Expecting #1 positive thinking buddies, sticking together!

SanJan - How have you been feeling since stopping the hormones?

Maggz - It is strange, but you'll get used to the feeling in your nipples haha. I really hope long torso means less stretch marks!

Bree - That's so exciting that you're gearing up for labor! Not much planned for the holidays. We visited home for Thanksgiving so we're planning on staying put for Christmas and the New Year, or at least that's the plan so far and I'm hoping it sticks haha. I'm still exhausted from our last trip but we'll see what DH is wanting to do.

Jumpingo - So sorry! :( Thinking off you!

Swamp - Glad that you had a good time at the party! I bet you're really excited to have your DH home! Yayyyy! So happy for you!

Dini - That picture is great, so sweet! Glad the scan results were so good!

Mia - Your bump is so cute!!!
Hello, everyone!

Welcome to the group, treeroot! :flower:

Mia, great bump pic! You look so cute!!

Dini, I'm so glad your scan went well. Great picture!!

Swamp, good luck getting things settled with the insurance and the birthing center!

Yes, I have been having lots of trouble with back pain as well. I have it pretty much all day, every day, but it's the worst at night. No fun at all!

I've also been finding I get short of breath a lot. Sometimes it's if I've been lying on my back for a bit, watching TV, but sometimes it's just when I'm sitting upright in a chair. I've read that it's because as the uterus grows, it starts to press on the diaphragm. Anyone else experiencing this?
Karen yup I get shortness of breath sometimes too! Very strange haha makes me huff and puff but I try to hide it :blush:

Mia you look awesome! :flower:

Ugh Dini that sucks that you work Christmas Eve. Can they wait to open presents or something until you get home? :)

Thanks girls, I agree it's the company that makes the holidays special but there's always gonna be money spent - even if it's just food ;) But we'll make it nice with what we have, but hopefully get some decorations at least.
swamp - Aw, I wish we could all meet up! Hope your insurance and birth centre works out! I did loads of housework last weekend and Ive had an awful backache since! Hope yours is better :)

Dini - Thats a great scan ! Sorry you got to work on xmas .. Last year we had to work that day but I took half the day off, not feeling like working at all!

Mia - You got such a cute bump there! :happydance:

Karen - I get awfully breathless climbing 1 short flight of stairs or just walking! And here I thought its just me, with the excess weight.

Maggz - I guess you could start small, we are Hindus but our friends, Christian or not, and us get together and just do a potluck dinner - no gifts necessary though we do exchange gifts. And we dance away! I quite look forward to it.

Hope you ladies are well Lancadienne, sweetbliss, Sanjan. How is it going?

I hope you are well Jumpingo :hugs:

AFM I am exhausted! I thought 2nd tri was better but I had much more energy in 1st tri. Also I am just fixated with birth stories! I cant see the birth videos yet, little squirmish about it - but the stories I am poring over everyday.
Thanks, ladies ❤

So not much shortness of breath here, just that killer back ache...

Molgold, I've been reading a lot of birth stories too... Anybody ever hear of Ina Mays Guide to Childbirth? The first half of that book is just natural birth birth stories.. It's fascinating.

And yeah, I'm still tired in 2nd trip too, tho not as bad as first trip.

I had a prenatal appt today.. Everything looks good, HB was 150 and fundal height was 27cm, and baby girl was kicking the whole time. I've gained about 20lbs so far.. If I can keep it to just a lb a week until term, I'll be right on target for about 35lbs gain
Karen, I've been getting short of breath too, though I don't know in my case if it's just excess mucus messing with my asthma.

Mol, I have been quite tired still. It probably has to do with the cold that just keeps coming and going since September. It seems like it gets bad, then gets better for a couple of weeks, then flares up again. I was feeling a bit of a scratchy throat on Sunday morning so stayed home and slept a bit longer and it went away, but then I had a bad night on Sunday night and it was back on Monday, worse today. I've basically called in sick for tomorrow, and cancelled all activities in the evening - gone into full hibernation mode - to try to kick this. Seems a bit extreme, but my body is so exhausted lately so I think it needs it.
AFM I am exhausted! I thought 2nd tri was better but I had much more energy in 1st tri. .

Ah! I don't want to hear this, lol. I'm really hoping I feel better soon and have the energy to clean and organize my extremely embarrassingly messy house.

swamp - good to hear your appointment went well.

I hope you feel better soon lacanadienne

I am really looking forward to the holidays. I just want a break, and it looks like I'll be able to take two weeks.
I find myself being fearful of the birthing process. Sort of like when you're hesitating before jumping into the lake, or waiting for the gun to go off in your race, or getting ready to write an exam.
But then you've jumped or you've started running, or the exam has started, and there's no turning back.
It's the long anticipation that kills me. :)
Treeroot you will feel better in second trimester. I'm tired as well but the fatigue in first trimester was all encompassing but now im just tired not exhausted.

As for shortness of breath I do get it sometimes, especially after I eat. Seems I have it a lot today as I'm not feeling too good, I'm running a low grade fever and my whole body hurts and I just feel like sleeping. I have to work the next two days and I'm thinking about calling out but I need my vacation pay for maternity leave. I guess I'll see how I feel in the morning.
I'm with you ladies on the shortness of breath. I've found it comes in waves though. I'll have a few days where it's more often and then I'll be fine for a few days. I read that the rising of hormones can have something to do with it, who knows though.

MolGold - Where are you reading birth stories at? I want to start reading up on natural birthing and what not but I haven't found the time to yet. I think I'd enjoy reading other's birth stories as well though.

Lacanadienne - I hope you get some rest and feel better!

Treeroot - Don't worry, it's a different kind of tired. I found that the last few weeks of the 1st trimester and the first few weeks of the 2nd trimester were when I felt the most energy. There is hope for you :)

I ordered the baby's stroller and carseat today! It was on sale on Amazon this morning and so I jumped right on that because it is never any cheaper than what they normally have it at on there. The crib should be here tomorrow too :) We won't be setting that up until January some time though but it will be good to actually have here and off of the never ending to-do list. I feel like I've been running non-stop lately. Today I did a bunch of things here and there around the house on top of giving 1 of our dogs a haircut and then both of them baths, doing all of the laundry and then vacuuming the house. I feel like I didn't stop at all today. I just need to dust and clean the bathrooms tomorrow along with the organizing of the baby's room and our guest room that I've been wanting to get done. I feel so tired all of the time, even when I'm doing all of this stuff, I'm tired but I just can't stop doing it. Good news though, the only big/expensive baby things we need now are the glider, video monitor, breastpump, and bouncer!
Thanks, ladies ❤

Molgold, I've been reading a lot of birth stories too... Anybody ever hear of Ina Mays Guide to Childbirth? The first half of that book is just natural birth birth stories.. It's fascinating.

And yeah, I'm still tired in 2nd trip too, tho not as bad as first trip.

I had a prenatal appt today.. Everything looks good, HB was 150 and fundal height was 27cm, and baby girl was kicking the whole time. I've gained about 20lbs so far.. If I can keep it to just a lb a week until term, I'll be right on target for about 35lbs gain

Looks interesting! I'll look it up.
Yay for a great appointment! Mine is less than 10 days away :D

Mol, I have been quite tired still. It probably has to do with the cold that just keeps coming and going since September. It seems like it gets bad, then gets better for a couple of weeks, then flares up again. I was feeling a bit of a scratchy throat on Sunday morning so stayed home and slept a bit longer and it went away, but then I had a bad night on Sunday night and it was back on Monday, worse today. I've basically called in sick for tomorrow, and cancelled all activities in the evening - gone into full hibernation mode - to try to kick this. Seems a bit extreme, but my body is so exhausted lately so I think it needs it.

Aw, so sorry you are still feeling down :hugs: every little sickness feels aggravated with pregnancy! Hope your rest day makes you feel better :)

Ah! I don't want to hear this, lol. I'm really hoping I feel better soon and have the energy to clean and organize my extremely embarrassingly messy house.

Everyone is different. As Dini said, 1st tri is hardest for some. I had an easy 3 months before nausea and fatigue set in.

MolGold - Where are you reading birth stories at? I want to start reading up on natural birthing and what not but I haven't found the time to yet. I think I'd enjoy reading other's birth stories as well though.

Mostly on here in the Baby section > Birth announcements and some online. Glad your nursery is mostly set up!
Swampmaiden, I'm glad your appointment went so well!

Sweetbliss, yay for getting the baby things! That is exciting. :)

Dini and lacanadienne, sorry you're feeling sick! I hope you'll both feel better soon.

Hope everyone has a great day! :thumbup:
Treeroot I'm with you on not wanting to think about birth. But I guess we'll have to at one point - I have an appt with a hypnobirthing instructor tomorrow!

sweetbliss that's awesome that you got a deal on the stuff :)

All right I'm gonna take a morning nap before I go to work ;) Hope everyone is doing good :) :flower:
Hi all :flower:

Howz everybody doing?

Sweet, Mol Thanks for asking. Doing better after stopping the medicines. But I'm getting a lot of Braxton Hicks. The first day it happened, it was right after the day I stopped the meds. So, obviously I freaked out and went to see the Dr. But now, I'm actually able to distinguish them. They are more uncomfortable and annoying than the actual contractions I had during that incident - those were really painful.

Sweet, great about all those baby purchases. I'm just creating a list on models and stuff I like now so that hubby can get it right after the baby is here.

Swamp - glad that you could sort out the insurance issues.

Those of you feeling sick, hope you guys get well soon and start enjoying these times.

I'm just so sick and tired of staying indoors. Even our anniversary was completely indoors yesterday, with just some takeaways :dohh: This is not what I had planned. Hopefully it won't be the same till my b'day which is in just a week.
Happy belated anniversary Sanjan !
its tough to be indoors (I KNOW!) but necessary none the less! Think of it as an unexpected break.I do hope your birthday goes much better. I am sure you wont regret the inconvenience once your LO is here :flower:
Happy belated birthday, SanJan! Sorry it wasn't the type of day you had hoped for, but I hope it was nice nonetheless. And hopefully for your birthday you can get out even for a little bit and do something fun! :)

Sorry you've been having Braxton Hicks! Do you mind if I ask what they feel like?

Hope today will be a great day for everyone!! I am soooo tired today and just hoping to make it through the day. By 8pm I'll be on the weekend.... eyes on the prize! lol
Hi everyone!

Dini and lacanadienne I hope you girls feel better soon! It really stinks to not feel well :(

Sweetbliss that's awesome about the baby stuff, so exciting! We've only ordered a crib so far and it should arrive next week.

Treeroot I fele the same way about labor. The anticipation of it seems so difficult since you know it's coming no matter what now.

SanJan sorry you're feeling so cooped up. I'm glad your appointment went well though!

So I'm heading in for my level two ultrasound in a few hours. The doctor called me yesterday to schedule it. So I'm hoping everything is alright and they don't see any more signs of a problem! Will keep you girls updated.
Happy belated anniversary SanJan! I hope that your birthday is more enjoyable for you. Like MolGold said, it will be worth it in the end :) Just hang in there, there is an end in sight to all of this!

Maggz - How did the appointment go?

Karen - Yay for the weekend! DH is nights so he'll go in today at 3pm but when he gets off his weekend will have started too. I'm so excited! And we're celebrating my birthday this weekend so I'm extra excited about going out for a delicious dinner haha. I think I might see if he wants to go see the new Mockingjay movie too before dinner and maybe some shopping for the baby and some for me too since his grandma sent me a Target gift card :) What are your plans for this weekend?

Mia - What crib did you order? Good luck with your ultrasound! Let us know how it goes!

What plans does everyone have for the weekend coming up?
Thanks ladies for those words. I'm really happy to have this group to vent out and for the awesome support :flower:

Mia - Let us know how the scan goes. I'm sure it'll be alright and you'll get a good news :)

SweetBliss - DH is downloading some movies to watch for the weekend. Other that that, no plans for weekend.

Karen - To answer your question, with BH, either your lower abdomen or sometimes, whole tummy gets really tight which gives you a very uncomfortable feeling. It won't be really painful, mostly annoying. For the actual contractions, it was a similar feeling with a shooting pain from lower back to lower abdomen which last only for few seconds and just comes and goes at certain intervals.
Hey all I'm in between classes just had to take a little break before I keep studying for my math test... it seems neverending.

sweetbliss the appt is tonight so still a good 6 hours until then :)

Karen yup I'm doing the same, after this test today it's the weekend!! Yay! Except I'm working and have to study lol but it's a milestone none the less. ;)

SanJan glad you're doing good, hope you keep it up!

Mia good luck at the ultrasound, it's always so nice to get to see little peanut! You said level 2, were there any risks noticed in the first us that I forgot you mentioned? Either way, hope it goes perfect :flower:
Ooh and I wanted to add I'm 22 weeks now! It says the baby is settling in sleep cycles but he kicks ALL THE TIME so he must be a very active sleeper (Just hope that he's not like his dad who needs about 5 hours of sleep a night!).
We had a very cute moment last night he was kicking once we were in bed and DH saw it from the outside finally :)

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