Expecting #1 positive thinking buddies, sticking together!

Hey welsh glad you're back and feeling better, congrats on your girl :flower:

klink hahaha... well he can't feel good about alienating his family, it's really sad :( But you are right to do what's best for you two and baby, you can't put up with crap from people even though they're family.
That's so fun that he's moving so much, mine is crazy active too! He hasn't hurt me yet though lol

Dini you gotta take care of yourself girl... Also make sure you wear good shoes and all that good stuff. :hugs:

SanJan that's good that you have a flexible schedule, try to take more breaks in between!

All right girls it's cleaning time over here, gotta use that steam mop ;) If I have time before work I might just bake some Christmas cookies as well, we shall see :D
I can never get a break :nope:

If it's not one thing it's the other. So beginning of this week we found out that our dog has flees so we bathed her 3 or 4 times and I washed all of our clothes and the bedding twice and put flee prevention medicine on her. Just to find out today (after DH and I got weird itchy bumps everywhere on our bodies) that we have bed bugs. :cry:
I have to wash EVERYTHING all over again. Including the baby's clothes. I am so done. Not only that but we had to throw out our mattress and boxspring and the new one won't be here until dec 27th.
we got the mattresses from my MIL and she feels so terrible that she brought the bed bugs in our house. She's buying us the new mattress and boxspring.
Now we have to sleep on an air mattress until we get the new ones and we have an exterminator come on monday to get our house bug free. I am just so done right now. And to top it all up, LO didn't let me get any sleep after the paper route cause he was seizure like squirming in there and didn't stop until like 10am. So from 2am until 10 I didn't get any sleep and I only got to sleep from 10 until 1pm. :cry:
I'll spend my day doing laundry and cleaning today I guess :growlmad:
welshgem, glad you are feeling a bit better, and congrats on the girl!

SanJan, when will your new home be ready? I'm sure it'll make a big difference. I remember my first year of teaching, I had to commute about an hour in traffic, sometimes longer, each way, and it really drained my energy.

klink, sorry about the rough time you're having. Hope you get past this, and get to enjoy your pregnancy soon.

AFM, I just finished making 12 meat pies, then having dinner at my parents' house. Tomorrow morning I sing a solo at church, then I go celebrate my grandmother's birthday. Monday is appointment day, but it'll be good because I'll finally get in a massage and a hair cut. Tuesday is my niece's 3rd birthday, then it's Xmas eve already the next day.
Hi girls! I'm tired had a long day but wanted to stop in.

Welcome back welshgem!' Congrats on your girl!!

Klink I'm so sorry for all the issues you are having. Those bedbugs are terrible. They can be such a pain to get rid of, I hope it works the first try!

Lacanadienne, a massage and a haircut, sounds lovely! You deserve it! I should really book the massage I bought in groupon.

AFM, 23 weeks today. One more week till vday! Baby has been quite active today despite being busy at work. I didn't get much sleep at all last night. About 4 hours of very interrupted sleep Thx to my hip pain and some reflux. Hoping for a better night tonight, but overall it wasn't a terrible day so I'll take it!
Wow lacanadienne you'll be keeping busy for the next few days! Have fun :)

Dini that sucks that you're having such a rough time getting some sleep in. Wish I had some solid advice for you...

klink wow that is awful!!! Fleas and bed bugs! You must really be looking forward to the new bed. Hope things start looking up sweetie :hugs:

I had a very productive day but my back is killing me for it right now. I cleaned the countertops with the steam mop handheld attachment (I have tile so the grout really needed some detailing), then cleaned the floors, and baked two different Christmas cookies. Safe to say I'm DONE. But happy I got it all done though!
hi ladies!!!

Well, our move was successful, we are Finally out of our old casita and tucked away in our new place. I'll be staying with my dad until my husbands first semester break after the birth. My hubby is in town for another 3 weeks too, and its been SO NICE to have him around to help out.

Thanks for all the well wishes about reaching 3rd trimester. My husband took an Embryology course just this fall, and he says the time between 28 weeks to 32 is another huge growth spurt.

And this week has been tough... maggz, you sound like me concerning killing our backs doing too much... I overdid it moving and had a killer backache for a few days afterward, and I exacerbated my sickness and was in bed all day Wednesday, then yesterday I felt well enough to go do some Christmas shopping and I guess even that was too much because I started feeling nauseated and had to take a 2 hour nap. I wish I at least had some Xmas cookies to show for all of it though lol

BUT I am feeling great now, and my backache is gone, my sore throat is gone and its a beautiful sunny blue sky winter here, and the San Diego Chragers had an unbelievable win last night so every one is happy lol

klink and karen, your bumps look great!! I can't believe how big the babies are getting, I randomly caught a glimpse of myself in a full length mirror yesterday and couldnt believe how big Im getting! Supposedly our uterus' at this stage are the size of basketballs... amazing

also, klink... one non-chemical way to rid begbugs (which are nearly impossible sometimes to get rid of) is to leave the infested furniture in a garage or somewhere for at least 30 days... that will starve the begbugs dead. But Im glad youre getting new furniture too.. begbugs are awful

Sanjan, Im glad you are feeling better, and your baby shower ceremony is coming up quick! Do ladies in India henna their bellies? In some hippie circles here in California, its a summer trend to henna a big term belly.

lacandienne, I would lve a massage too lol thats great you are treating yourself. Do they use a special table for pregnant bellies? and 12 meat pies, sounds like a delicious lyric to a Christmas song ;)

Dini, glad your heartburn is getting managed. I get it too fairly often, and after I ran out of Tums, I bought Rolaids (better non-active ingredients, and they have the addition of magnesium besides the calcium for the heartburn) and the Rolaids are working SO MUCH better than the Tums. Sleeping propped up on pillows really helps too.
Lacandienne - Sounds like you're super busy. That makes the time pass faster.

Dini - Sorry that you didn't get much sleep. I had bad acid reflux for a while too and it was horrible. It burned my throat and I was about to throw up everytime it happened.

Maggz - i wish I had a steam mop. Don't overdo it!

Swampmaiden - sorry that yourbthird trimester started rough but I'm glad it's being better now. :hugs:

Afm, DH and I both got a horrible rash with hives all over our bodies. I am so itchy I barely slept last night,so now I'm at the walk-in clinic. I hope it's nothing contagious and won't affect my LO. I'd be devistated. On the other side DH got a good paying job finally amd we are able to get rid of this stupid paper route *yay*
Hope everyone got to enjoy their sunday! :flower:
Dini, hope you get more sleep soon. That can really wear you down.

maggz, sounds like you've been busy too. Your house will be so clean by the time your son arrives.

swamp, glad you are moved in, and feeling better. Concerning the massage, they have a few different options. They can do the massage seated or side-lying, or they prop you up with pillows.

klink, yay for your DH finding work! It should at least relieve part of the stress.

Alright - bed time for me. It's been a busy weekend. Tomorrow will be more relaxed. And 24 weeks today! I've read that babies have a chance of surviving outside of the womb very soon. Amazing when you think about it.
Wohoo for V-day lacanadienne! That must be a huge relieve for you (at least it was for me). With medical help the baby is already able to survive. :hugs:
Haha lacanadienne I know right it's gonna be SPOTLESS come April. Except I decided I'm not doing floors anymore (although I probably will again cause I'm stubborn like that... lol). But so many things to clean with the steamer! Blinds, shower, bathroom sinks, I'm even gonna try the lighter setting on the cabinet fronts. Oh, and baseboards! They're white so they really need some lovin down there. Not looking forward to it though.

My mom and her husband decided to come out in May, it will be nice to have them to help out while I finish school :)

I might bake one more kind of cookies tomorrow night, but I have work tomorrow morning and then we're gonna go get the rest of the shopping done.

klink that rash sounds awful. I'm sure baby is fine and dandy in there, he's probably like hey! this is not my fault! ;) Hope you feel better soon.

Enjoy your days off ladies (if you have some, at least!)
Hi ladies!

Klink so sorry about the rash but YAY for DH's better job, that should really help!

swamp, I'm so glad you are feeling better and got all moved.

lacanadienne, congrats on 24 weeks! That seems like such a milestone in pregnancy, and I'll be there Saturday! What a relief I bet.

Maggz, you are really making me want to clean lol. I need to so badly but the holidays have us so busy and work is wearing me down so bad. I do want to bake some cookies because that tends to be a cheap gift I like to give and I want to bake dog biscuits as well, I did that last year for everyone with a dog and it was a hit. I only have today and tomorrow to do it though, so better get cracking!

I need to get my shopping done too. Nothing big, just a gift for my cousins boyfriend, something for DH but I'm trying to talk him into putting new furniture in layaway as a present for us both, but I think I want it more than he does. I also wanted to buy something for DH's little cousins and my cousins baby. She was due a week ago with no signs of labor, but she was supposed to get ahold of the Dr. today and hoping for an induction.

I suppose I should get off the computer and get to work huh??
so Im pretty much done with Xmas shopping... now just the cooking. Im making a casserole for the dinner at the in-laws and it needs ricotta cheese. and ricotta cheese is EXPENSIVE at the store... and I have gallons and gallons of milk at the moment so Im thinking of making my own ricotta cheese. all it takes it milk, lemon and salt and a thermometer and cheesecloth. wish me luck!
Dini - When are you planning on going to the class?

Klink - So sorry you're having to deal with all of that! Just try to hang in there and not stress too much. I know it's easier said than done but you're doing great so far and things will get better! Did the Drs ever figure out what the rash that you and DH have is?

Maggz - Yay for a break from school! It sounds like you've been super productive lately! Send some of that motivation my way :) What kind of cookies have you made?

Welsh - Congratulations on a little girl! I'm glad that you're starting to feel better! I hope this is the end of the sickness for you.

Lacanadienne - Sounds like you're really keeping busy on your break! How did your massage go?

Swamp - That's great that you're finally all done moving! I hope you get to really enjoy this time with DH during the holidays.

Things are going good here. I've been having a lot of discomfort on my right side though. I'm assuming it is stretching and what not as baby girl is growing. I'm going to mention it to the Dr at my appointment next week just to be sure. I'm on the mend from that virus I had last week so that is good! I did some more work in the nursery the other day, I'll post a picture. That's about it for all that is going on here I think, or at least all that I can remember or think of right now lol I hope you're all doing well!
I couldn't get a very good picture of it, but I wrote "dream" with rope lighting over her crib. I'm not sure yet if I'll leave it like that or trade it out of this wooden sign I want to make with a verse on it. Her crib isn't done yet either. Still need to get the crib skirt to hide the stuff I'm storing under her bed and I want to get a few different sheets as well as the mesh crib bumper. It's slowly but surely going to come together I think!


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Sweetbliss, that sign is really cute, your crib is pretty too.

I don't know when I'll go to the class, I need to look into when they are but with the holidays I've been so busy.

We went shopping today and DH spent way too much on me for Christmas, I wish he would have gone without me but he wanted me to like what I got, so I went. He bought me a very pretty pair of Amethyst and diamond earrings, but they were $400 and I didn't want him to spend that much on me. I have spent $20 on him lol, I was going to buy him a Dremel for about $100, but then we went to look at furniture and ended up putting a small sectional and recliner in layaway, so I put $250 down for that and we still owe $1150 in the next 90 days. So okay we can handle that but then he tells me, we really should get the flooring replaced in the living room before we pay off the layaway and he wants to do that at the end of January when he can take a vacation...um..the flooring is another $800. We are NOT made of money! I think we can swing it but we will have no money otherwise. I've been saving money to buy new furniture, but we spent more than that on the furniture but I have enough to pay for the flooring. He thinks we can pay for the flooring and then get the furniture out of layaway in just over a month. He is nuts!! And we have things to buy for the baby if we don't get them for the shower. I guess I'll just have to hope we do get them. I do really want this flooring done before baby gets here, but I wasn't planning on it next month. Now I wish I had something to sell lol. I could take the earrings back but he'd be so offended, he was so happy buying me something pretty and I have wanted a pair of nice earrings for so long now.
sweetbliss - sorry for your discomfort :( sounds like round ligament pain maybe? And the crib with the rope above is stinkin' cute :flower:

We didn't do any Christmas shopping this year. Call us horrible, but we forgot to send out the presents last year, since we were overseas, and now everyone is just gonna get them for this year lol

Dini, I totally understand how you feel. DH got me a camera for my birthday last year and spend like $300 on that and this year for his birthday I couldn't get him anything cause we were struggling with money so much :/ We can't even get each other something for Christmas either. Money is tight and now with the bed bug situation, we have to pay $500 for the exterminator, and still have to put down our $300 pet deposit. All we have for LO right now is a car seat with base and clothing.
My aunt was showing me a crib the other day on amazon and asked me if I like it, she made sure though, the pic she sent me didn't show a price. I wonder if she'll get it for us for Christmas or the babyshower. I wasn't really thrilled by the crib, but it didn't look bad either, and I'll be grateful regardless.

So they say the hives that we are having are bed bug bites and possibly scabies. We got a cream to treat the scabies, if that's what it is. For the bed bug bites I take benadryl allergy at night so I can sleep and for during the day I bought Aloe Vera gel and rubbing alcohol and I hope that'll get rid of them.
I only made one batch of cookies this year and looks like they'll be the only ones I make lol I just have so much stuff to do, like washing all the laundry because of our infestation, that I don't even know where to start. Our christmas tree is up for like 3 days now without decoration or lights even haha.
swamp, good luck with the ricotta cheese. I've never tried making some.

sweet, nice start to the nursery! And I'm glad you're on the mend.

Dini, DH often says money is just money. I guess they look at it differently than we do, and don't get why it stresses us out. You'll find a way to make it work, though.

AFM, the massage was good, and I got my hair trimmed for the first time in about six months, so that was good. Also got all the presents wrapped, so it's been a busy but productive day. And yes, I am relieved that baby girl would survive if she were to come soon, but I'd still like her to stay put until full term. ;) The holidays have been busier than usual with my grandmother switching homes, and celebrating the other grandmother's birthday this weekend... haven't had time to make cookies, but I guess tourtière will have to do.
Oh klink you poor thing! You have just had the worst luck!! I hope it all gets straightened out soon. Maybe you will get the crib and even though you don't love it I'm sure you could make it work.

Lacanadienne I'm so glad you had a good day! And yes we will figure it out. I've already figured out that I have enough I'm my account I use for a rainy day that i was going to use for stuff for the baby to pay for the flooring so we can probably scrape it together. I'm working a little extra in a few weeks teaching ACLS at work and DH will have some holiday pay that should help.

I am grateful for the earrings they are very pretty and will last a lifetime and it was so sweet of him to want me to have something pretty.

Got all my gifts wrapped and just have to get a gift card and DHs gift tomorrow and its all done. No baking for done though I am too worn out!
It's Christmas Eve tomorrow! :) How is everyone doing??
Doing good here. Made a ton of cookies today and heading to bed because I work tomorrow but I am off on christmas.

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