and then had to stop because i started getting some abdominal muscle twinges. Luckily my girlfriends were helping and forced me to sit down with a cup of decaf and watch them to all the work.
Bree, I can hardly believe you are nearly full term!!! That'll be us in just 2 short months practically!!! Have you been feeling any Braxton Hicks??
As for Xmas plans, so far nothing facy here, just family gathering... no trips or travel.
Anybody else going anywhere for Xmas?
And btw, welcome to thread treeroot