Expecting #1 positive thinking buddies, sticking together!

Mol - Really sorry about your DH's cousin. And also about the scan part too. Good luck on your scan and let us know how it goes.

Sweet - Thanks for the reassurance. Will it be ok if you can tell me how the delivery & labor part went for your sister? Though they have a plan in place and going to monitor me as per that, it still scares a bit if they say you are in high risk category :nope:
Swamp - Congrats on third trimester :happydance: Yayy!! what a great milestone!! Can't wait for mine :)
Thanks ladies for all you support :) I feel better about stuff after I hear you all.

Sweetbliss hope you do feel better soon hun :hugs: so amazing to feel your next growing stronger! Can't wait to feel that.

Sanjan glad you are fine.. Hope the PIH scare is just that - a scare. Please stay rested and take care! :)

Hope the acid reflux let up soon Dini! I'm drinking up water and milk and juices when I can so I hope the cramps aren't bcos of dehydration :(

Maggz yay for the last final! Yoohoo!

Lanc and Treeroot enjoy your time off.. I wish I could get some too :|

Karen go let your hair down! Enjoy your vacay :)

AFM Today I was still reeling from yesterday's sudden developments. I lay in bed a long time before I could get up. But by the evening I feel much better. Thanks everyone!
SanJan - Yeah I can tell you about it! I won't tell you about her first pregnancy because that was twins and a completely different situation. But her second pregnancy she went up until 38 or 39 weeks I believe. Everything was fine, she was monitored closely leading up until then. She had a planned cesarean section because she had a previous cesarean section with the twins. So she went in and I believe they put her on an IV of something to help with the PIH. Obviously she had an epidural placed too before going into surgery. She also had these big blood pressure cuffs on both of her calves before having the baby. They would blow up and then deflate and it just helped with the swelling and to help with the blood flow. It was all really normal though, she was just monitored closer up until delivery and then they made sure that everything went back to normal after the birth and before they'd let her go home.
Oh ladies, I'm so sorry for being absent! It sounds like so much has happened in the week that I was gone! I'll try and write a quick response and not be so lazy in future!

Ladies who are struggling with heartburn I feel your pain! The doctor can prescribe some wonderful antacids that will stop your stomach making acid - I don't know if it's called the same thing where you are but if you're interested look into Ranitidine (you do need a prescription for the good ones) but they do the trick! Also try some chocolate milk. I can't stand drinking plain milk but Chocolate milk took the edge off and tasted delicious!

Congrats on entering the third tri swamp, you're on the home stretch now!!

I've been so busy, I'm officially term, baby has dropped and I had a growth scan last week that showed little miss weighs 6lb 11 and she has 1.5cm long hair :)
I've also met someone, who took me out on a date (I've never been on a date before!)

I do intend on writing a proper response tomorrow but it's waaaay past my bedtime.
I've been so busy, I'm officially term, baby has dropped and I had a growth scan last week that showed little miss weighs 6lb 11 and she has 1.5cm long hair :)
I've also met someone, who took me out on a date (I've never been on a date before!)

I do intend on writing a proper response tomorrow but it's waaaay past my bedtime.

Oh My you HAVE been busy! Yay for full term :) Anyday now you'll have her in your arms :happydance: and super yay for new Beau :)
Mol, I'm glad you're starting to feel a little better!!

Bree, congrats on reaching term! You're in the home stretch now! And yay for the date, too! Exciting. :)

SanJan, I'm sorry, I don't know anything about PIH, but I wish you all the best and hope it won't pose you any problems! :hugs:

The party last night was fun. Most of the people in the KofC are senior citizens, who are just so adorable and kind and funny. We had a good time and ate way too much, haha.

Sweetbliss, you asked about the recipe, I think? I sauteed onions and broccoli florets in olive oil, garlic, thyme, oregano, and pepper, then added in a large jar of three cheese marinara sauce and a small jar of alfredo sauce to make a blush. Then tossed in the rotini noodles and cubes of cooked chicken. :)

I'm attaching my 26-week bump pic! I feel like I like so huge! LOL!


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Bree - Yayyyyy for full term! I bet you can't wait to meet her! Do tell us about the date too!

Karen - Thank you for the recipe! I'm going to try it :) I'm glad you had a good time at the party! I saw your bump on FB! You look adorable!
Hi girls!

Sweetbliss, I was leaning towards gDiapers because they are like a hybrid and would be easy for my MIL and DH's grandma to use without totally going cloth when baby is with them but I read some reviews on Amazon and now I'm not sure...I think going to the class will be very beneficial.

Mol, hope you keep feeling better!

SanJan, I hope all continues to progress well. There is a lot they can do to treat PIH if needed but most moms just need close monitoring and that's all. My girlfriend had it with her second and everything turned out just fine, she did have to be induced a week early but some of that was that baby was big and had a big head, which was just his genes from his dad.

Karen you look adorable!

Bree, how exciting to be so close to meeting your baby!! And do tell us about the date, that's so cool!
Oh, haha, I forgot to say...my reflux is a bit better now that I've been taking the Zantac twice a day, actually slept the other night without having to get up to take something.

My back ache is coming back now at work and my hips hurt quite a bit by the end of a very busy day but lately I've been working 13 instead of 12 hours and only sitting down for lunch, and that usually isn't more than 20-30min so I suppose that's expected and I can deal with it. I'm sure it will get worse.
Karen - you look wonderful :)

Bree - wow, so close :)

Dini - Nice to hear that the reflux problem is getting better :) Hopefully your back ache also should ease up soon!

Thanks for the kind words everyone! The Drs are also saying the same thing that it would only need more close monitoring, esp., from 28 weeks onwards. So, hoping that things goes fine. I have started working from yesterday. It was a bit tough as I was able to sneak some nap time of 30 mins between every 3-4 hrs at home but couldn't get any rest in office. So, by 5:30pm I was so drained and really couldn't sit straight. thankfully, we have a mother's room in our office with a nice couch and closed doors, mainly used by nursing mothers but also for those who are pregnant, so just went in there and had some rest for 30-40 mins till DH could come and pick me up from office. Planning to sneak some 15-20 mins of rest after lunch from today onwards in office itself to make sure I don't get so drained in the evening. With all these things, some how I just want to get to 3rd trimester soon. It would at least feel more closer mentally and would probably improve my morale, because right now it still feels like a long time for the baby to come. Sorry for a big rant :(
I am so so so so sorry :( I've been gone for a looooong time. Can someone update me on what has happened here? I've been so busy inbetween moving, getting up every morning at 2AM and appointments. On top of that our internet here sucks and we won't get real good internet until January 5th.
Hope everyone is alright. Quick update on my side, we've been somewhat cutting ties with FIL after he threatened to call the cops on DH if he doesn't bring some stuff back that he gave to him immediately and telling me to go f*** myself. Spoke to a nurse who told me if I keep being stressed out like that I'll go into preterm labor.
I'm doing awesome now though.
Attached is my 26 week picture. Getting closer to 3rd trimester now :happydance:


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SanJan, I feel you on the fatigue. It's rough sometimes, and I pretty much feel exhausted at the end of my days too. And don't worry too much about the PIH. I get the feeling worrying about it makes it worse, and in most cases, it doesn't mean much.

Dini, I don't know how you spend that much time on your feet. I spend all day on my feet as well, but at least once the kids are gone, I get to sit down a bit. Hopefully the pain won't be too bad. I'm glad at least the reflux is getting better.

Karen and klink, your bumps looks great!
Klink, sorry about the FIL being such a jerk. At least you're good now that you've moved.

Bree, so close now. Yay for being full term, and for the date! You'll have to give us details at some point.

Sorry if I've forgotten someone - it's been a long week, and I am now on holidays!!! It's going to feel like a really short break, but I'm sure it will be very nice while it lasts. Happy weekend everyone!
Hey all! Done with school over here! :dance:

klink don't worry I don't think you missed much. Your fil sounds like a very confused, angry man! What's going on with him? I hope it all gets smoothed over and you can be a big happy family - just living apart ;) Please try to not let the stress get to you. Have you had any ultrasounds? You look great btw!

Karen you look great, too! :flower:

Oh my Bree can't believe you're full term now that's too exciting :happydance: Oooh I wanna know more about this date :D

Oh SanJan I bet you're tired that's a long shift. Do try to take breaks in between. What do you do? I was tired after only 4 hours on my feet, my back was starting to ache. So I feel yah.

I had an ultrasound this morning, apparently it was unnecessary but the doc thought they missed something last time, turns out he looked at the wrong chart :haha: But we got to look at our little guy, who's measuring at 1,6 lbs now! So big! His head filled up the screen by itself, such a big difference from last ultrasound :cloud9: He was moving the whole time and showing off his limbs and everything was right on track :D So we're very happy parents-to-be over here.

lacanadienne happy Christmas break! :dance: Enjoy :)

I only get 2 days off work this coming week, the 23rd and 24th (Tues-Wed) so no real break over here apart from the school break. I guess we could use the money though so gotta look on the bright side lol.

Happy weekend girls!
Maggz, so glad school is done for a bit now! And even though the ultrasound was for no real reason at least you got to see baby again and he's doing good!

lacanadienne, I hope you enjoy your break! I don't know how I'm on my feet all day sometimes as well but maybe my body is used to it, but when I literally don't get to sit because we are so busy and we are short staffed I just can't take it. I'm praying work is better this weekend, but I doubt it. We are full of sick patients and only have about 3/4 of the nurses we need. It is getting old, we can't take the kind of care of our patients that they deserve and sometimes I feel like I barley kept from making any huge mistakes. I just keep praying it gets better.

I spoke too soon about the reflux, it seems to have come back since this afternoon, it's not as bad as before but it's there and I know I'm in for a long night. If it continues I'll ask at my next appt to be put on a prescription.

I had my make up 3d ultrasound today but he refused to cooperate so no pictures. But at least I got to see him one more time and he looks good, he seems like he has long legs to me, and was moving all around. It was fun to watch him and feel him at the same time.

Hope you all have a good weekend, I doubt I'll be able to stop in, if I do it will just be to read.
Lmao I don't know what's up with him. He is 42 but is acting more like 16. And I don't even care if he's coming around again or not. He's been so disrespectful both to me and DH that right now I don't even want him in our lives anymore.

Dini I feel ya on how your feet hurt. I'm already having a hard time just strolling through the mall. I couldn't imagine actually having to work an 8 hour shift :wacko:

I wish we could get a day off from that stupid paper route. It's every single day. Even on Christmas. I'm getting way to exhausted to deal with it much longer.
DH got two job offers so soon we can get rid of it. I just can't do it anymore.

Maggz - No I haven't gotten another US. :( I wonder if I'll get another one before I'm due. I'm hoping that we'll have the money to have another 3D done. That would be so awesome.

Jace is being so crazy and active lately. At night when we lay in bed DH puts his hand on my belly and Jace is kicking him, so DH pokes back and it's their little game now lol
He kicked so hard yesterday that it actually hurt for the first time.

How are your little ones doing??
Hi ladies :wave:

Long time no see! I'm so sorry I went AWOL - my sickness turned out to be hyperemesis and I ended up in hospital on a drip and it's taken until about 19 weeks to feel slightly normal! Even now I'm still being sick but thankfully far less frequently.

I hope everyone is well? I'll catch up on the last few pages and reply properly but I just wanted to let you all know that OH and I had our anomaly scan the other day and we're expecting a girl! :pink:

Oh and I think my due date needs updating - they changed it to April 29th at my dating scan but I don't think I've been on here since then to update you all :blush:

Congrats on your baby girl welshgem! :hugs:

Looks like this thread is filling up more and more with girls!
Congrats on your baby girl welshgem! :hugs:

Looks like this thread is filling up more and more with girls!
Hi klink, glad you and baby are doing good. Sorry about your FIL though.

Lacannadienne - thanks :flower: I know I shouldn't worry much, but some to es it becomes very difficult. Am trying to relax as much as possible now. Got a BP monitor today. Will use that every alternate day from now on.

Maggz - I work here as a software engineer. So, timing is kinda flexible. All they want is the work to be done. Its generally from 10am to around 7-7:30pm for the work to get over, sometimes more. And add another couple of hours for the commute in this traffic, it becomes really tiring. We are just waiting for our new home so that it'll be close to where we work.

Dini - thats bad. I hope it eases soon for you.

Welsh - welcome back! Good to know that HG is subsiding and congrats on baby girl :happydance:

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