Expecting #1 positive thinking buddies, sticking together!

Dini, sorry about the pain you've been having. Are there any more stretches you can do to try to help?

Sweet, happy belated birthday! Sweet and Karen, sorry you've been feeling so sick. Everyone at school is sick, but I am feeling better now from my cold (knock on wood). This time, it only lasted a week, so fingers crossed.

SanJan, I am planning on starting my maternity leave about three weeks before the due date, but we will see. Officially, I start on my due date, but that can be changed, and I can get a doctor's note if I am not doing well.

swamp, yay for stroller shopping! I think we're getting the Navigator by Phil & Ted's, simply because we hope to have more than one kid, and it can convert to a double stroller. My mom is buying it, though. That's what she decided she wanted to give us.

maggz, you'll have to let me know how your Hypnobirthing classes go. I am reading the book right now, but we opted for a different prenatal class that's also orientated towards natural childbirth. Our last class of 8 is tomorrow.

Jenny, nice scan! So happy that all went well for you.
I've been doing the stretches that are supposed to help and sometimes they do. The chiropractor put me on a cancelation list incase someone cancels and they can get me in sooner. Until then I just have to deal with it.

Today the reflux is my biggest issue. Even water is making it worse. I made the mistake of eating a dinner that was too big tonight so I know I'll be up all night and I have to work early in the morning.

I think I found the travel system I want. The Chicco keyfit 30 with the cortina stroller. It has all the features we need and the car seat was at the top of consumer reports safety rating list so that kind sealed the deal for me.
Aw congrats Jenny glad everything looked good. Great pics, too! :flower:
Dini - Thanks! I went and got tested for strep today but I have to wait for the results. So glad you found a travel system! I was going to suggest a Chicco one but then read that you did find one haha!

SanJan - That is nice that you don't have to worry about going out and getting the stuff. You can do the fun part of picking it out and then send DH out to get all of it and set it up! Thanks for the water and honey suggestion, I'm going to try that tonight! Are you planning to cloth diaper too? I want to do it at least part time, if not full time.

Swamp - Oh no! I hope you start to feel better and your throat doesn't get any worse!

Karen - So sorry that you got sick! I'm glad you're feeling better now though and I hope you keep getting better! Get lots of rest.

Jenny - Yay for a great ultrasound!
Sweetbliss I'm hoping to at least do cloth part time as well. I'm thinking about looking into gDiapers since you can do disposable liners and cloth ones. I need to educate myself badly though!
Hi all,

Jenny - nice scan pics! Yayy :)

Sweet - Yeah, planning on cloth diapering at the beginning. I'm going to have the first 6 months only for the baby so, will be able to handle with cloth diapering and all the laundry and other works. I'm planning to stay here after the baby is born for 20-30 days till the Dr says a go ahead for travel and then go to my parents place after that. Will be there for at least 3-4 months. So, with mom to help and sister also over there for vacation around that time, I'll have all the time for the baby to go with the cloth diapering works. Will slowly switch from cloth nappies after 4-5 months.

Maggz - The traditions does sound very similar. We do have our own version of baby shower too, which for us with be in the 8th month of pregnancy, but it's a very traditional affair - it's more of a ritual than a big celebration. It's planned for Jan 25th for me as of now. And as with all the other things, I don't have to worry about that function too. It's traditionally arranged by your in laws so my hubby, MIL and FIL are taking care of all the work :) You can read that up here :


Jenny, congrats on the great scan!!! :)

Dini, sorry you've been having reflux problems!! I have it a lot, too. I actually used to have it chronically when I was in university, because I would stress about school, as well as my boyfriend at the time being away with the army. After I graduated and I wasn't with him anymore, it went away. LOL. But now that I'm pregnant I get it a few times a week. Do you take Tums? My OB told me they're actually quite good for the baby due to the calcium carbonate in them. And propping yourself up with a couple extra pillows is supposed to help, too. Good luck!

Hope everyone has a nice day!
Hey Ladies,

Dini, Karen , Sweet - hope you ladies feel better! :hugs:

Jen - great scan pics, congrats!

Ive been getting strong period like cramps for a couple of days now - nothing to worry about though. SO ive been MIA here. Happy to cross 19 weeks and just 3 days away from scan.
Sanjan and I have the same tradition of not buying for the baby before its birth. But then a lot of things are gifted and the rest I am shortlisting :)

As for Mat.leave, I can go on leave from 34th week though I am hoping to work till 36th. I get 4 months paid leave post which I am planning for 3 months unpaid leave.

A sad thing happened today - my DHs cousin passed away all of a sudden, leaving behind 2 small kids in school and a young wife :( I feel so bad for them. Also DH is travelling to attend the last rites which means I have to take my sister along for the scan. I feel guilty of feeling sad about his absence from the scan :nope:
SanJan that looks like a very nice tradition, blessing the mom and giving good vibes to the baby :)

Karen and Dini reflux must suck :( I'm guessing I have a very mild case, I just can't lay down directly after I eat hahaha, or I'll burp up fluids. Gross. But it's not at night or anything. Hope you both find some relief!

Mol sorry to hear about your DH's cousin. My thoughts go out to his family. Don't feel guilty, you have a right to be sad too, it's not like you're blaming anyone it's just very unfortunate timing and you are at a time in your life where you would like your DH by your side. But you're lucky that you have someone else to go with you though, and I'm sure your sister is happy that she'll get the chance to see your baby.

AFM just finished my first final, second final is due tonight but it is a take home multiple choice (haha crazy teacher, right!) and I only have a few questions left to google ;)
Third final is on Thursday so I better get crackin' on this math! Will be SO happy to be done with it!!!
All I wanna do is clean, bake, Christmas shop, blog, and get baby stuff... you can bet ya this weekend it's going down. :bodyb:
Mol, I hope the cramps let up, is it from dehydration? And so sorry about your dhs cousin. That's really a tragedy.

Maggz, yay for another final down!! Wanna bake something for me? Lol. I want to do some as well but I'm just too beat most days when I'm off. These 12 hour shifts are taking it out of me. My reflux isn't bad today but I took a Zantac this morning. I took one last night, and took mylanta when I laid down, then woke up at 2 am and took tums. My midwife said j should just take the Zantac twice a day but I don't want to but I may have to if I want sleep.

I'm at my lunch break at work right now and I'm so tired. I've been on my feet non stop for 8 hours now. I'm ready for bed!

Sanjan, what kind of cloth are you going to use? I c ant decide but am going to go to a store in a nearby town to take a class I think.
Mol, sorry about your DH's cousin, and as maggz said, don't feel guilty. It's normal to feel sad that things aren't going according to plan, and that scan is an important milestone.

maggz, almost there! You can do it. I'll be helping my mom bake some tourtière this weekend when I'm off. Can't wait! Every year, we make at least a dozen. It'll be nice to think about something other than work for a bit.

Karen and Dini, the reflux doesn't sound like fun. Is it worse after certain kinds of food or just kind of constant? My midwife mentioned I might have less of it because I have a long torso so my organs still have a lot of room in there.

AFM, three days left of work!!! Can't wait! I have three more science evaluations to power through, then I've done the entire class (they're interviews so take SOOOO long).
Dini sure I'll bake for you! Come visit and you can have all the pastries you want ;)

lacanadienne what's tourtiere? Well I guess I could google it lol
Ok, the catch up:

Sorry to hear of all sickness! I hope everyone feels better soon. I'm knocking on wood I haven't caught anything this winter yet. This time last year I came down with a cold, and then two weeks later got a little flu-like something.

Thanks for the headache advice :)! I don't think the caffeine fix will do much for me as I wasn't a daily coffee drinker before getting pregnant (and I don't like pop!). And in fact, I had had a hot chocolate with a bit of coffee in it the day I got my worst headache :(. I'm usually pretty good with drinking enough fluids, but sometimes I do get busy at work and forget to fill up my glass. I think the headaches are mostly a pregnancy thing and a mix of other factors, but it's been pretty good the last few days so hopefully it's not something that will be consistent.

Ah maternity leave. I'd like to start at least two weeks before my due date (well, really I'd like to start now :p). I could really use the time. I'd like to prepare a bunch of frozen meals to put in the freezer. We bought a stand up freezer last year and then purchased a quarter cow and half pig from a natural heritage breeder. We've also got some summer veggies frozen as well.

I'm jealous of the Hypnobirthing classes. I looked into it and the closest one available is 45min away:(.

I'm also on the cloth diaper bandwagon. There's a girl on my facebook and I keep seeing her posts on https://www.facebook.com/glowbugclothdiapers?ref=profile to win a naming contest for free diapers.

sweetbliss89 - feel free to research away :). I'm so far from buying anything yet. I don't have any traditions to adhere to like SanJan, but I wonder if maybe we'll end up getting most stuff after the baby is born. Things I do want beforehand: car seat, crib, carrier (one of those wrap things), and small essentials (diapers, toiletries, blankets etc.)

Congrats on the scan Jenny!

Sorry to hear about the family death Mol :(

Yeah maggz, almost done (for now)! Hey, what are you taking by the way; if you don't mind me asking? And I'll join in the pastry eating, 'cause I'm not making any myself!

Enjoy the warm weather Karen! I'm going to see if I can convince my other half that a little trip south would be a good idea for February. Not sure if it's in the budget though.

I'm beyond ready for a work break; I'll be off from the 23rd to the 4th. I'm really looking forward to seeing my family.
Lacanadienne, my reflux is random at times with something like water or crackers causing it and other times it is only set off by acidic foods like tomato based things or orange juice. Yesterday was terrible just water was coming back up and hurting. I took a Zantac this morning and took one tonight so hoping to get some sleep tonight. I am short so I bet that's why mine is bad because I only had reflux issues when my gallbladder was bad, after I had it removed I've been fine.

Maggz, I'll be right over! Lol. Someone made some super yummy gingerbread cookies at work today and I had like 3!
maggz, tourtière is basically a French-canadian meat pie made with beef, pork, veal, and potatoes inside pastry.
Treeroot I'm not a coffee drinker either :) I had migraines when I was younger and I guess pregnancy can bring them on again. Only thing that worked was a little coke (not for snorting lol)! But I'm glad the headaches are easing up, hopefully they'll be gone soon.
That sucks that the classes are so far away... you could check if the instructor would be willing to come to your house?

Yeah only one final left now. Sadly it's the toughest one (math) haha, but still just one. I'm getting my associates in communication, but this semester I had mostly gen eds to finish - math, biology, political science. I also did one communication class but it was a fast track course that I finished in October.
We're going to my work's Christmas party in a little bit, I made merengue (it's a potluck) :)

I've never had meat pie lacanadienne! Maybe we should all have a bnb potluck party hahaha :)
Dini - I'll be using muslin cloths stitched into something like this -https://www.amazon.in/Baby-Muslin-Nappy-Assorted-Born/dp/B00N1LTDGC - by my mum. Should be helpful in the initial days. Then will see if it works, else go for a different kind or disposable ones.
Mol, I'm sorry to hear about your DH's cousin! And that stinks re: the timing. Don't feel guilty; we can't help how we feel! I'm sorry your husband will have to miss this appointment, but hopefully he will be able to be there for any and all future ones. :hugs:

Dini, I'm glad your reflux has been helped a bit by the meds!

For me, sometimes it is food related, like if I eat something too spicy, but other times it seems to be just random. Lying down too soon after eating does not help, either, and I can be guilty of that. As I work till 8, we don't usually finish eating dinner till 9, and by then I am soooo tired all I want to do is lie down and watch TV, lol. But propping up a bit can help.

Maggz, good luck with your last exam!! Way to go! :thumbup:

Treeroot, I hope you'll find some relief from the headaches! Do you find you feel them more if you are stressed? Or are they more unpredictable? Sometimes I watch/listen to relaxation videos on Youtube and that can be helpful for me.

lacanadienne, yay for it almost being Christmas break!!! We are almost there. :)

Swamp, you are in third trimester as of today, right?? Woo hoo! :happydance:

I'm very excited because my boss gave me the day off so that I can go with my husband to his Knights of Columbus Christmas dinner tonight. Every other year I've been at work and he's had to go by himself, or take his mom, but this year he asked me if I would please ask for the night off, and luckily my boss is so kind as to let me go! I felt kind of guilty taking today off when tomorrow is our last day before the break, but I am very happy I can go with him. So, soon, I will begin baking some cookies and making a rotini dish with chicken and broccoli. Mmm. Can't wait to eat, haha! And tomorrow will be our staff party at my boss's house, complete with karaoke! Fun times!
Karen - thats really great that you get to go out and enjoy a bit. Have a nice time :flower:

I just came back from my dr appointment. Good news is that I can go back to office from tomorrow onwards. And the baby is doing really well. And, now to the bad news - I'm developing some minor symptoms for PIH. Having occasional nose bleeding, swelling in legs, etc. And anyways, I had low PAPP-A levels in my 12 week screening. So, I'm gonna have early growth scan right from 28 weeks onwards. And that scan on 28th will decide whether I can work till 36th week or need to take my maternity leave early, based on the baby's growth. So, one month wait to see that.
SanJan - That's really great that you'll have all of that help in the beginning! Yay for being able to go back to work! My sister had PIH with both of her pregnancies so I've been taking my blood pressure just to keep track of it. I hope that it works out for the best for you. I know for my sister they just kept a really close eye on her and the babies so hopefully that is all that they'll need to do for you too :)

MolGold - So sorry about DH's cousin :( I hope that you're able to enjoy your scan with your sister though despite all that is going on.

Maggz - Good luck with your final exam!!

Dini - A cloth diaper class would be the best way to go if you're feeling overwhelmed by all the different kinds and choices. I had been slowly building up a stash before we even got pregnant. I'd decided that pocket diapers would be best for us so I've bought some in 4 different brands to try and find the best fit, as well as some newborn sized all in ones. We'll see how it goes but I'm excited and they're so cute and soft! Let me know if you have any questions and what you decide to go with!

Lacanadienne - You're SO close to the break! Just hang in there!

Treeroot - Do you have a budget in mind for any of that stuff you listed? Feel free to PM me!

Karen - Have fun at DH's party tonight! And at your work party tomorrow night too! That rotini dish sounds amazing, do you have a recipe you can share??

I'm still sick. It is a really bad head cold now but I'm not able to sleep really more than 4 hours a night because I can't breathe. I've tried all of the things that I can think of that would possibly help but also be safe so I think I'm just going to have to ride it out. Hopefully it doesn't last too much longer. Other than that, I'm almost done Christmas shopping, just need to order my FIL's present today. Baby girl is getting so strong! Last night DH had his hand on my stomach feeling her move and you could see when she'd move, she'd kick his hand and his entire hand would move up, it was really neat!

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